If that surprises you, you would be disgusted at how many Netflix and chill dates ended up with me and a girl naked within a minute.
But he is talking on a more broader sense. A girl meeting a guy for the first time in his house seems crazy to me. At least in the dating dimension of social interactions. As someone said , seems more like a couple's thing or future dates.
Yeah, your profile's golden. It's taking a surprising amount of effort to keep myself from fedora'ing out here. So much in common. Even the post-Disney depression. Solving mine by booking a vacation to Disneyland that starts in ~2 weeks (went to wdw in June). Slightly worried about escalation, but that's a problem for next year.
It's still super difficult for me because I'm looking for something probably very rare lol. Whatever, all I have is time so I don't really care.
More Disneyland tho. Always. Gonna be a few years for me again though because the CAD is so terrible right now.![]()
I've done this. This is also why I have post-game snacks pre-positioned, along with fresh t-shirts for the girl to wear, so that we can optimize our viewing pleasure.
So the girl I was suppose to have brunch with was like oh I didn't know if we were still on, I was like wut. Not sure what that was about
Netflix and chill was actually... Netflix and chill. Made out a bit and I definitely went for it but iunno. Maybe she's looking for something more serious, which I'd be totally down for because she's gorgeous. Still iunno what to make of that.
Help me make sense of thiis
She's not that into you and was probably just going to ghost until you brought the date up. Move on.
Been seeing this girl I like quite a bit, great career, hilarious, witty, very kind and really makes me laugh.
The problems all started in the bedroom. She was in the same relationship for 10 years, recently divorced. She has a slight little chick mustache that comes in, she seems to shave it but there is a few pricklies...I know other women that have this issue and they simply wax it and its no big deal.
Do I say something? Do I end it? I just can't seem to handle it for whatever reason.
You should consider specialized dating sites, because honestly you will have a very tough time (and lots of unwanted messages) from conventional dating sites if you're looking for an asexual relationship.
A quick google search reveals this thread being relatively recent http://www.asexuality.org/en/topic/120179-are-there-any-asexualgraysexual-dating-sites/
I don't know what to tell you man. Girl I was with had this too and I learned to ignore it. I hope you're not considering ending what could be great over something that small.
Thank you! I'll look into it.
I guess I do kind of keep looking on PoF in the hopes that I find someone I might want to have a "normal" relationship with? Or at least, that I'd want to try to?
I don't know, I guess that's weird since I've only met one person in 28 years that I've ever felt like maybe I'd want to try being in a "normal" relationship with (provided it didn't end with me having a huge anxiety attack...), but eh. I guess I hope that I find something like that again.
tl;dr: ramblings of a strange person.
There might be anything wrong with you, but there is plenty wrong with online dating. Though, sometimes you just need to update your pics or freshen up your profile, or approach messages differentlyStart to wonder what's really wrong with me
Only 3 matchs on tinder with no response so far even though I tried to be a little more creative
Same case for okcupid where only two girls responded my message, one of them didn't responded me when I asked what she does in her studies.
Start to wonder what's really wrong with me
Only 3 matchs on tinder with no response so far even though I tried to be a little more creative
Same case for okcupid where only two girls responded my message, one of them didn't responded me when I asked what she does in her studies.
Start to wonder what's really wrong with me
Only 3 matchs on tinder with no response so far even though I tried to be a little more creative
Same case for okcupid where only two girls responded my message, one of them didn't responded me when I asked what she does in her studies.
Start to wonder what's really wrong with me
You've been at it for like what, three days? You're going to have to give it more time than that.
A girl who only gives once sentence answers with no effort to push the conversation forward, any tip or just leave her be and move on?
A girl who only gives once sentence answers with no effort to push the conversation forward, any tip or just leave her be and move on?
A girl who only gives once sentence answers with no effort to push the conversation forward, any tip or just leave her be and move on?
I usually just ask if they want to meet up. Some people are just bad as typing, but better in person. If they say no, then nothing lost.
Some feedback would be nice. Revamped for the most part. Quote to reveal.
By "normal", do you mean a romantic relationship +/- sex? Re: sex, is it something you're genuinely curious about/interested about, or do you think it's societal pressure to fit in?
Only read the OKC profile, but sweet jesus is this so much better than your old one!
The only thing I'd suggest - reread over some of your paragraphs and consider varying your sentence length more. It was most noticable in your "what I'm doing". Those last three sentences all had ~ 5 words and don't read well because of it.
Overall though, your content is solid. I never quite know where the advice falls on pics designed to show body definition, but since you made it your last pic I think you'll be good.
Hmm. Just got back from a second date with a girl - had a quick drink and then we saw The Martian, which she'd mentioned on the first date. She was tired and left after the movie was over. She took a cab, and I told her to text me when she got home -- haven't heard from her. Plus she's busy this week and leaving the country on vacation Friday morning, though she said she had a great time, has previously been responsive in texts, apologized for being busy, and said she'd be getting back on the 15th.
Not getting my hopes up, though. Sad, because she's just one of those quality people who's going to make someone very happy. Sometimes you can just tell.
The other girl (Jurassic World girl) and I have something tenuous planned for Friday, which is when I think my friends want to go out for tapas and dancing. Ordinarily, I'd just invite her along (and I probably will), except I linked up my new co-worker and my bff here, and she invited the co-worker out. Not really sure I want to integrate someone I'm dating after only seeing her 3 times, but I suppose I can't see the harm.
Well, didn't expect that: first date with, hands down, the most gorgeous woman I've ever been out with. And, more importantly, we made each other laugh all night and she's undeniably smart. Coffee and pie turned into a drink. Ended with, let's say, heavy petting in her car -- that alone lasted over an hour. Way, way too compatible in that regard.
I still have coffee planned for Friday with a super-cute gamer girl (never dated one of those, so that'll be intriguing, but she's quite young), and fantasy football girl (thanks to Sam Bradford for giving us a conversation topic) and I have something penciled in for early next week.
So, that's the status update. I'm considering canceling/not confirming with the girl for Wednesday. What do you think? (I haven't contacted anyone else or responded to messages, but I'm really trying to not get overwhelmed this time.) Anyway, if I do that, considering we've only exchanged a couple of messages, what's the protocol?
Is JW girl this one? Just wondering, always interested in hearing your stuff.
I mean no disrepect, but what does genderqueer mean, precisely? I've just started getting most of these sorted out myself, so I'm still confused on the details. Also, which state do you live in, if you don't mind me asking?
Yeh, I mean...I'm good on my own but sometimes I get a little lonely and wish I just had someone I could sit with or sit next to and it would be nice :')
Sex is like...I'm curious but mostly in an academic sense? Haha... I was more curious because of the one person I was actually interested in, but other than that, it's kind of an academic/it makes me feel weird when girlfriends talk about it and I go "haha oh yeah I hear that!" and it's like...uuuh. Lol.
... yeah, she's the first one in your quote. The gorgeous girl who makes me laugh. Um. Frankly, thanks for reminding me I said that. There's really no reason whatsoever why I shouldn't be excited about seeing her on Friday, and I should want to see how she gels with my best friends.
And, The Martian girl is fantasy football girl, to set the record straight.
Sorry for the late reply. "Genderqueer" is a non-binary term/identity that refers to not being explicitly male or female, being fluid in what I express myself as. I also live in Florida.
Thanks for reassuring me everyone, hope it goes well these next weeks then !
A girl who only gives once sentence answers with no effort to push the conversation forward, any tip or just leave her be and move on?
Tinder first few days are the ones you get more matches (if you're actually sweeping). There's more people who haven't seen you , so the probablity of being liked is much bigger. Matches always decrease quite a bit with time (unless they were very few and you change photos).
The only advice anyone can give you on Tinder to get more matches is to get better photos. Especially the first one.
What's better PoF or OKC?
Well crap, I have only 3 matches so far, and it's been a week since then
@ Infinity - You're gonna wanna ask for her number soon, and ask her out to coffee or something light like that a bit after that. That's usually how the flow of online dating works. Or you can ask her out first, then get the number afterwards for setting up the date and whatnot. Your choice. Just don't take too long or she (or you) may lost interest.
Perfectly understandable.I've explored asexual relationships before and have met some pretty great people who either didn't want sex in their lives or had very little curiosity about it. Plenty of other ways to express love and positive emotions with a partner.
I wish you all the best in finding someone!
Dunno. I guess each has its advantages/disadvantages.
How picky are you with your swipes?
In my drunken stupor I messaged that girl if she wanted to go out sometime prior to me even asking her name. She called me out on it. I backtracked & apologized for slipping up. Haven't gotten any reply (she went offline shortly after I think). Oh well. Not holding my breath. Sucks, because it's quite rare to find someone with legit common interests on here.
What's better PoF or OKC?