I don't get it, GAF.
Women on OkCupid consistently stop responding to me after 2-3 messages. I even had a woman (who is apparently 99% compat with me) message me first, and I responded, she responded really quickly, and then stopped after my next response.
I know the logical thing is to say "you're screwing up the messages" but I've had two friends (women) read over what I wrote in the two most recent whiffs and they both were as mystified as me.
I never had too much trouble meeting women / finding girlfriends in real life until I returned to school a year ago so I turned to the online thing. Man, I have totally struck out. In one year of off-and-on effort: 6 matches on Tinder, two of which gave me their number and then stopped responding once we started setting up the specifics of a date. I've exchanged messages with several women on OkCupid but all of them stopped responding after a certain point except for one who I've become friends with (she lives in a different town).
I realize asking help for this on a gaming forum is idiotic but hey, this is where I hang out on the internet, so I figured it was worth a shot.
I thought about whether I need to ask to do things in person faster but, like, usually I like to get about 5 messages each way deep before I do that. Or at least more than 2...
Edit: Can y'all give me feedback on my profile? Quote to see the link.
Should I change my profile picture? Again, women friends said it was good but who knows...
Well let's see...
oh, that's your problem. You live there.
On a more serious note... Self summary: Make those complete sentences. What I'm doing: The second paragraph seems a little off, feels just a tad negative. I'd recommend just nixing the part about your previous major. Really good at: Nix the 'I hope', you want to seem confident about yourself. Spend time thinking: Of course your car won't get cooler, it's frickin' Florida!
Honestly, seems like your profile's mostly okay. Do you mind posting examples of your messages? Maybe there is something there you're doing that makes things off. Do you use dry humor in texts a lot? That doesn't usually go too well.
Also, while I was looking at Piano's profile, I looked at my built up messages, and saw this one (it's part of the message not the whole thing):
I don't know about this bagel thing though. There's something not right about paying for something that has a hole in it.
Bravo good sir.