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One Piece Thread (redux)


Anth0ny said:
Looks like a PS3 game.

Why don't they just make a One Piece game for Ps3? Why make a fucking CGi movie? WHY

That was my first thought, that the models looked like console quality. Granted, it's a blurry image, but still... not very impressive.

And yeah, where's our One Piece game that's on the level of those Naruto PS3 titles? Is it because Naruto is likely more popular worldwide while One Piece is likely most popular in Japan and less so worldwide? I don't quite get it.
A OP game might be able to even out sell a naruto game with Japan alone with current hype it has.

A game for the first half of the manga would be awesome.
Might take to long or to much space i guess.







Unconfirmed Member
Pretty meh episode. Lots of time wasting, weak direction, mediocre animation. Probably the weakest episode of the arc so far.

Thankfully next week should be awesome, and it looks it from the preview.
Yeah, this episode was really mediocre. Especially coming off of last week's.

I was really hoping they wouldn't go with a wedding filler after Hancock's "marriage" line. Because, you know, that implies she knows what marriage actually is.


+1 on the "worst episode in the arc" stuff. Drawing and animation was especially annoying. Nice cliffhanger though.

I was laughing at Hancock until they started with the wedding, then it really went too long.
upandaway said:
+1 on the "worst episode in the arc" stuff. Drawing and animation was especially annoying. Nice cliffhanger though.

I was laughing at Hancock until they started with the wedding, then it really went too long.

Same here, pretty much nothing noteworthy happened and that addition of the marriage filler was really unnecessary.

In my mind it actually ruined the joke a bit, as it implies she knows what marriage is, which seems to contradict her manga-behaviour.

Seriously though, the canon parts of that Hancock scene really felt rather ..explicit, I'm surprised all the marines didn't turn to stone with all the moaning going on there. :lol


The pacing is going to get worse if they stick to 1:1 since they're getting near the part when the manga chapters were shorter than normal.
watervengeance said:
Yeah, now they're just stalling. :lol
Toei Employee #1: "But this chapter doesn't have 1-2 panels of Hancock blushing that we can turn into minutes of boring, terrible, and inappropriate filler!"

Toei Employee #2: "Look, just keep making them, it doesn't matter! Throw in anything! Buggy making jokes! Sudden plot recaps! Repeating the same shot of a person's face several times!"


EmCeeGramr said:
Toei Employee #1: "But this chapter doesn't have 1-2 panels of Hancock blushing that we can turn into minutes of boring, terrible, and inappropriate filler!"

Toei Employee #2: "Look, just keep making them, it doesn't matter! Throw in anything! Buggy making jokes! Sudden plot recaps! Repeating the same shot of a person's face several times!"

It's funny cause it's true :lol


EmCeeGramr said:
Toei Employee #1: "But this chapter doesn't have 1-2 panels of Hancock blushing that we can turn into minutes of boring, terrible, and inappropriate filler!"

Toei Employee #2: "Look, just keep making them, it doesn't matter! Throw in anything! Buggy making jokes! Sudden plot recaps! Repeating the same shot of a person's face several times!"
Damn that was spot on.
The worst example of "same shot repeated over and over" in recent memory was this one back in Impel Down, when Jimbei throws some delayed-reaction Fishman Karate punch.

In the manga, it was like, a very short beat as the guards went "Hu-" and then they all went flying.

In the anime, it was the same goddamned shots of:

- Jimbei's face being zoomed in on
- The guards in front of Jimbei
- Their feet slowly sliding back
- Them looking confused

And a couple other shots thrown in. It cycled in variations like three or four times. It was stretched out for what seemed like a solid minute. I was actually angry by the end of it, it was so terrible. It didn't help that the art in that episode was shit; every time it zoomed in on Jimbei's face it looked terrible.


Unconfirmed Member
Man, tons of stalling, tons of joke ruining, and not even all that great on the animation front. Somehow they made Luffy vs. Mihawk tedious to watch. That's an impressive level of failure.

Oh well, this middle phase of the war was always the weakest anyway, and we're about to move into the phase of the war that I think Toei will be substantially less likely to fail at (they tend work much better when they have angst and drama to work off of rather than having to invent random stupidity to fill time, strangely enough).


Why didn't they put in new fights or something instead of bloating the ones already in there. And that Boa filler was ridiculously bad


Master of the Google Search
mysticwhip said:
Did Naoki tate animate any recent episode?
He's not doing any of the upcoming episodes either so who knows what he's doing now.

Griffith said:
The pacing is going to get worse if they stick to 1:1 since they're getting near the part when the manga chapters were shorter than normal.
We're already at that point. In fact, we've already gone past the shortest, least substance-filled chapter (the one that revealed Akainu's powers).

On the bright side, there is some evidence that the pacing will finally start increasing from 1:1 in a few episodes. Plus, we've finally left the shitty 1st half of this arc, so the pacing should be helped by the more eventful chapters.

NomarTyme said:
NO fucking HAKI??? REALLY!!??????
It was haki, how exactly did you expect them to portray it?


Yoboman said:
Why didn't they put in new fights or something instead of bloating the ones already in there.

Seriously. Oda sent Toei the greatest arc possible for spreading the gap between the show and the manga without having to stretch manga scenes out. We have NAMED

-vice admirals
-Other marines (Smoker, Tashigi, Coby, Helmeppo)
-Whitebeard pirates
-Whitebeard pirate allies
-Seven Warlords
-Luffy's allies (Ivankov, Crocodile, Mr.1)

Why not develop some of these characters a little further? Oda's world is so fucking ripe with characters, Toei is retarded for not doing anything with them.

Anime sucks besides a few awesome scenes, like the ones upandaway linked above. If you haven't read the manga yet, don't wait any longer. Do it for your own good.


SolidusDave said:
mh, why can't Hancock dream about Luffy wanting to taste her "other" dishes.
I'm glad I'm not the only one with such wishes. It's weird that she would make things for him in her wedding dress, I kept expecting the naked apron to make an appearance.
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