Well, the first online dating thing I used was Date My School. She first saw me there and nearly immediately asked me out for coffee. I liked the aggressiveness of it all. She asked me out for a second date later in the week, but I was in a bit of a depressed funk, so I turned her down. She kept talking to me for a little while longer, but I turned her down completely because I was still in that funk.
Several months later, she sent me a message on OKCupid, not really recognizing who I was. I decided to text her for a bit, but still kept turning her down. She tried and tried and eventually won me over after I had gone on dates with several other women.
Honestly, I'd still love to be with her now. Losing the baby was just too much for her. I think she sees that life we were about to lead every time she looks at me and it just kills her.
I haven't given up entirely though. I just have to respect her space as much as I can while still letting her know I'm here.