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One Piece Thread (redux)


El Sloth said:
I would assume his weakness would be Blackbeard, no?

Blackbeard is everyones weakness yet at the same time isn't, Kizaru could just snipe BB from a distance and because BB isn't a proper logia can land hits and do some decent damage before his vortex's come into play.

Kizaru would most likely be ineffective against mirrors.


Master of the Google Search
El Sloth said:
I would assume his weakness would be Blackbeard, no?
Yeah, that's my assumption at least. Any attack Kizaru uses would likely be ineffective as it would be fall into the blackhole and Blackbeard is already effective against any logia in the first place, let alone against "light". Who knows when we'll see this theory in action though.

Steroyd said:
Kizaru would most likely be ineffective against mirrors.
Kizaru vs Mirrors has been often stated before his powers were even revealed and its still stupid. Luffy isn't going to beat Kizaru with a crazy mirror set-up, Rayleigh didn't have mirrors on the bottom of his sandals and Kizaru isn't going to lose to his own stray light beams being reflected back at him.


grandjedi6 said:
Kizaru vs Mirrors has been often stated before his powers were even revealed and its still stupid. Luffy isn't going to beat Kizaru with a crazy mirror set-up, Rayleigh didn't have mirrors on the bottom of his sandals and Kizaru isn't going to lose to his own stray light beams being reflected back at him.

So you don't think Luffy is gonna go to get the mirror shield and put up with a big mirror puzzle?

Anyway I'm partway through Impel Down and as soon as I could I jumped to Funi's website (a massive hassle for me but oh well) so some thoughts so far:

One Piece is gonna get kinda awkward to watch with my mum later on thanks to; massive Nami fanservice during Thriller Bark, Robin's tops that have been in the wash too long, Sadie-chan.

Funi's dubs come off as abit weird sometimes, at one point I remember them changing something alittle so the joke comes off well in english (though I'm no expert so I could be wrong) but later (some torture/ass pun) they end up going with not translating it and just putting notes behind it, probably a time thing since they want to get these subs out fast. Sadie-Chans moans suddenly went from not being subbed to being subbed. Not complaining or anything the subs are pretty fantastic quality, just things I noted.

Chocolate and Pretzels sounds like the most revolting thing ever, who the hell eats that?

Hey Oda, Robin doesn't have to join back up any time soon, give her a while, like so she can have her own series or filler arc.


Man it has been a while, like shit I don't even know 5 years or something since I first watched One Piece, those were good times wasting my summer holiday trying to catch up with the K-F subs and getting through to the end of Alabasta. I really don't remember Buggy or Mr. 3's voice but I'm really starting to hate them compared to their english dub versions. Don't much like Ace's voice either.

What an awful opening, it literally has no redeeming features, spoilery animation and an awful song. So glad the video player puts the first 3 adverts in decent spots so I know where to skip to.

Impel Down seemed to have gotten a new BGM track, like most of One Piece's music it's really good and like most of it it somewhat reminds me of Final Fantasy 7 (I really can't explain why but it does).
Grandjedi: Actually, that made me think of something. Sooner or later, we're going to see each of the Admirals get beaten, even if it's not by Luffy. When it does happen, are they more likely to just be beaten down with willpower-backed attacks or will whoever finally defeats them find a way to exploit their Devil Fruits?

Reknoc said:
Chocolate and Pretzels sounds like the most revolting thing ever, who the hell eats that?

Chocolate pretzels aren't salty. It's really just like a chocolate cracker.


Sir Ilpalazzo said:
Chocolate pretzels aren't salty. It's really just like a chocolate cracker.

Oh.... oh well that doesn't sound like a pretzel at all, pretzels are the snacks I eat when I'm drunk enough to eat awful food but not drunk enough to just empty a salt shaker into my mouth. I guess they could be nice then, shame they probably won't make it over here (just like One Piece!).


grandjedi6 said:
Kizaru vs Mirrors has been often stated before his powers were even revealed and its still stupid. Luffy isn't going to beat Kizaru with a crazy mirror set-up, Rayleigh didn't have mirrors on the bottom of his sandals and Kizaru isn't going to lose to his own stray light beams being reflected back at him.

I'm not expecting a Zelda vs Gannondorf like response to mirrors, more like if Kizaru was hit by a mirror or a crystal sword when he gets slashed by it he gets slashed or bludgeoned by crystal knuckles in Luffy's case.

It's not exactly outside of One Piece logic when <<real spoiler>>
Fire gets trumped by magma


Dedication Through Light said:
lol Mirrors? Isnt that just an outlandish idea? I mean unless there is a Mirror-Mirror fruit, then I cant see it being feasible.
Well shit, there's a door door fruit.

I wouldn't be surprised if someone showed up that could easily reflect any attack.
Though, One Piece has been less dependent on Devil Fruits lately. If we get another "normal" arc in the New World then it's possible.


Trickster said:
Have the studio in charge of the One Piece anime talked anything about their budget level for the marineford arc? Because it really deserves a nice budget.

Eh, should be alright. Though personally I can't wait for the high budget movie of this that should be coming out in a couple years. Now that is going to be epic.


Dedication Through Light said:
lol Mirrors? Isnt that just an outlandish idea? I mean unless there is a Mirror-Mirror fruit, then I cant see it being feasible.

GTFO of this thread and don't come back till you re-educate yourself on One Piece.

I wouldn't be surprised if someone showed up that could easily reflect any attack.

There's already a fruit like that called the paw paw fruit one of those outlandish ideas of a fruit.


Yup. The band singing the song posted a message on their website saying they've loved reading the OP manga since they were kids and they are really grateful for the opportunity to do an opening for it. The fact that they started off reading the manga makes me think they already know how the arc ends, so I'm really hoping they put their soul into it!

@Reknoc: I understand you not liking Mr. 3's annoying voice, but Buggy's is amazing. Even though I heard the English one first, I still think the Japanese one is really, really good.


he's Virgin Tight™
I am rewatching the series along my sister this time and we are around episode 119.

+She likes the jokes.
+ The Kuro arc nearly made her stop watching the anime due to the pacing. Man that was horrible even for me.
+ She enjoyed Baratie and Sanji though some fights made her bored, like the Pearl guy one.
+ Absolutely loved Arlong Park arc.
+ She liked the fast pace of the Roguetown Arc, though I skipped all the fillers all the way until Grand Line
+ Found Baroque Works a bit weak at the beginning. Little Garden Arc was a hit and miss with her, no preference.
+ Didn't like Chopper's Arc. Didn't like the backstory, hated Chopper until he used Rumble Ball, and found the opponent weak as fuck. She did find the Ace bit at the end interesting which leads us to...

+Arabasta. I told her if she loved Arlong she would love Arabasta. At first she was entertained, then hit a slump with the AWFUL AWFUL pacing the arc has up until Yuba. Then it picked up for her and she was literally glued watching it all in a row up until the Zoro fight where we are right now. Crocodile is still the best villain of the series :lol His voice is amazing. Will probably watch tonight the rest of the arc with her. Oh.. AND WHO THE FUCK THOUGHT IT WAS A GOOD IDEA TO HAVE ROBIN APPEAR IN THE FREAKING OP!!! What the fuck!?!? They spoiled one of the best surprises in the freaking OP. Wow.


he's Virgin Tight™
Dedication Through Light said:
lol, how did you convince her to watch, or she just wanted to?

Hah, I constantly told her about how awesome the series was and a few months back a friends of her suddenly popped the topic and said how awesome One Piece was. That convinced her to get over the quirky art style and start watching, though I warned her about the slow pace at the beginning.

Glad she followed my advice :lol


Maron said:
@Reknoc: I understand you not liking Mr. 3's annoying voice, but Buggy's is amazing. Even though I heard the English one first, I still think the Japanese one is really, really good.

Yea you're right, hate is way too strong a word for Buggy's Japanese voice, I'll probably get used to it again.


I'd like to think the money from the past two retrospectives will make Marineford a bit easier on the eyes.

When I read it in the manga, I didn't really know it was gonna be as awesome as it ended up being, but the anime is REALLY hyping it up (though not on purpose). But I already know Marineford will deliver even on this amount of hype, it's just the animation.


Dedication Through Light said:
Well I guess this will be my first arc in the anime watching in full. I just hope it doesnt go at a grueling slow pace.

If it does that would make the purpose of the filler we just went through even more pointless.
So in a month I've reached halfway through Impel Down and it just confirms it even more that it's my favorite anime/manga. Easy to say that since I have no experience in either.


Anth0ny said:
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand Ivankov will have a new voice actor. The change will come in effect August 8 (episode 461). God damn it, such a perfect voice =(

Source (Japanese)
FUUUUUUCK! I loved his voice. :( Shit. No more "Deaaaaaaaaaaath Wink!" Well, maybe more, but it'll be from some VA who likely won't do the character justice.


Well if I was his employer I'd be super pissed at him too. He's a VA for a kid's show for fuck's sake have some common sense, you know what kinds of people will follow your blog. It was really stupid on his part.
Arresting him was even dumber though.

Do I understand this correctly, you get arrested in Japan if you post naked pictures (of yourself) on the internet? Was it because he didn't censor his genitals?


SolidusDave said:
Do I understand this correctly, you get arrested in Japan if you post naked pictures (of yourself) on the internet? Was it because he didn't censor his genitals?

Actually, no. It had to do with tattoos in a public area. Greg of AP Forums explains it best:

I think the OMIGAWD JAPAN OVEREAX view is a little bit misguided here.

Tattoos are not taken lightly here in public. It doesn't matter if you have a full-body dragon or a heart that says 'Mom' on your arm.

There are many public locations such as bath houses and water amusement parks that have written at the entrance, "No entry permitted for those with tattoos."

I have witnessed with my own eyes a mother pushing her child in a stroller getting thrown out of a water park for having some shitty tribal abomination on her shoulder.


It's called zero tolerance. They posted info outside the park. You willingly went in of your own accord. It doesn't matter what the circumstances are.

Paul-freaking-McCartney was temporarily banned from Japan for bringing pot here.

Rules are rules. Something Americans don't tend to understand and start getting out of shape when they're told they've done something against the rules. Possibly related to loose parenting or, on the other end of the spectrum, WAY TOO MUCH parenting.

"But it doesn't make sense Greg!"

Listen and become cultured.

One of the single biggest driving forces behind all social interactions in Japan is avoiding/preventing social embarrassment.

Sometimes this is interpreted as the 'famous Japanese practice of respect'. It has less to do with some 'ancient practice of respect' and more to do with trying not to make yourself/others look stupid.

This single force permeates many if not all aspects of daily life and interactions, even when individuals are considered in the wrong.

So just imagine how you'd be insulting actual gang members IF you discriminated against them by 'profiling' them and letting some cute chick with a shitty hearts-and-stars tattoo free to do anything.

That's where it comes from.

Now. I haven't seen the pictures. So I dunno what they show. I can tell you that assholes are considered fair territory in Japanese pornography so it's not breaking something there if that's all there is.

But folks. Let's face it. The man is a stage actor first and a voice actor second. (does he even hve any other voice work history?) Actors can/do crazy shit in any country and Japan is no exception. However, once you enter a work that involves a children's Sunday morning television program, one might think:


Robin Williams jumping into one of his 1970's acid-trip HBO special stand-up rants during Aladdin. Is this perhaps not the best idea?

I dunno, maybe that's just me?

So you've got here a fellow that already setting a questionable example by HAVING tattoos which are generally looked down upon here, especially ones of those nature. You've got him posting pictures of his body parts publicly and easily accesible to the point people that don't speak his language are accessing them while he does voice work for a children's TV program.

It'd be akin to tapping a NYC cop on the shoulder, socking them in the face and then wondering why you got arrested.

Are there hypocracies involved? You bet. For instance, why exactly don't public locations want to practice 'profiling' yakuza and risk embarrassing them?

BECAUSE THEY'RE FRIGGING YAKUZA! And they can have their fingers in local government, police and other venues. So it's accepted that those with tattoos obey the public rules of decency and go to places that accept their kind and there won't be any trouble.

But just blatantly posting shit like that here, you're asking for trouble.

So don't apply the, "IN AMEWICA I SAW DA PENIS ON DA SITE AND NO PWOBWEM!", because it doesn't apply. People say Americans are too pushy with their standards around the globe. Well there's another one.

Personally, I give a fuck.

He's an okama. What do you expect? They're fucking 'Crazy Uncle Albert We Don't Talk About At Thanksgiving'-crazy. So I'm not surprised or shocked or whatever. It's common. But think about what you're posting and who can see it douche.
Anth0ny said:
Actually, no. It had to do with tattoos in a public area. Greg of AP Forums explains it best:

mh thanks, I knew you can get kicked out of an Onsen for having a tattoo (originally because of Yakuza), but I did not know this is actually a reason to get arrested.
I also didn't know they treat an internet blog the same as an open street or whatever (not that posting these images was a good idea of course).

Not cool Japan, almost as bad as that all of your women never shave their pubic hair D:


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
I stopped watching one piece around episode ~320 or something. Whenever Vegapunk stopped subbing.

I just don't know the best way to catch up :(
GDJustin said:
I don't read the manga, I just watch the show.

lol? I dont understand how to catch up if you dont read the manga, other than dedicated one whole week to watching the 200+ episodes youve missed.

Which reminds me, I need to get around to watching the volume 1 dvd, I bought it a few weeks ago but never touched it. Still trying to buy the rest.


Firestorm said:
Did the animated version of the Strong World chapter ever get subbed?

Is that the Episode 0 thingie? I watched it, but didn't quite understand its purpose. Do I have to see it as a preview for the Strong World-movie?


This is my all time favorite anime, but I took a break and now I'm trying to catch up to the current episodes. I'm roughly at 370-380 right after Thriller bark. Is there another arc coming up soon or do I have to sit throuh a bunch of filler crap for the next batch of episodes?


Randy said:
Is that the Episode 0 thingie? I watched it, but didn't quite understand its purpose. Do I have to see it as a preview for the Strong World-movie?

It's basically a prelude to Strong World, yes. But we also see how a bunch of characters looked 20 years ago, which is fun :D

Speaking of Strong World, I watched the first 30 minutes of it. Awesome so far, the animation is gorgeous. I really with there were subs ; _ ;

Also, TONIGHT IS THE BIG NIGHT! NEW OP, NEW ARC (the best arc). Get ready for Marineford!
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