Can some post a picture of oda's wife.... I wont lie I will be dissapointed is she has anything smaller than Dolly Parton sized breast....
Prepare for disappointment.

Can some post a picture of oda's wife.... I wont lie I will be dissapointed is she has anything smaller than Dolly Parton sized breast....
Prepare for disappointment.
She's still cute though
Hey guys just want to say not only am I glad we have a new OP but the new OP is awesome. Hands up!
Fucking mecha hahahahaha
Franky you crazy bastard.
Finally got my Mihawk sword keychain.
It's sharp at the end!! I can't put it on my keychain, because it already scratched the hell out of me -_-
Prepare for disappointment.
Finished up Fishman Island. I really liked it and it set the stage for multiple things going forward. Most excited to see what part Shirahoshi will play later on in the series and, of course, the possibility of Jimbei joining the crew later on.
It dragged a bit in parts and I can definitely see how that would have been annoying watching it week to week. Plus the "reveal" of Hordy's true nature seemed dumb and unnecessary. Oh, he hated humans because other people told him to? It's like they were trying to pound the "don't make children prejudice" theme into our heads mercilessly.
The next arc isn't great but it is a huuuuuuge step up from that awfulness. The arc after that...well I hope they don't fuck it up in the animation because the manga is amaaaaaaaazing so far.
oh snap that looks sick. where can I order mine?
I feel like we're getting to the climax of thearc. Am I right? I don't want it to be like that fight with Hody in the palace in Fishman Island, which preceded like 20 episodes of exposition.Punk Hazard
Punk Hazard should finish up by the end of the year assuming no filler or skipped weeks
Prepare for disappointment.
Forgot to mention another cool thing at the end of Fishman Island,.the revelation that Sengoku stepped down, Akainu fought Aokiji, and Aokiji left the Navy after. Aokiji for new crew member? That would be interesting
they actually meetin the latest movie, he seems to have joined a...different faction.Aokiji
We get a view of him in the canon story soon enough as well.
I will not be surprised if after Punk Hazard, we get a filler arc. Especially since Oda is on a reduced schedule and taking more breaks.
Like 20 episodes, I honestly forgot how long the stuff inside punk hazard last seriously were only like half way through the arc
Ahh well I haven't started watching Punk Hazard yet, I like to wait until the arcs are complete to watch them. I put up with the manga being weekly, I won't do the same for the anime.
I will not be surprised if after Punk Hazard, we get a filler arc. Especially since Oda is on a reduced schedule and taking more breaks.
Best thing ever :lol
One Piece Pirate Warriors is fun, first One Piece game I've played that's actually entertaining. It could certainly use more polish, and the frame rate dips make me wish it was on PC, but it's good enough for what it is.
Just wait until you get Law reaction to the crew's antics.
It's incredible.
shanks is the best.Law is the best non-Strawhats character in One Piece.
shanks is the best.
The sequel, which comes out in August, looks incredible.
alright buggy and bon kurei are better as well.He's been a no-show for so long I completely forgot about him. And no.
Neat, I have something to look forward too.