Dedication Through Light
So I guess, for all the other straw hats they are just on random islands in the Archipelago? I cant imagine, I cant imagine the Pacifista being able to fly them off "that" far away, if it was it that did it.
Kuma teleported them all over the world. Nami to a sky island, Franky, Zoro Sanji, Usopp and Brook to different places in the Grand Line, Robin to East Blue and Chopper to South Blue.Dedication Through Light said:So I guess, for all the other straw hats they are just on random islands in the Archipelago? I cant imagine, I cant imagine the Pacifista being able to fly them off "that" far away, if it was it that did it.
Quicksilva said:Wow I wonder how they will all get back together..
Dedication Through Light said:Dont they all still have that vivre paper from Rayleigh S? If they all have a piece then they could meet up together.
But I guess, ugh it seems like it would be a lenghty process to bring them back together.
Quicksilva said:Yeah especially for Robin and Chopper. I'm sure there will have to be something to teleport them back :/
Mikey Jr. said:Robin is with the, I'm sure they have a ship.Revolutionaries
Chopper, I dunno about him.
But the Strawhats have a waypoint. Luffy said for everyone to meet back at the ship at Sabaody.
Himuro said:They kinda already have. The manga of course has cover pages that cover their adventures and where they are and what's happening. The anime animated these cover pages and gave us a sneak peak. Of course, the only good ones being Sanji's and especially Robin's.
Robin's looks fucking awesome.
Peff said:There are four books that contain the color spreads and other special art, the ColorWalk series, named after animals. The fourth one was released recently, and they all contain neat extras which unfortunately require knowledge of JapaneseFor example, interviews with the VAs or Yoshitaka Amano. I have the third one, so I could snap a few pics if you want.
Reknoc said:So I've been watching youtube clips of the (if it's anything like the episode ones that came out here) rather naff Wii game... I kinda hope funi don't use the same guy for Franky when they get to it in the DVDs. Dunno why, just something about him seems abit wrong.
ShutDown202 said:Which Wii game are you talking about? Unlimited Cruise?
I have pt. 2 and its probably my favourite anime game (and ive played Budokai 3). Vs. is pretty meh but the adventure is the real draw and theres just so much to do. It doesnt make things too obvious so it requires alot of exploring etc.
I remember looking at videos and thinking this doesnt look that good but bought it when i saw it for £8. Hated it at first but it grew on me once i started to understand it. Like what happened with Demons Souls to me.
If your a fan of One Piece and can find it for cheap then id say go for it.
Dedication Through Light said:Does the opening only cater to manga readers, lol? I mean, lol.
Yes. I mean this is true for most shonen series, but its especially true here due to One Piece's insane popularity in Japan. Pretty much the only people who watch the anime and don't read the manga are too young to care otherwise. And this has been true throughout One Piece's run, hence the infamous blatant "Robin" spoiler in the 3rd opening.Dedication Through Light said:Does the opening only cater to manga readers, lol? I mean, lol.
Firestorm said:I like the newest opening better than Rainbow Star. Rainbow Star is hands down the worst opening =/
What was the bullshit reason we won't be getting separate chapters for the Straw-hat Crew, (which translates into episodes for me and the other anime-only watchers)?Himuro said:One Piece - Ep 418 - The Friends' Whereabouts; The Science of Weather and the Mechanical Island
One Piece - Ep 419 - The Friends Whereabouts; An Island of Giant Birds and a Pink Paradise!
One Piece - Ep 420 - The Friends' Whereabouts! Bridging the Islands and Vicious Vegetations!
One Piece - Ep 421 - The Friends Whereabouts; A Negative Princess and the King of Demons
Robin's episode is 420, Sanji's episode is 419.
grandjedi6 said:Yes. I mean this is true for most shonen series, but its especially true here due to One Piece's insane popularity in Japan. Pretty much the only people who watch the anime and don't read the manga are too young to care otherwise. And this has been true throughout One Piece's run, hence the infamous blatant "Robin" spoiler in the 3rd opening.
Plywood said:What was the bullshit reason we won't be getting separate chapters for the Straw-hat Crew, (which translates into episodes for me and the other anime-only watchers)?
Reknoc said:Yea I've got both episodes of Unlimited Cruise. The idea sounded pretty awesome, a One Piece adventure game with collecting elements and some cool boss fights. But the collecting ends up just being a massive grind and the boss fights are completely cheap as they just spam their most powerful moves (Wapol is a massive asshole). All in all I think I prefered the Power Stone clones.
Edit: That said I can play as Brook so it gains points for that, and Enies Lobby outfits and Sogeking apparently.
grandjedi6 said:Yes. I mean this is true for most shonen series, but its especially true here due to One Piece's insane popularity in Japan. Pretty much the only people who watch the anime and don't read the manga are too young to care otherwise. And this has been true throughout One Piece's run, hence the infamous blatant "Robin" spoiler in the 3rd opening.
Well I hope they get back to them again, at least one more episode.Steroyd said:Because they're cover stories of the manga, usually tells it's own story without dragging the manga on with extra chapters, it also gives the anime a legitimate reason to make "filler" that stays true to the manga without catching up to the manga.
Dedication Through Light said:I feel a bit late but just watched Episode 447. (I like how large the warships are in the opening)
Anyway, it is pretty nice putting voices to all the characters, and hearing how Sadi speaks. Her screams were particularly interesting. Hopefully next episode actually has some fighting.
Plywood said:Well I hope they get back to them again, at least one more episode.
Dedication Through Light said:Organization Question!
The marines is set up with
Unknown Admiral or something being in the top (I dont think Ive ever recalled seing em)
The Three Vice Admirals
The 8 Sichibukai?
Then people of Smoker(smokey?) level captains?
Is that right?
Dedication Through Light said:Organization Question!
The marines is set up with
Unknown Admiral or something being in the top (I dont think Ive ever recalled seing em)
The Three Vice Admirals
The 8 Sichibukai?
Then people of Smoker(smokey?) level captains?
Is that right?
Dedication Through Light said:Organization Question!
The marines is set up with
Unknown Admiral or something being in the top (I dont think Ive ever recalled seing em)
The Three Vice Admirals
The 8 Sichibukai?
Then people of Smoker(smokey?) level captains?
Is that right?
Reknoc said:It's not always nice as Enies Lobby has taught me. Oh god Fukuro and Kumadori are so annoying. Kuuuuumadooooori iiiiiin paaaaartiiiiiiicular~ yoyoiii.
ShutDown202 said:Thats the Chapapa gossiper right?
He was my favourite CP9 lol. One of my favourite scenes is when he starts twirling and singing about wether the key he has is the right one, with Franky dancing in the background.
More so than before, but many One Piece opening don't feature anything relevant to the covered story let alone spoilers. However all the openings with any sort of spoilers are:Reknoc said:Do many of the newer openings do this aswell?
Sounds like you can't stand howHimuro said:I hate that guy.
Sounds good.Steroyd said:There are more cover stories that give more insight to what's currently happening to the SH's after they landed on their respective islands. It would be the perfect opportunity to create and milk those "filler" episodes right after this arc ends, because this kind of pacing the anime was on in the last few episodes won't fly in the next arc.
Entropia said:They need to ditch the post-OP bit as well. :\ I mean the crew isn't even together right now! :lol
Reknoc said:Yea that was a funny scene but he has a little kid voice and it creeps me out.
I've also been reading through the volumes I own (1-27) and got up to the Kuro part, man I always forget how ugly Ussop was when he first appeared. Pretty good picture here showing the changes, Ussop and Chopper being probably the biggest since their first appearance.
ShutDown202 said:Oh man, what the hell have they done to chopper??????
lol Usopp did look pretty ugly way back. He also looks alot older now.
Dedication Through Light said:His hat looks more round. Robin, Sanji, and Zoro seemed to have stayed consistent.
Nami has definitely aged somewhat.
Dedication Through Light said:Oh how old is Luffy supposed to be? For some reason I put him in his early twenties (as well as the other straw hats)
Reknoc said:17. Nami is 18, Zoro and Sanji are 19 I believe. Can't remember the rest but I think Robin is in her 30s (38?)