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One Piece Thread (redux)

out of all the "chibi diagrams" in the series, i think this is my favorite just for roger and dragon's faces



watervengeance said:
Whitebeard's "Gurararara" sounds really weird. :/

I cracked up literally every time he did that this episode, whether it was supposed to be funny or not. So bad/good.


Oh I still really enjoyed the episode, but that laugh is horribly awesome and I have no problem if it continues to make me crack up each time he does it.


EmCeeGramr said:
out of all the "chibi diagrams" in the series, i think this is my favorite just for roger and dragon's faces


Hilarious :lol

I agree with GURARARARA sounding retarded. Not menacing at all. I think the delivery could be a bit better. But ultimately, I think Oda should have given him a better laugh. Enel's YAHAHAHAHAHA and Blackbeard's ZEHAHAHAHAHA are leagues better than Whitebeard's.


Entropia said:
Anyone else think the animation was absolutely horrid? :\

Some parts were pretty awful, like Ace's eating scene. That stood out to me as particularly bad. Despite that, the episode was still pretty good though, given the content.


upandaway said:
Whitebeard's first attack was terrible. Outside of that there weren't really any demanding scenes yet.

I thought whitebeard's animation was lacking, but the air cracking itself was pretty awesome.
Anth0ny said:
Hilarious :lol

I agree with GURARARARA sounding retarded. Not menacing at all. I think the delivery could be a bit better. But ultimately, I think Oda should have given him a better laugh. Enel's YAHAHAHAHAHA and Blackbeard's ZEHAHAHAHAHA are leagues better than Whitebeard's.

Dude Blackbeard's ZEHAHAHA is my favorite laugh of all the characters, along with kid Robin mimicking Saul's


Zoramon089 said:
Dude Blackbeard's ZEHAHAHA is my favorite laugh of all the characters, along with kid Robin mimicking Saul's

Oh yeah it's my favourite too. Guess I didn't word that right. Blackbeard's is my fav, followed by Enel's.

Also, god damn it Toei. What the fuck is their problem with not ending episodes the same way the manga chapter ended. To all the people who followed the manga with Marineford: remember how excited and hyped we were for EVERY chapter? I think the main reason for that was because every chapter left us with no words other than "OH SHIT OH SHIT WHATS GONNA HAPPEN NEXT"

Ending it with Mihawk? Meh.


Unconfirmed Member
upandaway said:
Get ready because they're going 1:1 for a while, apparently.
Yeah, and they seem to be kind of staggered off of the manga start and end points. The chapter titles all line up as 1:1, but at this point we're almost a full half episode off a true 1:1 pace.

I thought this was going to be the episode where we made up a little bit of time because of all the action involved, but instead they added like a quarter-episode's worth of Buggy filler. :|

At least we're into the fighting at last. Things should start to pick up (especially since we really shouldn't have an excuse to go peak in on Luffy and Friends for a while).


Anth0ny said:
Oh yeah it's my favourite too. Guess I didn't word that right. Blackbeard's is my fav, followed by Enel's.

Also, god damn it Toei. What the fuck is their problem with not ending episodes the same way the manga chapter ended. To all the people who followed the manga with Marineford: remember how excited and hyped we were for EVERY chapter? I think the main reason for that was because every chapter left us with no words other than "OH SHIT OH SHIT WHATS GONNA HAPPEN NEXT"

Ending it with Mihawk? Meh.
I don't mind the pacing, actually. This was a bit less than one chapter, right? Or did they roll part of the previous chapter into this one? I think this was half a chapter. It's fine though because the war was a ton of double-page spreads. Oda threw a ton of action at us, and I think the anime would be better fleshing it out with some filler fight material. Just my opinion.

Oh yeah...Aokiji is still a boss. :D

watervengeance said:
This might be a very tame war. :(
Just you wait. :D PEACE.


Pimpwerx said:
I don't mind the pacing, actually.

Me neither. In fact, I think they're doing a pretty good job with it. I just don't like the way they're choosing to end episodes. If you're going to do 1:1, do it right >_>


wow they drag that episode alright.

i think its time for me to pile up episodes again, and not watch one until their 10eps ahead.
Anybody else think that during the past 2 or 3 arcs the episodes are being dragged out longer and longer? The pacing of the show has gone really down hill. Hardly anything happened in this episode except the very beginning of the fight which was poorly animated and lasts like 2 minutes...

bathala said:
wow they drag that episode alright.

i think its time for me to pile up episodes again, and not watch one until their 10eps ahead.

That's what I'm thinking.


Flying_Phoenix said:
Anybody else think that during the past 2 or 3 arcs the episodes are being dragged out longer and longer? The pacing of the show has gone really down hill. Hardly anything happened in this episode except the very beginning of the fight which was poorly animated and lasts like 2 minutes...

That's what I'm thinking.

With the exception of the Sabaody Archipelago arc (super awesome), I have been pretty disappointed by the anime since Water 7 ended. Thriller Bark was far too long (it had some alright moments, and anime Brook is fantastically voiced), and Impel Down was a big let down. Too early to call on Marineford, but I think the subject material is too strong for them to ruin it. Even with this episode's pacing issues, I still enjoyed it.

I do hope the anime gets it's stride back though, that's for sure.
LaneDS said:
With the exception of the Sabaody Archipelago arc (super awesome), I have been pretty disappointed by the anime since Water 7 ended. Thriller Bark was far too long (it had some alright moments, and anime Brook is fantastically voiced), and Impel Down was a big let down. Too early to call on Marineford, but I think the subject material is too strong for them to ruin it. Even with this episode's pacing issues, I still enjoyed it.

I do hope the anime gets it's stride back though, that's for sure.

Wow read my mind. I also felt that the Amazon Lily arc was also painfully boring. The show just drags on and on. I mean the show was never fast moving but at least the episodes passably progressed while always managing to keep your interest with more new interesting events. Now it just seems that they are trying to slow it down as much as possible. Not only that but the animation has gone from more or less average to Guilty Gear levels of choppiness. And don't even get me started how it now takes well over 5 minutes for the episode to begin with the 2 intros and the recap before each episode (though that new intro has helped things get shorter a bit).

I still enjoy One Piece, I just hate where the anime series turned. It peaked with Sky Island, dropped a bit but was still great with Water 7, huge drop with Thriller Bark, flew back up to greatness with Sabaody Archipelago, then came crashing down with Amazon Lily and has been at a near plateau since. Even while this arc is pretty good so far but it's as you said, the subject material is too good for them to screw up and even then it's being poorly handled compared to its potential.

Neo C.

Flying_Phoenix said:
Wow read my mind. I also felt that the Amazon Lily arc was also painfully boring.
Amazon Lily arc isn't boring and can't be boring. Hancock makes it to one of my favorite arcs. :p


Solid_Rain said:
What's happening with Tashigi, I thought she would be an important part of Zoro's storyline but it looks like she's barely improved at all :/
She lacks a penis. Isn't that what Kuina told Zoro before she died? PEACE.
Yeah, I moved to the manga after Water 7 / Enies because the anime was slow and they lost the look they had been using the entire series it seemed. Half the time I can't stand how it looks now. I know Oda's art changes but not like the anime has. I really liked Amazon Lily arc in the manga but the anime was just weird and long in my opinion.

And I really wish Oda would stop using character specific laughs for most people. It bothers me a little when every major character besides the crew has a specific laugh. The only one that's absolutely amazing is Blackbeards. I'll never get tired of listening to his.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
VGChampion said:
Yeah, I moved to the manga after Water 7 / Enies because the anime was slow and they lost the look they had been using the entire series it seemed. Half the time I can't stand how it looks now. I know Oda's art changes but not like the anime has. I really liked Amazon Lily arc in the manga but the anime was just weird and long in my opinion.

And I really wish Oda would stop using character specific laughs for most people. It bothers me a little when every major character besides the crew has a specific laugh. The only one that's absolutely amazing is Blackbeards. I'll never get tired of listening to his.
Eh, I don't have the giant pic, comparing the anime and manga, but I think they've done a good job adapting to Oda's art changes.


That last episode was definitely at a slower pace... but, it was a good set-up. Hopefully they don't cut to something else in between this. It seems like everything's going to start getting rowdy. I dont know how they're going to deal with having to have so many people fighting at one time.

I kinda want to read the manga.... but I dont know yet. I've never done it for one piece yet, and haven't been disappointed with the anime.
Plywood said:
Eh, I don't have the giant pic, comparing the anime and manga, but I think they've done a good job adapting to Oda's art changes.

Oh yeah I agree. I just wish post Enies Lobby episodes looked the same as before. Maybe I didn't notice the bad animation back in the old days but I thought it was pretty consistent throughout compared to now. I've been watching it since around 2002 and I don't remember people ever discussing the quality back then.


Master of the Google Search
Yeah, the pacing is going to be pretty bad. But its not like the manga version didn't have these problems too. The 1st half of Marineford is pretty much just a conveyor belt of people showing off their powers followed by the required reaction shots. Nothing happens. I think Marineford's crazy 2nd half has made people forget its lackluster beginning.

Also, all of Marineford's chapters were shorter than usual (17 pages vs the usual 19), giving the anime team less to work with (though this is a good argument for why they shouldn't be going at a 1:1 pacing for every episode). As for the messed up cliffhangers... yeah that's just stupid. Anyone could tell that the middle of this week's episode was the real cliffhanger. I understand why they are doing it (they have to push back and save stuff for next week's episode since its cooresponding chapter probably had the least substance in the entire manga; consisting of a 'mere' 15 pages comprised of mostly doublespreads). But that doesn't mean its not annoying.


Honestly I'd rather get an episode every two weeks if it meant it was better animated and paced better. Not going to happen, of course, but that's my two cents.

And I agree with the look of the anime becoming subpar. Yes, it matches the shifting character designs in the manga, but as mentioned earlier they didn't have to do that. The Water 7 look was fantastic and the characters felt like they were more detailed looking... now everything looks pretty cheap to me. It doesn't help that the current arc demands an absolute ton of characters to be drawn and animated, so it'll be a miracle if they pull it off throughout.


LaneDS said:
Honestly I'd rather get an episode every two weeks if it meant it was better animated and paced better. Not going to happen, of course, but that's my two cents.

I think we all would. If we had to wait two, or three, or more, weeks between episodes in order to get amazing animation and pacing, it would be fantastic in the long run.

Ultimately, the anime is pretty awful most of the time. I pretty much watch it at this point just to see how it deals with certain scenes from the manga. I wait to see how Mayumi Tanaka delivers X scene, or how they do the Ace's father reveal scene.

Luckily, they have yet to fuck up a major scene in my opinion. Gomu Gomu no Storm was fantastic, march to Arlong Park, Kuma sending everyone off, Luffy punching the Celestial Dragon... the list goes on. They tend to nail the important scenes... which is why I'm really looking forward to Marineford in the anime :D

tl;dr, read the manga. One Piece is meant to be read, unless you're into torturing yourself.


Pretty much agree with all of that. The manga is where it's at and the anime is occasionally awesome. With some changes, they could get it back to where it was too, so here's hoping they get the hint via ratings or something.
At this point, I'm just hoping they eventually do a One Piece Kai but better. Give everything the Water 7 look (I know, won't ever happen but I can dream), get rid of the filler moments and speed it all up to an acceptable pace throughout the story. And maybe make some cover art specials.


VGChampion said:
And maybe make some cover art specials.

Seriously, is Toei run by monkeys? Oda fucking writes them canon material that they can flesh out for at least 3 episodes in most cases, and they ignore it for random filler and horrible pacing.



Finally saw episode 462, felt the pacing the first half was pretty bad, but last half was good.

Also, judging from the preview, next weeks episode looks like it will be pretty awesome, also saw some great animation in there.
Pacing wasn't too good but man Aokiji is bad ass. I wonder how many times they are going to explain exactly who is involved in the war...

"On one side you have a fleet of" ye ye we get it already :lol
Yep, pretty slide-showy (how many times did we see Sengoku and Whitebeard's still faces?) but the Oars Jr. intro was pretty damn awesome, as was Marco's power reveal.


Get Inside Her!
The art in the Marco vs Kizaru skirmish was pretty friggin fabulous.

Also: Oars? Is.. is that a weird romanization of Oz? Or was Oz the wrong romanization? Or do they actually have different names, those two.
Tathanen said:
The art in the Marco vs Kizaru skirmish was pretty friggin fabulous.

Also: Oars? Is.. is that a weird romanization of Oz? Or was Oz the wrong romanization? Or do they actually have different names, those two.
Everyone romanized it as Oz, but then "Oz Jr."'s ship showed up in the manga with the words "OARS III" on his sail:



sparkle this bitch
The arc was pretty slide-showy to begin with. Was hoping they could fix that.

Anyways, New opening is fabulous. First good one for the series.


Pretty good episode. Animation was fantastic, but it did kinda feel like a slide show at times.

Also, they finally fucking ended the episode at the same time the manga chapter ended! Doesn't it feel great not to end the episodes with fake cliffhangers, Toei? :D

Next week will be EPIC.

shintoki said:
Anyways, New opening is fabulous.


First good one for the series.

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