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One Piece Thread (redux)

God this arc has been moving so slow .
It's even worst if you read the manga since pacing was so much better .
After reading the manga again since OP was on break the anime makes the war feel to slow and lifeless.


gundamkyoukai said:
God this arc has been moving so slow .

You obviously haven't watched Skypiea or Thriller Bark :lol

I think the anime is doing an okay job with Marineford. Don't really have high expectations tbh, it's let me down WAY too many times. It's all about the money guys, Toei couldn't care less about pacing and/or good animation (although last episode was beautiful, hopefully that continues).
I just started watching this last week.

I'm up to episode 78.

This is some good shit. Luffy reminds me of me... without the deviant sexual proclivities.
Thunder Monkey said:
I just started watching this last week.

I'm up to episode 78.

This is some good shit. Luffy reminds me of me... without the deviant sexual proclivities.

You could pretend all that op hentai is canon.


It's good to see that the old episodes have caught up to Skypiea. That arc is where I really got hooked on One Piece, and marathoned the rest of the manga. I'll really enjoy watching them.



Awesome :D


This arc is very disappointing. I knew pacing would always be an issue, I think they've done okay there, but I feel like they've completely lost the ability to make it seem like a war. The lack of background noise and appropriate music is really killing things imo, that entire episode was really bizarre.


he's Virgin Tight™
Yoboman said:
This arc is very disappointing. I knew pacing would always be an issue, I think they've done okay there, but I feel like they've completely lost the ability to make it seem like a war. The lack of background noise and appropriate music is really killing things imo, that entire episode was really bizarre.

I think the opposite. It's so far the best animated OP arc since Shabaody and more entertaining than Thriller Bark so far. Animations has gone up, new music, some exciting moments. Yeah pacing isn't the best but many of the filler bits they are adding (Luffy pwning marines and getting out of the ship) are very good and complement the whole package.


Relix said:
I think the opposite. It's so far the best animated OP arc since Shabaody and more entertaining than Thriller Bark so far. Animations has gone up, new music, some exciting moments. Yeah pacing isn't the best but many of the filler bits they are adding (Luffy pwning marines and getting out of the ship) are very good and complement the whole package.
I think the animation is good, like I said I think it's the sound that is hurting it for me. There's supposed to be 20,000 Marines there or something right? It feels like there's 200

Animating that I wouldn't expect, but it should at least sound like a massive battle is going on
Yoboman said:
I think the animation is good, like I said I think it's the sound that is hurting it for me. There's supposed to be 20,000 Marines there or something right? It feels like there's 200

Animating that I wouldn't expect, but it should at least sound like a massive battle is going on

Massive battles like that are just really fuckin hard to pull off. I'm amazed Oda was able to do it and make it feel like there was something going in in every square inch of the battlefield. Here, I think the pacing is the biggest problem because everything is so stretched out, lessening the impact.


Honestly, I wouldn't mind if Toei just makes a movie about the war. If they could make "Episode of Alabasta" and "Episode of Chopper" movies, what's stopping them from making an "Episode of Marineford"?

I think it could work really well, considering how short the arc was (28 chapters total).

and let's not forget that it's by far the most important arc in the entire story so far

If any arc in this series deserves to be animated in A+ quality all the way through, with a new, exclusive soundtrack, it's fucking Marineford. Get it done Toei.
Anth0ny said:
Honestly, I wouldn't mind if Toei just makes a movie about the war. If they could make "Episode of Alabasta" and "Episode of Chopper" movies, what's stopping them from making an "Episode of Marineford"?

I think it could work really well, considering how short the arc was (28 chapters total).

and let's not forget that it's by far the most important arc in the entire story so far

If any arc in this series deserves to be animated in A+ quality all the way through, with a new, exclusive soundtrack, it's fucking Marineford. Get it done Toei.

Couldn't agree more.
Yeah, something did seem lost in that last episode. The manga made it out like Luffy was a bullet plowing through a sea of soldiers, only barely stopping to fight for a half second, and then Sengoku makes the huge fucking announcement about Luffy being Dragon's son and everyone flips the fuck out.

The episode looked like Luffy running through a somewhat populated plaza as guys lined up single file, and stuff like Jango and Fullbody Filler Gags! just stopped him dead. Then Sengoku is like "oh btw he's ace's step-bro and dragon's son" and there's a bit of a "oh wow that's pretty nuts" reaction.
Himuro said:
haha ace sounds more of a bitch in the anime than he did in the manga

fucking wah wah

Nice episode overall. Started off a bit slow, and the translation seemed off at times, but the Luffy/Smoker fight extended a bit was really cool.
It's starting to get confusing as to what dialogue is supposed to be heard by just a couple people and what's supposed to be heard across the battlefield over all the noise. Because the volume of their voice sure isn't an indication.

clearly they're using haki to speak with their hearts


I find it strange that Smoker has the ability to fly, while somebody like ace who's fire couldn't. Am I the only one that thinks that makes no sense? Regardless that battle was amazing and Smoker was kicking ass all over the place. Also Luffy needs to pounce on Hancock right now, because she wants to fuck. Moria battle was a piece of shit, it just shows how he's a terrible shichibukai and is misusing an otherwise awesome devil fruit.

Metal B

Ezalc said:
I find it strange that Smoker has the ability to fly, while somebody like ace who's fire couldn't. Am I the only one that thinks that makes no sense?
If there are two people, who should have this power, it have to be Smoker and Dragon. Smoke flies in the air and Dragon is air. When was the last time you have seen fire flying? Never, because it doesnt happen. But what is above most fire? Its smoke(r).


Metal B said:
If there are two people, who should have this power, it have to be Smoker and Dragon. Smoke flies in the air and Dragon is air. When was the last time you have seen fire flying? Never, because it doesnt happen. But what is above most fire? Its smoke(r).

I'm talking about using the fire to fly. I'm pretty sure he'd be able to let off a stream of fire to fly, or do some human torch shit. Also where does it say that Dragon is air? The only time I remember him doing anything was that green smoke or whatever at Loguetown which wasn't even explained.


Ezalc said:
I'm talking about using the fire to fly. I'm pretty sure he'd be able to let off a stream of fire to fly, or do some human torch shit. Also where does it say that Dragon is air? The only time I remember him doing anything was that green smoke or whatever at Loguetown which wasn't even explained.
It doesn't. It's just speculation, but it does seem likely.
They've never actually said that Dragon has a power at all. In the anime they made it out like Dragon used wind against Marines while shouting "wind blast" or something, but in the manga it's much more ambiguous.

Still, there's a very noticeable pattern of weather and wind happening whenever Dragon shows up. Luffy got saved by a lightning bolt (and Merry was saved by the rain wetting the gunpowder bomb), wind blew away the Marines, Baltigo is an extremely windy island, and Ivankov said that Dragon always faced towards East Blue when the wind was blowing. There's... another hint at this as well where someone mentions the weather acting odd or a storm approaching.


Alright well whenever they show a person with the wind fruit they'd better be able to fly as well, I'm tired of seeing people in shows with wind manipulation powers that can't fly but somehow the fire people can. I call bullshit. Also if you shoot a lot of water fast enough you'd be able to launch yourself and even fly as well. So whenever they show who has the hax water devil fruit they should have the ability for it as well.
Ezalc said:
Alright well whenever they show a person with the wind fruit they'd better be able to fly as well, I'm tired of seeing people in shows with wind manipulation powers that can't fly but somehow the fire people can. I call bullshit. Also if you shoot a lot of water fast enough you'd be able to launch yourself and even fly as well. So whenever they show who has the hax water devil fruit they should have the ability for it as well.

Launching one's self into the air isn't really flight in my opinion. Somehow I even doubt that Smoker is even flying.

Plus, just because you don't see someone "flying" doesn't mean they can't.


watervengeance said:
Launching one's self into the air isn't really flight in my opinion. Somehow I even doubt that Smoker is even flying.

Plus, just because you don't see someone "flying" doesn't mean they can't.

Did you see what he was doing? That was clearly flight. I understand that, but they haven't shown them flying so until they do so I'll just think that they can't. Because honestly if Ace could fly what's the point of using a boat, he'd be faster in the air. I know that launching yourself isn't really flying per se, since Luffy can launch himself using the gum gum rocket, something he should have done to reach Ace but hasn't because common sense clearly doesn't belong in anime/manga. But if speaking to what I said about water then they would be able to fly using water, they just need to keep shooting high pressure streams below them.
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