EmCeeGramr said:
Aokiji got stabbed through the midsection by Whitebeard, and pirates thought it was a haki attack that should have killed him.
I was always under the impression that Aokiji saw it coming and shifted himself around the blade to avoid taking contact damage. It was seen in the manga panel and kinda brushed off, but in the anime they made sure to give it a prominent whirlpool like effect where he should have gotten run through. I'm guessing that really good Logias still have a decent upper hand if they can all pull the same shit, but then Vista & Marco on Akainu begins to make less sense.
Meanwhile, the episode really managed to get me thinking fuuuuu just like the manga chapter did. The anime did all parties justice though. I felt bad for both liking Akainu's "Terminator strut" (which seriously needs a "Haters gonna hate" variant) and realizing that this motherfucker is not going down for a looooooooooong time after this.
Edit: Another thing on the haki debate, I like believing that if Haki = Will/Willpower, it's possible that one's Haki can be sharper or stronger (eew, shounen rules

) than another person's, thus leading to a few different explanations on things. Akainu's beliefs tie into his willpower and due to the intensity he takes this to, it outdoes Ace's since he isn't necessarily as powerful outright, even if he has comparable will.