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One Piece Thread (redux)


446 was actually a vast improvement over last week's. Yeah it seemed like a lot of filler, but at least we got to see Blackbeard and Luffy together for the first time in what seems like forever.
Oh man, I've been epically spoiled. I was talking to one of my friends about One Piece, and I was talking about this arc. Turns out he's been reading the manga too, so was all like "Wow, I couldn't believe it when [spoiler for the end of this arc or maybe the next arc depending on how things go, don't highlight if you're just watching the anime]
the death
." Wut. I feel like I've been robbed of my innocence, now.


Don't even put that in spoiler tags man. That's what I got spoiled on and started reading the manga of. Just go [spoiler don't highlight]
the death
or something!

GAF's overuse of spoiler tags means people highlight everything by instinct.
Yeah, it's tough these day's deciding on what's a spoiler and what isn't a spoiler.

On a OP related note though, I'm getting pretty tired of these week breaks that seemed to have happened a lot this arc. I understand why, it's just killing me. :lol
Firestorm said:
Don't even put that in spoiler tags man. That's what I got spoiled on and started reading the manga of. Just go [spoiler don't highlight]
the death
or something!

GAF's overuse of spoiler tags means people highlight everything by instinct.
Yeah, I suppose you're right. I don't want anyone else being subjected to that. Goddamnit, this sucks.


Magnus_Bulla said:
Yeah, I suppose you're right. I don't want anyone else being subjected to that. Goddamnit, this sucks.
Man, I feel for you anime only guys. It's going to be hard for you to avoid spoilers for the next arc.


Oh wow:
Oda confirmed in an Asahi Shimbun article in November that he had planned to end [One Piece] in five years and has had the image of the final chapter established in his mind for a long time. However, creating the episodes that lead to that ending has taken longer than he had anticipated. In the manga's 13th year, he would like to say that he is 9/10ths of the way towards the end, but he acknowledged that he is only halfway there.

13 years to hit 50%. Hooooly crap.

Source from December.


biggkidd32 said:
So we had another 3 minute episode this week. Any news of what are they planning to do once they actually catch up to the manga?
I don't think they will catch up. It's going at 1 chapter per episode. By putting in filler / cover stories between arcs, they'll never need to worry about Naruto or Bleach style filler.


BobLoblaw said:
I've actually been hearing the whole "half way through" thing since earlier this year, so it's good that there's a source. I just hate that I'll be like 43 when the whole thing ends. WTF :lol
Yeah I always figured it was being said because they're halfway through the grand line. Jeez. I find it hard to believe we're only 50% done at around 500 episodes.

I'm gonna be broke if he does 120 volumes.
Firestorm said:
Injuries apparently mean nothing in the world of One Piece. Every single one of them take abuse that would kill a goddamn whale and come out fine.

Are you sure? We saw a whale ram into a mountain for years and was still going strong. :lol

As for tonight's ep I laughed at the spot when they were showing the stills of the different fights going on, but show a still of Crocodile's face and that cigar of his. That caught me off guard. And also Mr. 3's face while peeing. I almost spit water on my computer when they got to Mr. 3. :lol

And LOL at 13 years to get to a halfway point. At least that shows the ideas generating in his head. Some of these writers seem to be freestyling just to come up with another chapter.


Get Inside Her!
Another 13 years, eh? Sounds good to me! One Piece is one of the only series that I actually don't want to ever end. Or at least, I want it to last as long as it reasonably can. My only worry is that the longer a series gets, the more danger there is of its author dying part-way through. D:

Write that ending down somewhere, Oda! Keep it in a safe so we can get closure, should the unthinkable happen!


Firestorm said:
Oh wow:

13 years to hit 50%. Hooooly crap.

Source from December.

He's been saying he's half way done since the end of CP9 :lol

But judging from how the latest arc ends, I'm certain that the story is at the midway point.

As for the new episode, holy shit at the filler. Pretty atrocious stuff. And would it kill them to re-animate some of those flashbacks? And what's with the episodes animated in 16:9 being presented in 4:3? WTF? :lol

Pacing was abysmal. Half a chapter or something?

Also, I love how they they included a flashback from Amazon Lily in 4:3 ratio when the episode was in widescreen.


watervengeance said:
Pacing was abysmal. Half a chapter or something?

Also, I love how they they included a flashback from Amazon Lily in 4:3 ratio when the episode was in widescreen.
Really? I haven't seen it yet, but was it done so it matched older flashbacks from when it was in 4:3.
lol Chopper's gettin serious!!!!!!!!!!


And lol, Luffy is getting so excited with Chopper, IM going on a limb and will say that Chopper will join Luffy's crew

Dedication Through Light said:
lol Chopper's gettin serious!!!!!!!!!!

And lol, Luffy is getting so excited with Chopper, IM going on a limb and will say that Chopper will join Luffy's crew

So bizarre seeing people talk about that here ,your so so so far behind :lol

Im pretty sue 98% of that ep never even happened :lol Why do they make filer when they cant even keep up at a 1-1 ratio! Jesus.


Im glad this thread exist, its save heaven for the people that only watch the anime and are just catching up, I wouldnt dare to enter the manga thread, especially at this point of the manga.
True, but at least it's better than last week. "No Luffy, don't fight these guys, we'll fight them so you can move on" *Luffy stands and watches them fight*


The anime has been garbage lately. I hope they're getting all the crapiness out of the way now... if the next arc is anything less than flawless I won't be happy.

Seriously Toei, forget having to pace fucking episodes a certain way. Make them great, and give us some filler arcs after this. Hell, I wouldn't even mind some flashback episodes ala Enies Lobby.

Filler arcs can be skipped in the future. Crappy animated, bad paced episodes are crappy animated and bad paced forever.


Get Inside Her!
This thread isn't fun any more. I can't stand when anime threads turn into "oh this wasn't in the manga and that wasn't in the manga." Invariably, I proceed to enjoy what I just watched less. I don't care what's filler, as far as I'm concerned the manga doesn't exist. Why must every single conversation degrade to these comparisons.

It'd be nice to have a REAL anime-only thread, one frequented exclusively by those who have never read the manga, so we can go without the "lol filler" and "this next part will be so great" comments and actually talk about the events as if they were legitimately fresh, regardless of whether or not they're adequately paced.

It's only recently this started happening in here, actually. One piece has been padded like this for ages, why is it being talked about like it's something new. I actually looked at the manga briefly for the part that corresponds to what's happening in the anime now, and was shocked by how brief and abrupt everything was. If the anime is paced too slowly, the manga is easily paced far too quickly (for this part at least). It's all a friggin blur.


Tathanen said:
This thread isn't fun any more. I can't stand when anime threads turn into "oh this wasn't in the manga and that wasn't in the manga." Invariably, I proceed to enjoy what I just watched less. I don't care what's filler, as far as I'm concerned the manga doesn't exist. Why must every single conversation degrade to these comparisons.

It'd be nice to have a REAL anime-only thread, one frequented exclusively by those who have never read the manga, so we can go without the "lol filler" and "this next part will be so great" comments and actually talk about the events as if they were legitimately fresh, regardless of whether or not they're adequately paced.

It's only recently this started happening in here, actually. One piece has been padded like this for ages, why is it being talked about like it's something new. I actually looked at the manga briefly for the part that corresponds to what's happening in the anime now, and was shocked by how brief and abrupt everything was. If the anime is paced too slowly, the manga is easily paced far too quickly (for this part at least). It's all a friggin blur.
Well, even before reading the manga I was a little tired of the pacing of this arc. Mostly because Buggy, Mr. 3, and Hannyabal are uninteresting. We have a goal that was set all the way back in the Amazon Lily arc, the (spoiler'd for people catching up to anime still)
execution of Ace
. We really want to get to there, but Luffy has spent what feels like forever in Impel Down. I'm not sure how long it took in the manga, but I just want to get the hell out of here already!

Before, at least the padding had the crew who we all liked. We haven't seen them in 40 weeks and instead put up with a higher ratio of comedic to badass characters than normal. The Straw Hats are much more balanced than this. At the very least at least Luffy has Jimbei, and the rest with him.

I still loved the second half of this episode even though I think it took a lot less time in the manga. Why? Because it was interesting and added to the scene on something that was important rather than wasted time in a fight nobody cares about. I don't really want One Piece for the fights.

Edit: Heh, just checked Wikipedia and the amount of time it took to get from the beginning of Impel Down to now is just above the amount of time the manga took to cover Impel Down. Which was about the time I was getting impatient to get the hell out of here and progress the story a bit more! Going at a rate of less than one chapter an episode has a problem because the pacing is supposed to be enough to give you a good amount of information each week. If you don't get enough information, you get a little bored and the hunger for more next week isn't really there as you don't expect the reward anymore. Example: Naruto.


Tathanen said:
This thread isn't fun any more. I can't stand when anime threads turn into "oh this wasn't in the manga and that wasn't in the manga." Invariably, I proceed to enjoy what I just watched less. I don't care what's filler, as far as I'm concerned the manga doesn't exist. Why must every single conversation degrade to these comparisons.

It'd be nice to have a REAL anime-only thread, one frequented exclusively by those who have never read the manga, so we can go without the "lol filler" and "this next part will be so great" comments and actually talk about the events as if they were legitimately fresh, regardless of whether or not they're adequately paced.

It's only recently this started happening in here, actually. One piece has been padded like this for ages, why is it being talked about like it's something new. I actually looked at the manga briefly for the part that corresponds to what's happening in the anime now, and was shocked by how brief and abrupt everything was. If the anime is paced too slowly, the manga is easily paced far too quickly (for this part at least). It's all a friggin blur.
The pacing in the manga is great. This is supposed to be a fast paced arc. Luffy is racing against the clock here. The anime hasn't really had a good sense of urgency.


Get Inside Her!
I can imagine that for manga-readers, though, the sense of missing urgency is much greater. You know what happens NEXT, and are thus eager for the anime to get there. As far as I know, as an anime-only watcher, this pacing makes perfect sense cause something unexpected will happen (like Blackbeard here) and I'll realize that what I thought was the end goal actually isn't. Clearly if you're just watching animated what you've already read, your expectations will be drastically different. Which is fine I guess, but I don't like when that mentality subconsciously rubs off on me, and I get annoyed with the show for not meeting expectations I shouldn't even really have, and certainly don't fully understand.

I just think the anime-only and manga-to-anime crowd don't really mix. Both sides have perfectly valid opinions, but one can be actively detrimental to the enjoyment of the other. I'm sure we can all share in the frustration of watching a movie with someone who's seen it before, only to have them constantly say "oh man this part coming up here, this is great." It alters your natural experience of the media.

It's not really anyone's fault, though. The only real solution is for me to not read the thread.


Tathanen said:
I can imagine that for manga-readers, though, the sense of missing urgency is much greater. You know what happens NEXT, and are thus eager for the anime to get there. As far as I know, as an anime-only watcher, this pacing makes perfect sense cause something unexpected will happen (like Blackbeard here) and I'll realize that what I thought was the end goal actually isn't. Clearly if you're just watching animated what you've already read, your expectations will be drastically different. Which is fine I guess, but I don't like when that mentality subconsciously rubs off on me, and I get annoyed with the show for not meeting expectations I shouldn't even really have, and certainly don't fully understand.

I just think the anime-only and manga-to-anime crowd don't really mix. Both sides have perfectly valid opinions, but one can be actively detrimental to the enjoyment of the other. I'm sure we can all share in the frustration of watching a movie with someone who's seen it before, only to have them constantly say "oh man this part coming up here, this is great." It alters your natural experience of the media.

It's not really anyone's fault, though. The only real solution is for me to not read the thread.
That's not what people mean by pacing problems. It's what happens within each individual episode being too slowly paced. The material from 1 chapter (especially from this arc) does not stretch to a full episode well. It's like stuff is happening in slow motion. Plus the Buggy filler is really really bad.


Get Inside Her!
Firestorm said:
But you're misunderstanding. I was an anime-only person until last week. That was already my feeling before reading manga.

Well I was mainly referring to Ragnarok there. But yes I will not claim that someone can't think the show is poorly paced at all, be they anime-only or manga-to-anime. Merely that a manga-reader's motivations are different, and I find it difficult to take their opinions on the same ground as purely-anime-watchers, since I can't understand them, having not been pre-exposed to everything already. To that end, I'd have no problem discussing pacing issues with someone whose motivations I can actually relate to!
Ew the scans for chapters 200 and onwards are of such poor quality, like 204 was just ruined, lol, i cant cherish the artwork at all. Onto to chapter 206

So after finishing through 225 Chapters of One Piece
-Its a fantastic series, my experience has only been hampered by questionable scan, translations
-Definitely will buy all volumes in usa-eng
-Luffy's a decent main character, though in reading other titles in the same genre, perhaps ranks down there with Ichigo for me (from Bleach)
-Side characters like Zoro and Sanji are excellent additions
-Females definitely have virtually a secondary role in fighting in this series--fortunately the addition of Nico Robin to the cast eliminated this glaring flaw in the series since she has decent powers, I will even give some credit to BiBi-Vivi-BeBe-VeVe-Ms. Wednesday since she had a cool weapon

What do I want from One Piece
-Luffy and Ace fight
-Luffy and Zoro fight
-Zoro and Sanji fight
-Ace hasnt appeared since like more than 120+ chapters ago
-Zoro or Sanji getting Devil Fruit Powers
-Tashigi getting a larger role, though having her as seemingly Zoro's rival has been interesting
-More time with Smoker and Luffy, I want a true fight between those two
-Where is Shanks?! lol, he was seemingly searching for Luffy I thought but similar to the situation with Ace, hasnt been mentioned in like huneds of chapters.

Progress: 226/580 chapters


Himuro said:
I'd like to emphasize that One Piece is in now way about the fights. It's all about the story, if there's a fight it exists because it'll propel the story forward.

Oh come on. I'm sorry but OP is indeed a typical fighting shonen manga. A great one at that, but fights are very important. It even has a rating system, with characters being worth such or such amount of money as the story progresses, etc. The powers' system is also very central. It's not like there's a lot of philosophy to be taken from it. It's more about cheerful buddies fighting baddies and seeking treasures. Nothing extraordinary.
Himuro said:
I'd like to emphasize that One Piece is in now way about the fights. It's all about the story, if there's a fight it exists because it'll propel the story forward.

It's not Bleach or Naruto.

So you will NEVER see an Ace vs Luffy fight. There's no reason to because Luffy LOVES Ace and he doesn't like hurting people he loves.

As for rating Luffy on par with Ichigo....HOW COULD YOU.

He's my favorite character in the series.

Finally, her name is Vivi :lol I remember because the Luffy vs Croc final fight was where I started reading scanlations years ago.

Come on certainly anyone in their right mind would want to see who's stronger between Ace and Luffy :p I could potentially envision it as some great storyline twist; what series doesnt have comrades duke it out at least once.

Ah thanks, I will use Vivi from now on, before that fight it seemed that whoever was doing the translating kept switching it up :( .


Yeah, I'd agree. Fights aren't the focus, but to say it's in no way about them isn't fair either.

For me, generally, it's about the emotional moments that precede or the fights that are most memorable, and not the mechanics of the fight themselves.

Dedication Through Light said:
Come on certainly anyone in their right mind would want to see who's stronger between Ace and Luffy :p I could potentially envision it as some great storyline twist; what series doesnt have comrades duke it out at least once.

Ah thanks, I will use Vivi from now on, before that fight it seemed that whoever was doing the translating kept switching it up :( .

It's well known that Carue is the strongest character in the OP world. Because of that, Ace and Luffy didn't have to fight it out.

Also, in all seriousness, Luffy knows he can't beat his brother, least not yet.


Scored 3/100 on an Exam
Himuro said:


I loved Skypiea too, especially in the anime. I don't give a fuck about the plot not progressing - it had a decent ass story.
I'd think there's something wrong with you if you read a story for pure progression.


ranks down there with Ichigo for me (from Bleach

and yeah. One Piece isn't really fight focused. I don't think people read or watch it for the fight scenes. I love it for the character interactions and storyworld.


Dedication Through Light said:
Come on certainly anyone in their right mind would want to see who's stronger between Ace and Luffy :p I could potentially envision it as some great storyline twist; what series doesnt have comrades duke it out at least once.

...you will see a pretty badass fight between Luffy and
another crew member though...


Himuro said:
If you can't get into Skypiea you either:

1. don't know what a good adventure story is
2. aren't a man
3. insane

Yep, it's final! Either one or all of these categories!

I enjoyed it, but it's right there with Thriller Bark as my least favorite OP arc. Unless we count Davy Back as an arc, in which case, that wins.

All of the above have their moments though.
Himuro said:
If you can't get into Skypiea you either:

1. don't know what a good adventure story is
2. aren't a man
3. insane

Yep, it's final! Either one or all of these categories!
This man speaks the fucking truth.
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