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One Piece Thread (redux)


kai3345 said:
Is the funimation re-dub of the episodes that 4kids had any good?


Completely forget you ever saw the 4Kids dub. That shit was an abomination to mankind. FUNi dub is fantastic.


No One Remembers
Neoriceisgood said:
What was that about 4kids?

Remember, this is the fake knive that you gave me!

What? :lol

Also, Oh Come My Way. Really? That was really, really bad. They could've used something else for Christ's sake.


Master of the Google Search
Entropia said:
Also, Oh Come My Way. Really? That was really, really bad. They could've used something else for Christ's sake.
Bon Clay was singing his character image song in which he actually does sing both "Okama" and "Oh come my way" in english. So its not as much of an odd translation as its just what he's really saying.
grandjedi6 said:
Bon Clay was singing his character image song in which he actually does sing both "Okama" and "Oh come my way" in english. So its not as much of an odd translation as its just what he's really saying.

Thanks. That clears it up. I guess the accent makes it tough to notice that he's saying it both ways.


Entropia said:
What? :lol

Also, Oh Come My Way. Really? That was really, really bad. They could've used something else for Christ's sake.

He's referring to this edited to hell and back scene from the 4Kids dub of Arlong Park. This is my second time linking to this video, actually.

Fake Edit: Ugh, the video was removed....It was horrible though, take my word for it.

Also, I can vouch for the Funi dub's awesomeness. The cast gets better and better with each passing DVD set.


4Kids dub of We Are that was never used: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrHO6DtFJ-Y&feature=related

The song itself is nothing special, but it does in fact use all the animation and music of the original. Of course, it still pales in comparison to the FUNi dub and Japanese.


Firestorm said:
Is there no episode this week?

I watched every opening in order yesterday. Was a good 20 minutes or so :)
Nope, it took a new year's break. It will be back next week.


Master of the Google Search
Firestorm said:
Dammit :( Did FMA Brotherhood take a break too? Been waiting all week for that.
Yes. The entirety of Japan is on "break" this week. The new year is apparently Japan's "most important holiday season" or something. ;)


Master of the Google Search
Oh Christ at this episode's animation. It was fine and all for action scenes but as soon as someone opened up their mouth it all went to hell. They even got lazy and just looped some scenes over and over; and at some points the characters didn't even move their mouths while talking.

On the positive side though, this was the first episode in months that seemed to remember that the soundtrack could be used for something other than pointless background noise.


Yeah, the animation got a little sloppy at the end (but far from "Sasuke uniting Hawk" levels), it still rocked because of this:

:lol :lol :lol


JDSN said:
Yeah, the animation got a little sloppy at the end (but far from "Sasuke uniting Hawk" levels), it still rocked because of this:
:lol :lol :lol
Definitely one of the funniest moments in OP in a long time. :lol


Watched the Water Seven arc over the weekend... parts were so drawn out, it took forever.

Can't wait to see Strong World, and how they'll animate Ace's (attempted) execution.
Anth0ny said:
Those shots of Buggy were way too funny :lol


I must have watched that part 15 times. :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

better yet, if someone can recommend a program to use beside photoshop, ill learn it just to make a gif.
Hmm, not sure if it wasn't mentioned, but Viz has finally begun the grand march towards uniting the Japan and America volume release schedule. Last week saw the release of OP volumes 24-28 (Skypiea) with another large set due basically every month until they catch up.

That's five volumes in one day, every month, until July. :D

29-33: Feb 2nd (The rest of Skypiea + Davyback fight)
34-38: Mar 2nd (Water 7)
39-43: April 6th (Enies Lobby)
44-48: May 4th (Enies Lobby + Thriller Bark)
49-53: June 1st (Thriller Bark + Sabaody)
54: July 6th (Impel Down)

It's worth noting that Viz dropped the foil-logos but instead has now added arc-titles to the spine. Not sure if they will reprint the old volumes like this, but it's a good way to browse without pulling the volumes off the shelf.
Hey guys and gals. I was introduced to One Piece about a month ago. Have made my way to episode 127. Holy crap I am behind still! I just had to comment that when Smoker tell the brass to "eat shit" after
trying to cover up what happened in Alabaster
, I said wow. This show is ridiculously good. I have a lot of watching to do still >.<
Yeah, I literally just started reading the manga(up to volume 40) and its pretty nice. I chucked at the Lionell Ritchie reference :lol I also thought the Aesop references were pretty awesome too honestly. I loved that I was a fan of him and they just so happened to reference a character off of his work. Is the canon anime faithful to the manga?


Crazymoogle said:
Hmm, not sure if it wasn't mentioned, but Viz has finally begun the grand march towards uniting the Japan and America volume release schedule. Last week saw the release of OP volumes 24-28 (Skypiea) with another large set due basically every month until they catch up.

That's five volumes in one day, every month, until July. :D

29-33: Feb 2nd (The rest of Skypiea + Davyback fight)
34-38: Mar 2nd (Water 7)
39-43: April 6th (Enies Lobby)
44-48: May 4th (Enies Lobby + Thriller Bark)
49-53: June 1st (Thriller Bark + Sabaody)
54: July 6th (Impel Down)

It's worth noting that Viz dropped the foil-logos but instead has now added arc-titles to the spine. Not sure if they will reprint the old volumes like this, but it's a good way to browse without pulling the volumes off the shelf.
Yep. My pre-order from this post still hasn't shipped as it's waiting for vol 48 =P Although I've modified it since then... Removed the 3-packs and put them in individually because I'm OCD like that.
abstract alien said:
Yeah, I literally just started reading the manga(up to volume 40) and its pretty nice. I chucked at the Lionell Ritchie reference :lol I also thought the Aesop references were pretty awesome too honestly. I loved that I was a fan of him and they just so happened to reference a character off of his work. Is the canon anime faithful to the manga?

I have not read a word of the manga. I was actually going to ask you the same question reversed. :lol Can anyone comment?


Master of the Google Search
abstract alien said:
Is the canon anime faithful to the manga?
The_Inquisitor said:
I have not read a word of the manga. I was actually going to ask you the same question reversed. :lol Can anyone comment?
Firestorm said:
Some parts are frame for frame from what I hear, but I haven't read the manga.

That said posted, I'd still recommend the manga over the anime. I love the anime obviously but the manga is still superior due to the lack of fillers and better pacing. If you have to read one you should definitely go with the manga.


The current manga arc is positively killing me because it's amazing and only getting what feels like a tiny slice of it every week is torture. And it's too good/important to try and forget about it for a few weeks to allow a few chapters to build up. Argh.

Next week's
Luffy vs. Garp
fight could be legendary in an arc filled with moments like that.


LaneDS said:
The current manga arc is positively killing me because it's amazing and only getting what feels like a tiny slice of it every week is torture. And it's too good/important to try and forget about it for a few weeks to allow a few chapters to build up. Argh.

Next week's
Luffy vs. Garp
fight could be legendary in an arc filled with moments like that.

As close to the manga the anime gets, I just don't see how the anime will plow ahead without some sort of crippling filler like what happened in the Ennies lobby arc, when they all jumped off into the waterfall (if I remember correctly), and virtually re-ran old episodes of each strawhat joining.


Steroyd said:
As close to the manga the anime gets, I just don't see how the anime will plow ahead without some sort of crippling filler like what happened in the Ennies lobby arc, when they all jumped off into the waterfall (if I remember correctly), and virtually re-ran old episodes of each strawhat joining.

I'm curious to see about this as well. I'm guessing they'll do more of the
Strawhat Whereabouts
episodes, since a lot of what happens there is limited to simply short one image stories and that would at least be filler people would want to watch I'd imagine.

How they're going to properly animate the current manga arc is going to be very interesting. To do it justice, I imagine it'll be a very costly string of episodes. Here's hoping Toei (or whoever is ultimately responsible) goes all out.


I have a feeling that each of the Strawhats are going to be upgraded, combat wise, at their respective locations in preparation for the difficult challenge that is the new world. Looking at the locations, only Zorro and Sanji might not be getting a power level boost.


Proelite said:
I have a feeling that each of the Strawhats are going to be upgraded, combat wise, at their respective locations in preparation for the difficult challenge that is the new world. Looking at the locations, only Zorro and Sanji might not be getting a power level boost.
Sanji could learn Okama Kempo, also, hit women. :lol


JDSN said:
Sanji could learn Okama Kempo, also, hit women. :lol

That's what I figured Sanji's "power-up" would be. When the situation arises, he could switch to his "Okama" persona which would allow him to attack women and utilize new combat techniques.

I guess it's possible that Zoro could have learned some new techniques from the mysterious character that approaches him and Perona on his cover story. That's a bit of a reach though since we don't know it was... though I highly doubt that'd he'd be the only one that didn't gain some sort of power-up during their separation period.


DMPrince said:
With the death of the VA of Jinbei (RIP), how are they going to replace him?

Just going by what I saw in the other thread.

He's had such minimal presence in the anime so far, so while it's unfortunate to hear he passed away, I don't think it'll have much effect on the show.


No One Remembers
DMPrince said:
With the death of the VA of Jinbei (RIP), how are they going to replace him?

Just going by what I saw in the other thread.

RIP. :( Always sad to hear someone passing.

As far as his VA in the anime is concerned, I'm sure they will find a suitable replacement. He hasn't had too many lines anyway and as far as I could tell, didn't voice any other characters.


Reads Ace as Lace. May God have mercy on their soul
LaneDS said:
He's had such minimal presence in the anime so far, so while it's unfortunate to hear he passed away, I don't think it'll have much effect on the show.

he did himself in with a knife and a suicide note was found by his side. Poor guy...


Entropia said:
RIP. :( Always sad to hear someone passing.

As far as his VA in the anime is concerned, I'm sure they will find a suitable replacement. He hasn't had too many lines anyway and as far as I could tell, didn't voice any other characters.

I looked into it some more after my previous post, and he apparently voiced Dorry, one of the Elbaf Giants.

Definitely a sad story though.


OMFG Bon Clay is too much. I havn't laughed so hard in ages. :lol :lol :lol

Did Bon Clay's size change when he became Luffy or was it his dancing that threw off my perception?

El Sloth

Bon Clay was awesome as usual :lol . I wonder how strong Hannybal is?

grandjedi6 said:
That said posted, I'd still recommend the manga over the anime. I love the anime obviously but the manga is still superior due to the lack of fillers and better pacing. If you have to read one you should definitely go with the manga.

Man I'm trying to stay anime only, but this post is making it reeeeally hard for me.
Steroyd said:
OMFG Bon Clay is too much. I havn't laughed so hard in ages. :lol :lol :lol

Did Bon Clay's size change when he became Luffy or was it his dancing that threw off my perception?

He changes his body shape along with the faces. :D Remeber when he was nami?
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