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Online Dating |OT| Please Respond


So, you need to work on yourself, because you want to improve... but these dates, they don't deserve that improved you?

Oh definitely, but I have the whole 'missed opportunity' thing relegating in the back of my mind and I'm trying to be more in the moment and spontaneous.


Junior Member
Oh definitely, but I have the whole 'missed opportunity' thing relegating in the back of my mind and I'm trying to be more in the moment and spontaneous.

I can totally get behind that. But isn't this a bit like chasing cars? What'll you do with one if you catch it? I'm not throwing myself into the dating-pool yet, since I want to focus on myself. I did meet a girl I started dating, but I could reciprocate the feelings she had since I knew I couldn't enter a relationship at that time. What's really the missed opportunity?


I can totally get behind that. But isn't this a bit like chasing cars? What'll you do with one if you catch it? I'm not throwing myself into the dating-pool yet, since I want to focus on myself. I did meet a girl I started dating, but I could reciprocate the feelings she had since I knew I couldn't enter a relationship at that time. What's really the missed opportunity?

He would fuck the car.


I'd recommend going for different pictures. I think the tie is amazing in real life situations, but my guess is that it'll spark more prejudice than it'll do you good. You need pictures where you look into the camera. Or, at the very least, don't kind of don't look at the camera. I've planned a photo shoot with a friend to make some Tinder profile pictures for when I set that up. Anyone you can do the same with?

This whole block can just be thrown out. It does nothing for a first impression, and you're still trying to hide behind a fake picture. When I read "I need to work more on this", but then the next sentence is that you're a writer, I don't get what's going on.

It'd be "people, in particular, inspire me", alternately "In particular, people inspire me" or maybe better "I love talking with people, because I get incredibly inspired by it", as it tells that you're social, and that you get inspiration from it. This 'in particular' thing rests upon a context that doesn't exist. The "Promise." gives of a certain "please let me try". I also don't get what it's supposed to convey. It sort of says "please try to give me a subject, and I'll write something interesting". Perhaps try and reword that?

This just comes off as completely incongruent. Your profile has been serious so far, so I don't get the "I slipped up" thing. It also has you seem uncertain in talking about yourself. Also, that's a poor joke. It just sort of ruins the impression that you're a writer. If you don't have something that's really witty, perhaps just leave the jokes behind?

What's with these haphazardly thrown around quips that just adds nothing? Convey that you're good communicating. You'd do that with rewriting what I suggested earlier. Don't say, rather try and convey. I have no reason to believe that you're a particularly positive person. Deflecting? Sounds about as bad a word as you can give for yourself.

You "your smile" a lot? I know I'm being really anal about your writing, but seen how you're a writer, I'd be completely turned off by someone saying they're a writer, but don't seem to master the language. Again, you come off as flimsy and incongruent. Half the time I don't believe what you write, the other half you joke it away. Share more of yourself.

"I lyk 2 reed"? That's not a good joke. TeeVee? Again, you say so little about yourself. You actually get personal by saying something about growing up poor, but then you go "No, but really", which comes off across as really insecure. Like you fumbled up saying that. When it's written. You can just erase it.

The last paragraph is great. Throw in some more names, otherwise, it's basically the equivalent of "I listen to all music". Having opinions is great.

You know what I'll say here. The "you" underlines the whole thing I've been saying. It smells a bit of desperation, since you're basically saying you can't do without whatever girl reads it. Give of yourself, here.

I don't know what you mean. I'm thinking the same thing as I've said all along applies to the "I think about", since it's basically just another witless quip; a joke without foundation, quickly redacted.

No, really. Try again.

See, this will be the most hilarious part of your profile, once the rest is upgraded. At this point, it really just seems like you aren't able to have a conversation with a girl. I really loved the joke, you just need the profile to be better to make it absolutely hilarious.

If you hang up in things like that, you'll always be so afraid of losing things - in this case girls - so much that you'll lose them. There's no "one" person we all need to meet, and if we fuck it up, we've ruined our one shot at love. You can easily just be overlooked, which means no amount of perfect message could ever have saved you. These things are not something we control. Don't try to. You'll lose a ton of girls. There's even more where she came from.

So, you need to work on yourself, because you want to improve... but these dates, they don't deserve that improved you?

Thank you! This is the kind of feedback I needed, haha. I'm updating the profile fairly often, as I'm on my phone for a chunk of the day.

Definitely needed a lot of rewrites as the profile was very, very jokey for a few months while I wasn't even looking at it. Being more serious about it should help me a lot.

Any more feedback is 100% welcome. Thanks again!


Welp, I almost have to go meet up her guys. She's several stops away on the train. Took a shower, mopped the place, and cleaned my room. Bro's at work and Trojan condoms have been acquired. All I need to do is trim my left foot's toenails and I'll be set.

I'm so scared I'm gonna fumble putting on the condom. Oh brother guys, this is it. Wish me luck guys. I'll post the details of the aftermath around 6PM EST. Let's do this.


Welp, I almost have to go meet up her guys. She's several stops away on the train. Took a shower, mopped the place, and cleaned my room. Bro's at work and Trojan condoms have been acquired. All I need to do is trim my left foot's toenails and I'll be set.

I'm so scared I'm gonna fumble putting on the condom. Oh brother guys, this is it. Wish me luck guys. I'll post the details of the aftermath around 6PM EST. Let's do this.

I hope it all works out well and this
isn't a scam that leads to your death.


Welp, I almost have to go meet up her guys. She's several stops away on the train. Took a shower, mopped the place, and cleaned my room. Bro's at work and Trojan condoms have been acquired. All I need to do is trim my left foot's toenails and I'll be set.

I'm so scared I'm gonna fumble putting on the condom. Oh brother guys, this is it. Wish me luck guys. I'll post the details of the aftermath around 6PM EST. Let's do this.

I knew I signed up for GAF for a reason!



Welp, I almost have to go meet up her guys. She's several stops away on the train. Took a shower, mopped the place, and cleaned my room. Bro's at work and Trojan condoms have been acquired. All I need to do is trim my left foot's toenails and I'll be set.

I'm so scared I'm gonna fumble putting on the condom. Oh brother guys, this is it. Wish me luck guys. I'll post the details of the aftermath around 6PM EST. Let's do this.

Create a safe word! Don't get murdered.


If it doesn't roll down the first time, flip over and try again!

It's like a damn usb plug sometimes.


I can totally get behind that. But isn't this a bit like chasing cars? What'll you do with one if you catch it? I'm not throwing myself into the dating-pool yet, since I want to focus on myself. I did meet a girl I started dating, but I could reciprocate the feelings she had since I knew I couldn't enter a relationship at that time. What's really the missed opportunity?

Hah, you make a good point. I guess my side of the story is that I have no trouble reciprocating feelings should there and I could enter a relationship, but she'd have to be patient while I work things out. Selfish optimism? Quite possibly but that's for her to decide.

He would fuck the car.

lol. Not untrue
Welp, I almost have to go meet up her guys. She's several stops away on the train. Took a shower, mopped the place, and cleaned my room. Bro's at work and Trojan condoms have been acquired. All I need to do is trim my left foot's toenails and I'll be set.

I'm so scared I'm gonna fumble putting on the condom. Oh brother guys, this is it. Wish me luck guys. I'll post the details of the aftermath around 6PM EST. Let's do this.

Good luck, bro. You can do it!


After what criteria does tinder show you other people?

Just the gender and age you are looking for and the distance?

@ jipan: have fun.

And can I ask here for texting advices/opinions even if I didn't meet her through online dating?

This here seems to be the texting tipps OT.


Huh, so AnotherFriend says I can sign back in within a week (we'll see if that even happens) but when I go to view my profile it says "this person has deleted their account".


GL Jipan!

Texting tips: It's like a few mentioned, try to keep the questions interesting, playful, and engaging. I had a good convo last night just talking about pizza toppings lol.

It went something like this...

Me: Pizza or sushi?
Her: Pizza. I'm allergic to seafood.
Me: That's unfortunate. Favorite topping?
Her: Anything veggie
Me: I used to hate anything onions, but now I love red onions on my pizza! You a vegetarian?

And it just went from there. I would give an exciting statement and asked a question in return. Ask questions outside the box.

I think Tinder will always show results within the range you select.
What are some of you guys' favourite quick playful openers for stuff like tinder?
The "pizza or sushi" one is pretty decent at striking up conversation. Recently I've been using "Question. What kind of bear is best?" which has been surprisingly good at bringing out personality and leading to some funny banter. I'd love to hear more like these that have been successful to change things up a bit.


After the delete/remake of my Tinder on Monday I've been talking to one girl who seems fun, set up a date for next week... She tells me she took Monday&Tuesday off work so I jokingly ask her how her long weekend was...

"It actually sucked because the guy I was seeing broke my heart wednesday... And I know this is probably the worst thing to tell someone at the beginning"

.......wat. Why. Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Not sure if I want to deal with that. Am I okay with being a rebound? I have to decide that lol.

I may have that story beat.

Girl messaged me on POF. I asked her how her weekend was going. She said, paraphrasing, 'Bad, two of my family members got murdered this week.'


I'm outside relaxing and phone's almost dead so I'll give you guys the long NSFW version once I get home.

Short version was everything went better than expected. I have a inner sex god that was raging to bust loose. It came out...for the most part but came with a few caveats. Still, it was a fun time for both of us. She was awesome and understanding. Damn cool girl for sure and awesome kisser.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
I may have that story beat.

Girl messaged me on POF. I asked her how her weekend was going. She said, paraphrasing, 'Bad, two of my family members got murdered this week.'

Already did. She spent that night at my place that night, haha. Every now and then, weird things like that happen to me and I just go for it.


Girl told me she hates dating now.



I'm outside relaxing and phone's almost dead so I'll give you guys the long NSFW version once I get home.

Short version was everything went better than expected. I have a inner sex god that was raging to bust loose. It came out...for the most part but came with a few caveats. Still, it was a fun time for both of us. She was awesome and understanding. Damn cool girl for sure and awesome kisser.

Jipan did it.

Hang up that belt, you get a beer.


Homeland Security Fail
I'm outside relaxing and phone's almost dead so I'll give you guys the long NSFW version once I get home.

Short version was everything went better than expected. I have a inner sex god that was raging to bust loose. It came out...for the most part but came with a few caveats. Still, it was a fun time for both of us. She was awesome and understanding. Damn cool girl for sure and awesome kisser.

I'm buying you a round next time out.
I'm outside relaxing and phone's almost dead so I'll give you guys the long NSFW version once I get home.

Short version was everything went better than expected. I have a inner sex god that was raging to bust loose. It came out...for the most part but came with a few caveats. Still, it was a fun time for both of us. She was awesome and understanding. Damn cool girl for sure and awesome kisser.

Congratulations! Not interested in the NSFW version. Just wanted to see if your mindset has changed after experiencing it.


Started messaging someone on AnotherFriend (not sure how many countries it's in, it's here in Ireland and in the US too as far as I know) and she seemed pretty cool, she messaged me first but is a good few years younger which wouldn't normally bother me but the fact I've just finished my degree and she just finished school kind of makes it feel a little odd, but hey won't hurt to try it anyway and see how it goes, she recognised the difference but since we seem pretty similar people with similar interests it's worth a go. Anyway we were talking for a few days and bam, I'm logged in and sending a message and the site says I'm suspended for a week, no reason why, nowhere to email about it. Looked it up and apparently they do this all the time with members, even when people just mention simple things like places they like to go to they take it as an attempt to make proper contact (outside of the site, I mean) and tell you you can get your account back if you buy premium, so fuck that. I tried making another account to quickly mention that it happened and it got suspended too, surprisingly only for a few weeks though even though I said in it blatantly "this is an extra account because I got suspended".

Anyone have an idea on how to get around this? I had a similar issue before with a different site and had to just give up on talking with one person because of it since we were never able to get around it and exchange numbers or even arrange to meet up and I imagine the same might happen here too. I tried using worded and misspelled numbers, capitalising certain letters to spell out stuff, etc.

Still could do with some help with this, anyone have any suggestions?

Also grats Jipan!
I'm outside relaxing and phone's almost dead so I'll give you guys the long NSFW version once I get home.

Short version was everything went better than expected. I have a inner sex god that was raging to bust loose. It came out...for the most part but came with a few caveats. Still, it was a fun time for both of us. She was awesome and understanding. Damn cool girl for sure and awesome kisser.



This is my biggest fear. If I finally find someone I'm interested in and I botch it because of a stupid first impression I might die a little inside.

Keep it short and keep it relevant to their profile information (not so much their pictures, unless there's something of interest in them; a tattoo, activity, etc) and give them something to think about. Something like, "Pirates or ninjas?"

The funny thing is we all have so many varied tastes that something you may find 'botching it' they may find enduring.

Don't worry, be natural, be short and precise and be engaging, silly questions relating to their profile are always good.

Honestly if they interpret too much from your first few sentences they're probably not someone you wanna meet anyways. Do your best and if its meant to be it'll be.


Wait never mind, a message apparently got through somehow, now to delete this account off this damn site. From now on Tinder and OKCupid and nothing else methinks.


Yay! One less wizard in the world!
I'm still a wizard at 30 :(

So a question for you guys: Is it unreasonable to not want to date someone that's still in college/university, even as a grad student? I ask because there are people in my age range that are still attending college -- perhaps upgrading or something, who knows -- that seem like reasonable matches.


Wait never mind, a message apparently got through somehow, now to delete this account off this damn site. From now on Tinder and OKCupid and nothing else methinks.

I was going to suggest to see if you're able to post a URL. In the 3DS streetpass, I see people put URLs in their greeting.


Homeland Security Fail
Yay! One less wizard in the world!
I'm still a wizard at 30 :(

So a question for you guys: Is it unreasonable to not want to date someone that's still in college/university, even as a grad student? I ask because there are people in my age range that are still attending college -- perhaps upgrading or something, who knows -- that seem like reasonable matches.

What is your reason?

Its not unreasonable. College students are focused on their studies and may not always have the time for a relationship.


What is your reason?

Its not unreasonable. College students are focused on their studies and may not always have the time for a relationship.

That, and their lives aren't as settled and may time to establish themselves and their careers, which may include moving or other priorities.

Don't get me wrong, I've broken this rule many times in my past, but it always ended in disaster.


Homeland Security Fail
That, and their lives aren't as settled and may time to establish themselves and their careers, which may include moving or other priorities.

Don't get me wrong, I've broken this rule many times in my past, but it always ended in disaster.

That is another good reason. Doesn't hurt to try and contact the matches though. Never know.

E92 M3

I'm outside relaxing and phone's almost dead so I'll give you guys the long NSFW version once I get home.

Short version was everything went better than expected. I have a inner sex god that was raging to bust loose. It came out...for the most part but came with a few caveats. Still, it was a fun time for both of us. She was awesome and understanding. Damn cool girl for sure and awesome kisser.

Ok, good preview; I am waiting for the climax.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Yes. He gave up on his quest to be a wizard.

Wooooo! Even more awesome then, congratz :) that's a burden off your back haha.

That, and their lives aren't as settled and may time to establish themselves and their careers, which may include moving or other priorities.

Don't get me wrong, I've broken this rule many times in my past, but it always ended in disaster.

I would argue that those that have committed themselves to a graduate degree and what follows are more likely to move to pursue further study/research than those that might just want to enter the workforce locally after being done their Bachelor's.

Eg I'm in grad school and odds are VERY high I'll have to move somewhere else for further study/work after being done, given my field.


I would argue that those that have committed themselves to a graduate degree and what follows are more likely to move to pursue further study/research than those that might just want to enter the workforce locally after being done their Bachelor's.

Eg I'm in grad school and odds are VERY high I'll have to move somewhere else for further study/work after being done, given my field.

That's very true. However, I live in Edmonton and dutch disease is pretty rampant here despite what the politicians say... so a lot of Bachelor or tech grads still move elsewhere.

Plus rural jobs pay way more and are less competitive than the city.
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