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Online Dating |OT| Please Respond


I closed my OK Cupid account. People aren't kidding when they say Tinder is way better.
Wish Tinder would work better for me. I'm getting absolutely no matches at all (used to get loads when I was on there a year ago). I'm fairly selective in swiping (I know what I'm attracted to and I'm picky) but it's been absolutely horrible experience this time around.

Not saying OKC is much better for me but I did get really lucky there twice in the past two years with two amazing girls approaching me and asking me out. I see no reason to close down my account and miss out on a third good opportunity.


Man. One day it's all gravy the next is "Are you free in June?" what the hell haha.
That's so vague and open-ended that it literally sounds like "I'm no longer into you." Best response is "I'm free as originally planned, June is too far ahead."
Wish Tinder would work better for me. I'm getting absolutely no matches at all (used to get loads when I was on there a year ago). I'm fairly selective in swiping (I know what I'm attracted to and I'm picky) but it's been absolutely horrible experience this time around.

Not saying OKC is much better for me but I did get really lucky there twice in the past two years with two amazing girls approaching me and asking me out. I see no reason to close down my account and miss out on a third good opportunity.

PoF and OKC are working better for me, but I'm not having a ton of luck these days. Tinder isn't lucky for me, unfortunately.


That's so vague and open-ended that it literally sounds like "I'm no longer into you." Best response is "I'm free as originally planned, June is too far ahead."
I know, it's just a weird way of going about it. I sent something much more eloquent that amounted to, I'm interested, if you're not just be up front and it's fine.


PoF and OKC are working better for me, but I'm not having a ton of luck these days. Tinder isn't lucky for me, unfortunately.
In all honesty, all 3 are boring me. I haven't touched PoF in about a month, I scarcely check OKC, and Tinder is just sitting there in my app drawer doing nothing. I just find being rejected repeatedly a tad depressing, and not something I wish to do everyday.

Gray Matter

So it's safe to assume that any attractive girl with nothing written in the bio is a bot. On tinder btw.

In all honesty, all 3 are boring me. I haven't touched PoF in about a month, I scarcely check OKC, and Tinder is just sitting there in my app drawer doing nothing. I just find being rejected repeatedly a tad depressing, and not something I wish to do everyday.

Totally agree with you on this. Reason why I'm slowly getting away from this. Totally not worth it.
In all honesty, all 3 are boring me. I haven't touched PoF in about a month, I scarcely check OKC, and Tinder is just sitting there in my app drawer doing nothing. I just find being rejected repeatedly a tad depressing, and not something I wish to do everyday.

Yeah, the rejection hurts. I completely understand. It's hard on me, too, but I keep trying. I've considered giving it up, though.
I just came home from a Tinder Date. I am cautiously optimistic. We went to a bar and I had a great time. Talked for 3.5 hours. Lots of common interests. Kissed goodbye. Had a feeling she liked me too.
If that is my 4th "no-answer-after-first-date" in a row I think the only viable explanation would be that I am already dead and in hell .. and my eternal punishment is to go on great first dates who will never contact me again.

soooo, seems like I am getting faded again. Oh well, at least a women I liked and found attractive was finally attracted to me during a date. If there is one woman, there can be others ;) Cocktailbar Dates do seem to work way better for me.
Next goal: Second date. Babysteps.

Feels like I went back in time when I was 21 and had to learn all that shit. Long relationships really are game-killers ...

Edit: False alarm. She just took her sweet ass time to answer.


Stood over last night, we actually spelt a whole lot for some reason. I really don't like spending the night at girls houses. I'd really rather to be in my room, in my bed or in front of my computer. Ah well. She's fine, Idk if I'd take it somewhere serious though.

Seeing all these couples walking around on this nice day really makes me want to bag something up for the Summer.
I've received several reply messages from girls on OKC and PoF. Here's hoping. I'd like to meet a girl I can have a normal relationship with.

Here's another update from my weird dating life, too:

I know you guys told me to stay away from the girl I was seeing because she was trouble for me. I tried to listen, but when she told me she'd broken it off with the guy because she never saw him, I broke down and asked if she wanted to hang out and watch a movie. We did so two nights ago, and I ended up cuddling with her all night.

Apparently she'd taken a birth control pill too late, which caused a period, so she couldn't have sex. Then it ended while I was there, but we didn't do anything. There was a bit of touching, then she said that her back hurt so I gave her a massage and she fell asleep during it.

I'm glad we didn't have sex, though, and I don't think I should with her anymore. I bought condoms on the way, as I wasn't sure of what to expect and wanted to be safe, but I left them unopened. She said to leave some there for us for other times and take half home if I wanted, but I didn't open them.

When I got there, she told me that she had been diagnosed with cervical cancer. At least, that's what her doctor thinks it is, but she has to wait until this fall to find out for sure as it's too early to tell exactly, apparently. We talked about it for a little while and she was upset, but trying to hide it.

Then she opened up and said it's been a shitty month at the doctor's, because just a month ago he told her that she had genital herpes(!). She neglected to tell me that when we had sex those two times, for fuck sakes.

He apparently told her not to save sex if the sores are present or flare-up, which she says she hasn't. Apparently they only showed the once and have since gone dormant. She's been clean when we've had sex.

I'm scared shitless, though. It's been two weeks since we had sex (well, fifteen days since the first time and maybe thirteen since the second), and I still have a bit of pain, but I think I bruised myself just inside the tip. It doesn't burn when I go pee, I don't have any sores, and there's nothing strange downstairs. Thank God. That area just gets irritated a bit when I pee and hurts a bit.

Regardless, I'm hoping to get to the sexual health clinic this or next week, so as to be checked and to grab a couple free condoms.
In all honesty, all 3 are boring me. I haven't touched PoF in about a month, I scarcely check OKC, and Tinder is just sitting there in my app drawer doing nothing. I just find being rejected repeatedly a tad depressing, and not something I wish to do everyday.

Yeah, it's definitely tough. I try to take at least 1 day a week where I don't check any of the sites. PoF and OKC is where I've had the most success. Tinder is ok, but I have harder time figuring out what to talk about with the women on there. I like the bio set-up on OKC much better.


So my tinder date I met, we are on our 5th date. Last night we starting kissing. I would pull back to see if she would close in lol. She was turning me on so bad...So I moved my hand and she would move it away lol. I found that she likes teasing me as she even told me.

We went hiking and climb a little mountain. She was so afraid but, I got her to do it. Fun times!


Probably going to take a small break from OKC for a bit. I have two guys I've been talking to that I'd like to meet up with before trying to set anything else up. One I'm meeting tonight, the other on Thursday. Hopefully one of them is a good match :)


Tinder dried up pretty fast this time. Deleted it, will make it AGAIN probably at the beginning of June. OKC has been pretty good to me lately so I can't complain.
Damn Chewie, that sucks. :/ Hope the test goes alright (or comes up negative, or whatever the good response is, lol).


I believe I'm fine, but there's that little voice inside of my head that's panicking. I think I just irritated the inside of my thing, and it's taking a while to heal, hence the bit of pain.

I told her tonight that we can still be friends, but we need to go for coffee or something, because I don't want to have sex anymore and risk contracting that. I'm angry that she didn't tell me from the start.


I've been meaning to make this post for a LONG while now, but time got away from me. I also meant to make it quite a long post, photos, etc, but meh here's the shorter version.

I, like many of you, tried my hand at online dating a few years ago when I moved to a new state without any friends from my growing up town, etc.

It was about January 2013 after I just had broken it off with a different girl I met on OKC, that I ended up meeting the woman I'm marrying later this year in August.

She was one of the only girls on OKC that wouldn't reply back with 1 sentence mumbo jumbo, and made conversation a forceful attempt by myself to initiate in her interests, etc. She even asked me out on the first date!

Let me also add to this equation that she wasn't my "type" in one way in that she was a single mom. I wasn't exactly out there looking to fall for a single mom, but at the same time I had put myself in this trap of constantly looking for these little "check marks" for a person that I had stopped to consider that the reason my relationships don't work out is that I didn't broaden my horizons and get more out of my comfort zone.

In her pictures she was a babe, and I mean if I post pics on her GAF would give her 8/9/10's "would bang" etcs. Her profile was well worded, and extremely different from any single mothers posting on there.

The first date I went on with her was a total train wreck. The dinner and conversation was good, but I remember saying something that was "offensive" and I believe I unintentionally called her a bitch without flat out saying it. We then went to a movie that was god fucking awful. To end it I went in for the kiss as I always did, and got turned down---like three times into a hug. Holy shit... I thought she'd never talk to me again. However...something weird happened that night I hadn't had happen before.

I have told women I love them, but I never felt anything strange. Nothing that was stars and planets aligning, and it was just natural to say to them after an extended period of dating went on. On my first date with her when I first met her it was ice cold outside and she is about 5'2" and I'm 6'... so there was this short girl in a black coat with dark hair and the brownest biggest beautiful eyes you'd ever seen. Perfect white teeth all chattering together as I was about 2 minutes late...and I felt my heart skip a beat from the moment she said hello and smiled at me when I made her chuckle.

That date's conversation was beyond great. Video games, anime, Doctor Who, Comic-Con, more and more. I just kept coming back to her teeth chattering though and how cute she was. I then realized I was thinking about her way more than I should be for what was a disaster, and under normal circumstances I would've said "meh don't even bother man."

I bothered. I bothered a lot. I got her to go on a second date somehow, and after that date I knew what that skip in my chest was. I was in love. I felt like a moron and an idiot. How? Why? People don't have love at first sight. I'm a fool. She's probably got so many terrible qualities, and I'm setting myself up for disaster. Ugh. Stop it. Be rational.

None of that worked. After that second date which was on a weekend after Valentine's day I was hooked on my fiance' now Renee. I told myself... "Z(zlatko is my name in real life too) don't give up on this one unless she tells you to go away." So I chased.

This girl gave me the WORST dating experiences ever for 6 months straight. Barely kissed me, treating me like her "buckaroo" in the beginning, had to plan way in advance to spend time with(which made sense since she had a 4 year old at the time, who is now almost 7 and is my daughter :) :) :) ), and even holding hands was too much of a hassle for her often. I had everyone in my life telling me, "She's not into you man. You're wasting your time." Nope. Fuck it. Keep on keeping on. I will not give up on her. No one knew about that smile, the talks, the wave length the two of us are on when we were together, etc.

6 months came and went, and I made an amazing impression on everyone in her life. Friends, family, co workers, etc. I have been getting her flowers every single month I've known her and plan to do so until I die. Her co-workers were blown away as they are older women who don't get anything from their husbands for no reason at all.

I met her daughter during these times, and I started to make her life a bit easier. "I can pick her up from day care." "I could baby sit while you have a night out. She and I can hang out with my nieces." "Let's all go watch a family movie together" She started to see I wasn't here for some booty call, and that I genuinely cared about her daughter who I started to help with homework, and more. She approached me and said "If you want to do this for real. You have to know if these blows up you're hurting two people." I took that responsibility on myself, and when the daughter has shades of her mother all over it's not hard to love her like she's your own. I'm told quite often she looks so much like me even though I have nothing to do with the genes. My (now/soon to be officially)daughter does look crazy like me though...small world.

The father as an added bit of info is nowhere in the picture. He pays child support checks and that's it. Has only seen her once when she was just born, and makes 0 contact of any kind. Which is great for me and my daughter so she's not confused on who her dad is.

After 6 months I finally got the booty too. Oh sweet lord. Best relations in the sheets of my entire life. Thank you Based God!

Time went on, and I knew I didn't want to wait. I let her know I was in love with her. I didn't immediately get it back simply due to hesitation again from her. Her guard was up higher than any woman on the planet---rightfully so. Time passed and I love you's are going back and forth.

I speak with her mom towards the end of that year after 6 months, and said,"I want to ask for your daughter's hand in marriage." TLDR version she was ecstatic, but hesitant. She didn't want me to rush into it---rightfully so, but I knew who I was put on this planet to find. We already had fights up to that point, and argued on random stuff, but we apologize to each other moments after. Our team work and synergy is out of this world.

I also followed up with her father next. Both of her parents are split up, and she's adopted without knowing who her bio folks are. This may also cause some issues when we've spoken on the whole "marriage, relationships, men" issues. She hasn't seen real relationships work. Divorce rates are through the roof, and yeah relationships in general suck. Anywho dad gave me the thumbs up, and just said "make sure you challenge her." I thought about this, and I asked her if I do that, and she let me know that I do in a variety of ways. Wewh!

More time goes on, and I invest $12,000 in a ridiculous custom ring, plan the proposal for her birthday in a place she wanted to go for tea parties, and even hired a photographer to take secret photos. Proposal in, and she gave me a big yes with tears in her eyes. Pretty soon after my daughter started calling me dad instead of Z. We were already living together, but I forgot to mention that part, and have been for a long while now.

Anywho, that's about it. We've had challenges along the way. The biggest being after the intital burst of sex I went 4 months dry with her and it was due to extreme stress and anxiety. Once we moved in together the relief came, and a regular healthy no pants dance relationship ensued. The wedding has also been a bit of a pain in the ass to plan, and is more of a burden on her since I'm not very good at putting it together, but I'm paying for it and voicing opinions, etc.

I could go on and bore you about how amazing my relationship is and all the nerd shit we do together, or tell you how thanks to her my career took a complete 180. (I was making like $9.00 a hour when I moved to Colorado, and in a year I could be breaking 6 figures for a salary for a guy without a college degree) However, that's neither her or there. I am really grateful to how much more I've accomplished thanks to her and my daughter in my life.

TL;DR version: Online dating works. You could find the person right for you, but even as I frequently posted in OKC you have to grind for it. Don't be afraid to date someone outside your "norm" because your norm may be why you are single now and failing over and over.

I am by far the luckiest man in the world. Thank you to OKC GAF in the past, and thank NeoGAF in general for helping me in more ways than you can know in my life. :)
You're too far away tho :(

We can make it work, I promise. <3

&#9829; you guys can date me too, i have lots of video games

I have... Umm, I have food? :D

I wonder what its like dating a gaffer.

PM a list of your top 100 games and we will go from there.

I dunno, but I hear that it's amazing. There's quite a few people who met from GAF that are still together, or married. :V

I don't know how...

"Batty, will you go out with me?" Like so. :p
Hello, ladies...

I've been meaning to make this post for a LONG while now, but time got away from me. I also meant to make it quite a long post, photos, etc, but meh here's the shorter version.

Congrats! What a great story.

Maybe you shouldn't have spoiled the ending at the start though. :p


Le sigh. Another girl who doesn't ask any questions back.

You could try variations to ends on your responses to get asked questions back. Only a true idiot wouldn't, but then again why would you want to waste your time on someone who isn't interested in knowing more about you too?

Some women are just bad at responses. It just is what it is.


"Do you have a zombie outbreak survival plan? If you're cool enough and ask nice enough I may even share my fool proof one with you."

Something akin to that. Where you are flirty and not blatantly saying "ask me a question damn it!" to hopefully garner a result.

"Oh you're a big fan of XXX band? Are you interested in a few others just like them? I could send you some YT links to stuff you may like."

That way she will say oh yeah? I love blah blah. Who else is like them? So she's at least engaging you back.

Hell you can even go bold and just say, "Your responses are great. It seems like there is a lot of layers that make you an awesome person. Is there anything else you'd want to know about me? I'm kind of a big deal... people know me."

I mean just try what works for your style, but put it out there you want to be prodded as well.


you can't put a price on sparks
You could try variations to ends on your responses to get asked questions back. Only a true idiot wouldn't, but then again why would you want to waste your time on someone who isn't interested in knowing more about you too?

Some women are just bad at responses. It just is what it is.


"Do you have a zombie outbreak survival plan? If you're cool enough and ask nice enough I may even share my fool proof one with you."

Something akin to that. Where you are flirty and not blatantly saying "ask me a question damn it!" to hopefully garner a result.

"Oh you're a big fan of XXX band? Are you interested in a few others just like them? I could send you some YT links to stuff you may like."

That way she will say oh yeah? I love blah blah. Who else is like them? So she's at least engaging you back.

Hell you can even go bold and just say, "Your responses are great. It seems like there is a lot of layers that make you an awesome person. Is there anything else you'd want to know about me? I'm kind of a big deal... people know me."

I mean just try what works for your style, but put it out there you want to be prodded as well.

Good advice, I'll post the convo later on, maybe there's something more specific I could have done in this case to help me understand more.

Edit; here it is

Me: I really enjoy Blizzard games as well! I've been going to Blizzcon for the past few years and I really enjoy it. Used to raid a lot on my hunter in wow but not so much anymore. What class do you play?

Her: I'm play Resto Druid! :D Haven't been as active lately though. I am going to blizzcon this year however! Super excited x)

Me: Cool, yeah I have an alt resto druid that I just started. Seems pretty fun for a healing class.

Seems like this year should be good for Blizzcon. I feel like they'll at least announce the next wow expansion and something more with the movie this year. So it should be pretty exciting.

Any other games you enjoy?

Her: I like horror games! And Minecraft lol. Haven't bee. Able to play much recently though

(I got annoyed at this point because there wasn't a question or anything expanding on the wow part of the conversation)

At the end I just said "cool, have any questions for me?"

It might be worth mentioning she didnt visit my profile.


It might be worth mentioning she didnt visit my profile.

Means nothing. She could have a paid account that allows for invisible browsing.

I'd never directly ask "Do you have any questions for me?" Comes off a bit rude. Instead, given the context of your conversation, I'd play it out like "So you like scary games? Let's play one! What's a question you won't be surprised if I don't answer, but you kinda sorta want to see if I do? Let's see who gets scared first!" Sounds a lot more playful.

With your specific conversation, she wasn't the worst I've seen. Her responses offered something new to the conversation. The questions might not be implicit, but there's enough to run with. "What kind of horror games? Five Nights at Freddy's, Amnesia, Winnie the Pooh's Homerun Derby? I recently picked up the Evil Within. Funny how in many horror games, the true scare comes from resource management!" She makes a statement, you offer your thoughts on the same area.


you can't put a price on sparks
I'd never directly ask "Do you have any questions for me?" Comes off a bit rude.

well, its not usually my standard operating procedure. i just got annoyed, mostly because i didn't expect her to have any interest in saying anything other than answering questions i had. reflecting on it, maybe i should have gone a couple more messages before pressing the nuclear option. when it seems to be going that way, i don't have much patience for it anymore because it feels like a waste of time.

Instead, given the context of your conversation, I'd play it out like "So you like scary games? Let's play one! What's a question you won't be surprised if I don't answer, but you kinda sorta want to see if I do? Let's see who gets scared first!" Sounds a lot more playful.

With your specific conversation, she wasn't the worst I've seen. Her responses offered something new to the conversation. The questions might not be implicit, but there's enough to run with. "What kind of horror games? Five Nights at Freddy's, Amnesia, Winnie the Pooh's Homerun Derby? I recently picked up the Evil Within. Funny how in many horror games, the true scare comes from resource management!" She makes a statement, you offer your thoughts on the same area.

sure, and the problem i have is "being playful" in the conversation. and i feel like the opportunity for expanded conversation was there with the second message, but she pretty much just ignored that it seemed.

i'll have to figure out how i can integrate the advice.


Just got a message from an 'essort lady'. Obviously not interested, but they had disabled their account anyway without giving any contact details. Had to laugh.


Hit up the girl I have a date with tomorrow, the other day asking how her weekend was. I never got a reply and I honestly feel like I won't. Kinda bummed about it since she was exactly what I was looking for appearance wise.

Despite that I have 4 potential dates starting tonight. The girl I have one with today is seemingly just looking for fun, which is cool with me. Made no secret about being dtf if we hit it off. The girl who I'm now playing to see tomorrow is kinda similar about that, although she is looking for something a little more serious. Friday I'm seeing a cute Hispanic girl who is def looking for something serious. I feel like this has the most potential even if her look isn't exactly what I been into recently. Saturday hanging with the girl I been hanging with the last two weekends.

Iunno why I'm doing this. I need a haircut too.


So I've been chatting to this really nice girl on tinder for the past day, I've never had a girlfriend and am kind of nervous about asking her out and actually going on a date.


Had to share this with you all.

Was googling some yesterday trying to find more about POF and how the dating game is there. Found one tip that said to change profession into "it's complicated" because girls love mystery. So yesterday evening I did and this morning I awake to a message (first one since I signed up a week ago) from a girl mentioning some interests from my profile and rounding her message out with a positive reference to the it's complicated work situation.

Goddamn had no idea that type of shit would actually work. Too bad I'm not really attracted to her (butch/boyish type looks).

Send a few other messages to some others but no reply's as of yet. Really should create some new profile pictures I think.
Too bad also that POF is an even smaller pond than OKC in my area.


Homeland Security Fail
So I've been chatting to this really nice girl on tinder for the past day, I've never had a girlfriend and am kind of nervous about asking her out and actually going on a date.

Ask her for her number and ask her out.


^ Exactly. If you don't, they may end up getting bored (and texts, at least I find, are easier to respond to than a dating app message service). Go for it!


So I've been chatting to this really nice girl on tinder for the past day, I've never had a girlfriend and am kind of nervous about asking her out and actually going on a date.

Just ask her out for coffee or drinks. Get her number.

It's a dating app. If she says no, there are more girls. You're never going to see her again. And either way, don't take it personally. She might be seeing someone already or anything else that is out of your control.


Got a date tonight with a cute girl. Genuinely excited for this one which I haven't felt in awhile! Hopefully there's no surprises like the last two. Trying to keep my excitement in check because you never know with online dating, but at the same time I feel like I should just let the feeling be there since as I said, this is the first girl in awhile that I've met online that I'm pretty excited to meet. Wish me luck!


Got a date tonight with a cute girl. Genuinely excited for this one which I haven't felt in awhile! Hopefully there's no surprises like the last two. Trying to keep my excitement in check because you never know with online dating, but at the same time I feel like I should just let the feeling be there since as I said, this is the first girl in awhile that I've met online that I'm pretty excited to meet. Wish me luck!

Good luck man! Hope it goes well <3
Good advice, I'll post the convo later on, maybe there's something more specific I could have done in this case to help me understand more.

Some people are just bad at online conversation. She's taking the time to respond which is already a good thing. If I were you I would be telling her my name right about now and probably asking about why she hasn't had much time to play games recently (if it's work, this is a good segue to talk about jobs).

Don't burn the bridge just because she won't meet you halfway.


I view not asking questions as not having interest. Lots of people won't hesitate to talk to someone online just because they feel bad to reject that person, or they're bored. I personally would move on if the other person isn't asking me anything or initiating any kind of conversation. Its just... boring. You're telling me you're talking to a person you've never met and you have nothing to ask that person? Lack of interest, I feel.


Homeland Security Fail
I usually had the same stance as most of you (no questions, no interest). But the women I'm currently dating, didn't ask questions either. We have been on four dates so far. Another woman, same thing, probably asked me one question before I asked her for her number. We are going out on a date Saturday.

I'd they aren't asking anything back, ask for the number and for a date. If they decline, move on.
Got a date tonight with a cute girl. Genuinely excited for this one which I haven't felt in awhile! Hopefully there's no surprises like the last two. Trying to keep my excitement in check because you never know with online dating, but at the same time I feel like I should just let the feeling be there since as I said, this is the first girl in awhile that I've met online that I'm pretty excited to meet. Wish me luck!

Sounds good, man. Good Luck!


I view not asking questions as not having interest. Lots of people won't hesitate to talk to someone online just because they feel bad to reject that person, or they're bored. I personally would move on if the other person isn't asking me anything or initiating any kind of conversation. Its just... boring. You're telling me you're talking to a person you've never met and you have nothing to ask that person? Lack of interest, I feel.
To play devil's advocate, it could be that they prefer to save those questions for a first date. I think the best advice is ask them to go out and then you know for sure if it's lack of interest.

In davepoobond's case, I'd ask her if she wants to continue over coffee or yogurt or something.


I'm no Fabio, so maybe it's a burden for guys who have a better choice of women...but I would almost always give an actual in-person date a shot before writing anyone off, presuming they are up for it. I have had very enjoyable online conversations that turn into awful first dates, and I've had women who act cold and disinterested online spark when they meet me and warm up quite a bit. You just never know until you meet face-to-face.


I'm no Fabio, so maybe it's a burden for guys who have a better choice of women...but I would almost always give an actual in-person date a shot before writing anyone off, presuming they are up for it. I have had very enjoyable online conversations that turn into awful first dates, and I've had women who act cold and disinterested online spark when they meet me and warm up quite a bit. You just never know until you meet face-to-face.

This is kind of an odd thing for me. How do you set-up even meeting up let alone a date, when there seems to be disinterest and coldness from the short answers that you get and stuff?


Ask her for her number and ask her out.

Just ask her out for coffee or drinks. Get her number.

It's a dating app. If she says no, there are more girls. You're never going to see her again. And either way, don't take it personally. She might be seeing someone already or anything else that is out of your control.

Ok so I asked her out and she said yes :)
Just trying to sort logistics out now as we live about half an hour apart and neither of us have access to cars.


This is kind of an odd thing for me. How do you set-up even meeting up let alone a date, when there seems to be disinterest and coldness from the short answers that you get and stuff?

"Hey, this is out of the blue, but how about we go grab a cup of coffee?" Don't use the D word, keep it low expectations.

The big thing is, if you are getting consistently cold shitty conversation out of someone, you might as well just swing for the fences. You're either going to get a date, or you're going to get turned down...and at that point, all you lose out on is more disinterested conversation that would've gone nowhere anyway. So, you effectively have nothing to lose.
We'd make a delightfully spooky pair, you and I.

I have to ask why that is. xP

Got a date tonight with a cute girl. Genuinely excited for this one which I haven't felt in awhile! Hopefully there's no surprises like the last two. Trying to keep my excitement in check because you never know with online dating, but at the same time I feel like I should just let the feeling be there since as I said, this is the first girl in awhile that I've met online that I'm pretty excited to meet. Wish me luck!

As the great Nipples once said, "I don't need luck. I'm goood."


I'm no Fabio, so maybe it's a burden for guys who have a better choice of women...but I would almost always give an actual in-person date a shot before writing anyone off, presuming they are up for it. I have had very enjoyable online conversations that turn into awful first dates, and I've had women who act cold and disinterested online spark when they meet me and warm up quite a bit. You just never know until you meet face-to-face.
Basically what online dating boils down to. You can have whatever pictures you want up to show yourself off, there's still that mystery if you'll be attracted to the person when you meet and vice versa.
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