Here's my update on my Tinder experience so far.
I have had many matches, both at home and when traveling. I have actually lost insterest on many of them, as they all seemed like very dull uninteresting women without any sort of ambiton in life. That puts me off so very much.
And then I got a match with this french girl who cam to my country as an intern to learn spanish. We hit it off well, it helps a ton that I speak french, and she loves that. We talked for a couple of weeks, and she insisted very much on seeing each other. I am a busy guy lately, so I had to decline a couple of times.
Flashforward to last weekend, 3 weeks after our match. She asks me how my day was, I her all about it and ask how was her day. She tells me has a massage done to her, and that it was great. Conversation is more or less like this:
Me: I would die for a massage right now. With a happy ending of course.
Her: Let me give one to you.
Happy ending included?
Me: Now I cannot wait to see you.
Her: I cannot wait to see you since the first day I met you.
Me: send me a pic of you. Early Christmas present
Her: Have you been kind?
Me: Yes yes, very very kind.
She then proceeds to send me a pic of her in her red underwear. I ask for MOAR.
She sends me full nudes.
Me: My God... Don't stop.
Her: I need some from you
We exchange pics, one hotter than the other. And well, that goes where expected.
Following day, she is at it again. Saying she loves what we did yesterday. I say she is ill (she was actually sick with a soar throat), she needs rest. She stars poking at me... I ask her for a pic. And well, we go the same path we did the day before. She tells me even when she is sick she wants me.
And while I am writing this she is poking me again.
Now this girl is hot as f, and I cannot wait to have some alone time with her, but I feel that's gonna be that. Nothing serious. I will be meeting her next week as I have a trip coming up now. We are sure as hell going to go for it first date as we have talked about it already.
My report on Tinder.
EDIT: Ok, she just suggested we should do a threesome with her friend who is coming from Lille...
I have had many matches, both at home and when traveling. I have actually lost insterest on many of them, as they all seemed like very dull uninteresting women without any sort of ambiton in life. That puts me off so very much.
And then I got a match with this french girl who cam to my country as an intern to learn spanish. We hit it off well, it helps a ton that I speak french, and she loves that. We talked for a couple of weeks, and she insisted very much on seeing each other. I am a busy guy lately, so I had to decline a couple of times.
Flashforward to last weekend, 3 weeks after our match. She asks me how my day was, I her all about it and ask how was her day. She tells me has a massage done to her, and that it was great. Conversation is more or less like this:
Me: I would die for a massage right now. With a happy ending of course.
Her: Let me give one to you.
Me: Now I cannot wait to see you.
Her: I cannot wait to see you since the first day I met you.
Me: send me a pic of you. Early Christmas present
Her: Have you been kind?
Me: Yes yes, very very kind.
She then proceeds to send me a pic of her in her red underwear. I ask for MOAR.
She sends me full nudes.
Me: My God... Don't stop.
Her: I need some from you
We exchange pics, one hotter than the other. And well, that goes where expected.
Following day, she is at it again. Saying she loves what we did yesterday. I say she is ill (she was actually sick with a soar throat), she needs rest. She stars poking at me... I ask her for a pic. And well, we go the same path we did the day before. She tells me even when she is sick she wants me.
And while I am writing this she is poking me again.
Now this girl is hot as f, and I cannot wait to have some alone time with her, but I feel that's gonna be that. Nothing serious. I will be meeting her next week as I have a trip coming up now. We are sure as hell going to go for it first date as we have talked about it already.
My report on Tinder.
EDIT: Ok, she just suggested we should do a threesome with her friend who is coming from Lille...