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Online Dating |OT| Please Respond

Gray Matter

Ok guys, been talking to the same girl from yesterday, texted her during my lunch break and have been texting back and forth since then, conversation still has momentum, but I feel it like it's slowing down.

I wanna bring up going to this nice little cafe I know, but I don't wanna seem pushy. How do I bring it up in a subtle manner?


you can't put a price on sparks
Ok guys, been talking to the same girl from yesterday, texted her during my lunch break and have been texting back and forth since then, conversation still has momentum, but I feel it like it's slowing down.

I wanna bring up going to this nice little cafe I know, but I don't wanna seem pushy. How do I bring it up in a subtle manner?

Just ask if she wants to meet up. Why haven't you already asked?

I don't understand the subtlety thing. You're on a dating web site


Did she suggest an alternative? If not, you're probably out of luck. Still try to lock down a specific date, though.


I mean, did she suggest an alternative date after she told she'd be with friends all weekend? I gather not?


Since she didn't suggest an alternative meeting time she likely isn't interested. Try to lock down a specific date but be aware of any further resistance.

Gray Matter

Since she didn't suggest an alternative meeting time she likely isn't interested. Try to lock down a specific date but be aware of any further resistance.

I don't see as that she's not interested, if she was she would have stopped replying to my texts, but you never know.


Homeland Security Fail
Since she didn't suggest an alternative meeting time she likely isn't interested. Try to lock down a specific date but be aware of any further resistance.

Asking if she has plans is not the same thing as asking her out. So, in that situation, I don't expect someone to offer alternatives.

Keep the course, dude.


Since she didn't suggest an alternative meeting time she likely isn't interested. Try to lock down a specific date but be aware of any further resistance.

To be fair Grey Matter only asked what she was doing, not about a date. She just responded.


Ahhhh, okay! Wasn't aware, that totally changes my advice. Yes, keep at it and secure a firm date for next week.


you can't put a price on sparks
So after we told you not to be subtle you ask a subtle question?

Just say "would you like to meet up sometime next week?"


You guys are jumping on him like nuts, he asked an innocent question which can be used as a lead into an actual date proposal. Now he just needs to ask about a day next week and he'll know. Damn.

Gray Matter

Wow, we've been texting consistently now for like 3 days, that must be a world record.

Anyway, asked her out on a date, her response was "definitely maybe" but we kept talking a bit and were setting it for sometime next week (she has to make sure she's not preoccupied) but it's a definite yes now.


TxdoHawk said:
Set up a date for this Saturday. This one looks promising. We're gonna go get yakitori in the city and then hit up a nearby cocktail bar.
Yakitori? If it's where I think it is, then you're going to the yakitori place in St. Marks and possibly Mayahuel for cocktails. Good luck and have fun!

Wow, we've been texting consistently now for like 3 days, that must be a world record.

Anyway, asked her out on a date, her response was "definitely maybe" but we kept talking a bit and were setting it for sometime next week (she has to make sure she's not preoccupied) but it's a definite yes now.


That's the spirit. Keep it up man and good luck.

I saw that you mentioned that going out with girls from NYC would impossible. To that I have to say that if it's a girl that lives out in say Yonkers, then it would easier to go out with since they live closer to the CT border.

On the flip side of that, I tried to make it work with a girl who lived in CT (Stamford) several months ago but left the ball in her court on whether she wanted to meet up or not so I moved on. Time was a huge issue for both of us in addition to her being hesitant about me going out to her way to see her. She never contacted me again but it was for the better in retrospect considering how I'd blown her off when she tried to meet me initially while I was celebrating with friends. So girls who live in CT are a no go for me in the future as nice as they are.

Gray Matter

Yakitori? If it's where I think it is, then you're going to the yakitori place in St. Marks and possibly Mayahuel for cocktails. Good luck and have fun!


That's the spirit. Keep it up man and good luck.

I saw that you mentioned that going out with girls from NYC would impossible. To that I have to say that if it's a girl that lives out in say Yonkers, then it would easier to go out with since they live closer to the CT border.

On the flip side of that, I tried to make it work with a girl who lived in CT (Stamford) several months ago but left the ball in her court on whether she wanted to meet up or not so I moved on. Time was a huge issue for both of us in addition to her being hesitant about me going out to her way to see her. She never contacted me again but it was for the better in retrospect considering how I'd blown her off when she tried to meet me initially while I was celebrating with friends. So girls who live in CT are a no go for me in the future as nice as they are.

Well, I'm way up in CT. It's hard enough seeing someone a town next over already.


Well, I'm way up in CT. It's hard enough seeing someone a town next over already.
It looks like a charming college town with a few cool museums and a convention center. I suppose you have to play with the cards you've been dealt. Ride a bike over to the next town?

Living in the city, we're too damn spoiled to be worrying about things closing super early and visiting people in other towns unless they live in Jersey. We take that stuff for granted.

Gray Matter

It looks like a charming college town with a few cool museums and a convention center. I suppose you have to play with the cards you've been dealt. Ride a bike over to the next town?

Living in the city, we're too damn spoiled to be worrying about things closing super early and visiting people in other towns unless they live in Jersey. We take that stuff for granted.

I might have to ride my bike, but I don't mind. But yes, living in a big city is easier to get around. Lucky New Yorkers, I miss living there.
A girl I've been occasionally messaging on OKC over the last few months "wants to get to know me better" before texting. That's fine, but she hardly ever uses the site or messages, and it's already been a while.
A girl I've been occasionally messaging on OKC over the last few months "wants to get to know me better" before texting. That's fine, but she hardly ever uses the site or messages, and it's already been a while.

You've been messaging on OKC for a few months and it hasn't progressed to texting after a handful of exchanged messages? It's never going to texting. Concentrate your lines of effort elsewhere -- and also, when you do message people, shift to texting sooner.


you can't put a price on sparks
usually when they say "i want to get to know you better" i take it as a lack of interest. depends on the conversation though, i guess... but after a few months come on


A girl I've been occasionally messaging on OKC over the last few months "wants to get to know me better" before texting. That's fine, but she hardly ever uses the site or messages, and it's already been a while.

Eh, just drop her. She's not interested, clearly.


Wow, we've been texting consistently now for like 3 days, that must be a world record.

Anyway, asked her out on a date, her response was "definitely maybe" but we kept talking a bit and were setting it for sometime next week (she has to make sure she's not preoccupied) but it's a definite yes now.
Stop the texting, you're killing all the attraction she has to you. Also, I'd be surprised if this date actually happens, I don't think she's interested. The answer "definitely maybe" is a contradiction, you can't be definite but also maybe. Which tells me she's saying "yes" even though she really wants to say "no".

Stop texting right now and tell her to message you when she figures out what day works next week. As soon as you do that, go message other girls.

Gray Matter

Stop the texting, you're killing all the attraction she has to you. Also, I'd be surprised if this date actually happens, I don't think she's interested. The answer "definitely maybe" is a contradiction, you can't be definite but also maybe. Which tells me she's saying "yes" even though she really wants to say "no".

Stop texting right now and tell her to message you when she figures out what day works next week. As soon as you do that, go message other girls.

I would normally think the same thing, but if she wasn't interested why is she still texting? And it not like she's replying with no effort, it's genuine conversation that (from my side) doesn't seem forced.


Texting and replying can be a sign of interest but its not reliable. She could be replying because she's afraid to directly reject you, for example. Or she's just comfortable chatting and has no intention to meet, which is why I was stressing that you stop texting. The only true sign of interest is when you find yourself out on the second date with the same girl.

Also, as a golden rule: never engage in a "world texting record" with a girl, especially with one you haven't been out with yet. I know its tempting. I know it also seems logical that chatting more will establish better rapport and a connection. No. You do all that at the date, not over the phone. Trust me on this.

If you haven't already, message her and tell her to let you know what day works next week. Do not engage her further. After that, move on to the next girl.


I would normally think the same thing, but if she wasn't interested why is she still texting? And it not like she's replying with no effort, it's genuine conversation that (from my side) doesn't seem forced.
Maybe she's interested in keeping you on as a friend. If you carry on the way you are, you definitely will end up being a friend only. You need to get a date set in stone. That whole 'definitely maybe' BS is a warning sign that she isn't as interested in you as you are in her. Get a date or move on to greener pastures.

Gray Matter

Texting and replying can be a sign of interest but its not reliable. She could be replying because she's afraid to directly reject you, for example. Or she's just comfortable chatting and has no intention to meet, which is why I was stressing that you stop texting. The only true sign of interest is when you find yourself out on the second date with the same girl.

Also, as a golden rule: never engage in a "world texting record" with a girl, especially with one you haven't been out with yet. I know its tempting. I know it also seems logical that chatting more will establish better rapport and a connection. No. You do all that at the date, not over the phone. Trust me on this.

If you haven't already, message her and tell her to let you know what day works next week. Do not engage her further. After that, move on to the next girl.

I agree on the not texting part. I'll get a set date by weekends end for sure.


As I said, text her to let you know what works for her. If she tries to start up a long conversation, back out and say you're busy. This is extremely important.


To the guys who are advocating very little texting: how often do you text girls you've been seeing for a while, say you're three dates in. Do you only text to set up dates?


To the guys who are advocating very little texting: how often do you text girls you've been seeing for a while, say you're three dates in. Do you only text to set up dates?
I keep it to small talk and setting up dates. Save the proper conversation for face-to-face on the date.
To the guys who are advocating very little texting: how often do you text girls you've been seeing for a while, say you're three dates in. Do you only text to set up dates?
Preferably, but if she starts talking about things I'll message back a bit.

If you are a few dates in, you probably will be seeing each other more often anyway, so no need to keep in constant contact through text.


Had a date yesterday with a girl I hooked up with last week, I was kinda reluctant because I know she's not looking for anything serious and I sorta wanted to spend my Friday night with someone new. I had a really good time though, and I like her a lot more. I have a date in a bit by central park, gonna be brief since she starts work at 4. She's pretty hot, and I haven't slept enough.
Maybe it is the type of women I date, but I text often before and in-between dates. *shrugs*

Same here. Honestly, the way it's been for me is the less texting, the less interest there is all around.

I've also never run out of things to talk about. One or both sides just isn't very interesting if you don't have enough to talk about between dates as well as on them.

Again, this could just be the type of women we date, but I've noticed that, especially with those who go to online dating, if they aren't spending their time texting you, then they are likely texting someone else.

I'm kind of an oddity though. I usually have the best luck by doing the opposite of what GAF has told me.


To the guys who are advocating very little texting: how often do you text girls you've been seeing for a while, say you're three dates in. Do you only text to set up dates?
Think of it this way. Once in a relationship, your significant other will probably expect daily communication, right? So you want to gradually work towards that. By the third date I'd say you should definitely chat through text BUT also know when to stop. Everything in moderation. Its always best to save things for real-life interaction. Text is for small talk, quick and witty jokes, and stuff like that. I've never had a problem setting up a first date, I barely text (max. 3 messages per day).


Date went really well, she def wants another date like an actually one. Feeling myself a lil bit right now. Been talking to a few cuties lately. Two others in particular I wanna set things up with.

Witcher time!
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