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Online Dating |OT| Please Respond


You seem to be caught in this state of limbo: you refuse to let her go and move on, yet you do nothing to "clear the air" and obtain what you think is closure. Yes, checking her FB page is stalking, especially since a) you know it's her old/secondary profile and b) you check it on a semi-regular basis.

Either you remove all final traces of her from her life (store the pictures far far away) and make an effort to move on, or contact her to get your so-called closure. Or seek professional help.

Buddy, I tried for months and months to talk to her to clear the air. Do you know what my requests to talk with her like an adult were met with? Silence, being blocked, or sub-tweets about how much of a "dick" I am. My messages were nothing but sincere and from the heart. Contacting her is a dead end. You're nuts if you think I sit here wishing the air was clear and I did nothing about it. She refuses to talk to me at all, like I'm some sort of monster. That's where this comes from. I've had trouble coping with the fact that she treats me like a demon. That's the 180 I mentioned.

I've made many efforts to move on. In fact, I've come a VERY long way since she left me over a year ago. I've spoken to a professional several times. And because I now know she updates this old profile of hers, I won't ever look at it again (just as I never look at her other active social media pages). Sometimes people tell me that she'll talk to me again one day. I highly doubt that.


Yeah, that's exactly why you should ask her out in the first few days. Preferably a couple of hours after you first get her number. Interest can wane if you don't show the required initiative. If she says no, odds are she would never have agreed anyway. But if she's already given her number, I'd say she's up for it.

Just ask her (right now - there is no right moment). Then continue the conversation in person.

So, I asked her out a few hours ago and got rejected. It went something like "Would you like to meet up for a coffe?" - "No, thanks I don't like coffee nor do I have any free time, due to school and my upcoming exams."
Later she texted me, that she'd suffer from social anxiety. Therefore it would be hard for her to meet up with guys she barely knew and prefers to stay at home.
Firtsly it seems like a poor excuse, but in retrospect it makes sense to some of her behaviours and stories she told me about.
After that, we kept texting a bit, but I dunno.
This got a bit weirder now.
I do like her, but I feel there's barely any chance to get to know her better when she's suffering from strong social anxiety. Any advice?


I matched with another girl that I slept with that doesn't seem to remember me (this is about the 4th time), What jokes/pranks do you recommend i play?
So, I asked her out a few hours ago and got rejected. It went something like "Would you like to meet up for a coffe?" - "No, thanks I don't like coffee nor do I have any free time, due to school and my upcoming exams."
Later she texted me, that she'd suffer from social anxiety. Therefore it would be hard for her to meet up with guys she barely knew and prefers to stay at home.
Firtsly it seems like a poor excuse, but in retrospect it makes sense to some of her behaviours and stories she told me about.
After that, we kept texting a bit, but I dunno.
This got a bit weirder now.
I do like her, but I feel there's barely any chance to get to know her better when she's suffering from strong social anxiety. Any advice?

Yeah, like ZackieChan said: don't worry about it and move on.
Buddy, I tried for months and months to talk to her to clear the air. Do you know what my requests to talk with her like an adult were met with? Silence, being blocked, or sub-tweets about how much of a "dick" I am. My messages were nothing but sincere and from the heart. Contacting her is a dead end. You're nuts if you think I sit here wishing the air was clear and I did nothing about it. She refuses to talk to me at all, like I'm some sort of monster. That's where this comes from. I've had trouble coping with the fact that she treats me like a demon. That's the 180 I mentioned.

I've made many efforts to move on. In fact, I've come a VERY long way since she left me over a year ago. I've spoken to a professional several times. And because I now know she updates this old profile of hers, I won't ever look at it again (just as I never look at her other active social media pages). Sometimes people tell me that she'll talk to me again one day. I highly doubt that.

Looks like closure to me from her end. The rest is up to you.

Good luck.


After the NYC gaf meet up, I meet up with this girl from Tinder I had flaked on because I felt like things with the Greek girl were getting serious. Date went well, but all I could think of was the Greek girl. Even sent some drunk text, I know not a good look. It's getting worse and not better. I just don't understand how you go from being crazy about me to never wanting me to be apart of your life. Been sobbing off and on since I got back home.


Looks like closure to me from her end. The rest is up to you.

Good luck.

What do you mean closure from her end? I mean, I suppose to some extent I can understand why she has been ignoring me and not said a word to me in so long; she feels guilty for leaving me for someone else. She doesn't want to face that.


Er.... You left on bad terms and she wants nothing to do with you anymore. It has nothing to do with guilt. Writing someone out of your life is closure, it has a finality to it.


What do you mean closure from her end? I mean, I suppose to some extent I can understand why she has been ignoring me and not said a word to me in so long; she feels guilty for leaving me for someone else. She doesn't want to face that.
Stop doing this to yourself man. It doesn't matter what she feels. She doesn't want to talk to you anymore; that's all the closure you need.
What do you mean closure from her end? I mean, I suppose to some extent I can understand why she has been ignoring me and not said a word to me in so long; she feels guilty for leaving me for someone else. She doesn't want to face that.
You need to move on from this. Months and months of trying to talk to someone who doesn't want to see you is not a healthy thing to do. Remove all social media, don't look at it anymore and move on. There is nothing else you can or should do. It's in the past. Trying to find closure will not change anything.


Junior Member
You need to move on from this. Months and months of trying to talk to someone who doesn't want to see you is not a healthy thing to do. Remove all social media, don't look at it anymore and move on. There is nothing else you can or should do. It's in the past. Trying to find closure will not change anything.

Infinity, you should of done this shit like a year ago. Move the fuck on bro.


So, I kept texting with said girl, even though I don't have high hopes of having a date with her.
Last night she got drunk with a friend at her place and send me a pic of the two of them drinking and texted me that she'd consider the date after all.
She rejected me at first, because she isn't keen on meeting up with guys she doesn't know well. I dunno.
We had a fun back and forth, but deverted (which was my fault, bc I wasn't expecting this and I was drunk af, as well...) to another topic.
This morning she texted me, that she couldn't remember last night at all and was too
emberassed to read up what we had been texting. I didn't mention her coming back to set up a date... I feel bad, because I probably should've.

I'm still on track of moving on, having probably fucked up. Well done, me!


You are delusional at this point, man.

Delusional about what?

Er.... You left on bad terms and she wants nothing to do with you anymore. It has nothing to do with guilt. Writing someone out of your life is closure, it has a finality to it.

Death has a finality to it. That doesn't equal closure.

You need to move on from this. Months and months of trying to talk to someone who doesn't want to see you is not a healthy thing to do. Remove all social media, don't look at it anymore and move on. There is nothing else you can or should do. It's in the past. Trying to find closure will not change anything.

This happened a year ago. I don't feel nearly as bad about it. I've hammered into my mind that she is a conniving immature bitch who's loyalty is based on opportunity and thus her character is severely flawed.
Infinity, you should of done this shit like a year ago. Move the fuck on bro.

I did. What are you talking about? Just because seeing a stupid picture of her is a trigger for bringing me down doesn't mean I seek that shit out.
You're right. Your actions are totally normal and justified. EVERYONE else that knows anything about your story (which is most of GAF at this point) is wrong.

QFT. Infinity, she doesn't want to talk to you anymore. That's why she's ignoring you. Shame, guilt, etc. have nothing to do with it. You have your closure. Besides, what kind of closure are you even expecting? From what I remember of your saga, you threatened to commit suicide to induce her into staying with you -- I could be wrong here on the specifics -- and she was freaked out. After that, things fell apart.

To her, you don't exist anymore. It's time to treat her the same way.

So, I kept texting with said girl, even though I don't have high hopes of having a date with her.
Last night she got drunk with a friend at her place and send me a pic of the two of them drinking and texted me that she'd consider the date after all.
She rejected me at first, because she isn't keen on meeting up with guys she doesn't know well. I dunno.
We had a fun back and forth, but deverted (which was my fault, bc I wasn't expecting this and I was drunk af, as well...) to another topic.
This morning she texted me, that she couldn't remember last night at all and was too
emberassed to read up what we had been texting. I didn't mention her coming back to set up a date... I feel bad, because I probably should've.

I'm still on track of moving on, having probably fucked up. Well done, me!

For Fuchs' sake, you objectively realize that going out on a date is exactly how people get to know each other, meaning she's certainly stringing you along -- and probably just fucking with you while she's drunk because she wanted attention. Her "I can't remember, I'm too embarrassed" is a too-obvious attempt to backtrack from the "well, maybe we'll go out" offer. Even if you had mentioned it, she would've simply rejected you again.

You only fucked up by willingly allowing yourself to get toyed with. Have some self-respect: move on. Or, if you positively can't stand not having the last word, unequivocally state something like: "Had a great time talking. Would still love to take you out. Let me know." And then delete her number from your phone (ProTip: memorize girls by their area code!) so you don't engage in drunken foolery.


I'd be in the dick
Tried my hand at online dating again and it is not going well. Haven't gotten a single response after a ton of messages. Feelsbad.jpg


You're right. Your actions are totally normal and justified. EVERYONE else that knows anything about your story (which is most of GAF at this point) is wrong.

Wrong about what? What are you even referring to?

QFT. Infinity, she doesn't want to talk to you anymore. That's why she's ignoring you. Shame, guilt, etc. have nothing to do with it. You have your closure. Besides, what kind of closure are you even expecting? From what I remember of your saga, you threatened to commit suicide to induce her into staying with you -- I could be wrong here on the specifics -- and she was freaked out. After that, things fell apart.

To her, you don't exist anymore. It's time to treat her the same way.

So what you're saying is that she hasn't said anything to me because she doesn't want to? /s - Threatened suicide to get her to stay with me? Holy hell man, that's not even in the same ballpark. Time certainly does warp recollection. She exists only in my head, and I in hers. That's how we both treat it. I only care because I was the one burned, not her. The reason she doesn't talk to me is because she thinks I said/did things I didn't do. My weakness is caring about what she thinks because of how much I loved her. Case closed. Thanks for reading.
Wrong about what? What are you even referring to?

So what you're saying is that she hasn't said anything to me because she doesn't want to? /s - Threatened suicide to get her to stay with me? Holy hell man, that's not even in the same ballpark. Time certainly does warp recollection. She exists only in my head, and I in hers. That's how we both treat it. I only care because I was the one burned, not her. The reason she doesn't talk to me is because she thinks I said/did things I didn't do. My weakness is caring about what she thinks because of how much I loved her. Case closed. Thanks for reading.

That's exactly what you did. You said it many time here in threads you've since deleted.


That's exactly what you did. You said it many time here in threads you've since deleted.

No, I didn't. I did it out of spite for what she did and for pity/attention, which I quickly realized was foolish of me. Please stop putting words in my mouth. None of those threads are deleted. Go find where I said these things for her to "stay with me" if you think I'm bullshitting you. She wasn't even with me when that happened, so that's fundamentally wrong anyway. This is a great example of what I mean; you thinking I said/did something I didn't do (or rather, for a completely different reason). That's my issue with her. Doesn't matter anymore anyway.

Edit: They've been erased. I no longer have to worry about being reminded of that stain on my history via gaf. I've assumed a new identity. I'll be moving forward from here and not talking about my ex any longer. She's in the past where she belongs.


How shitty is my profile

I never had to resort to OKC in the past but being a 19 year old in the suburbs while everyone else is still at college suuuucks for networking.

First off, thank you for putting it somewhere that doesn't require logging in or having an active account!

- Your self-summary is a giant run-on sentence. Proper grammar goes a long way. Seems redundant to mention you went to college in New Orleans and that you're getting a degree at Tulane. Could just say "hosted an (off?) campus radio show".

- "Dick" is never a word I'd used in a profile unless I worked for Dicks or enjoyed eating spotted dick.

- Your favorites feels like the realest part of your profile. Everything before it comes across as kind of apathetic, but here you show personality. "I dunno" doesn't work for food. Mention something or don't mention it at all.

- "The six things" segment is good. You avoided all the pitfalls of "internet" "cell phone" "my friends and family" etc.

- If your typical friday night is mundane, either leave it blank or go fantastical. Just about everyone's says "I'm either going out or staying in". Rub some funk on that. And mention your dog earlier in the profile.

- If a girl didn't notice your dog in the previous section, the mention of "settling down and raising puppies together" sounds like you want kids. You're 19.
How shitty is my profile


I never had to resort to OKC in the past but being a 19 year old in the suburbs while everyone else is still at college suuuucks for networking.

Completely agree with everything Salamando suggested.

That bit of personality and humor you showcase in the second half of your profile - amp it up and instill that same energy into the first half. After making those edits, get some decent pictures and you should be alright.

Though finding women on dating sites at 19, especially in a suburban area, probably isn't going to net you as many options as you'd like. But it's better than nothing, so good luck!


Being lead on is the absolute worst. Don't do that shit, real talk. What a miserable week I've had. Therapy tomorrow, and I really just need it. Badly.
How shitty is my profile


I never had to resort to OKC in the past but being a 19 year old in the suburbs while everyone else is still at college suuuucks for networking.

Could not agree more with everything that Salamando suggested. He pretty much touched on all the things that came to mind when I viewed your profile (the run-on sentence and lack of enthusiasm is a bummer and then suddenly your six favorite things was great - chuckled at the Instagram baby animal accounts).

The only other thing I'd add is that ending with "typical liberal student college blah blah" makes you seem rather... I dunno... apathetic toward your little 'about me' section? I'd end it on an upbeat note :) lighten it up a little.


Palpable and the weekend's past meetup inspired me to change my GAF name in order to come to terms with part of who I am. Being a part of this community is something that defines me and has continued to define a good chunk of 20s. Whether or not that has consequences in the future is up to life to decide. I have nothing to hide so no shame in putting my real name out there.

I'll continue periodically chronicling my online dating successes and failures as well as lurking in the thread alongside you all. We're all on the same boat navigating our way through modern romance so remember that if you're struggling, we're there with you in the thick of it. I'm on a small break from dating and pretty damn happy about that.


Palpable and the weekend's past meetup inspired me to change my GAF name in order to come to terms with part of who I am. Being a part of this community is something that defines me and has conitnued to define a good chunk of 20s. Whether or not that has consequences in the future is up to life to decide. I have nothing to hide so no shame in putting my real name there.

I'll continue periodically chronicling my online dating successes and failures as well as lurking in the thread alongside you all. We're all on the same boat navigating our way through modern romance so remember that if you're struggling, we're there with you in the thick of it. I'm on a small break from dating and pretty damn happy about that.

I wish you the best of luck ❤️


Well I'm a 28 year old who's really not very attractive in the slightest, I've been using Online Dating for the past 5 years and had very little success which was obviously not good for self confidence.

Anyway, around the time of Christmas this year I was so so so close to giving up on online dating, (i used to do this every few months due to frustration and lack of interest), but I very randomly received a message from a site I barely ever used and my profile was about 1 year out of date. Ended up meeting this person who was far more attractive than I am and we hit it off like a house on fire and have been seeing each other since. Both met each others friends and family, exclusive and even Facebook official lol. We spend 3-4 nights a week together and I could easily spend more time.

I have never been happier, and it was surprising how "out of the blue" it all came about.

Reading through the last few pages of this thread reminds me of my past 5 years(ish), so don't give up hope! If I can find someone then anyone can. Sometimes these things happen where you least expect it so don't try too hard and don't put yourself down when it doesn't go your way. When you meet the right person you'll completely forget about all the awkwardness/regret/selfhate/"whatifs" you've had from previous dates.


Well I'm a 28 year old who's really not very attractive in the slightest, I've been using Online Dating for the past 5 years and had very little success which was obviously not good for self confidence.

Anyway, around the time of Christmas this year I was so so so close to giving up on online dating, (i used to do this every few months due to frustration and lack of interest), but I very randomly received a message from a site I barely ever used and my profile was about 1 year out of date. Ended up meeting this person who was far more attractive than I am and we hit it off like a house on fire and have been seeing each other since. Both met each others friends and family, exclusive and even Facebook official lol. We spend 3-4 nights a week together and I could easily spend more time.

I have never been happier, and it was surprising how "out of the blue" it all came about.

Reading through the last few pages of this thread reminds me of my past 5 years(ish), so don't give up hope! If I can find someone then anyone can. Sometimes these things happen where you least expect it so don't try too hard and don't put yourself down when it doesn't go your way. When you meet the right person you'll completely forget about all the awkwardness/regret/selfhate/"whatifs" you've had from previous dates.

This gives me a small semblance of hope. Good for you. I hope everything everything continues to work out great for you. Your story reminds me of how my last relationship started. Don't muck it up! :)


Thank you!

There's hope for everyone trust me. Also I found with Online Dating that as I got older, I found the things which women were looking for changed too. When I was younger it was all very much about physical appearance and how "spontaneous" you were, that used to drive me mad.

As you get older that changes and (from my experience) a lot of women want a bit more substance from a relationship. So if you're a good guy and are being true to yourself, then in time you will find someone for sure. I know it's hard to believe that when you have to analyse yourself but it's completely true. Just keep plugging away, be yourself, and allow someone to like you for who you are, not for the person you think you should be.

If you're still relatively young (20-30) then I really wouldn't get hung up on dating/relationships at all. A lot of people don't start thinking about serious relationship til their late 20's, so don't beat yourself up about it if it's not working. Dating is supposed to be fun so try and enjoy it, and take it for the ride it is. All the bad dates and bad experiences you have are all lessons to be learnt, so learn them!
Thank you!

There's hope for everyone trust me. Also I found with Online Dating that as I got older, I found the things which women were looking for changed too. When I was younger it was all very much about physical appearance and how "spontaneous" you were, that used to drive me mad.

As you get older that changes and (from my experience) a lot of women want a bit more substance from a relationship. So if you're a good guy and are being true to yourself, then in time you will find someone for sure. I know it's hard to believe that when you have to analyse yourself but it's completely true. Just keep plugging away, be yourself, and allow someone to like you for who you are, not for the person you think you should be.

If you're still relatively young (20-30) then I really wouldn't get hung up on dating/relationships at all. A lot of people don't start thinking about serious relationship til their late 20's, so don't beat yourself up about it if it's not working. Dating is supposed to be fun so try and enjoy it, and take it for the ride it is. All the bad dates and bad experiences you have are all lessons to be learnt, so learn them!

Yeah, I wish someone had told me this years ago. I did okay for myself during law school, but I can honestly say that dating in D.C. in my early thirties has been the equivalent of shooting fish in the barrel -- and all I've done is stay fit, have a job, reveal the fact that I'm a decent and compassionate person, and act like I've got my shit together. This is undoubtedly the first time in my life that I'm dating women who are smart, accomplished, and also beautiful.

For instance, my current lady friend was the equivalent of a high society party girl in her early twenties, but age really changes people, and now she values the fact that I get along with her sister and father and am open to the idea of starting a family in a few years. I've gotten better at spontaneity, but I rock the shit out of this substance stuff, and it's finally paying dividends. Even if this current relationship fizzles, it's another notch in my belt of self-improvement. For instance, learning how to cook more and brushing up on foreign languages sure isn't going to hurt me with anyone, and I'm enjoying it for myself.

It's nice to know that I probably have another ten years of dating "left" in me, even though I'm perfectly willing to attempt to build something with someone.
Yeah, but if I can do it, anyone can. That was the point. I've crashed and burned so many times. It's just something to learn from, I guess.

Edit: That, plus it gets better once you're older. I was a trainwreck until about 28.

Yeah, I've gotten to the point where it is much easier to talk with people, beautiful girl or not. I've got interesting things to talk about and I'm genuinely interested in hearing other people's life experiences. I'm comfortable with who I am, finally, and I think that shows when I talk to others.

BTW, I picked up that Mark Manson book Models, and I'll reiterate others' advice to people here to read it immediately. Most of his examples seem ripped right from this thread! I think most of you who are struggling with dating would learn a lot.


Yeah, I've gotten to the point where it is much easier to talk with people, beautiful girl or not. I've got interesting things to talk about and I'm genuinely interested in hearing other people's life experiences. I'm comfortable with who I am, finally, and I think that shows when I talk to others.

BTW, I picked up that Mark Maron book Models, and I'll reiterate others' advice to people here to read it immediately. Most of his examples seem ripped right from this thread! I think most of you who are struggling with dating would learn a lot.

For anyone else looking for this book on amazon, it's actually by Mark Manson.

I used to be terrified of talking to women. Even the ugly ones. Then work started sending me to give demos to high ranking government types. Talking lead scientists for famous acronym'd organizations, generals, and assorted councils. Realized that if I could sell our software to pretty damn important people with real financial consequences, talking to a girl with whom there are no consequences is easy.

This thread (and the Dating OT) help a lot too. Makes everyone seem a bit more flawed. We have people coming in with perfect jobs or perfect bodies, and yet still screw shit up in new and magnificent ways. Makes me happy to be me.
For anyone else looking for this book on amazon, it's actually by Mark Manson.

I used to be terrified of talking to women. Even the ugly ones. Then work started sending me to give demos to high ranking government types. Talking lead scientists for famous acronym'd organizations, generals, and assorted councils. Realized that if I could sell our software to pretty damn important people with real financial consequences, talking to a girl with whom there are no consequences is easy.

This thread (and the Dating OT) help a lot too. Makes everyone seem a bit more flawed. We have people coming in with perfect jobs or perfect bodies, and yet still screw shit up in new and magnificent ways. Makes me happy to be me.

I knew I recognized that name. He authored an article that really resonated with me. If you're unsure about Manson (and mind you, I've not read the book), read this: http://markmanson.net/fuck-yes#ySuKE0:jAVL
I know it sounds terribly clichéd and motivational ("If I can do it, so can you. Here's how, for six easy payments of $19.99") and I'm no expert (life is a never-ending lesson after all) but making positive changes in your life can never hurt.
A 27-year old taking a 19-year old on a date isn't too weird, right?


Are you going to not take her out depending on what we say? Or are you just looking for assurances? Basically, yeah: it's not exactly common and it's not something I'd personally do, but if you're happy and she's happy, go for it.

It'll be fine.

Just make sure she brings her fake ID.


Are you going to not take her out depending on what we say? Or are you just looking for assurances? Basically, yeah: it's not exactly common and it's not something I'd personally do, but if you're happy and she's happy, go for it.

It'll be fine.

Just make sure she brings her fake ID.
No, just wondering what your view on it is. I'll be taking her out regardless. As for ID, we live in the UK, so there's no worries about alcohol, etc.
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