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Online Dating |OT| Please Respond


Liking is Tinder-like. If you both like each other, OKC will let both know. Otherwise, they will never never know you liked them unless they have a paid account.

But you get to message ppl without needing for them to like you first. So make sure you have a solid interesting profile with pictures that bring out the best of you, and go send off funny interesting messages (but not too long) that ideally pertain to something they've mentioned in their profile.

It's a numbers game, so don't get hung up over each person, don't write overly long messages, and don't get offended if they don't reply
Liking is Tinder-like. If you both like each other, OKC will let both know. Otherwise, they will never never know you liked them unless they have a paid account.

But you get to message ppl without needing for them to like you first. So make sure you have a solid interesting profile with pictures that bring out the best of you, and go send off funny interesting messages (but not too long) that ideally pertain to something they've mentioned in their profile.

It's a numbers game, so don't get hung up over each person, don't write overly long messages, and don't get offended if they don't reply

Ok thanks, I'll keep that in mind
I recently learned about the term 'netflix and chill' (I'm out of the loop completely) and just realized a cute girl had asked me that one night. And I was all "I don't know, which shows are you into?" lol
I recently learned about the term 'netflix and chill' (I'm out of the loop completely) and just realized a cute girl had asked me that one night. And I was all "I don't know, which shows are you into?" lol

I get that a lot, too.

So most bots on Tinder are women who look like models or happen to be in some photoshoot, correct?

It's funny, because I had two gorgeous brunettes match with me, then they both unmatched me. Usually I'd get a fake line after I message them, or they just message me first with the con shit.

Can a bot unmatch you if you didn't even message them?


I recently learned about the term 'netflix and chill' (I'm out of the loop completely) and just realized a cute girl had asked me that one night. And I was all "I don't know, which shows are you into?" lol

I just got a "netflix n chill" from a kid 7 years my junior.

Noped and deleted so quickly.


I recently learned about the term 'netflix and chill' (I'm out of the loop completely) and just realized a cute girl had asked me that one night. And I was all "I don't know, which shows are you into?" lol


I'm sorry lol, it's the first thing I thought of haha


I'm struggling to ask for a second date, GAF.

First date was last night. I thought it went great. Had multiple drinks. As I walked her home we spontaneously stopped at a food truck and split and dish of fries. We held hands as we walked, and kissed at the end. We both texted later saying we had fun, etc.

Is the following day too soon to ask for #2? In hindsight, I wish I had set it up during our first date. Should I suggest drinks again, or something more casual (beach, park, etc.)?

Thanks, any suggestions much appreciated.


Homeland Security Fail
Hit her up, saying you had a great time and ask her out. If you went out for drinks, I would suggest something different.


Hit her up, saying you had a great time and ask her out. If you went out for drinks, I would suggest something different.

Thanks for the input. I am thinking an evening walk at the park (botanical gardens, fountains, lights, etc.) or cliff/beach trail.


Thanks for the input. I am thinking an evening walk at the park (botanical gardens, fountains, lights, etc.) or cliff/beach trail.
That sounds good. If she likes you, it doesn't matter what you suggest anyway (unless it's weird/creepy)!

As for timing, if things clicked, nothing wrong with messaging her the day after. Just go with when you feel like texting her. Some people say wait 2-3 days, but it ultimately doesn't matter if you don't appear overeager (so don't overdo it with the txting!)


That sounds good. If she likes you, it doesn't matter what you suggest anyway (unless it's weird/creepy)!

As for timing, if things clicked, nothing wrong with messaging her the day after. Just go with when you feel like texting her. Some people say wait 2-3 days, but it ultimately doesn't matter if you don't appear overeager (so don't overdo it with the txting!)

Thanks for the reassurance. The more I think about it, her saying yes/no to 2nd date was likely decided on the 1st date. I am pretty straight forward, so I likely ask this afternoon. Thanks again.
What about this new Super Like on Tinder ? I think it's a terrific feature. Been working great the last couple of days. Almost to the point that makes me think if i should just start over. The trick is not to use it on those girls you know for sure will get super liked by everybody.
I don't follow, why would that be a trick?

If a girl gets 50 super likes...they mean shit . If a girl gets only one or two she will cherish them :)

(from my understanding a person sees even before swiping if she was super liked. If not...then i am wrong)


I've been using OKC for nearly five years now, and it's frustrating. I do find plenty of people within the same state who are into me, but distance tends to be the silver bullet (sexual experience as well, to a lesser extent), and almost none of them were into long distance. It's bad enough that I usually get ignored by most people anyway for being genderqueer (that, or a I deal with a lot of creepers), but finding so many people within my own circles that I could be connecting to and dating if I weren't stuck in the ass-end of the south is disheartening. Finding people closer to me would be the simple solution if it weren't for my immediate area being a total ghost town, so matter how many times I search. Seems like I'm not able to do anything short of moving out of state, and even then, that may take years based on my current financial situation.

I have thought about using Tinder, but then I've heard of all the horror stories about creeps on top of asshats repeatedly reporting non-cisgender people and getting them banned for "misleading". I wish I had more options.


Some kid who is 7 years my junior has messaged me about 8 times, varying messages of "let's blaze!!!" "i wud wife u" just messaged me again with "seriously you should marry me I will feed you blue berrys while rubbing you're belly"

Help. Send help.
Some kid who is 7 years my junior has messaged me about 8 times, varying messages of "let's blaze!!!" "i wud wife u" just messaged me again with "seriously you should marry me I will feed you blue berrys while rubbing you're belly"

Help. Send help.

I mean you are gorgeous despite your attempts to say otherwise lol but man these kids are comedy relief.


My Friday and Saturday dates both got pushed to Sunday. Friday date was my fault, the girl i was going to netflix and chill was feeling kinda sick and asked if tomo would be ok so I said sure.

Also some chick on Tinder asked my Penis size in the first message. Idk, it was weird.


I've been using OKC for nearly five years now, and it's frustrating. I do find plenty of people within the same state who are into me, but distance tends to be the silver bullet (sexual experience as well, to a lesser extent), and almost none of them were into long distance. It's bad enough that I usually get ignored by most people anyway for being genderqueer (that, or a I deal with a lot of creepers), but finding so many people within my own circles that I could be connecting to and dating if I weren't stuck in the ass-end of the south is disheartening. Finding people closer to me would be the simple solution if it weren't for my immediate area being a total ghost town, so matter how many times I search. Seems like I'm not able to do anything short of moving out of state, and even then, that may take years based on my current financial situation.

I have thought about using Tinder, but then I've heard of all the horror stories about creeps on top of asshats repeatedly reporting non-cisgender people and getting them banned for "misleading". I wish I had more options.

I mean no disrepect, but what does genderqueer mean, precisely? I've just started getting most of these sorted out myself, so I'm still confused on the details. Also, which state do you live in, if you don't mind me asking?

My Friday and Saturday dates both got pushed to Sunday. Friday date was my fault, the girl i was going to netflix and chill was feeling kinda sick and asked if tomo would be ok so I said sure.

Also some chick on Tinder asked my Penis size in the first message. Idk, it was weird.

Why didn't u answer me lulu i really wanted to know


The OKC thing? Idk, I usually try and say something off their profile. It's just Tinder works like a 100 times better for me. Like I get a shit ton of matches, girls usually reply, girls are more likely to send me a message first and these girls are generally more attractive. I just forget about OKC, and it's probably because girls are looking for a little more substance on it. I will say this, I have a lot of girls that I have mutually matched with OKC and haven't sent a message and I wouldn't mind help with that.


Homeland Security Fail
OKC feels like a chore. Like I'm job hunting. Tinder swiping is something I could do while watching the game or pretending to work.


The OKC thing? Idk, I usually try and say something off their profile. It's just Tinder works like a 100 times better for me. Like I get a shit ton of matches, girls usually reply, girls are more likely to send me a message first and these girls are generally more attractive. I just forget about OKC, and it's probably because girls are looking for a little more substance on it. I will say this, I have a lot of girls that I have mutually matched with OKC and haven't sent a message and I wouldn't mind help with that.

I meant the penis message. If that post was actually directed at me.

But if you're looking for OKC message help, would you mind posting (or PMing) some of your opening examples? Generally it's always best to look at a girl's profile and try to bounce off of that for an opener, but that can be hard at times. You're not just saying "Hi" and "How's it going", right?


Oh sorry, i was kinda confused. I actually did answer the girl and she asked me to send a picture.

Yea, I usually do that but GK86 kinda nailed it. I actually got a reply from a very attractive girl on OKC today tho. Let's see how it goes.

I had two dates last Sunday two, and they both went really well but I wasn't really attracted to either of them. I've come to the conclusion that at least for the moment I have a specific type of girl I'm attracted to.

I had two dates this week, both of them and I didn't feel like I was aggressive enough and 1 of them I really fucked up at the end, making shit real awkward. That said they both seemed down to hang again. I was suppose to netflix and chill with one today but she asked if we could move it to tomorrow night.

Another thing, I been quite a few Netflix and Chill date suggestions. Problem is I can't host em.

Phew, and that's my dating life for the past week.
What I've learned in this topic is that, when I've asked girls to watch Netflix at my place and actually meant that I wanted to, I don't know, catch up on The League or watch a documentary on meth, they all thought I was DTF...

When did this become a thing? Do I need to caveat this with "I mean, I'm not against sex, but I really only do mean TV here"?


Maybe it's a seasonal, because during the summer no one said anything like this. Also it seems girls are more down to come over than to actually host.


Homeland Security Fail
Netflix and chill became a thing last summer-ish. Funny though, since before last year, Netflix and chill meant something you would do by yourself.


I mean you are gorgeous despite your attempts to say otherwise lol but man these kids are comedy relief.

I'm making it a policy not to argue with people lol. Despite what I may think.

But yeah...the young kids on POF are weird as hell.

And the "netflix and chill" thing, I don't understand it like many of you. It's super strange that it became a euphemism for "let's have sex". I'd rather just hang out and watch TV with you, okay?


I had a netflix and chill moment which pertained to sex about 3 or 4 years ago. I didn't expect it to mean sex at the time, was a nice surprise.
Netflix and chill became a thing last summer-ish. Funny though, since before last year, Netflix and chill meant something you would do by yourself.
It still does for me ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)



Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
I think Netflix & chill, as in actually just hanging out and watching Netflix, is more of a couple's thing than a dating thing.

If you really want to Netflix & chill, bring it up after y'all have sex. Like, literally minutes after you clean up the sex smell and freshen up, just be like... hey, so, wanna find out who wins this Shiva bowl?

I had netflix and chill dates... It has all the benefits of a movie date (snack food, movie) and none of the drawbacks! (More space, time to talk, much cheaper, potential for more)

I'd actually say you can always start watching a movie first and you'll realize quickly if the mood is right for more or if you really wanna just watch and chill.
What i find strange in that whole american "netflix and chill" is how girls gladfully accept to go to the other person home right away without knowing them. It's a little bizarre to me .


you can't put a price on sparks
What I've learned in this topic is that, when I've asked girls to watch Netflix at my place and actually meant that I wanted to, I don't know, catch up on The League or watch a documentary on meth, they all thought I was DTF...

When did this become a thing? Do I need to caveat this with "I mean, I'm not against sex, but I really only do mean TV here"?

well, i guess half of the battle is getting someone to be willing to come over and watch something at your house with you.

but yeah, first time im seeing it is this year, primarily. its like "NYE" for new year's, it only became popular this last cycle.
Oh my god there is a new TLC show about online dating and it's so lame I can barely stand it.


And, in the spirit of "people with lame profiles", here, tell me if mine is awful.

Let me know if the link doesn't work... And also keeping in mind that I have zero interest in any sexual relationship lol.

Girl please..
why you gotta live so far seriously ;_; lol

It's fine I mean you don't have put an excessive amount of filler to appear interesting. Part of the charm is being a bit vague and discovering details as you talk to someone. For instance, the generic female profile goes like this " I can't live without my iphone, I'm a fashionista, I love to travel ( who doesn't ) " and so on.


What I've learned in this topic is that, when I've asked girls to watch Netflix at my place and actually meant that I wanted to, I don't know, catch up on The League or watch a documentary on meth, they all thought I was DTF...

When did this become a thing? Do I need to caveat this with "I mean, I'm not against sex, but I really only do mean TV here"?

My sweet summer child, you're not familiar with netflix and chill?

What i find strange in that whole american "netflix and chill" is how girls gladfully accept to go to the other person home right away without knowing them. It's a little bizarre to me .

If that surprises you, you would be disgusted at how many Netflix and chill dates ended up with me and a girl naked within a minute.


Girl please..
why you gotta live so far seriously ;_; lol

It's fine I mean you don't have put an excessive amount of filler to appear interesting. Part of the charm is being a bit vague and discovering details as you talk to someone. For instance, the generic female profile goes like this " I can't live without my iphone, I'm a fashionista, I love to travel ( who doesn't ) " and so on.

Holy shit gurl. I'd date you and I'm straight.

Haha, even if both are true, it's still almost impossible for me. "Romantic friendship that involves nothing sexual".

But if the profile is okay, at least maybe I'll get enough interest that I could potentially find one eventually lol.


Haha, even if both are true, it's still almost impossible for me. "Romantic friendship that involves nothing sexual".

But if the profile is okay, at least maybe I'll get enough interest that I could potentially find one eventually lol.

Yeah, your profile's golden. It's taking a surprising amount of effort to keep myself from fedora'ing out here. So much in common. Even the post-Disney depression. Solving mine by booking a vacation to Disneyland that starts in ~2 weeks (went to wdw in June). Slightly worried about escalation, but that's a problem for next year.
My sweet summer child, you're not familiar with netflix and chill?

If that surprises you, you would be disgusted at how many Netflix and chill dates ended up with me and a girl naked within a minute.

Nope. I've never actually heard the term. Granted, I've invited plenty of girls over and -- now that I think about it -- literally none of them didn't involve getting into bed. We generally finish the movie afterwards.

Actually, that's what I did last Thursday: I went over to someone's house and we were going to see Jurassic World on demand, so I just suggested we take care of things ahead of time so we could focus on the movie. I really love dinosaurs.

I think Netflix & chill, as in actually just hanging out and watching Netflix, is more of a couple's thing than a dating thing.

If you really want to Netflix & chill, bring it up after y'all have sex. Like, literally minutes after you clean up the sex smell and freshen up, just be like... hey, so, wanna find out who wins this Shiva bowl?

I've done this. This is also why I have post-game snacks pre-positioned, along with fresh t-shirts for the girl to wear, so that we can optimize our viewing pleasure.
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