584 -Hah, Smoker smoking cigars with a gas mask on? How does that even work. Interesting to see Brownbeard again. He has only been in the story a few times before right? Once in the chapter stories (maybe only the manga, not sure) and once after the grand battle, taking over one of Whitebeard's former territories I think. Also interesting to see Trafalgar. I already knew he would be in here, the names of the episodes and such gave it away, but I really didn't expect him to be one of the Seven Warlords.
So speaking of Seven Warlords, one thing I've been wondering is (not really spoiler since it hasn't happen (I think) but just in case)why has Luffy never been asked to join the Seven Warlords? It makes sense because he's strong, has no real grudge on the Navy and his grand-father is also in the Navy. He probably don't want to be one of the Seven Warlords, but I don't get why they don't even ask.
Luffy is just flat out too antagonistic to the World Gov't., and even if they wanted to, the Celestial Dragons would never allow it after Sabaody. The people they do pick to be Warlords at least pretend like they're going to play ball every now and then (even if they ultimately turn out to be bad ideas), but not Luffy.
Simply put, he's far too dangerous.
Simply put, he's far too dangerous.