Sugofest is an event where you can pull a unit with a 6* form (think of Lightning and her ilk not being able to pulled outside this event). You don't have to reroll, but it really helps. There are some people here who has been playing for 400+ day without a legend (6*).So I'm thinking of picking up this game to have something to play while recharging energy in FFBE. It looks like I want to create an account when something called Sugofest is running and one starts up tonight, right? If so, do I need to wait for that to create the account? Or is it that I just want to have an account while it's running so I can use the rainbow crystals to pull during it? I ask because I created an account last night and started working my way through the story and am wondering if that's ok and I can just pull once the Sugofest hits tonight, or if I should delete my account because you get a special pull during the tutorial or something if Sugofest is going on.
Also, any other tips for beginners? I looked things up some but all I really came across is make sure you take Usop to the golden hammer evolution or whatever it was called and to save rainbow crystal pulls for sugofest.
I personally would reroll and would aim to get either Log Luffy, Rayleigh, or Sengoku. Any legend would do but these 3 has great synergy with units at low levels and are still great at end game.
Tips for beginners: don't do story mode until it's 1/2 stamina day. In the mean time, you should run fortnights on the extra islands, they should open up after beating a certain point in the story. They give you the best rank XP per stamina.