bgassassin said:
Oh Come My Way?!
They must have received come complaints about last week's translation.
Unlikely, considering they're done ahead of time. However they do use multiple translators...
TheOneGuy said:
Which fight in Dragonball?
I haven't watched DB in so long I remember almost nothing about it except constipated battles.
The Naruto/Sasuke relationship mirrors alot of the Goku/Vegeta relationship, but in this instance particularly I'm refering to when Vegeta purposely gave himself over to a villian and became evil just so he could become stronger since he was feeling inadequate compared to Goku's growth.
bathala said:
Yeah, I thought it was the best episode so far this arc. Especially in terms of pacing.
Its also awesome that the best character of the arc is finally here
I'm kinda confused though why Mr. 2 pretended to not know that Mr. 3 was captured. He said the same thing in the manga too, yet in the manga-only cover stories, Mr. 2 was captured along side Mr. 3. In fact, Bon Clay was to blame for it :lol (He did it for badass reasons though).