Oh, it's a reference to an NPC in the Mass Effect series. Specifically: http://masseffect.wikia.com/wiki/Kelly_Chambers
That's... pretty good man lol. I'm guessing the photo caused the quick demise.
Oh, it's a reference to an NPC in the Mass Effect series. Specifically: http://masseffect.wikia.com/wiki/Kelly_Chambers
LOLMy joke female tinder account only survived a day
Got a few funny replies out of it. Holy shit though, the men of tinder sure like "hey", "what's up", "sup" openers. The few who actually got the joke and came up with a clever reply were rare.
It turns out I had really connected with this girl on Tinder. We only texted since Tuesday and I thought I blew it, but I tried one more time after my post here and me being persistent kinda really clicked with her. And we have a lot in common and lots to talk about. So I asked her out for a drink or two. She is really my type.
Yeah, so I met with her earlier tonight and she is really cute and we had a lot to talk about. And lot of the stuff came really natural, not much awkward silence - you know what I mean.
I was really positive and had a good time. Halfway I suggested we'd get one more drink, but she refused, which kinda surprised me, because at that moment it felt like she just wanted to get out of there. But I just got myself a beer and we kept talking. So when I finished my beer, she suggested that we could go for a walk (it's pretty cold right now) and I took that as a positive sign. So we walked a bit and kept talking and I even walked her home in the end.
We said good night, she said it was "nice" and we agreed that we would keep texting.
I really felt it was a great night, but I can't really tell if I have chances with her.
Well, I stay mildly positive.
(Thanks to Pasta_Soup for the tips)
Spent a night in a different city for a job interview about 500km away and got more tinder matches in these 24 hours than the last 6 weeks in my hometown.
Either the tinder algorithm does some weird stuff if you travel ... or I should move.
Spent a night in a different city for a job interview about 500km away and got more tinder matches in these 24 hours than the last 6 weeks in my hometown.
Either the tinder algorithm does some weird stuff if you travel ... or I should move.
lmao that is an awesome opener and one must really think outside the box on this! I can see both in various scenarios but my gut says Godzilla...
It turns out I had really connected with this girl on Tinder. We only texted since Tuesday and I thought I blew it, but I tried one more time after my post here and me being persistent kinda really clicked with her. And we have a lot in common and lots to talk about. So I asked her out for a drink or two. She is really my type.
Yeah, so I met with her earlier tonight and she is really cute and we had a lot to talk about. And lot of the stuff came really natural, not much awkward silence - you know what I mean.
I was really positive and had a good time. Halfway I suggested we'd get one more drink, but she refused, which kinda surprised me, because at that moment it felt like she just wanted to get out of there. But I just got myself a beer and we kept talking. So when I finished my beer, she suggested that we could go for a walk (it's pretty cold right now) and I took that as a positive sign. So we walked a bit and kept talking and I even walked her home in the end.
We said good night, she said it was "nice" and we agreed that we would keep texting.
I really felt it was a great night, but I can't really tell if I have chances with her.
Well, I stay mildly positive.
(Thanks to Pasta_Soup for the tips)
Glad it went well, man! If you end up on a second date with her, don't be afraid to hold her hand or go for a kiss. If she's wants to see you again then she's obviously attracted to you. Need to continually escalate to keep things interesting and on the right path. High risk, high reward (and it's not even really high risk, it's just easy to get caught up in the fact that it is).
I will remember your advice for a second date.
But that is actually the next problem. How do I follow up on the date to actually get another?
There has been radio silence since the date yesterday and I am not sure if I should have contacted her today, but I thought it might be a good idea to let the impressions settle in for a day and text her tomorrow. I hoped that she maybe reaches out but she didn't. Maybe she is waiting for me to make a move (again) or maybe she is just happy with the silence because she is actually not interested and wants to cool it out.
I am going mad here with all the thoughts of what to do and how to act next. lol.
Question: If one closes the tinder app while on a person, is it counted as a swipe left?
Because I was saving a super like for this one person I've encountered at some tournaments (had about a few minutes) and accidentally swiped up on my iphone to close the app. Haven't encountered her since despite setting it to the same mileage range.
A tragic set of affairs really, but nothing too serious.
Date was canceled due to the Blizzard, even if I wanted to see her I wouldn't have been able to because of the suspended service on the trains. She said, " aww I can't see you sniff sniff". Heading out there in a bit however, we're going to play in the snow.
Was Tindering last night to see if anyone wanted some Blizzard company, but that didn't work out. Got a number at least. Going to try and go on some dates this coming week, since we aren't official and I don't wanna come off as too thirsty.
Question: If one closes the tinder app while on a person, is it counted as a swipe left?
Because I was saving a super like for this one person I've encountered at some tournaments (had about a few minutes) and accidentally swiped up on my iphone to close the app. Haven't encountered her since despite setting it to the same mileage range.
A tragic set of affairs really, but nothing too serious.
Does anyone have a good answer to "why are you on [dating site]"? My go-to answer has always been "it's a way to meet new people and see what happens", but maybe it seems too wishy-washy? However, I feel like saying you want a relationship is putting too much pressure on both of you.
Question: If one closes the tinder app while on a person, is it counted as a swipe left?
Because I was saving a super like for this one person I've encountered at some tournaments (had about a few minutes) and accidentally swiped up on my iphone to close the app. Haven't encountered her since despite setting it to the same mileage range.
A tragic set of affairs really, but nothing too serious.
Alright good.No. They will show up again at some point.
Haha that is a tragic set of events. Not even sure how I'd feel about that.I feel your pain. I was on TanTan with this dropdead gorgeous half thai/half chinese chick. I was planning to go meet her in Singapore. Then somehow my matches got messed up and our convo and match (and some other, less important ones) disappeared. I have been trying to find her since then, but my heart is pretty broken. We were even planning a lingerie photoshoot with her and a model friend. Speaking of, does anyone know how to find the most popular people on Instagram in certain countries? She showed me her friends instagram and she had 410k followers, but my dumbass didn't follow and I forgot her name. That's the only way I can foresee finding my long lost tantan match.
Sound advice, will keep in mind.No. Next time put it on background and before going to the app make sure you have the wifi/data on..she'll still be there.
So I've been with a girl from Tinder for a little over a month. Dating, sex, know some of her friends, etc. I want to say things are going fine, but it's not.
1) I like her more than she likes me, and we both know it. And I've been having a hard time dealing with that.
2) #1 manifested in a mild but still bad way last weekend. We both had a three day weekend, and I texted her too much. She stopped texting after a while, and even I reviewed the text and thought, "if a girl did that to me, I'd have stopped texting in annoyance. I'm not married to her."
There was nothing clearly harmful in the texts, it was just the amount, bad timing, and asking too many questions. It was bordering on controlling.
So I'm easing up, I just hope I haven't already signaled a red flag. With that and not having sex with her last week (I wanted to, but it was late and we both had work), I want to say things are drawing to a close, but I want to make things work.
Unsurprisingly, I know how you feel. My date wasn't canceled because of the blizzard, but I did walk to her house in advance of Phase II of snowfall on Saturday. We made dinner, watched a terribly great B-movie on Netflix (Zombeavers, by the way, which is everything you'd hope for and more), drank some wine, and studied for her architects' examination. This morning, she made me breakfast while I shoveled outside, then we chatted with her sister and studied some more. While digging out her car, we definitely threw snowballs.
I spent the night on our first date, as well as the second (and we've done nothing physical other than make out). Seeing her again Friday for dinner -- "if not sooner," she claimed -- and I can't wait. Like you, I don't want to be too thirsty either, except we already had a weird convo last night: I told her that I was married before, and we admitted that we really liked each other, etc. etc.
But still. I don't want to be too eager, but at the same time, I really don't want to date random girls. How are you coping other than Tindering?
So update:
All that worrying from that other post? All in my head; she so busy she's on the verge of a burn out.
Which sucks for her, but it also means I spent most of last week worrying about nothing.
Look, the only way of taking charge in gauging her interest is to ask her out for a second date. Yeah if she did text you first that would be a sign as well, but it's very unreliable since the guy is often the doing the leading, regardless of the girl's interest. Chit-chat if you want to, but the best way is just to go something like "Hey I had a great time last night, we should get together soon again! How about X at Y?" where X is an activity and Y is a date+time.
Well, oh well. I tried and I got the "I'm pretty busy in the next weeks" answer. That is just too bad. I really had high hopes for that one![]()
Too bad. But hey, at least you know instead of worrying now![]()
Just got home after spending the night with her. We didn't really play in the snow, we actually met up with her best friend at a happy hour. It was nice, but I got pretty hammered. I passed out as soon as we got back and slept for a million hours. Not a good look. I got plans to check out a flick with her on Thursday, and she invited me to a friends house party next Saturday. Those are both off my off nights, already given to her. So much for talking to different women... though the truth is I work overnights, and I do not like setting up dates before I have to go in. But I might start with other people, we'll see. I have so many conversations on Tinder going, so many numbers, I been getting a ton of Bumble matches too but I don't really care. I know I shouldn't, but I just want to spend my off nights with her. I'm going to try and set up a date or two on a work night with someone else this week, though all I'm worried about right now is if I made a good impression with her best friend.
But man, I have this it's-to-good-to-be-true feeling and I been over analyzing our interactions a lot.
You've got it bad. Honestly, I might be heading that way too, but it's too soon to feel that way (on my end: only two dates for me, even if both were overnighters), no matter how good it's been so far. It feels, I don't know, vaguely unethical to initiate stuff with other girls -- I had two that I'd been dating casually, and I'm letting them fizzle out, and I've got another one on OKC that I've exchanged a couple of messages with.
I don't know. I went out with friends tonight. I'm seeing the Brazilian girl tomorrow night for coffee, then meeting friends for dinner. And I think I'm getting dinner with the Brazilian Friday night (I hope). I can still be "busy" without dating other people, I guess.
I'm starting to feel like both you and Lulubop are pushing it too hard with trying to date other people. If you both like these girls, then stick to them. While dating multiple people is generally good advice as you both know, I think forcing yourself to date casually in an attempt to not get one-itis is a bad idea. Just be chill instead.
After sleeping on it for a full day and not hearing anything back from her, I don't think I'm going to contact the jewel artist girl again (context for Dating-Age folks: met a girl from OKC on Wednesday at a coffee shop).
I know many people say that the first date is the screening date and the second date is the real first date and that some people are shy/nervous on the first date, but I didn't click with her since our similarities ended at the art stuff and even then, our concentrations were entirely different. I think I might go back to bar dates since I noticed that while coffee shop dates are cheaper, they haven't been yielding me too much success possibly because I don't switch places.
Also, I think another girl who had given me her number lost interest in texting after I continued with light banter instead of setting up drinks/coffee for next week. I guess I'll try texting her again in the morning getting to the point about setting up a meet up day for next week . However, my fear is that I don't want to come off too strong/needy. Advice here?
Lastly, I got a 40 year old mother of two's number which is going to be pretty interesting since the oldest I've gone out with is 32. I'm not worried that she has kids since that's besides the point. I have no idea what to do but simple and cheap is the route to go until I get money again in the beginning of next month (not broke). Since she lurked on my profile because I'm an aspiring illustrator, I think art gallery hopping would be good. I'll text her in the morning.
Should say I had another amazing date with this girl. We saw the Revenant, I really liked it, more than she did. Afterward we went to this BBQ spot, and she was very touchy and cuddly. It was nice. She thinks I'm super attractive, and that's a good feeling. She's stunning in here own right. Seeing her again tomorrow and meeting a lot of her friends at a house party. A little nervous.
Ok, so fuck. Last night went really bad. I matched with this girl on Tinder and the girl I was seeing kinda knew her? Or they like just so happen to meet yesterday at a house party thing. It was weird, but she was really upset. I told we weren't exclusive, but she was hurt I was still looking. I didn't have an answer for why I was. I really hope I didn't fuck this up, I'm be pretty down if things change between us.
So, I haven't been around for a long while, but I thought I'd drop by to ask a very important question:
One of my friends suggested that I try looking outside my city (or even province/country) for a compatible person. Another one of my friends, when I asked her about this suggestion, seemed to think that this was a good idea too because it builds on my strengths, namely written communication. I should add that a fair number of my friends did meet their SOs online and out of the country, and they're quite happy with what they have. However, I'm still hesitant on the idea, namely because I'm not quite sure how it would expand my current prospects, as well as a desire to have physical presence within a relationship (due to some bad experiences).
What are your thoughts on LDRs? Or rather, looking for a LDR from the start?
You probably just nicked her ego, man. Nobody likes to know that they've been replaced - especially not with someone they know. On a side note, I think this thread should be merged with the dating-age thread. Very similar content, no need for two threads. Just IMO.Oh, he looks familiar. I think I talked to him on Tinder.
I've been in the same boat as youI've started trying dating apps again, and I'm just not having any luck at all.
I think that it depends on where you are at in your life. I tried it quite a few times last year and wouldn't do it again. I was going through an experimental phase and learned a lot from it. There is a lot of work involved and I really only think that it can work if you both are experienced and have the money and time to see each other at least once every 2-3 weeks. You also have to have great communication skills.
It can work, but I would only use it as a last resort. People in small towns kind of don't have a choice once they reach a certain age, but if you live in a major city, I would stick to dating in or near it. If you live in a major city and can't find anyone there, then I really think the problem is you and not the women in your city.
You probably just nicked her ego, man. Nobody likes to know that they've been replaced - especially not with someone they know. On a side note, I think this thread should be merged with the dating-age thread. Very similar content, no need for two threads. Just IMO.
I wouldn't go out and look for a long distance relationship actively. If it goes that way, you can try it. But to actually message people from another country, seems like a giant waste of time. Do you really want to talk to someone for weeks or months before meeting up and then discovering you are not really compatible after all?So, I haven't been around for a long while, but I thought I'd drop by to ask a very important question:
One of my friends suggested that I try looking outside my city (or even province/country) for a compatible person. Another one of my friends, when I asked her about this suggestion, seemed to think that this was a good idea too because it builds on my strengths, namely written communication. I should add that a fair number of my friends did meet their SOs online and out of the country, and they're quite happy with what they have. However, I'm still hesitant on the idea, namely because I'm not quite sure how it would expand my current prospects, as well as a desire to have physical presence within a relationship (due to some bad experiences).
What are your thoughts on LDRs? Or rather, looking for a LDR from the start?
Hey guys, quick question.
If I get a message on Instagram from someone that saw it on my tinder profile, is that creepy/rude? What should I make of that