Bah, girl that I was supposed to have a 2nd date with this week cancelled, "next month or so is really busy and don't know how much time I'll have to date".
"Next month" doesn't sound too promising.
Bah, girl that I was supposed to have a 2nd date with this week cancelled, "next month or so is really busy and don't know how much time I'll have to date".
"Next month" doesn't sound too promising.
Going out with this girl whom I think is too young for me (she just turned 20. I'm 25). She called me and asked if it was okay to pick her up since her mom will be using her car. I hesitantly said yes. It's very odd. She seems very mature, but at the same time she doesn't. She seems very smart, but she's into all that cute ditzy anime scene (she's Asian). I dunno what to expect. Most of her pictures are a few years old, too. She said she doesn't like taking pictures of herself. I saw a recent one and she does look very similar to how she does in her old pictures. Also, she's very forward and asks all sorts of questions that people don't normally ask. Oh well, time to wing it :/
I think you should try anything that has promise personally. Even if it's a bad date, no connection ect. it's not like it's really that bad. When I'm unsure about someone but they are willing to meet I just try not to overthink it, dive in and swim. It helps that I enjoy meeting new people generally and don't consider it a total loss to just get to know someone without it ever going somewhere.
That said, I've learned about myself that I don't think I can really date people under 22 anymore. I'm only 23 (basically 24) and I tell myself it's only a few years difference but the truth is the difference in maturity can be staggering between someone who's 20 and someone who's 22, I've found. I'm sure there are exceptions.
Yeah, depends on the person. This girl turned out to be very cool and quite pretty, though the age thing does worry me. She is very straight forward. We spent all evening together and she thought I was really funny. She straight up asked me (via text afterwords) if I liked her, was attracted to her, and wanted to be exclusive.
She straight up asked me (via text afterwords) if I liked her, was attracted to her, and wanted to be exclusive.
Went on that "double" date tonight. Double in quotes because while her friends were rad, they only stuck around for like a half hour. We walked around a local museum that had been decorated for Christmas for hours and had flowing conversation the whole time. Was really refreshing to talk to someone without really having to try to fill dead air like my recent other dates have been.
At least, it was once she got comfortable. When we were with her friends she was kinda quiet, and clearly SUPER nervous. I got her alone for a few minutes when her friends got sidetracked and I could see she was sweating bullets. Honestly she looked how I felt when I first started dating way back when. I tried my best just to make her laugh as much as I could and by the time her friends left she seemed just fine.
She seems really self-conscious, and maybe a tad inexperienced. She's pretty but a bigger girl, which I don't mind one bit but it seems to bother her a ton. At the end of the night we were sitting by the docks and it felt right so I kissed her lightly, and at first she sort of froze up but then just started giggling like mad. It was adorable but I think I'm gonna have to move a little slow with this one.
So, a while ago I mentioned that I'd been talking to a girl who has depression like myself, and had been doing so on OKC for 6-8 months.
Well, we finally met the other day. She agreed to meet, then pushed for it and made sure we did before she started her new job.
I think it went really well, but I haven't heard from her much since, except for her to ask if I made it home safely. I thanked her for meeting and she said, "You're welcome," which probably isn't a good sign.
I pushed myself to be social and thought I did a really good job. I made her laugh, I bought her a coffee, I feigned interest when she told me all about anime, etc. We met in a bookstore.
Hopefully I didn't make a bad impression because I think there's some potential there, but who knows.
Anyone had any luck using Bumble?
It's like tinder, where you swipe to match. but the twist is that you only have 24 hours and it's up to the girl to message you first.
Anyone had any luck using Bumble?
It's like tinder, where you swipe to match. but the twist is that you only have 24 hours and it's up to the girl to message you first.
Make a joke/comment from something you spotted in one of their photos (assuming they aren't boring selfie pics).
Make a joke/comment from something in their profile (assuming it isn't empty).
If those two fail, use a cheesy pick up line (hey, ready for my best opening line? _________) or a out-of-left-field type of question (robots vs dinos, who wins?).
thanks those sound like good ideas. I had a girl earlier message me with Hey and I responded back with Hey. I then messaged her Red Vines or Twizzlers? and then she deleted her message lol. I'm honestly just using this thing for hook ups
- Girl I met last week (where I kinda messed up) but did have another date setup with (for last sunday) cancelled because she went on an impromptu holiday to Barcelona. She's sending me pics and texts every day though - so I suppose there's still something there.
Anyone have experience with a girl in an open relationship? Matched with one on tinder. Also, there's a pic of her on a red carpet at what looks to be an adult video award show.
Obviously I wouldn't look for a relationship or at least a long term relationship, but the chances of a threesome intices me.
But she is a human being, which id treat her as one.
If SHE cancelled the last one, then it's on her to set up a new one.
The thing about you parking your badass motorcycle up front; I'll tell you this right now - anything that you think might impress her (material things) don't flaunt them. You want her to like you for YOU, not cool shit you have.
Anyone have experience with a girl in an open relationship? Matched with one on tinder. Also, there's a pic of her on a red carpet at what looks to be an adult video award show.
Obviously I wouldn't look for a relationship or at least a long term relationship, but the chances of a threesome intices me.
But she is a human being, which id treat her as one.
Well, she's done porn. Just searched her name.
OK guys, I want to make a Tinder account but don't have Facebook. Any tips on making a 'fake' Facebook account? And by fake I don't mean deceptive, I just don't want to be found by people I know IRL.
Man, do you guys get these nerves as bad as I do before a date? It usually clears right up as soon as I sit down with the person, but the hour before it's as if I'm waiting to parachute into Normandy or something, christ.
Which I'm sure you'll have no problem with, you're good looking which is like 90% of the battle.
Well, she's done porn. Just searched her name.
Anyone had any luck using Bumble?
It's like tinder, where you swipe to match. but the twist is that you only have 24 hours and it's up to the girl to message you first.
i get a lot of anxiety in the lead up to a date, yeah. it doesnt help at all, so it kind of makes me not want to really do anymore with online dating. it also doesn't help that i havent connected with anyone at all yet, so it feels futile and essentially i just torture myself.
Man, do you guys get these nerves as bad as I do before a date? It usually clears right up as soon as I sit down with the person, but the hour before it's as if I'm waiting to parachute into Normandy or something, christ.
haha thanks, I'm only 5'7 though which sucks. There's a lot of tall girls on Tinder
bro you can't leave us hanging
Anyone had any luck using Bumble?
It's like tinder, where you swipe to match. but the twist is that you only have 24 hours and it's up to the girl to message you first.
haha thanks, I'm only 5'7 though which sucks. There's a lot of tall girls on Tinder
bro you can't leave us hanging