Sure, "just have fun with it" is great advice, and I would argue is also a far cry from what you previously said of "a profile doesn't really matter"

We're probably just using different words while actually agreeing on the underlying concept.
Negative self-perception CAN easily come across in messages if handled incorrectly, but I have so many offbeat self-esteem issues that I have this compulsive need to address them in my profile in a way that makes me feel like I'm getting ahead of them without anybody else noticing. For example, despite not being morbidly obese, I'm still very insecure about being overweight. I've been losing a steady amount each week since moving a couple months ago, but instead of ignoring the issue completely (which would make me feel uncomfortable) or flat out saying "I'm in the process of losing weight!" (which would also make me uncomfortable), I've instead opted to say this:
"Four out of seven days, I'm an upstanding member of society. I get up early, eat light, meditate (so I can eventually lord over the entire spirit realm, duh), exercise and get reasonable amounts of rest. Sometimes I drink green tea that's so healthy it probably isn't even legal in sectors of the world. Basically, four out of seven days are
The other three days though.... Adventures! Friends! Hobbies! Time Travel! (wait, what?)"
This is me addressing both my Buddhism (many chicks on OKCupid who aren't homophobic nuts that love hunting are turned off by any mention of religion) and my previously unhealthy lifestyle of constant booze and pizza and staying up until 3am (which my lifestyle is still unhealthy, because I eat one meal a day Mon-Thurs now, but at least that leads to weight loss instead of gain) with the wrecking ball of humor. By essentially saying "I'm responsible during the week and it sucks!" it shows that I can function as a normal hu-man while also being fun and crazy when life permits it. That's the goal anyway. I should also note that despite my years of experience (I'm now on my fifth go since 2010) with OKC there is still a ton I can learn about online dating too. I only share things here that have explicitly helped me on the site before, but I'm sure a lot of it isn't a one-size-fits-all type of deal.
I'm drunk and probably rambling. I think my point is that personality defects or insecurities don't have to be blatantly ignored, but can instead be spun as a positive. or at least something that you are aware of.