So I had two notable dates last week. The first was with a girl from Oregon. I swear white girls from Oregon who have spent a good amount of time in Latin America and now have a thing for Hispanic men, is like a thing. Which is funny because I might be moving out to Portland with my best friend next year. Anyway, the date went really great. At least I thought it did. We had tentative plans for Sunday, but I didn't hear anything from her and still haven't. A little bummed but it's whatever.
I had another date Saturday, and she was feeling me from the get go. We had fun, wandered around Brooklyn and ended up in bed together. There's something about her that makes me extremely attracted her but I can't say what it is. Maybe it's like a chemical thing, gonna see her again on Saturday.
Very nice. You finally typed more than a sentence in a post so it's a miracle! If you want Portland, just move to Greenpoint since it's essentially the same thing.
Hahaha, you guys fall head over heels in love with someone on a first date. Is that really possible? Maybe I'm being overly cynical but can you blame me for saying not to go all in?
This brings me to the latest edition of Jipan's Online-Dating Rabbit Hole Report:
-The Mexican girl I had been seeing casually texted me today saying that she met someone and has been seeing the guy for the past 8 days in a row. As a result, she said that we might have to become friends but enjoyed time we spent together. I was stunned initially and took me about 20 mins to formulate a reply while I recovered from it.
I told her that I was happy that she found what she was looking for but also said that they say love is blind, then proceeded to leave her my actual number (been using a texting app to text girls while I fix my carrier service) and Twitter handle to hang out as friends only in addition to thanking her.
She implied that I contact her one of these days but I told her that I'm going to need some distance for a while before we can hang out as friends because I don't want to be a home wrecker on her budding relationship (my actual words were something along the lines I'm don't want to be
THAT guy so don't worry folks). I then told told her that I'm happy to have one fan of my art (context was that she was said that she looks forward to seeing my subway sketches become famous) and that it starts with one before it multiplies. Heartbroken is
definitely not what I feel because I knew it was bound to come to an end sooner or later. If anything, I feel a lot more confident coming out of it because it did help a lot.
All that being said, the rest of my updates are as follows:
-I have a date tonight with a new girl at a Starbucks across the street from the hotel lounge where I usually meet my boss. I told her that there's a jazz band playing there at 7 (not sure if it might have ended though since it's September). I told her we can chill there afterwards. Unfortunately, I developed the "con flu" fresh off having worked a convention this past weekend that I've been coughing up mucus (chest congestion) but otherwise, I'm fine. Lots of tea, water, and soup will help flush it out quicker.
-I have a second date tomorrow night with the writer assistant girl I saw last week that lives in my neighborhood. I felt like we hit it off well so I think tomorrow will fare well. We're gonna hit up a Mexican place in the area. She did mention that she's gonna be out of town for the weekend and will start packing on Thursday evening (AKA called making time for me). I'm very much looking forward to it.
-I have a date with a teacher who I've been talking to for the better half of two weeks this Saturday. Our schedule for the weekends didn't line up so we're finally going to meet up. She suggested taking the Metro North to walk around a small town outside the city early in the day since she's gonna be partying both Saturday and Sunday night. I told her that sounds like a surprisingly refreshing idea and took her up on it. She'll get back when she picks the town and time/rendezvous point to meet up at.
-Been casually messaging a few other girls on OKC on and off so that's been slowly progressing.
-Been noticing that girls have been anonymously Liking me that their pictures appear blurred out so I can't figure out how to message them. C'est la vie.
-Met a cute girl working the aforementioned con this weekend that I hit it off with her but I didn't get number so will have to post pics in the group to make myself visible (I don't add people on FB at random these days; she was a co-worker for reference). Pretty sure I could have gotten two separate Asian girls' numbers that I spoke to at random intervals since they were super interested but oh well; one of them was working at the NHK booth. Forgot the NHK booth girl's name though.=/