Have you guys... tried splitting the bill?
It's awkward to bring up if the girl doesn't offer but lord knows I ain't offering to pay fully unless it's like a cup of coffee or my actual gf.
I've seen ladies with "I hear this is a way to get free pizza so I'll join in I guess"
I'd love to invite them to pizza and then just split the bill and leave her there.
Have you guys... tried splitting the bill?
Totally know that feel bro. It gets overwhelming that I've been trying to cut back on going out with a set amount of girls a week.Yep, me too. I was spending a ton of money on dates. Also wasn't getting any sleep because of the constant texting new girls and having a date lined up almost every day, leaving no real personal time for myself.
Hahaha, I've been doing this lately and it's helped save me money by going to a Starbucks as opposed to a bar. It's much cheaper and can talk without having a stereo system or a sports game blaring in the background.Have you guys... tried splitting the bill?
Have you guys... tried splitting the bill?
Splitting the bill is a big no-no for me. I absolutely will not let a woman pay until a few dates in. If I like a girl, then I am not going to risk losing her over 20 or so dollars.
I let the girl answer the waiter instead of preemptively offering to pay. For the most part they ask to split. After a few dates and we're more stable, we start alternate-taking the bill.
I've only taken the bill once on a first date (well, twice, but that was from losing a bet and I already knew the girl), but that was because she was a student. Generally, it doesn't matter how much more or less money she makes than me, it's a date between two equals. I'm not there to pamper a princess.
A different perspective on this: if you lose a girl over 20 dollars, you may have dodged a bullet
I guess I just don't like the undertones behind the traditional gender roles imposed by society. Even the wording gives it away. 'More of a man' for... paying for a meal? Just makes me uncomfortable, but maybe that's the feminist in me! Anyway, that was a bit of tangent, I get where you're coming from and there's definitely a place for traditional roles in dating - dating is difficult enough as it is that you should take every advantage you can get.
I guess I just don't like the undertones behind the traditional gender roles imposed by society. Even the wording gives it away. 'More of a man' for... paying for a meal? Just makes me uncomfortable, but maybe that's the feminist in me! Anyway, that was a bit of tangent, I get where you're coming from and there's definitely a place for traditional roles in dating - dating is difficult enough as it is that you should take every advantage you can get.
To supplement the general sitcom-ness that is my life (hi, davepoobond):
I'd been chatting with a girl on OKC briefly. She "liked" me. My first message was something equivalent to, "Just to avoid the awkward glances, yeah, I go to school where you do too." She replied, "Don't worry, I won't be on campus. Just during exam time." Then, she went radio silent for a week.
Just got a message.
"So, that's you in my class, isn't it?"
I've gotten several matches on tinder. I am at a loss as to how to keep women interested or where to go from stupid small talk. I feel like I'm getting exlipsed by other dudes that do this better than I. I notice that women talk with me a lot at first, but then things fall off. It's because I can't get passed the basic bullshit questions; what do you do for fun, how long have you lived here, what do you go to school for, how often do you murder hookers in dark alleyways.
To supplement the general sitcom-ness that is my life (hi, davepoobond):
I'd been chatting with a girl on OKC briefly. She "liked" me. My first message was something equivalent to, "Just to avoid the awkward glances, yeah, I go to school where you do too." She replied, "Don't worry, I won't be on campus. Just during exam time." Then, she went radio silent for a week.
Just got a message.
"So, that's you in my class, isn't it?"
I've gotten several matches on tinder. I am at a loss as to how to keep women interested or where to go from stupid small talk. I feel like I'm getting exlipsed by other dudes that do this better than I. I notice that women talk with me a lot at first, but then things fall off. It's because I can't get passed the basic bullshit questions; what do you do for fun, how long have you lived here, what do you go to school for, how often do you murder hookers in dark alleyways.
Now's your chance to say "Come say "hi" and find out."So, that's you in my class, isn't it?"
To supplement the general sitcom-ness that is my life (hi, davepoobond):
I'd been chatting with a girl on OKC briefly. She "liked" me. My first message was something equivalent to, "Just to avoid the awkward glances, yeah, I go to school where you do too." She replied, "Don't worry, I won't be on campus. Just during exam time." Then, she went radio silent for a week.
Just got a message.
"So, that's you in my class, isn't it?"
Court, Date
By day, Connor Smith (Zac Efron) is a ruthless deputy district attorney (always leave room for a promotion) who puts away the most hardened criminals. But at night the tie comes off, the candles come on, and he's enjoying a steak dinner set to jazz music... alone.
Watch as Connor navigates the baffling world of dating. He's got a motive: his well-meaning but overprotective mother (Kathy Bates) who wants grandkids but doesn't want her boy going on those "scary websites with that Ashley Madison girl". He's got witnesses: his best friend and worst wingman Larry (Kevin James, "why would you ever want to get married like I did") and his ex-wife (and other best friend) Michelle (Thandie Newton, "I'd love to hear about your date but I've got someone coming over"). He's got evidence: a drawer full of underwear (not his) and too many wine bottles going out with the recycling. All he needs is conviction and a life sentence (with no parole).
The rest of the cast includes Lisa Kudrow as Larry's wife, 50 Cent as Connor's neighbour, Sam Worthington as a hotshot defence lawyer, Daniel Dae Kim as the district attorney, and Eliza Dushku as a judge.
Coming this fall, Tuesdays on NBC.
I guess why I'm posting this is for advice on what the rules of this thing are. Is it generally understood that everyone is dating more than one person? Is it ok to kiss multiple people? How many dates before exclusivity? Do people sleep with multiple people at once? I have no idea what the fuck is going on. Please help...
That's when you ask them out.
Sounds like you're taking too long to ask them out. How long do the convos usually go on for before the radio silence?
I guess why I'm posting this is for advice on what the rules of this thing are. Is it generally understood that everyone is dating more than one person? Is it ok to kiss multiple people? How many dates before exclusivity? Do people sleep with multiple people at once? I have no idea what the fuck is going on. Please help...
Court, Date
By day, Connor Smith (Zac Efron) is a ruthless deputy district attorney (always leave room for a promotion) who puts away the most hardened criminals. But at night the tie comes off, the candles come on, and he's enjoying a steak dinner set to jazz music... alone.
Watch as Connor navigates the baffling world of dating. He's got a motive: his well-meaning but overprotective mother (Kathy Bates) who wants grandkids but doesn't want her boy going on those "scary websites with that Ashley Madison girl". He's got witnesses: his best friend and worst wingman Larry (Kevin James, "why would you ever want to get married like I did") and his ex-wife (and other best friend) Michelle (Thandie Newton, "I'd love to hear about your date but I've got someone coming over"). He's got evidence: a drawer full of underwear (not his) and too many wine bottles going out with the recycling. All he needs is conviction and a life sentence (with no parole).
The rest of the cast includes Lisa Kudrow as Larry's wife, 50 Cent as Connor's neighbour, Sam Worthington as a hotshot defence lawyer, Daniel Dae Kim as the district attorney, and Eliza Dushku as a judge.
Coming this fall, Tuesdays on NBC.
Honestly, I thought the girl was meh/vanilla that we didn't have much in common besides liking the public library and fiction. Typical attractive blondie NYU alum who's working a 9-5 at a non-profit, lives with roommates in Brooklyn, goes out with friends, and Netflix.
Honestly, I thought the girl was meh/vanilla that we didn't have much in common besides liking the public library and fiction. Typical attractive blondie NYU alum who's working a 9-5 at a non-profit, lives with roommates in Brooklyn, goes out with friends, and Netflix. Not much else to her and she's surprisingly oblivious to a good chunk of Manhattan (not a deal breaker). I guess I was expecting more out of it. I texted her to ask if she got him all right in any case. Haven't gotten a reply back but in all honesty I won't be bummed out at all if we didn't click won't blame her if she doesn't reply at all.
It felt very interview-ish so she'll be doing me a solid plus it seems like she has a lot going for her with being out of town at the end of this month and early next month. That said, if she does reply then I'll offer to see her again as a benefit of the doubt. Otherwise, no sweat off my back so I'll happily move on.
Hahaha, indeed it is. There's not a single profile that I don't encounter where I see Netflix or hanging out with friends at a bar on their Typical Friday Night section as well as Netflix listed on their 6 things they can't live without section. *yawn*You've basically described 98% of the girls on OKC in the city.
Yup, originally from Wisconsin (been getting a of Wisconsin blondies lately) that she moved to the city for school, graduated, and still lives here. I never heard from her again and I'm okay with that.Midwestern too?
You have no[/b] idea how close you are. I mean, holy fuck. I also really appreciate the fact that you'd have Zac Efron play me. I've had the "hey, from this angle, you look like Christian Bale" pitch before, but that's an overreach. You'd just need to change Larry's wife to my best friend, and while I love the comedic stylings of Kevin James, her husband is actually rather stilted and metro -- we'll go with a return-to-TV joint for Ryan Reynolds.
... I'd also really watch this show.
Back in real life, I had a second date tonight. Our personalities are 100% in sync, it feels totally comfortable, we both admitted that we're a little nervous; it ended in a goodnight kiss and talk of a more active third date (rather than just drinking and/or eating). I'm not entirely sure what vibe I get with her or vice-versa. But I also get the feeling that she's allowing things to develop rather than expecting something overwhelming immediately, which is nice.
Ouch! I'm sorry to see that. Never broken a limb but I imagine the pain must be...unpleasant to say the least. *knocks on wood*not online dating related but I broke my arm so im out the game for a few. Actually it was after a very bad tinder date, as in the girl was yikes.
Also typical nyu blonde transplant is my jam.
Wait so there was torture involved?out of the blue I got a textmessage from a Tindergirl I met last year.
She is visiting my city for a few days and wants to have a drink with me.
Went to have some cocktails.
Then "Reservoir Dogs" at my place.
Then we had a good night.
Surprise dates are best dates.
Honestly, I couldn't say. That kind of stuff has never made sense to me.Haha I don't get it, do guys expect responses when they send weird statements to women?
"You have huge tits"
Like...great? Thanks?
At least ask a question that MAYBE someone would answer, along with the stupid statement. Haha.
Wait so there was torture involved?
Give me your thoughts and experience on something: I've typically responded to every message right away, sometimes within minutes of getting them if I'm on when it comes in. A lot of times, girls just stop responding. Lately though, since I'm not really as interested because of my lack of success, I've been letting messages sit for days, or sometimes a week or more before I answer.
About half the time I get another response when I do this. Is delayed messaging an important technique?
No, there are no rules to when you should respond to a message. If there were rules to this, people would be driving themselves insane.
However, do take note that if you don't respond within several days, most people are going to assume that you're not interested and move on even if you reply. If you feel like it's working for you, then more power to you but do ask the girls out since time waits for no one. Girls' interest can only be held for so long before the lose interest and move on which is probably a big reason why you haven't been having any success. So yeah, ask them out sooner rather than later or else get relegated to being a pen pal/another guy on the internet.
Its never a bad idea to have a "life" when it comes to responding. And by that I mean not being available the moment you receive a reply. Let the message linger a bit. Typically I've messaged 1-3 times a day in the past, all short messages. By day 2 or 3 I would secure a date. Less is more with online dating, trust me.
-Engage in long convos
-Always reply instantly
-Ask basic questions
EDIT: Be comfortable with saying "Hey, I have something to do. Talk later." I've done that enough times.
I have an account but I'm not active, no. I pretty much let it sit and reply to whichever girl I'm really into. If nothing happens, it just sits there. At the moment I'm focused on work so I don't mind the temporary drought. Thanks man, glad to see you find my advice helpful.Are you still active on the site? I've been following your posts in these online dating threads for at least a year and they're great.