Alright yeah, I see what you guys are saying. She initated contact on snapchat today after I had been silent a few days, and we sent a bit back and forth. In the future I just won't respond in any app.
Alright, so this chick and I have a date mostly set up for Tuesday evening. I asked her out for drinksand she said it sounds good to her. I just need to lock in a time and place.
She sent me a text asking if I have any plans this Halloween weekend. I told her I don't and that I'm mostly working. She said she is going to a Halloween party with a few of her lady friends and then downtown. She then proceeded to ask me where I'm working that's "going to keep you". I actually swapped shifts on Halloween so I'd be working morning and not night. Thing is I don't have a costume or anything planned out because for the past week I thought I'd be working that whole evening. Should I take the inevitable invite? I dunno what to go as. Sounds like a totally random night filled with people I don't know, kinda like AD, but that worked out for him!
If I've asked a girl out (twice even, she cancelled the first with a vague reschedule and then went on a trip), where the initial premise was not that we're doing to date (i.e. not Tinder or OKC or anything like that), and she says "maybe we can get together when I get back" to which I said sure let me know, then proceeds to keep initating contact several times but without bringing up the date: what do I do? Do I stop responding altogether? Do I put my foot down and ask her if she actually wants to go? I feel like I've put the ball in her court here. Now I just respond and don't keep the conversation going myself. I feel like I'm wasting my time here but I'd also really like to go on a date with her, it's just that I'd feel like a sucker for asking her the third time when she's available. Maybe she just wants attention, I'm not sure at this point.
Alright, so this chick and I have a date mostly set up for Tuesday evening. I asked her out for drinksand she said it sounds good to her. I just need to lock in a time and place.
She sent me a text asking if I have any plans this Halloween weekend. I told her I don't and that I'm mostly working. She said she is going to a Halloween party with a few of her lady friends and then downtown. She then proceeded to ask me where I'm working that's "going to keep you". I actually swapped shifts on Halloween so I'd be working morning and not night. Thing is I don't have a costume or anything planned out because for the past week I thought I'd be working that whole evening. Should I take the inevitable invite? I dunno what to go as. Sounds like a totally random night filled with people I don't know, kinda like AD, but that worked out for him!
Normally I'd say this is true but it depends on how he plays it. If he's willing to flirt with the other girls there and be fun, chances are the girl who invited him will be more interested. A pretty easy way to become desirable is to show that other women desire you.Go to the Halloween party if you want to be friendzoned or seen as a bench option.
Normally I'd say this is true but it depends on how he plays it. If he's willing to flirt with the other girls there and be fun, chances are the girl who invited him will be more interested. A pretty easy way to become desirable is to show that other women desire you.
Yeah I was about to say, the only reason to go is if he's not that into the girl and wants a good spot to meet other girls. That'd be a good reason.
It's true that you can increase your desirability by having other girls around show interest. But it's not my preferred method. Ideally you should become attractive enough that you're desirable at all times, whereas needing other girls to flirt with you to seem desirable is far more situational.
Soooo... don't go? Or go? I told her the truth already, that I wasn't planning on dressing up or going out for Halloween because I was scheduled to work that night. Now that I'm working that morning instead, I'm free that night but have no costume or anything. Haven't heard back yet.
Maybe it's not the same when you swap genders, but if a girl I was interested in flirted with other guys in my presence, I would move on.
Again, what do you have to lose by going? You are thinking about this too much.
Same here man. That isn't cool, but I don't know how it works when it comes to swapping genders.
Reading what the above posters have said about it have me 2nd guessing it. She hasn't technically invited me yet, this is all hypothetical at this point.
Man, you overthink things waaaaaay too much. Just go to the party, have a good time and stop thinking about repercussions of your actions with girls you just met. Sweating the details and the "what ifs" will destroy your chances of really enjoying yourself.
I went on the best date of my life last night. As cheesy as it may sound, it was like one of those perfect Disney type movies. It could not have possibly went any better.
Give us some details man. I need to steal some date ideas.
Give us some details man. I need to steal some date ideas.
Huh, so uh, this is a new one.
I match with a girl, and she says hi. No profile either. I ask her if she's a bot. She then asks what I'm looking for on tinder. Ok, maybe she's not a bot. Then she says she wants to hook up because her boyfriend has erectile dysfunction. She gives me her email to set up a time.
Now I'm hesistant. I ask if her bf saw a doctor, and etc. I check my phone later and she unmatched me.
Was she a bot? Seriously, I dont want to be murdered.
I got that one before. I thought it was weird (since the three pictures, while burry, they all look different). I looked it up, the bot/person tries to get you to sign up for some site, that requires a credit card. The site charges you and makes it a pain to cancel/remove the card.
You dodged a bullet.
Don't talk about your last relationship!!!Okay so that shit worked. I got her number & we're both free Tues night. I... dunno where to go from here. Like a dog that caught the cat & doesn't know what the hell to do with it
Don't talk about your last relationship!!!
got dumped by a girl I met online 9 years ago after a 7 year long distance relationship. She "thought of me more as a really great friend instead of a boyfriend". We all know what that actually means but it stings bad...
got dumped by a girl I met online 9 years ago after a 7 year long distance relationship. She "thought of me more as a really great friend instead of a boyfriend". We all know what that actually means but it stings bad...
What? You've been dating long distance for SEVEN YEARS?!
I... hooooly what now? Please tell me you're joking
got dumped by a girl I met online 9 years ago after a 7 year long distance relationship. She "thought of me more as a really great friend instead of a boyfriend". We all know what that actually means but it stings bad...
Not super long distance, like maybe an hour and a half and technically a country between us.
90mins isn't long distance
I live a 45min drive from my gf and we live in the same city.
Eh, it's more the fact that she lives in Canada and myself in the US is why I classified it as such.
I know people with a 90minute commute. That isn't long distance. It is inconvenient distance.
But more importantly, sorry to hear about the end of your relationship. Time to get back out there![]()
Am I missing something? Why would it be a bad thing that he was in a long distance relationship for that long (before he made mention of the time distance. Which really isn't a LDR)?
He didn't you you guys any context of the relationship, so what am I missing that you guys seemed to judge it so harshly?
i think its probably, if it mattered that much he would have moved to her or she to him.
i think its probably, if it mattered that much he would have moved to her or she to him.
Yea, thanks. It happens, just going to work on myself for a while and not think about it. If she decides to come around I may give it another go but I refuse to be anyone's second choice.
Am I missing something? Why would it be a bad thing that he was in a long distance relationship for that long (before he made mention of the time distance. Which really isn't a LDR)?
He didn't you you guys any context of the relationship, so what am I missing that you guys seemed to judge it so harshly?
Immigration is kinda hard. Like ridiculously so.