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Online Dating |OT| Please Respond


Another date that started off really promising but got kinda awkward towards the end. I feel like I'm really bad at flirting unless the signs are obvious. Any tips? Thanks boys and gals
Wait, people use POF? Maybe it's because I'm in NYC, but I've always thought the app was junk.

Also, how to people feel about the Super Like feature on Tinder?


Used my first Tinder superlike on a cute girl wearing a John Mayer shirt (I'm a huge fan) and she immediately liked me back. Good feature!

A few messages later she tells me "I have to tell you I'm 17, are you okay with that?". Her age says 18 and I'm 22. What kind of question is that lol? (For the record the age of consent in Sweden is 15)

As far as I'm aware Tinder differentiates between people of ages <18 and >=18, so as I'm 22 I can only see people >=18. Wouldn't surprise me if people fake their ages to appear in the older pool.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Wait, people use POF? Maybe it's because I'm in NYC, but I've always thought the app was junk.

Also, how to people feel about the Super Like feature on Tinder?

Dude, POF was a goldmine for me back in the day (6 years ago). I can't speak for it now, but I had a steady stream of good stuff walking into my door .


Dude, POF was a goldmine for me back in the day (6 years ago). I can't speak for it now, but I had a steady stream of good stuff walking into my door .

The last good date I had via PoF was three years ago. Man, that app brings back memories. When I used it late last year, I don't recall having any good experiences. OKC and Tinder remain sublime.

Back in the golden days, PoF was awesome. Nowadays, meh.


keep your strippers out of my American football
The last good date I had via PoF was three years ago. Man, that app brings back memories. When I used it late last year, I don't recall having any good experiences. OKC and Tinder remain sublime.

Back in the golden days, PoF was awesome. Nowadays, meh.

Oh really? Good to know, I was thinking of jumping back on PoF.

One of the hottest girls I've talked to is down for Netflix and chill. I thought it'd be at her place but now she's like if we can do that here and that's not possible. *Sigh*. She's down for a drink tho.

Funny you bring up NetFlix. I was chatting with a girl I met on Match and I told her that I wanted to chill and watch Netflix after we had went to dinner a couple of times. She basically went off on me saying that she knows Netflix means have sex and I was a disgusting for even asking. I really should have listened to my very first reaction when I talked to her on the phone. Seemed that she was really weird and unstable.


Homeland Security Fail
Just change your main tinder profile picture to this:



keep your strippers out of my American football
I'm still cracking up at the idea that "watch netflix" with the other sex has become synonymous with sex.

I definitely wasn't aware that was a code. I wanted to watch Sense 8! Either way, she freaked out completely saying I only wanted sex when we hadn't even held hands or kissed yet. I was shocked.


I definitely wasn't aware that was a code. I wanted to watch Sense 8! Either way, she freaked out completely saying I only wanted sex when we hadn't even held hands or kissed yet. I was shocked.

Seems like kind of a nutjob for blatantly assuming its actual intentions though. Dodged a bullet there!


No One Remembers
Bit the bullet and installed Tinder.

  1. I think I have my pics too locked down, I couldn't put in any of the photos other people have uploaded/tagged me in. Not that the pictures I had to choose from were awful, but there are better pics of me I could've chosen from that pool
  2. Is it common for people not to have anything in their profile? I probably swiped through 2-3 dozen people and only a few actually had anything in there.
  3. The 'Interests' thing, does it only show common interests?
Tips for Tinder (for men):

1. Have a really good picture of you as your main picture.
2. Swipe right. Always.
3. Message the handful of matches you get.
4. Report the bots you matched with.

Tips for Tinder (for women):

1. Swipe right on guys you like.
2. Wait for messages from all the matches you get.


Bit the bullet and installed Tinder.

  1. I think I have my pics too locked down, I couldn't put in any of the photos other people have uploaded/tagged me in. Not that the pictures I had to choose from were awful, but there are better pics of me I could've chosen from that pool
  2. Is it common for people not to have anything in their profile? I probably swiped through 2-3 dozen people and only a few actually had anything in there.
  3. The 'Interests' thing, does it only show common interests?

Most girls I come across have nothing in their profile. If it's because they're too lazy or if they want guys to make more of an effort I cannot answer.

Yes it only shows common facebook interests.


i consider myself an online dating veteran but girls who are already in a relationship and go on an online dating site to make friends still baffle the shit out of me. i mean i understand it from their POV, but it just seems like way too much effort on her part to relate this to guys online over and over. i asked a girl out with a pretty much blank profile and she went on to send 5 consecutive messages about how she's in a happy relationship yadayadayada some people don't think it's possible to make friends on a dating site yadayadayada. i don't really like unprovoked defensiveness so i stopped it right there. she's probably had to respond this way to every single guy who's asked her out on there. must get exhausting for her.
If the profile is empty and the last time they were online was "0 minutes ago" then they're most likely a bot.

Swipe right regardless, but just be ready to un-match when they send some random-ass message or try to link you to a porn site.
I love bots.

Also, I used to do pretty poorly with messaging girls. Then I just stopped giving a fuck, and started sending snarky humorous messages. Success rate ballooned quite a bit after that.


Am I a bad person for not wanting to date someone in a wheelchair? Its not the wheelchair that puts me off, more the care that comes with it. This girl's OKC profile states she requires a lot of care and depends on others a lot. I just...I can't.


Am I a bad person for not wanting to date someone in a wheelchair? Its not the wheelchair that puts me off, more the care that comes with it. This girl's OKC profile states she requires a lot of care and depends on others a lot. I just...I can't.

No, not really, since you aren't being rude about it ("Ugh she's in a wheelchair? Ew gross"). I personally wouldn't be able to deal with someone that needed care and depended on me so heavily either.


Am I a bad person for not wanting to date someone in a wheelchair? Its not the wheelchair that puts me off, more the care that comes with it. This girl's OKC profile states she requires a lot of care and depends on others a lot. I just...I can't.
You're not obligated to date anymore. Just don't be a jerk about it.


I think I'm gonna make a pof & okc profile, but actually 'try' this time. I need some help with what pictures to use, what not to use, and what I should say in my profile. In the past (as in, the last 10 months) I've half-assed it. 3-4 years ago (when I first started online dating) I actually put forth a lot of effort into it & it paid off big time. I only used pof back then, though. Anyway, any help is appreciated. Feel free to PM me if you'd like to help with pictures/bio. I'd like to get it right before making the profile.


You're not obligated to date anymore. Just don't be a jerk about it.
I haven't even responded to her invitation to meet up for drinks, etc. I don't mind talking to her on OKC as friends, but I don't want it to go any further than that, and I'm not sure how to tell her that without coming across as a jerk.


Wait, people use POF? Maybe it's because I'm in NYC, but I've always thought the app was junk.

Also, how to people feel about the Super Like feature on Tinder?

Yea I can't fuck with PoF here because it likes to bring in matches from Jersey for whatever reason or fucking upstate. The filtering is ass.


I haven't even responded to her invitation to meet up for drinks, etc. I don't mind talking to her on OKC as friends, but I don't want it to go any further than that, and I'm not sure how to tell her that without coming across as a jerk.
Sorry, I meant anyone rather than anymore :0

As for what to do, if you're not interested, you can probably just not reply. It sends the message that you're not interested without wasting her time. It's a dating site and she's shown interest, she is not looking for just a friendly conversation leading nowhere, nor does she need or want your pity (let's be friends!)

It's unclear whether you're already having a conversation. If so, why did you engage her if the wheelchair wasn't you thing >:/ If you were ambivalent and aren't feeling it anymore, you can either make up some dumb lie, or you can be honest without being too much of a jerk (maybe she'll appreciate the honestly). I'm not sure how I would word it, though. "Hey, sorry, I'm not really feeling it...?" "My kitchen is on fire, sorry!!!" "My wife found out about my account, sorry about this!!" "Hello, this is the wife. Hubby is dead"

I mean, regardless, you won't looking like the good guy to her, but maybe you can try to be honest and succinct without trying to hurt her. "Hey, I did a bit of thinking. Sorry, but I'm not really feeling it. I'm sorry for wasting your time. Best of luck! Also, my house is on fire" or something..? I really don't know


I think I'm gonna make a pof & okc profile, but actually 'try' this time. I need some help with what pictures to use, what not to use, and what I should say in my profile. In the past (as in, the last 10 months) I've half-assed it. 3-4 years ago (when I first started online dating) I actually put forth a lot of effort into it & it paid off big time. I only used pof back then, though. Anyway, any help is appreciated. Feel free to PM me if you'd like to help with pictures/bio. I'd like to get it right before making the profile.

Just remember that a bio is supposed be be a reflection of your best personality, and no one on GAF can completely write one for you. I can help with grammatical errors, rambling bits, bits that sound negative/weird, and so on, but I can't help with an empty profile.

When you got a basic OKC one set up, I can help you out. :) (I haven't used POF though, so can't help too much with that one in terms of format)


Just remember that a bio is supposed be be a reflection of your best personality, and no one on GAF can completely write one for you. I can help with grammatical errors, rambling bits, bits that sound negative/weird, and so on, but I can't help with an empty profile.

When you got a basic OKC one set up, I can help you out. :) (I haven't used POF though, so can't help too much with that one in terms of format)

I've had little/no luck with okc. Then again, I only started using okc in the beginning of this year & all my luck with dating sites was when I only used pof 3+ years ago. Could you PM me your profile so I can get an accurate reading or outline for my pof to start with? Before I make one, I'll send you the bio bit as well as pictures so I can get your opinion on what to use or not to use.


Easy way to do it is put up your absolute best pics (I'm pretty sure I've seen in another thread that you're jacked, use that to your advantage). Then, just insert some witty and flirty humor into each section of your profile. Every section in my profile is about one very short sentence, I don't even "list" anything like I'm supposed to. And yet I've received hundreds of messages since starting OKC a few years ago.


Easy way to do it is put up your absolute best pics (I'm pretty sure I've seen in another thread that you're jacked, use that to your advantage). Then, just insert some witty and flirty humor into each section of your profile. Every section in my profile is about one very short sentence, I don't even "list" anything like I'm supposed to. And yet I've received hundreds of messages since starting OKC a few years ago.

Well I'm certainly not "jacked" (not in my opinion, anyway). I do have low body fat &, because I used to workout a lot, I have good muscle definition. Also fairly vascular. I don't want to be one of those guys that posts shirtless pictures on a dating site, though. Seems tacky. Only recent one was when I got a ridiculous sunburn on my arms/neck. I guess I could resort to taking selfies, but I've never been one to really do so. Again, big issue is that a crap ton of good pictures of mine taken from 2013 to late 2014 is all with my ex. That is a LOT of pictures that go to waste.


Uh, that seems like a recipe for awkward. "Here, take pictures of me while I do this thing"

I mean, either you take selfies (which is not a good look for a profile if that's mostly all you have), or you get a friend to get good pictures of you. It's only awkward if you make it so. "By the way, I need good pictures of myself. Pizza's on me." Done. That's what friends are for!


Hahahaha, I matched with someone, almost immediately got one of those opening lines with a number attached, figured it was a bot, sent a throwaway line to test how it would respond, had a normal response unlike any of the other bots, responded shocked it wasn't a bot, went to brush my teeth, come back to "I don't know how to take that..." and unmatched.

Woops hahahaha
probably still a bot


Just like them back and you'll find out.

But what's the point of passively liking? Just message them. If you're not interested, then it doesn't matter if they've liked you or not
Hi GAF, I'm using Tinder recently (for two days actually) and I have only two matches so far and nobody responded me so far. Am just too impatient or is it time to worry a bit ? Thanks !


Hi GAF, I'm using Tinder recently (for two days actually) and I have only two matches so far and nobody responded me so far. Am just too impatient or is it time to worry a bit ? Thanks !

All online dating is a numbers game, most people don't respond. You're going to have to match/message more than two people to get someone to talk to, unfortunately.

It's only been two days, so give it a little time for the matches. And send more messages.


Just came home from a first date. Coffee date like I always do, lasted about 2,5 hours. Good stuff. She came off as super nervous because she ran her mouth like crazy, I could barely get a word in and when I did, she almost cut me off because she wanted to start talking again. She's cute and funny though, so I'm giving her at least one more chance, perhaps she'll cool down and not talk as much hah. No real "chemistry" to speak of though, but I rarely get that on first dates - I never even try for a kiss or anything - so it's fine for now. She's very busy since she just started uni though, so it might be difficult to sneak anything in soonish. We'll see how eager she is I guess.
Exchanged a flurry of messages with one girl, got her number, planned a date, she got cold feet and cancelled, all within the span of a couple days.

At the other end of a spectrum, been in contact with a girl who takes about a week to respond to every message. Hasn't ghosted yet and I will chalk it up as a win if we ever meet.

Dating is weird.


Three days ago - A girl tells me "If you're comfortable enough for a phone number, I can give you that as well!"
Two days ago - I ask for her number

Anyway, new profile pic is garnering more interest than I've netted with previous ones. Still likely to redo the profile itself a bit. Got a bad case of "re-reading what I've wrote previously physically hurts me".
Just picked up OKCupid just to see how does it work

I answered many questions, completed my profile but I don't understand what I should doing except "liking" people
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