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Online Dating |OT| Please Respond

Well, I had my first day on Tinder today. Ended up hitting the right swipe wall haha.

I had no idea so many girls were into wine/craft beer/their dogs/nondescript "travel"/brunch/working out/the outdoors/coffee /s

I think I have a whole new understanding of what "basic" means.

Still, got a match and it's going well. Although I knew her previously.


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
What situation was this?

Also he was probably staring a whole through your head cause he was angry you were chatting up his date lol
I was at a bar, just talking to the people around me. They weren't on a date, they were a married couple. He wasn't staring at me though, just kind of staring at nothing, he'd glance at the TV, at someone across the bar, at the bartender, or out a window, seemingly without absorbing anything. One of the only things he seemed to notice was a basketball game. Beside the time she was talking to me though, she got up and talked to other people she know for about an hour. In the whole three hours, I don't think he said 50 words.


Well, I had my first day on Tinder today. Ended up hitting the right swipe wall haha.

I had no idea so many girls were into wine/craft beer/their dogs/nondescript "travel"/brunch/working out/the outdoors/coffee /s

I think I have a whole new understanding of what "basic" means.

Still, got a match and it's going well. Although I knew her previously.

Pffft, screw brunch. Brinner is where it's at! These women don't have a clue. Also, that makes me kinda happy that I didn't put any of those things in my profile xD (well, I did put working out, but more said I "try" to work out, not that I like it. 1 out of 7 isn't too bad, lol)

Also on my end, finally got one decent face picture; going to try and get a good full-ish body pic tonight (it's gonna have to be a dreaded mirror pic, but oh well), then I'll throw them up on OKC and be ready for the online dating world, welp.
Pffft, screw brunch. Brinner is where it's at! These women don't have a clue. Also, that makes me kinda happy that I didn't put any of those things in my profile xD (well, I did put working out, but more said I "try" to work out, not that I like it. 1 out of 7 isn't too bad, lol)

Also on my end, finally got one decent face picture; going to try and get a good full-ish body pic tonight (it's gonna have to be a dreaded mirror pic, but oh well), then I'll throw them up on OKC and be ready for the online dating world, welp.

To be fair, I'm always down for brunch if bottomless mimosas are involved.

Good luck on OKC, that's the next place I'm going to try out.

I also learned that girls also take tiger selfies. So, now I'm even more confused about why anyone would take a tiger selfie. Always figured it was a testosterone thing....
Every person is different, but in no way will I ever do this. I'd feel wrong to be basically using someone to get over break up. I wouldn't want to treat someone as just a rebound.

Eh, it's only if you view them as just a rebound which is not what I'm doing. I'm always going to be connected to my ex because we both lost what would have been our first child together. It doesn't mean I can't fall in love with someone else at the same time. It's not like I'm just looking for something short term.

Honestly, we fell apart due to too much stress at once. We were planning a wedding, going through the mortgage and house hunting process, we should have been parents, and my mother started treating my fiancee like shit because she went off her meds. Her parents hated me as well because I got her pregnant before we were married.

It was just too much for her who already had problems dealing with small time stress.

I'm always going to hold love for her in my heart, but I think it's okay to open yourself up to someone else, especially if you don't see them as just a holdover.
Pffft, screw brunch. Brinner is where it's at! These women don't have a clue. Also, that makes me kinda happy that I didn't put any of those things in my profile xD (well, I did put working out, but more said I "try" to work out, not that I like it. 1 out of 7 isn't too bad, lol)

Also on my end, finally got one decent face picture; going to try and get a good full-ish body pic tonight (it's gonna have to be a dreaded mirror pic, but oh well), then I'll throw them up on OKC and be ready for the online dating world, welp.

Co-signed on brinner. But I mean, I don't really consider that "basic." Liking food, dogs, good alcohol, and travel are all pretty great things ... I just assume that's true about everyone though, and it really doesn't need to be excessively highlighted. (I think mine said, "Like everyone else, I'm training for a half-marathon. Except I freely admit that I'm sucking terribly at it.") Looking forward to your profile!

I guess this means I need to log back on OKC for this. Maybe I'll create a fake one so I can view others' stuff?


Lulubop said:
So I got a date with a cool girl from OKC lined up for Saturday, but man Tinder is still the god, king of this. It's too easy.
Because you're one of the few people in this thread who's willing to pay for the premium features. Screw that noise.

To be fair, I'm always down for brunch if bottomless mimosas are involved.

Good luck on OKC, that's the next place I'm going to try out.

I also learned that girls also take tiger selfies. So, now I'm even more confused about why anyone would take a tiger selfie. Always figured it was a testosterone thing....
Hahaha, I imagine people want to get in touch with nature. Always found it baffling and dumb. Here in NYC tiger selfies are banned from all zoos. Colbert's take on it was hilarious: http://thecolbertreport.cc.com/videos/bu43e8/new-york-s-ban-on-tiger-selfies

All this talk about people reactivating their OKC almost makes me want to reactivate my account and get back into the ring. But on the other hand, I think can hold off for one more month while I grow out a beard that I can't be bothered to shave it off. Although I suppose I can always log into my fake OKC account if I want to have some fun with it as an alternative.


Can anyone break down what the username on OKC is actually for? I don't have any that aren't gamertags and everything I think up is taken.

It just gives people a little sense of what you're about in a username e.g. Lulubop is Hispanic and likes draft beer so he came up with the username DraftBeerPapi (lol). Nothing more, nothing less and it won't matter at all once you exchange numbers and real names.

If nothing else, then you can make a portmanteau of a couple of references to some things you like in one name. The name matters little since pictures are the one thing that draws people to profiles as the main selling point.
It just gives people a little sense of what you're about in a username e.g. Lulubop is Hispanic and likes draft beer so he came up with the username DraftBeerPapi (lol). Nothing more, nothing less and it won't matter at all once you exchange numbers and real names. If nothing else, then you can make a portmanteau of a couple of references to some things you like in one name. The name matters little since pictures are the one thing that draws people to profiles as the main selling point.

Gotcha, thanks. Ugh, I hate making new usernames haha.


It's not even just that, convo just flow better on Tinder, girls actually reply more often, and send the first message more often. Some girl commented on my love of Stouts today and within 5 messages I secured a date. With a white blond chick no less. Never had that kinda luck on OKC. Maybe it's the accessibility of Tinder? Iunno.


you can't put a price on sparks
It's not even just that, convo just flow better on Tinder, girls actually reply more often, and send the first message more often. Some girl commented on my love of Stouts today and within 5 messages I secured a date. With a white blond chick no less. Never had that kinda luck on OKC. Maybe it's the accessibility of Tinder? Iunno.

The exact opposite is true for me on Tinder. I think I have had only one conversation and it didnt lead to a date since she was 100 miles away.

But I'm glad it works for you.


Just matched with an extremely hot blonde on Tinder.. And she's not a bot. I'm just not sure what to say. Lol
Is there anything on her profile, or within her photos, that gives any indications to what her interests and hobbies? If there is, strike up a conversation regarding one of those interests. If there isn't, well, there's no harm in cracking out a chat-up line or ice breaker question.


"What is your opinion on dragons?" is a line I've had success with if there's nothing to go from in pictures or profile. I believe someone in this thread came up with it, can't remember who. I like it because it's a thing no one really has any real opinions on, so they'll have to make one up. If they put effort into it you know you're initially interested. If they don't, well drop 'em.


"What is your opinion on dragons?" is a line I've had success with if there's nothing to go from in pictures or profile. I believe someone in this thread came up with it, can't remember who. I like it because it's a thing no one really has any real opinions on, so they'll have to make one up. If they put effort into it you know you're initially interested. If they don't, well drop 'em.

Haha, so random. I might actually use it. Lol


Haha, so random. I might actually use it. Lol

The girl I'm dating right now told me she was taken aback to the point where she texted all her friends asking what to answer, hah. What she also told me is that most of the guys she matched with just opened with "hey" or "how has your day been?" and she found that super boring. I was the only one that stood out from the pack.
I made it to her place at just after 9 last night, because I was a bit late leaving and stopped at Walmart. I picked up a bag of cat treats for her awesome cat, her favourite crackers (she doesn't normally have a lot of money for groceries), some candy and some popcorn. She was really happy about that, and didn't mind that I was late since I'd let her know.

We watched a bit of two movies I'd previously seen, but her ADHD was bad and she couldn't pay attention. So, we folded her clothes (everything), then listened to music and hung out on her bed. Ended up passing out together around 1 or 2, while cuddling, which is what she loves. Apparently I'm her favourite cuddler and nobody else does it with her, especially as well. Heh.

We got up a few times, because she kept waking up, but didn't do anything much. Just talked and laid there, mostly. Kissed a couple of times.

When I had to go in an hour, we ended up having sex again. It was better this time, and she was game after I'd mentioned I was going to handle it myself before leaving else it'd bug me all day. (I didn't know if she wanted to, but thought it'd be an okay hint. My OCD doesn't bug me much there, but does at home. Bodily fluids really gross me out.)

She's got another date tonight, but said the guy keeps sending her naked pictures and likely just wants sex. So, she's not too interested. She doesn't want to abruptly cancel, so she'll let him take her out for food, I guess, then maybe end it. Said I should come over afterwards, but I don't know if I can. Or tomorrow night.



Seriously, though, congratulations. It's always heart-warming to see a new potential relationship going well. I think it's sweet you bought her groceries. It also bodes well for you, obviously, that she's keen to turn down her date later tonight.

Seriously, though, congratulations. It's always heart-warming to see a new potential relationship going well. I think it's sweet you bought her groceries. It also bodes well for you, obviously, that she's keen to turn down her date later tonight.

Thanks, sir. I'm still unsure about the relationship part, but we're developing a close friendship. We understand each other, and respect each others' faults.

She got upset, because her cat came to see me on the bed in the middle of the night and then left. Cats love me, though, and he came back later to see her.

EDIT: She told me that she'd thought about texting me to see if I could bring those crackers, but I thought about it anyways. She'd forgotten to. But she liked the cat treats best.
That's all you can do, although I'm with you on it being a daunting thing. Good luck.

I guess I should buy condoms, although I don't know much about what to look for or buy. I used two of hers and I feel bad.


I used two of hers and I feel bad.
But I bet she didn't.

Ribbed ones, from what I hear, are best for the both of you. Could always try flavoured condoms, too, to add a bit more taste into the mix. I honestly can't offer much advice as I'm more of a bareback kind of guy. But, yeah, don't feel bad that you used two of hers. I'm sure she would've said something if it bothered her, dude.
But I bet she didn't.

Ribbed ones, from what I hear, are best for the both of you. Could always try flavoured condoms, too, to add a bit more taste into the mix. I honestly can't offer much advice as I'm more of a bareback kind of guy. But, yeah, don't feel bad that you used two of hers. I'm sure she would've said something if it bothered her, dude.

Yeah, true

She just said she's running low, and I know she's not flush with cash. I just naturally feel bad if I ever take things from people -- even drinking a friend's booze, eating a friend's food, etc.


She's got another date tonight, but said the guy keeps sending her naked pictures and likely just wants sex. So, she's not too interested. She doesn't want to abruptly cancel, so she'll let him take her out for food, I guess, then maybe end it. Said I should come over afterwards, but I don't know if I can. Or tomorrow night.

I'd almost rather not hear that part. Is that weird? Spoilering this, 'cause Chewie doesn't need to pull in my own fears and insecurities into his relationship. I probably have trust issues...

So, after two dates, I'm fine with them seeing other people. No expectation of exclusivity yet. But if they're willing to go out with someone they have no interest in...could they be going out with me for similar reasons, whatever they may be? How easily I could be in his shoes, only without the entire naked pics thing. I saw the John Oliver/Edward Snowden interview!


That's all you can do, although I'm with you on it being a daunting thing. Good luck.

I guess I should buy condoms, although I don't know much about what to look for or buy. I used two of hers and I feel bad.

Yeah, true

She just said she's running low, and I know she's not flush with cash. I just naturally feel bad if I ever take things from people -- even drinking a friend's booze, eating a friend's food, etc.

Oh please, who's she gonna use them on? Herself? :p

Condoms are there to be used, not saved for a rainy day. As for what types... sorry, can't help much there. I'm allergic to latex, so my options brand-wise are a bit limited at the local pharmacy. Why not experiment with what you think sounds good?


Yeah, true

She just said she's running low, and I know she's not flush with cash. I just naturally feel bad if I ever take things from people -- even drinking a friend's booze, eating a friend's food, etc.

I understand you and often feel the same when 'taking' things from people.

Just remember that she got those condoms hoping they'd get actual use! You helped her in that regard :)


I'm giving online dating a try for the first time. My busy schedule has always made it difficult to go out and meet people so this seems like the best solution.

I'm starting out with OKCupid because it was free. I completed my profile, answered as many questions as I could, and immediately got several 90+% matches who are all within a reasonable distance from home. I sent one a message yesterday, and am just waiting for a reply now. Hope she's not a bot.

What's a reasonable timeframe of waiting for a reply before moving on?


So, random update, I put my pictures up on OKC and went "live". My first guy to ever like my profile has an absolutely bitchin' beard. Nice :p

Also, this is overwhelming. D: So many different things to click on, so many pictures, so much everything lol. I'll have to take a few days to parcel through everything.

What's a reasonable timeframe of waiting for a reply before moving on?

Talk to more than one person at a time! Send out a bunch of messages, if you can. No need to wait on a reply; if she replies, wonderful! If not, then you've probably forgotten as you talk to someone else ;)


What's a reasonable timeframe of waiting for a reply before moving on?

Immediately after you hit "send". It's a bit of a numbers game. The more messages you send out, the higher likelihood of getting a reply. Just try to make your messages interesting and make it seem like you read their profile. "hi" won't do you any favors.

Alternatively, you could just create a bitchin' profile, and let the girls express interest in you.


Talk to more than one person at a time! Send out a bunch of messages, if you can. No need to wait on a reply; if she replies, wonderful! If not, then you've probably forgotten as you talk to someone else ;)

Immediately after you hit "send". It's a bit of a numbers game. The more messages you send out, the higher likelihood of getting a reply. Just try to make your messages interesting and make it seem like you read their profile. "hi" won't do you any favors.

Alternatively, you could just create a bitchin' profile, and let the girls express interest in you.
Thanks for the advice. It doesn't look like she's been online since I sent it so I'll see what happens when she logs in again and gets a chance to read it. In the meantime, I'll message some more people.
What's like, a reasonable number of people to right-swipe on tinder per day?

I hit the paywall on day 1, and have just been kind of doing it in my spare time since then. I figured there's a very low likelihood of 90% of the girls I right-swipe will return the swipe, and I only right swipe once for every 20 or so pics. I just dunno if I'm overdoing it. It's pretty addictive.


I got a match with a cute girl on Tinder, we were talking normally, she asked me where I lived, I did the same, asked what she does and no more answers. Maybe she double-checked my pic and noticed that I'm not handsome. Meh :/

Getting premium helps with anything?


Within the last hour I was invited out by a girl and to a party by another on Tinder. God, King app. To bad I'm working


Well, that was an interesting first night on OKC. Some random things I've noticed (maybe it'll help people, I dunno, I kinda wanna just talk about it):

- Look, I'm sorry, I don't take much stock in usernames, but 'Hoofarted'? Like I'm going to take that seriously. Like, seriously.
- There are so many people in the area with some variation of 'Noles/FSU/Seminole' in their username it's hilarious.
- Two 'hi' conversation starters (deleted those) and one where he gave his name and a basic question (I responded and asked a question of my own, radio silence). Bleh.
- One person only wanted to talk about video games and nothing else... and while I'm a humongous video game nerd, I didn't overstate that in my profile (I think), so it was sorta odd. It was sort of a fun conversation, but it was obvious it was going nowhere and it eventually tapered off. Be multidimensional, daters!

Told awesome beard guy he has an awesome beard, had a lengthy convo. He seems to only want something casual, or FWB; I suppose I'll have to think about if I want something like that. Not against it outright, just not sure, never done it before.

No deluge of messages overall (I'm not ugly, but my looks don't match up with the ideal American woman, so yeah, I'm not gonna get 30+ messages a day), enough to keep me busy for a hour, though. I need to actually go into the matches and start liking some profiles now :3
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