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what does it mean when an ex agrees to spend a night at a hotel room?

Hey guys! Reporting now from some darkened room. I can see the sun peeking in through the bars, slowly fading from the zenith towards the West, so I assume I must still be in Europe somewhere. So yea, the night went pretty much as expected. As soon as I entered her room, I was welcomed by the sight of mutilated organs covering the floor, also I think I saw two creepy twin girls appearing for half a second, alive then dead an instant later. Then I just felt something hitting me on my head, but fortunately I managed to swallow my iPhone 6 plus before losing consiousness. And here I am. Pls send help I guess.
No yea, everything went well! Met her directly in her room cause she said she was wearing pajamas and didn't want to be a bitch about that. We talked for a while then went into action. She was very sweet and affectionate. Only twist, it later turns out she is married. Not sure how to feel about that. Oh well. She said she was gonna miss me and maybe we'll see each other again some day.
Not exactly sure why I did this, but I texted the girl who's obviously been ignoring me, saying that I hope her week was going well -- got a reply back that, after 5 dates, she didn't feel a "spark" and didn't want to continue dating, but I was an incredible guy, etc. Told her I kinda already knew and wished her the best.
This is a recurring theme at this point. First and second dates go extremely well, but I can't hold anyone's interest. Frankly, I'm not upset -- just feeling jaded at wading back in to this.
I completely agree, I guess its just hard to find someone who is active and into fitness that isn't also into being super ambitious about all other angles of their life (job, activities, traveling) where I'm more chill about that type of stuff (even though I do have a good job that I like). I guess I should stop complaining after being on a dating site for less than a week. I'll keep my mouth shut and just keep sending out messages : ). As someone else said, online dating be fickle as fuck.
what does it mean when an ex agrees to spend a night at a hotel room?
Ok I really appreciate the advise, thanks a lot!!!
Being 33, I'm actually having a really hard time connecting with women my age so far. It seems like any girls that are in decent shape at my age are extremely career focused, very ambitious, want a guy who is extremely driven, handsome, makes good money and is also kind and down to earth, and well traveled and very intelligent. That is a shitload of criteria for a guy to fill. I'm finding myself skewing to younger girls (24/25) range because they don't seem to have so many restrictions. Any other guys a bit older having the same type of issues?
Welp, this why we can be BFFs fellow Juneteenth; because I'm at the figure it out/quarter life crisis stage of my life after having graduated from undergrad. Although to be fair, my situation is a little bit more complicated for reasons that I won't go into here but it affords me the time to take on jobs while I carve out my calling and save up money. If I wanted the safe route, there's always the 9-5 but I would be somewhat miserable doing that despite having disposable income to travel. I do like that you're realistic with expectations.Hmm, that would explain why a lotta older guys would message me xD
I know I'm not an older guy, but I can understand why women in their 30s are like that--they want a stable man that they can hopefully build a long lasting relationship with. They don't want to worry about things younger people may worry about, like financial difficulties and guys that might be leeches (because to many, if you haven't at least made significant steps to reaching your goal by 30, it makes it look like you have no drive at all). I'm 27, and at this point, I don't want to date anyone that looks like they have no ambition or don't have a job, due to both me getting older and my ex being a financial leech on me. I'm not gonna say "oh you have to make 50k a year and be awesome off in your career", because I haven't even done that myself, but as we get older most people want more stability.
Now, I'm going to assume you're slightly overreacting a bit due to lack of message backs--few women are going to ask of THAT much of you, even if they put it in their profile--but they are going to be pickier when they're older, and certain seemingly small things (do you have a car? Is that your career, or just a job? Do you have a constant paycheck?) make a big difference.
EDIT: I realize I'm being rambly, I'm sorry. Lack of sleep.
I mean, sounds like you were boring her bro. lol sorry I don't know how else to explain that.
I got lucky with no younger guys really (I live in a college town so they have more than enough people their age), but the older ones were pretty creepy most of the time. I think all but like two were obviously the type that didn't know how to date/have a relationship/talk to anyone (woman or man), and were trying their luck with someone younger in hope of them not knowing better. Or maybe they though them having decent jobs would get them laid (tbqh I don't know if they had well paying jobs or not; I didn't look when I saw their ages). They'd also be the ones that would get maddest if I didn't reply to their messages.
This might have been your cue to suggest sexy time at your place or hers. I always like to think through these situations logically, and I honestly cannot think of anything else.The bar was crowded so she was like wanna go somewhere else. Hit up another place, she us a round and shots. As soon as we settle some place by the bar she just started starring off into space.
I look really young even at 28, so I guess they think it's flattering to be all "omg r u really 28??? wife material!! =^_^=" (verbatim from a 19 year old...).
I can't really say which group gets angrier when I ignore. I think older guys send more "hi" "hi" "hi" "hi" before petering off, but I've had a few younger ones do the "omg ur beautiful" "y dont u reply???" "ur fat ne way" haha.
This might have been your cue to suggest sexy time at your place or hers. I always like to think through these situations logically, and I honestly cannot think of anything else.
Appreciate itNot terribly surprised about her being married but at least you didn't die.
I would think after 5 dates she'd at least let you know instead of fading. She probably found someone else since she was so insistent on seeing other people.
About holding their interest, I assume you are also dropping girls you don't feel a spark with? If it's always you vying for another date and them not reciprocating maybe you're going too fast or setting expectations that they feel like they can't meet.
I read your profile and my conclusion is that I need to get a dog. Seriously though, you're a good-looking active guy and shouldn't have any trouble meeting people. Maybe have a little more info on your job (I just saw your income and it could attract the wrong type of person).
I broke up with my live in GF of 3 years a week ago. I'm going to be 31 in October. I am not looking forward to dating again. Sigh.
I think you've hit on something pretty interesting here. If you notice a lot of the women in their 30s on dating sites... they are looking for something really fantastic. They want someone who has it all, and they won't settle for less. Which is perfectly fine of course. I often wonder how it will work out for them with those expectations though. Especially in my area (LA), expectations are a little skewed in my opinion.
Ok I really appreciate the advise, thanks a lot!!!
Being 33, I'm actually having a really hard time connecting with women my age so far. It seems like any girls that are in decent shape at my age are extremely career focused, very ambitious, want a guy who is extremely driven, handsome, makes good money and is also kind and down to earth, and well traveled and very intelligent. That is a shitload of criteria for a guy to fill. I'm finding myself skewing to younger girls (24/25) range because they don't seem to have so many restrictions. Any other guys a bit older having the same type of issues?
Hahaha, omg, that is creepy. I'm glad I haven't had anyone go *that* far, lol.
Most guys would send me passive aggressive messages, like it'd go "hi" next day "how are you" day after "well nice talking to you" or "guess i'm too ugly for you". One guy was like, "Oh, I guess I'm too old for you, I'm offended!" Well yeah... you're 41, you're a bit too old, sorry... >.>" I got a lot of people that acted really negative too, it was bleh.
I've had a couple young guys say they would "wife" me (one sent the same message like five times, like he'd forgotten he'd sent it). It's really weird.
And yeah, the passive aggressive ones are funny too. Had one guy who sent about 10 that ranged from "hi" "hey" to "why won't you talk to me?" to "I just don't get it!!!". Like he asked "why?" a bunch of times, like he was having this existential crisis.
At this point, I screen cap the weirdest ones and send them to one of my friends and we giggle over them lol.
So I met with a girl from OKC for coffee. She was very nice in her messages and even a little flirty. Then we meet in person and she's very difficult to talk to. I ask her questions and she gives short answer without asking things back, then I'd voluntarily say things about myself and she wouldn't respond much. Which is a shame too, because she was very beautiful (with an awesome French accent!). So whatever, bit odd but bound to happen in online dating. I text her afterwards thinking that she's not interested and I'll just offer a "was nice meeting you" and then she texts back, being nice again and even complimenting me.
I probably just suck at understanding some people.Not sure if I'll ask her out again. This seems like a lot of effort.
People don't seem to understand that, honestly, you've got a much better chance at having a conversation with someone just by being normal.
Also, ladies: now you're obligated to paraphrase the worst...
She could be painfully shy or socially awkward around people.
Give her time to warm up. If she's worth the trouble, of course.
I guess I'm at a point where I'd like some feedback on my profile. Check email tag.
I guess you shouldn't use the autofill for the email insert.
Sounds like she's shy. How good is her English? That could be compounding with it.Well I asked her if she wanted to do something again just for the hell of it as I thought she would say no, but she immediately suggested somewhere we should go hang out. So I guess I'll give it another shot.
Probably, but it went 0-100 real quick. Conversation was going well, asked if she wanted another drink and she agree. The bar was crowded so she was like wanna go somewhere else. Hit up another place, she us a round and shots. As soon as we settle some place by the bar she just started starring off into space. I was like ok, and then she said she had to go right after. I was like ok, and that was that. Stuff like this makes me feel really ugly. Like I didn't look like my pictures or something. My confidence just tanks.
I did meet up with another girl who happened to be around, she seemed down to come over but that wasn't gonna happen.
Sounds like she's shy. How good is her English? That could be compounding with it.
Her English is fine. It wasn't so much shyness as aloofness I think. Which I suppose I can understand, I also try not to invest in people too much since I'm tired of getting burned that way.
I guess I'm at a point where I'd like some feedback on my profile. Check email tag.
I guess you shouldn't use the autofill for the email insert.
I'm a higher match with you than any girl within 25 miles. If it weren't for the distance, and us both being straight males...
Said it before, and I'll say it again - get better pictures! The one that's overexposed just feels like its there so that you can say you have three pics uploaded. It doesn't flatter you, and it makes your skin look horrible. Get at least one pic of your entire torso to show off the goods, and another of you smiling.
Always recommend leaving "the first things people usually notice about me" and "the most private thing I'm willing to admit" blank. They haven't been included in profiles for at least a year now, and you're not saying too much with either.
"people often describe me as shy, by I'd judge...". First off, fix the grammar. Second, I'm not sure starting off by calling yourself shy, quiet, and making efforts to understand people. That just sounds...mechanical. I think you'd be better off taking the second paragraph, splitting it in two, and throwing in some more detail.
You're building a business? Awesome! Expound on that! Small businesses are works of passion, and everyone loves passion.
"I love read cook books". Throw a to in there.
The rest of your favorites could use some punch up too. At the very least, name genres. Food, books, movie, music, they're all great things to share. They showcase your personality. And they help indicate what a date might be like.
Your "you should message me if" is incredibly generic. You could imagine those sentences on anyone else profile.
Thanks for the feedback guys.I would definitely use the guitar pic as your main. Not really sure what the overexposed photo is doing for you. Get some more pics up too.
I would maybe lose the opening paragraph. It's fine to mention that you're quiet, I don't know that I'd lead with that though. The next paragraph would cover that section fine on its own.
Other then that it looks good.
I have a profile open of a women that I'm a 89% match with. She looks to be funny, pretty, and down to earth. I've had it open for a good half hour.
All I keep trying to think about is what to say... I don't know what should be an opener anymore.
I can't stand the frustrations around online dating. Things that should be natural to me at a bar are not working online.
Take a pic where you wear your dog as a hat
So I met with a girl from OKC for coffee. She was very nice in her messages and even a little flirty. Then we meet in person and she's very difficult to talk to. I ask her questions and she gives short answer without asking things back, then I'd voluntarily say things about myself and she wouldn't respond much. Which is a shame too, because she was very beautiful (with an awesome French accent!). So whatever, bit odd but bound to happen in online dating. I text her afterwards thinking that she's not interested and I'll just offer a "was nice meeting you" and then she texts back, being nice again and even complimenting me.
I probably just suck at understanding some people.Not sure if I'll ask her out again. This seems like a lot of effort.
Well, normal or not, I don't respond to guys younger than me anyway. I have two younger sisters so when a guy could/should be dating one of them? Creeps me the fuck out.
But really, I reply to almost no one lol. I've had my account for like a year and a half and replied to like 5 people and met none lol.
Well, normal or not, I don't respond to guys younger than me anyway. I have two younger sisters so when a guy could/should be dating one of them? Creeps me the fuck out.
But really, I reply to almost no one lol. I've had my account for like a year and a half and replied to like 5 people and met none lol.
Awww too bad.That fucker is 50 lbs. I do 'puppy curls' with him where I use him to do biceps (he loves it) but like hell am I trying to put him on as a hat. Whenever I try to balance him on my neck as a cruella de vil scarf he freaks the fuck out lol
Awww too bad.
The pics are good, it's fine to have a pic where your dog is acting crazy. Just try to get a shot of his face while he's pulling all those stunts.
Man, I love dogs.
Well, normal or not, I don't respond to guys younger than me anyway. I have two younger sisters so when a guy could/should be dating one of them? Creeps me the fuck out.
But really, I reply to almost no one lol. I've had my account for like a year and a half and replied to like 5 people and met none lol.
PM me your sisters' info plz
We're not so different you and I.
My age range is basically 21-26
Which is the legal age to drink/slightly older than younger sis, and the other end is younger than my older sis.
My sisters would probably be bothered if the girl was younger than my youngest or the same age/older than my eldest sister.
Why are you even on the site then? Sounds like a colossal waste of time both for you and people who are interested in actually dating.
It would of course be better if you could get one with the face, but the second one is good. If they're a dog person, they'll know what's going on and think it's cute.Take a picture with your dog for your profile they said
"Oh I'm sure a puppy can stay still for 3 seconds for a picture with me" I thought
Fucking dog can't do me this solid lol. Always gotta lick and try to bite me to play. And it was always at the last moment when he absolutely had to move.