While everyone will trumpet the trinity of pics - Socializing, full-body view, interesting - it's possible to succeed without them. My pic when I started OKC was simply a selfie taken indoors at arms-length with my cellphone, and I got some action. Not that I'd recommend it, though.
I don't know what the typical selfie angle, but if you want a good picture of yourself, there's two important things - the jawline, and to take dozens of pictures. With dozens of pictures, you can cherry pick the best one. For the jawline...if you're growing a beard, maintain a proper neckline, and when you take pictures, push your tongue against the top of your mouth (this helps reduce double chin-age).
If you want an interesting picture, look up what your local zoo/aviary charges for a Penguin experience. You + cute penguin = gold.
Mentioning you want to move to the West coast is awkward. Makes it feel like you're either looking for something that'll get serious quickly or just want a short term fling.
Gym selfies are generally frowned upon, even if they aren't true selfies. And what's on that bar, like 50 pounds? Another pic with same level of clarity would be awesome though. It shows you off the best, by far.
It might be too heavy on the nerd stuff. Lightsaber picture, listing your favorite videogames, episode 9 reference in your "what I'm thinking about"?
"Everything" is a non-answer for favorite food. Mention specifics. If you know a burger that gives you mouthgasms, mention you know the best burger place in town. It starts conversations.
You should have more fun with your "you should message me if". If a section isn't funny ,interesting, or a personality showcase, leave it blank