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One Piece Thread (redux)

Metal B

grandjedi6 said:
Usopp's Part
-The reveal of the Island being alive and eating others makes so much sense from a design standpoint (the island's design), that I'm fairly sure Oda must have thought of it from the get-go.

I saw this episode today and the funny thing is, there exists a very similar story about such an island in a germany book: "Die 13½ Leben des Käpt’n Blaubär". Which is a really funny book. The hero Captain Blaubär also plays the must part of the sea, where he encounter many strange and funny islands and persons. Its has even more similarys: Captain Blaubär is really famous for his untrue storys in germany. So Captain Blaubär is a really big liar, exactly like Usopp!

Then in the 4. Chatper of this Book: "Mein Leben auf der Feinschmeckerinsel" - "My life on the gourmetisland" he lives some days on a island, where there is a lot to eat. In the same way as in the Usopp Story, there are spaghetti, pizza or hamburger plants. He also gets really fat over time and then is turns out the island is a giant plant, which mislead victims on his surface, feed them up and eats them at last. He gets saved by the Pterodactylus, Deus X. Machina, who works as a Deux Ex Maschina and saves people at the very very last moment. His saver trains him to get lose the wight and he becomes a lot stronger.

Its really funny and strange how this two similar characters from different countries have also such a similar story. The also have a long nose ... but well he is bear:
Metal B, I wouldn't be shocked if that was an influence for Oda. I found what seems to be at least three Baron Munchausen references in One Piece.

Blackbeard's sniper (which is pretty well known)
Norland (a direct nod to Baron Munchausen)
Knockup Stream (from an old Baron Munchausen animated movie called "Le Secret des sélénites/Moon Madness")

There are probably others as well. I'm leaning towards the wrestler guy in Blackbeard's crew being another Munchausen reference.

Dedication Through Light said:
Did I miss that, I didnt realize it could be mihawks island. I wonder if he will run into him

Yeah I made several points about that awhile back as to why that was Mihawk's island. It's somewhere in the manga thread.

Zoro's and Brook's segments seemed kinda weird to me, especially Zoro's. They stayed in line with the previous episodes but the pacing didn't seem that well. Zoro's story seemed to follow a similar design to Franky's, but the build up to the end in Franky's seemed better. I laughed some at Brook's story, but I think it was similar to Chopper's story in design.
Himuro said:

- Chopper...well...Chopper...Chopper's story so far seems the most irrelevant and random. I have hope that he'll have to learn to control his berserk mode while on the island, though.

I think Choppers will problem involve getting more courage or something along those lines. He will have probably maybe have to mediate between the people fighting on the island and those birds. Well thats what I think...


I unsubscribed from the manga thread as soon as the final volume of FMA hit. I don't think I'm going back in there until I finish Brotherhood :lol
He doesn't have haki yet (edit: shame on you Himuro). We were discussing the possibility of him learning it.

Himuro said:
:lol :lol :lol

How'd you find that anyways, dude? Especially without search? And in the MANGA thread? We go through 1 page per hour in that thread and I'm on 100 posts per page. :lol

LOL. Pure accident. Initially I went page by page, but started at October. I decided just now to try again in Google with bgassassin "official manga", then when I clicked for omitted results at least 10 pages worth popped up. I saw some dated for September and that was it. Still shocked it came up.


I wonder if Kuma would actually be a good guy then. He doesn't seem to kill people, only send them to places where they get stronger. Intentional? (Don't want the real answer by the way, only following the anime and loving it!)


Himuro said:
Remember when Kuma sent Perona with his paw on Thriller Bark and asked her where she wanted to go?

Maybe when he does it, his paw power sends them to the place that contains their inner-most desires: in the Strawhat's case, something to help the crew get stronger. In Perona's case, a dark and gloomy place because she's a goth loli.

Ah, good thinking.
Randy said:
I wonder if Kuma would actually be a good guy then. He doesn't seem to kill people, only send them to places where they get stronger. Intentional? (Don't want the real answer by the way, only following the anime and loving it!)

Well I wonder what happened to the real Kuma


Doing pretty well catching up but i'm starting to find Thriller Bark kind of a bummer while watching. A shame since it's one of my favourite arcs.


Reknoc said:
Doing pretty well catching up but i'm starting to find Thriller Bark kind of a bummer while watching. A shame since it's one of my favourite arcs.
It's actually one of my least favorite arcs. Besides the Perona/Usopp "fight", nightmare Luffy, Oz, and Brook's intro, most of it was pretty forgettable.


Well I totally love the setting of the arc and the whole zombie theme thing, and it's a nice sort of goofy break after a pretty heavy arc. Direct character reference to one of his one shots is pretty cool aswell.


Reknoc said:
Doing pretty well catching up but i'm starting to find Thriller Bark kind of a bummer while watching. A shame since it's one of my favourite arcs.
I'm catching up in the manga and am in the middle of Thriller Bark. It really is an arc that seems better while reading. It sort of bored me in the anime although I forgot how awesome Straw Hats vs Oars was. The only time really that they fought as one cohesive group against a strong enemy.


Firestorm said:
I'm catching up in the manga and am in the middle of Thriller Bark. It really is an arc that seems better while reading. It sort of bored me in the anime although I forgot how awesome Straw Hats vs Oars was. The only time really that they fought as one cohesive group against a strong enemy.
I thought the Laboon moment was better in the anime because of the music and all that (could have done without the flashbacks though).
grandjedi6 said:
6/13 - 455 - Robin & Usopp's episode

6/20 - 456 - Brook & Zoro's episode

6/27 - 457 - Clip Show #1

7/4 - No Episode/Break​

Guess the next arc's not starting for a while. And take note how it says "Clip Show #1", implying that there might be more after the break :/

Ugh, so today is the Clip Show. Oh well, Im intrigued to see how its handheld. I wonder if it will include stuff from before I started watching One Piece (um that was when Luffy confronted Magellan the second time)


Aw man, the Duval stuff isn't as good when you already know who he is and without the wild speculation between chapters.

Edit: Miniarc redeemed by having flashbacks to Sanji's reaction to his wanted poster.
That was actually my first time seeing any of those old scenes animated, lol (I guess they had it "full screen" style because they changed episode from 4:3 to 16:9 at one point in time?)

Anyway, Ace's parts were epic, a shame I missed it when it originally aired
So based on the preview for the next episode I'm slightly confused on what kind of war-related clip show we could possibly get based on the characters shown.

Does anyone have an idea when the episode title after the 2nd clipshow will be revealed? I'm really curious to know if we'll actually get the war after it. (I'll scream if we don't. :lol )

(quick edit) A shame about Mihawk's voice actor, I hope it goes well for him. :(


Dedication Through Light said:
In watching the episode I couldnt help but think, what in the world is Blackbeard's weakness?

(was Ace also considered one of the strongest pirates in the pirate world?)
Blackbeard takes extra damage from everything. He doesn't have a power that needs a weakness.


Dedication Through Light said:
In watching the episode I couldnt help but think, what in the world is Blackbeard's weakness?

(was Ace also considered one of the strongest pirates in the pirate world?)

He's a logia that isn't insoluble so a stab in the back and he's pretty much done.

Or in the One Piece world a couple thousand stabs in the back.
akachan ningen said:
He's already been beat by Magellan, who was hardly even trying. Teach just stood there. I think his weakness is that he's dumb as fuck.

lol youre right, so
1. he can only take nullify their powers through contact
2. weak to physical attacks

Then that was a rather dumb move with Magellan. Wouldnt he have been able to with stand or not even have been affected by the poison? He wasnt affected by Ace's fire from this episode?


Dedication Through Light said:
lol youre right, so
1. he can only take nullify their powers through contact
2. weak to physical attacks

Then that was a rather dumb move with Magellan. Wouldnt he have been able to with stand or not even have been affected by the poison? He wasnt affected by Ace's fire from this episode?
Are you asking if he wasn't affected by Ace's fire after he touched Ace? Because he was clearly hurt by it even when he touched him.
Himuro said:
He's just like Luffy. He's cocky. Blackbeard isn't dumb in the least. He thought he could survive it cuz...well, he's survived crazy shit before with the power.

Nah, WB even comments on this later...Luffy is headstrong and rash...Blackbeard is overconfident and arrogant...BB is a bit like dick dastardly actually

El Sloth

I'm probably late on this, but I only just realized that Sanji may no longer be complete shit against women thanks to his conversion.

I predict that when the Strawhats meet back up Oda will explain away Sanji returning to normal with something having to do with the special atmosphere of Okama island or something similar. But when he's up against a woman he can't beat his "Okama version" will take over leading to hilarity and panty shots.

El Sloth

Himuro said:
:lol Sanji kicking a chick in the gut

I can't imagine it.

But see it won't be Sanji, it'll be Sanjiella! Or whatever Oda will decide to call my predicted split personality of Sanji. I predict something American, inline with the name of the others on the island.


Sandie. Urghh...

Aw man, just as I was starting to get into the new We Are it changes to a more, ah, interesting song...

Edit: Wow, uh, ok this opening seems abit premature. Why show Impel Down when it's not even half way through Sabaody and hasn't even started Amazon Lily.


Randy said:
I wonder if Kuma would actually be a good guy then. He doesn't seem to kill people, only send them to places where they get stronger. Intentional? (Don't want the real answer by the way, only following the anime and loving it!)

Kuma is a totally a good guy, or least on good terms with Rayleigh (since they talked but we weren't privy to the conversation). It was pretty obvious in the anime, that Kuma smacked them away to save their asses. Whether he did it on his own, or was told by Rayleigh to do it.. who knows.
Himuro said:
Hence the point. Blackbeard and Luffy are similar while being different. How can you think sneaking into a prison to free your brother and then go into the middle of a warzone to do the same ISN'T overconfidence? Blackbeard hid away on a ship for 20 years to get ONE specific fruit. He's wily, but he's cocky too.

Perfect final boss.

Thats not quite right, I think he would have stayed if that particular fruit wasn't found but because it was he changed plans because of the type of power it has.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
El Sloth said:
But see it won't be Sanji, it'll be Sanjiella! Or whatever Oda will decide to call my predicted split personality of Sanji. I predict something American, inline with the name of the others on the island.
I could accept a split personality, but even then it's just such a radical change for him. :/

We'll just have to wait and see.
Himuro said:
Huh? No he wouldn't. The only reason he stayed was to get the fruit, and hitch hiking on the most powerful pirate's pirate crew increases your chances of getting it 10 fold. BB is no fool. He studied the fruit and wanted that fruit. That's the only reason he stayed on the ship so long and that's the only reason he killed the guy who found it, because he was going to take the fruit for himself.

Am I the only one who thought it odd that there is a book that lists all the fruits and their powers? lol. Just where is this mystical place that has the abundance of devil fruits, lol.
Dedication Through Light said:
Am I the only one who thought it odd that there is a book that lists all the fruits and their powers? lol. Just where is this mystical place that has the abundance of devil fruits, lol.

It's strange but I think only the WG would have that kind of information but then how BB could have got access to it; I dont know.


Solid_Rain said:
It's strange but I think only the WG would have that kind of information but then how BB could have got access to it; I dont know.

Well Sanji refers to a Devil Fruit Encyclopedia when he fights Absalom.
Dedication Through Light said:
Am I the only one who thought it odd that there is a book that lists all the fruits and their powers? lol. Just where is this mystical place that has the abundance of devil fruits, lol.

Yeah, I thought all the DFs were one of a kind? so how do they know what effects they have if you need to eat the entire fruit to find out?


True enough, possible link to that forgotten history thing then?

Edit: Actually thinking about it that's a dumb thought! Instead this post is gonna be used to declare Trafalga Law...

...'s Karate Bear crewman to be totally rad.
Himuro said:
DF's aren't one of a kind. There a bunch of types but iirc they all grow from the same tree. It's impossible for more than one DF to exist at one point in history though. So let's say if Luffy died, the Gum Gum fruit would grow on the tree again and someone could use his power. But since he's not, he's the only rubber man.

Also, it's not that far fetched. When people have the ability to shoot lightning or fire out of their fingers, you'd think people would document this.

How does the tree know when someone dies?


Unconfirmed Member
The part about them being from the same tree (or any tree, for that matter) is speculation. As far as we've been told, nobody but Vegapunk knows "what Devil's Fruits actually are." Whatever that means.

But the gist is correct. There can only be one of any given fruit AT ONE TIME. That's why Shanks already knew he had the Gomu Gomu fruit, why Teach could recognize the Yomi Yomi fruit, and why Spandam makes note that the fruits he gave to CP9 had not been previously discovered and cataloged (hence why they didn't know what they would do).

So, the real answer is...there is no answer yet. But one is clearly planned for the future.
akachan ningen said:
How does the tree know when someone dies?

yeah lol, my powers of logic are limited because of that issue as well as the fact, how would Blackbeard have even known if someone else hadnt already gotten the powers.

In all cases in the story when people get the fruits, I just have trouble imagining that people dont already have these powers (especially since it seems the fruits are super numerous, lol).
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