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One Piece Thread (redux)

Arigato, Grim-chan.


S-so casual...!!


Oh man, I liked Hands Up from the first time but the more I see it the more I like it. Song somehow fits really well now.

You guys, it's a pretty cool OP.
581 -
I have to say it bothers me a little bit how weak the Straw Hats seem to be. They spent two years to become strong yet honestly they don't seem much more powerful than before. Hopefully that'll change. I've just gotten to the cold island and it seems like Brook got defeated? I never got to see the outcome of that little battle, but I guess I'll find out in the next episode. If he really got defeated that easily then it's just silly. Then again, Brook seemed to waste these two years just singing anyhow.


582 -
Oh, Brook didn't get defeated. He actually defeated the enemies easily. This is turning out to be an interesting arc and I'm curious to see what'll happen next. It's a bit over the top that Aokiji and Akainu (spelling?) completely transformed the weather of the islands though.


Haven't had time to watch for a bit but I finished the post-Enies Lobby stuff.

Luffy has the most badass
family ever! Garp is nuts and fucking Dragon is his dad!!!! So cool, this show never stops with the tweests.

All the new bounties are awesome, especially
Chopper's tiny bounty and Sanji's fucking beautiful poster. Seriously laughed so hard at that. Usopp's return was also amazing, so triumphant. Really rad that Franky joined the crew too, love his character. New ship is pretty cool too although not much of it has been shown yet.

Right now I'm watching
Ace and Blackbeard fight. This darkness power is scary. I feel like Ace is in big trouble here. Fuck Blackbeard and his stupid crew
I'm up to 540 now, I'm worried about catching up D:

Also, We Go is awesome. Maybe it'll start to drag after a bit but I love it (I start skipping the openings after the first couple, so yeah >_>)

EDIT: 541 -
This gets far too depressing to be aimed at what, 14 year olds? Jesus christ


Yo is it OK to talk about the manga here? I'll use spoiler tags, cuz these recent chapters were gooooooooooooooooooood.

This is such a dramatic change, kind of disturbing all the female designs get turned to this or are this in this series tbh. Reminds me of Soul Calibur.


Ignoring the cigar since that's you know who.

....Her breasts did not look that big in the manga were they?!
i'm going to guess it's not given the very first thing in the opening of this thread is

I don't get that. This is the One Piece thread, so why not? That thread linked in the OP has all kinds of stuff in it. As long as he uses spoiler tags I don't see the problem. Not sure if he'll get many responses though, since most people here might not have caught up.

ep 94:

Holy shit, Luffy has a brother? Didn't expect that at all. And he's voiced by Travis Willingham! So awesome.

You watch it with English dub?

... what?
Take a gander to that link I edited in my post, you'll see the light!

That's the exception of the rule, rather than the actual rule. I've seen some One Piece funimation dubs on Youtube and it's simply terrible. The voices don't even match the character. I remember Sanji for instance having a voice that feels like a completely different character in funimation.

The Japanese voice actors are insanely good. You can tell that they put much effort into the voice-acting. Brook and Luffy sound incredible in Japanese.


That's the exception of the rule, rather than the actual rule. I've seen some One Piece funimation dubs on Youtube and it's simply terrible. The voices don't even match the character. I remember Sanji for instance having a voice that feels like a completely different character in funimation.

The Japanese voice actors are insanely good. You can tell that they put much effort into the voice-acting. Brook and Luffy sound incredible in Japanese.

I disagree then, because I honestly think the funimation voices are done exceptionally well and I enjoy them more than the Japanese ones. I do in fact like the Japanese voice actors as well, however.
Captain Kuro Arc
Wow, I know people are saying that the series picks up around episode 34, but I really enjoyed this arc a lot more than I anticipated. I didn't expect such a tough opponent early on. Also, is Captain Kuro the birth of the slenderman? The music that plays when he shows up on shore is really disturbing, ha.

Also, while I'm still mostly watching the subbed version, the dub seems exceptional. I agree with the above poster, Luffy is the only character the dub can't get quite right, but I can't come up with a better alternative. Luffy's squeaky speech from the original might not sound so great in english actually, from what I try to imagine. Anyway, props to funimation, you can tell they want the english dub to be a class-act through and through. I'm currently jumping between the two, and will often do a rewatch with the dub to see how the scenes played out.
That's the exception of the rule, rather than the actual rule. I've seen some One Piece funimation dubs on Youtube and it's simply terrible. The voices don't even match the character. I remember Sanji for instance having a voice that feels like a completely different character in funimation.

The Japanese voice actors are insanely good. You can tell that they put much effort into the voice-acting. Brook and Luffy sound incredible in Japanese.

You sure you're not taking about the 4kids dub? Sanji sounds good in the funi dub


On Episode 217

Dat Foxy Pirates, the whole game thing is nice because it takes a little break after Skypiea and the Marine Fortress, but wow I would love to punch Zoro and Sanji in the face, Sanji for about winning and didn't bother to touch the guy before saving the girl, and Zoro for kicking the guy all the way to the guy.
He's gotta be confusing it with the 4kids one. All the voices sound good and the acting is great. I mean, I can understand being used to the original voices if you grew up with them, but can you say the acting is bad? Look at this scene for example:

really well done.

Nami's voice actor is okay. Luffy's voice actor is absolutely awful. I do imagine it being hard to find a voice actors for Luffy though; his voice is one of a kind.

Wow, they're all terrible, but the 4kids one was the worst. Sanji's voice doesn't match him at all in either of them. Also, did the eight-armed squid (sorry I only know his Swedish name) say "fuckhead" in the 4kids version? He can't have, right? I must have heard wrong.


I love the fact that whenever I hear Arlong in the Funimation dub, I can't not hear Mr. Satan.

I can't not hear trunks while sanji is speaking, ussop and krillin at least sound decently different, but man when arlong and sanji are talking I feel like I am watching the cell games arc of dbz lol
Nami's voice actor is okay. Luffy's voice actor is absolutely awful. I do imagine it being hard to find a voice actors for Luffy though; his voice is one of a kind.

Wow, they're all terrible, but the 4kids one was the worst. Sanji's voice doesn't match him at all in either of them. Also, did the eight-armed squid (sorry I only know his Swedish name) say "fuckhead" in the 4kids version? He can't have, right? I must have heard wrong.

Really? Even Usopp? He's almost identical to the original, it's incredible. Wasn't his VA hand picked by Oda? Aside from Luffy which is close enough considering how specific he sounds in the original, the casting is very respectable imo.


Again, the issue with the dub is that if you like it you won't be able to keep watching. You're missing out on so much stuff.
Wiseblade and I have said before the only real issue with the Funi dub is the carry over of identical sounding voices from DBZ Kai. Colleen is not as good as JYB and she plays Gohan and Luffy pretty much identical.


Funimation is still releasing episodes, and I imagine they'll put them out at a raster rate once One Piece is on Toonami. They already have 263 episodes done, and I'm not in any hurry to rush through them.
Funimation is still releasing episodes, and I imagine they'll put them out at a raster rate once One Piece is on Toonami. They already have 263 episodes done, and I'm not in any hurry to rush through them.

It'll work out for you by the time you get "caught up" Toonami should be airing the series and you can watch it how we should have been watching it years ago.


I watch the dub and I really don't care how far ahead the manga/japenese is, it's new to me when they release new localized episodes


Funimation is still releasing episodes, and I imagine they'll put them out at a raster rate once One Piece is on Toonami. They already have 263 episodes done, and I'm not in any hurry to rush through them.

Since Funimation is going to release episodes 264-336 in the summer time I'm going to have to switch to the subbed version, which will be annoying because I am so use to the Funimation voice actors, but I guess it will be alright because I'll go back to watch episode 264-336 when they release while watching episode the Japanese version.


I watch the dub and I really don't care how far ahead the manga/japenese is, it's new to me when they release new localized episodes

Yea, same. This is the first time I've seen One Piece properly. Where the manga is at doesn't effect me in the slightest.


Master of the Google Search
Wiseblade and I have said before the only real issue with the Funi dub is the carry over of identical sounding voices from DBZ Kai. Colleen is not as good as JYB and she plays Gohan and Luffy pretty much identical.

One Piece came first so its Kai that's carrying over from OP* :p

*except for people like Sabat and Strait who were obviously in the original DBZ dub.


Besides the voice, Colleen's Luffy is very different from her Gohan. She's pretty over the top as Luffy but Gohan was just whiny. Doesn't really bother me at all. Same with Strait. His Usopp is very different from his Krillin.


I really like Sabat's Zoro. I still hear Krillin with Usopp but I think it's a good fit. I dunno about Luffy but he is shouting so much I'm not sure who would be a good fit. Seriously why does Luffy shout so much :/
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