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One Piece Thread (redux)

grandjedi6 said:
Excellent episode. Good pacing, great animation, good choice of music, no filler, plenty of content and even some great additions (the transformation sequence was just ace). Next week looks great too.

I also liked that they took in account for future events, rather than creating plot holes like previous Impel Down episodes.

Overall, the end of Impel Down is turning out great with the exception of last week's episode.

Plotholes? Future events?


Great, great episode! Pacing was the best it's been in months. :D If I were rich, I'd hired the VA who does Buggy's voice to narrate my day to day life. :lol


Unconfirmed Member
Goddamn, finally a fucking awesome episode. And it looks like maybe we only have 2 or so episodes left instead of the 4 I was expecting. They did WAY more in this episode than I was expecting. :lol

Hopefully they can keep up this pace now that the next arc is completed in the manga.
wow, amazing episode. I think with this, Impel down may become my favourite arc and ive only seen the anime. I havent really had pacing issues as ive only caught up the past 2 weeks. Watching it from the beginning till now has been such an enjoyable experience.


:lol Buggy is the best character ever.
Yay it was my first time seeing actual fighting in the anime. I guess it was pretty interesting the whole time. I had read over it so fast in the manga that it was nice having it go at its pace to realize what had happened. The scene with Jinbei and Bon-chan felt awkward though...

This was definitely one of the highlights, lol


Glad people enjoyed Candle Champion Luffy. :lol Anytime Luffy gets a one-time power-up, it's always cool.

Buggy was also awesome. I'm surprised they put all this into one episode. I thought it would only go up to the discovery of the missing ships, as the title suggested. But I was surprised they gave us the Knight of the Sea chapter thrown in there as well. Jimbei is awesome, but I also loved Croc and Das Bones' entrance on the ship...along with Buggy's, of course. :lol Buggy is just hilarious.

Dedication Through Light said:
Yay it was my first time seeing actual fighting in the anime. I guess it was pretty interesting the whole time. I had read over it so fast in the manga that it was nice having it go at its pace to realize what had happened. The scene with Jinbei and Bon-chan felt awkward though...

This was definitely one of the highlights, lol
There are some better fights early on. His fights against Lucci and Bruno at Enies Lobby were great. PEACE.
Firestorm said:
They already did the first cover stories. I didn't read the second cover stories yet (although I think I saw one of Robin's) but I assume they will.

It's been awhile but I think they only animated what's actually been shown in the manga and nothing from the covers yet. I'm figuring they are going to be showing up real soon. Gotta give their voice actors some work. :lol


Master of the Google Search
Neoriceisgood said:
Man this episode was solid, what animation team was responsible for it? big kudos to them.
Masayuki Takagi was the animation lead for this episode. He's been an animation director since Episode 4 and can be rather good. Recent fans will probably remember him for doing the episode where the Strawhats are annihilated/teleported by Kuma.

Also, several key parts of this episode were done specifically by Yoshikazu Tomita (such as Luffy's transformation sequence).

shintoki said:
Loved the episode this week. Super Transformation Luffy was awesome. It's sooooo cooool! :lol
Plywood said:
Buggy's expression's have been one of the greatest things this arc.


Luffy transformation A+++ would watch again
There wasn't a single moment that I felt dragged on in this episode :) Didn't think they'd get out of Impel Down so fast after how long it took them to get back up!


Master of the Google Search
Dedication Through Light said:
Make one of the Luffy being all excited at that wax gloves part, ie the part immediately after what youve done, please? lol.
Actually, I didn't make these (no point if someone else has already done it, no?). Thankfully, the same person also made one of that scene too:

Himuro said:
May wanna resize your avatar to 90 x 120, Dedication, or you could lose your avvy :(
Thats odd, on my computer and in IE and in Chrome it shows up as having size of 90 x 68. so idk?

Oh my shonen jump arrived. The last episode ended just before the end of the first chapter they have in it. So I guess their going the pace of the english chapter releases.
Dedication Through Light said:
Thats odd, on my computer and in IE and in Chrome it shows up as having size of 90 x 68. so idk?

Oh my shonen jump arrived. The last episode ended just before the end of the first chapter they have in it. So I guess their going the pace of the english chapter releases.

The forum autoresizes it, so if you examine the properties of the image, you would see that its 90x68. The actual image size if is 150 x 113 if you go to the URL of the image: http://i39.tinypic.com/21aipm0.gif
Whew, finally read my Shonen Jump for this month. Basically the chapters their in covered this most recent episode to the penny (though the manga was direct to the point, the episode and the people who animated the scenes did an awesome job in the choice of exaggerating moments, like the Luffy part).

I wish they would have left the Seven Warlords of the Sea untranslated (Shichibukai).

And random, since I guess some people import stuff, but does anyone have that One Piece Blue, profile book? They keep including pages from it in the shonen jumps, but I wish they would just release it.
I dunno, I guess I just like them having the name Sichibukai rather than being refered to as the seven warlords, I guess I collectively think of them by that group name than a literal "warlord"

Same as the beasts in the calm belt, being in shonen jump known as "Neptunian Sea Monsters".


Neptunian is one of the few things that bothered me about the Viz translation... well and some of the stupid pirate lingo and this one panal where Kuro shouted scallawags 'cause seriously, scallawags? Wish Shonen Jump was more easier to get in the UK.

Oh well, ordered a bunch of volumes from amazon finishing up Skypiea and... not starting Water Seven despite the cover of the volume clearly saying Water Seven and Viz's One Piece website saying the next volume is Skypiea/Water Seven.


First pics of the S.H. Figuarts Luffy!







I own three SHF's, and they are the nicest action figure toyline I've collected in a very long time. I'm so excited that One Piece is getting the SHF treatment. :D
Dedication Through Light said:
I dunno, I guess I just like them having the name Sichibukai rather than being refered to as the seven warlords, I guess I collectively think of them by that group name than a literal "warlord"

Same as the beasts in the calm belt, being in shonen jump known as "Neptunian Sea Monsters".

I prefer The Seven Warlords to Shichibuaki (Seven Military Seas? =x). Be glad they don't make silly translations such as Shinra Tensei into Almighty Push and Pull (Naruto)
I hate when scanlators leave stuff untranslated like that. Seven Warlords of the Sea is perfect. I was reading slam dunk, and they randomly decided to leave "idiot" untranslated, and I immediately closed the browser.
I would rather have had it translated to something besides "warlords" because that name doesn't seem to fit.

My favorite rendering of their name was "Seven Knights of the Sea" which sounds a lot better, especially because their Japanese title is "Ouka Shichibukai", which most scanalators apparently ignore. But even that name is kind of inaccurate.

It always bugs me a tiny bit when people refer to each member as "a Shichibukai". So Mihawk is a Seven Military Sea?
SO Sichibukai is literally "Seven Military Sea"? I guess its the fault of the translators then that I would prefer the sichibukai more than the seven warlords of the sea. Though the Seven Knights one does sound the best in my opinion.

Oh and thats a pretty nice figure of Luffy



Master of the Google Search
Leaving Shichibukai untranslated is stupid because it completely leaves out the meaning behind the word. Plus, it encourages people to incorrectly refer to each individual warlord as a "Shichibukai" like Sir Ilpalazzo mentioned. (And I hate having to spell out Shichibukai).

Literally, Shichibukai is translated as "seven armed seas" which is just incoherent. "Seven Knights of the Sea" isn't a good translation because of the connotations inherent with the word "Knight". But Warlords actually somewhat fits what the Shichibukai actually are and is the best coherent translation we could get.

El Sloth

I'm fine with Seven Warlords of the Sea. Kinda describes their job pretty accurately don't ya think?

I also really hate it when stuff like Shichibukai is left untranslated in official releases. Enel=Kami. :\


Unconfirmed Member
I don't have a problem with Shichibukai because it's a unique word that is specific to the fictional universe, not some random Japanese word. Hell, it doesn't even really make sense if you actually translate it directly. Our sci-fi and fantasy fiction has all kinds of made-up words that we leave "untranslated," so I don't see why it's all that necessary to translate out a nonsensical made-up word that just happens to be made of Japanese components.

That said, I also don't mind it being translated out to Warlords or "Seven Warlords of the Sea," since, well, it's an apt and commanding title, and it is the basic gist of what the term implies. Plus I don't think it makes sense in, say, an English dub to be saying "Shichibukai." Subs you can maybe get away with it, but not a dub.
grandjedi6 said:
Literally, Shichibukai is translated as "seven armed seas" which is just incoherent. "Seven Knights of the Sea" isn't a good translation because of the connotations inherent with the word "Knight". But Warlords actually somewhat fits what the Shichibukai actually are and is the best coherent translation we could get.

I thought about that too, but I think it fits. The full Japanese title is like "Seven Military Seas Under the King", and when I hear "warlord" it makes me think of the Four Emperors. The "Seven" aren't like leaders with control over parts of the world or fighting forces (although some are) - they're (supposed to be) warriors who directly serve the highest authorities in the world. That's why I've never liked "warlord".

Speaking of translation details, there's something else that's always kind of bothered me a little. We call the admirals Aokiji, Kizaru, and Akainu. I'm not about to go against that, but then we use the names Whitebeard and Blackbeard instead of "Shirohige" and "Kurohige". I know that we do that so that the reference makes sense to us, but the admirals' names are also a reference to something, and they aren't even their actual names, so it's not like it would be strange to translate them.

El Sloth

Sir Ilpalazzo said:
Speaking of translation details, there's something else that's always kind of bothered me a little. We call the admirals Aokiji, Kizaru, and Akainu. I'm not about to go against that, but then we use the names Whitebeard and Blackbeard instead of "Shirohige" and "Kurohige". I know that we do that so that the reference makes sense to us, but the admirals' names are also a reference to something, and they aren't even their actual names, so it's not like it would be strange to translate them.

Probably because Admiral Blue Pheasant and Admiral Yellow Monkey don't sound like dudes that would strike fear into the hearts of pirates everywhere. Red Dog ain't too bad though.


Master of the Google Search
Sir Ilpalazzo said:
Speaking of translation details, there's something else that's always kind of bothered me a little. We call the admirals Aokiji, Kizaru, and Akainu. I'm not about to go against that, but then we use the names Whitebeard and Blackbeard instead of "Shirohige" and "Kurohige". I know that we do that so that the reference makes sense to us, but the admirals' names are also a reference to something, and they aren't even their actual names, so it's not like it would be strange to translate them.
Generally one doesn't translate a person's name/title like that. For example, its "Ussop" not "Liesop/Liar" and its "Bartholomew Kuma" not "Bartholomew Bear". However, Whitebeard and Blackbeard are examples of common sense trumpeting over consistency. Its obvious what their names are referencing and it works so much better in English. Aokiji, Kizaru and Akainu though do not work as well in english and aren't as obvious (no one knows about the Momotarō legends outside of Japan). Personally, I like the compromise of calling them "Aokiji: The Blue Pheasant, Akainu: The Red Dog, Kizaru: The Yellow Monkey", thus avoiding the ackwardness of a literal translation while still keeping the original meaning.

Now what I don't like is Viz's translation of Sogeking as "Sniper King". Not only is it inconsistent but it brings about Ussop's now-ackward title of "Sniperking: King of Snipers". Ughh.

Sir Ilpalazzo said:
But that's how it must sound to the Japanese audience.
Whitebeard and Blackbeard don't sound weird to English readers thanks to the historical consequence so I doubt Blue Pheasant (etc.) sound weird to Japanese readers thanks to the Momotaro legends.
I agree that it's generally not a good idea to translate names, but Aokiji and those others aren't their names. They're just codenames, and when translated, they really aren't any more ridiculous than "Decoy Octopus" or "Liquid Snake".

But I can get behind the idea that it just sounds better to non-Japanese to leave the titles untranslated, and I'm sure that's why fan translators do that. I just think there's kind of a double standard going on.

grandjedi6 said:
Whitebeard and Blackbeard don't sound weird to English readers thanks to the historical consequence so I doubt Blue Pheasant (etc.) sound weird to Japanese readers thanks to the Momotaro legends.

I was just addressing what he said about the translated names not sounding imposing. With One Piece standing on the line between seriousness and ridiculousness, I don't think they need to. I know the Japanese don't see them as weird but they probably don't take those names any more seriously than we would if we had Admiral Yellow Monkey chasing down the Strawhats.


I know the Japanese don't see them as weird but they probably don't take those names any more seriously than we would if we had Admiral Yellow Monkey chasing down the Strawhats.

Kizaru benefits more as a name than it's meaning, You wouldn't really look at the name Abraham as "Father of a multitude".


The localization here in Finland translated them as Privateer Lords, which makes sense since they are 'legal' pirates sanctioned by the government.
The world noble translation kinda sucks, since "skydragon people" sounds so cumbersome. However their swedish accent (noted by using å instead of o) is hilarious.
Are SHF figures expensive? I always wanted to collect some POP figures but the price kept me away. That Luffy looks pretty awesome and if the price is reasonable for a non-figure collector I'd bite.
Tacitus_ said:
The localization here in Finland translated them as Privateer Lords, which makes sense since they are 'legal' pirates sanctioned by the government.
The world noble translation kinda sucks, since "skydragon people" sounds so cumbersome. However their swedish accent (noted by using å instead of o) is hilarious.

How far along are they [Finland] in One Piece. When I came across one of those pages when One Piece was first to be coming out outside of Japan it seemed some European countries and Brazil were getting the manga close to a year before the US, I think?

I like the Privateer name though, I dont think there is such a position in the US though. I dunno, I think I will always call them the Sichibukai~though its because of being so used to it and seeing it in the scans (well the fansubs and even subs dont use it, I think?) (its kind of easy to recognize when they say it during the episodes though).
grandjedi6 said:
Now what I don't like is Viz's translation of Sogeking as "Sniper King". Not only is it inconsistent but it brings about Ussop's now-ackward title of "Sniperking: King of Snipers". Ughh.

But it actually makes sense; I mean, his whole themesong is "basically "Sniper blah blah blah, Sniper Island, blah blah blah, Sogeking blah~". He's just making stuff up. :lol

(Yes I'm surprised they didn't keep it as Sogeking, though.)


Very good episode. They finally broke out and despite a lot of the filler and stuff, this was still a fairly good arc (and better than Thriller Bark imo). Next up, Marineford! :D
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