out of all the "chibi diagrams" in the series, i think this is my favorite just for roger and dragon's faces

watervengeance said:Whitebeard's "Gurararara" sounds really weird. :/
EmCeeGramr said:out of all the "chibi diagrams" in the series, i think this is my favorite just for roger and dragon's faces
Himuro said:Did Whitebeard do Gurararara in the manga? Forget.
Whitebeard's first attack was terrible. Outside of that there weren't really any demanding scenes yet.Entropia said:Anyone else think the animation was absolutely horrid? :\
Entropia said:Anyone else think the animation was absolutely horrid? :\
upandaway said:Whitebeard's first attack was terrible. Outside of that there weren't really any demanding scenes yet.
Anth0ny said:Hilarious :lol
I agree with GURARARARA sounding retarded. Not menacing at all. I think the delivery could be a bit better. But ultimately, I think Oda should have given him a better laugh. Enel's YAHAHAHAHAHA and Blackbeard's ZEHAHAHAHAHA are leagues better than Whitebeard's.
The tsunami looked terrible (the spreading of the ice too) but the animation during the brawl was goodgrandjedi6 said:
I hate when they drag these episodes out like this, ugh!grandjedi6 said:
Kid Robin wins allZoramon089 said:Dude Blackbeard's ZEHAHAHA is my favorite laugh of all the characters, along with kid Robin mimicking Saul's
Zoramon089 said:Dude Blackbeard's ZEHAHAHA is my favorite laugh of all the characters, along with kid Robin mimicking Saul's
Get ready because they're going 1:1 for a while, apparently.tHa_vIlLaMaN said:I hate when they drag these episodes out like this, ugh!
Yeah, and they seem to be kind of staggered off of the manga start and end points. The chapter titles all line up as 1:1, but at this point we're almost a full half episode off a true 1:1 pace.upandaway said:Get ready because they're going 1:1 for a while, apparently.
I don't mind the pacing, actually. This was a bit less than one chapter, right? Or did they roll part of the previous chapter into this one? I think this was half a chapter. It's fine though because the war was a ton of double-page spreads. Oda threw a ton of action at us, and I think the anime would be better fleshing it out with some filler fight material. Just my opinion.Anth0ny said:Oh yeah it's my favourite too. Guess I didn't word that right. Blackbeard's is my fav, followed by Enel's.
Also, god damn it Toei. What the fuck is their problem with not ending episodes the same way the manga chapter ended. To all the people who followed the manga with Marineford: remember how excited and hyped we were for EVERY chapter? I think the main reason for that was because every chapter left us with no words other than "OH SHIT OH SHIT WHATS GONNA HAPPEN NEXT"
Ending it with Mihawk? Meh.
Just you wait.watervengeance said:This might be a very tame war.![]()
Pimpwerx said:I don't mind the pacing, actually.
bathala said:wow they drag that episode alright.
i think its time for me to pile up episodes again, and not watch one until their 10eps ahead.
Flying_Phoenix said:Anybody else think that during the past 2 or 3 arcs the episodes are being dragged out longer and longer? The pacing of the show has gone really down hill. Hardly anything happened in this episode except the very beginning of the fight which was poorly animated and lasts like 2 minutes...
That's what I'm thinking.
LaneDS said:With the exception of the Sabaody Archipelago arc (super awesome), I have been pretty disappointed by the anime since Water 7 ended. Thriller Bark was far too long (it had some alright moments, and anime Brook is fantastically voiced), and Impel Down was a big let down. Too early to call on Marineford, but I think the subject material is too strong for them to ruin it. Even with this episode's pacing issues, I still enjoyed it.
I do hope the anime gets it's stride back though, that's for sure.
Amazon Lily arc isn't boring and can't be boring. Hancock makes it to one of my favorite arcs.Flying_Phoenix said:Wow read my mind. I also felt that the Amazon Lily arc was also painfully boring.
She lacks a penis. Isn't that what Kuina told Zoro before she died? PEACE.Solid_Rain said:What's happening with Tashigi, I thought she would be an important part of Zoro's storyline but it looks like she's barely improved at all :/
Eh, I don't have the giant pic, comparing the anime and manga, but I think they've done a good job adapting to Oda's art changes.VGChampion said:Yeah, I moved to the manga after Water 7 / Enies because the anime was slow and they lost the look they had been using the entire series it seemed. Half the time I can't stand how it looks now. I know Oda's art changes but not like the anime has. I really liked Amazon Lily arc in the manga but the anime was just weird and long in my opinion.
And I really wish Oda would stop using character specific laughs for most people. It bothers me a little when every major character besides the crew has a specific laugh. The only one that's absolutely amazing is Blackbeards. I'll never get tired of listening to his.
Plywood said:Eh, I don't have the giant pic, comparing the anime and manga, but I think they've done a good job adapting to Oda's art changes.
LaneDS said:Honestly I'd rather get an episode every two weeks if it meant it was better animated and paced better. Not going to happen, of course, but that's my two cents.
VGChampion said:And maybe make some cover art specials.
Everyone romanized it as Oz, but then "Oz Jr."'s ship showed up in the manga with the words "OARS III" on his sail:Tathanen said:The art in the Marco vs Kizaru skirmish was pretty friggin fabulous.
Also: Oars? Is.. is that a weird romanization of Oz? Or was Oz the wrong romanization? Or do they actually have different names, those two.
shintoki said:Anyways, New opening is fabulous.
First good one for the series.