... You're making me hungry now.
edit: For pasta, I mean
breakfast of champions my friend
(for the record, I'm talking the taste of cooked pasta, no sauce. just pasta.)
... You're making me hungry now.
edit: For pasta, I mean
*Jipan's extremely detailed narrative*
breakfast of champions my friend
(for the record, I'm talking the taste of cooked pasta, no sauce. just pasta.)
Start talking. You want that connection. The whole, "Wait this long" thing is complete BS and isn't a rule. People lose interest fast if you drop communication. People move on.
Agreed. Don't wait too long dude. Guys lose my attention if they play that "wait x amount of time" card.
Ugh, this is making me incredibly fearful.
Texted a girl I went on a coffee date with the day after (she gave me her number at the end of the date. This was a week ago. I didn't hear back from her after sending said text), and now I'm on a trip (that she knew about) until the end of the month.
I hadn't heard of this CoffeeMeetsBagel site, just signed up after seeing it in the op. So I'm guessing we're stuck to one person a day? That's actually a neat idea, it sorta levels the playing field for the guys.
I've had success with tinder and pof (never cared for okcupid), we'll see how this one goes.
Jipan is a goddamn erotic novelist in the making. Sheeeeit.
Great writing Jipan. Just so you know for the future, sperm isn't released until the orgasm. Precum is just lubrication; with that said if you have sex and then do it again without urinating the urethra might have some residual sperm from the previous orgasm. Raw dog is good for people that pull out right before the orgasm begins.
She is on the pill. That wasn't what mattered.
Start talking. You want that connection. The whole, "Wait this long" thing is complete BS and isn't a rule. People lose interest fast if you drop communication. People move on.
Both of you guys are damn right. I hit her up a few minutes after I wrote that last reply post because fuck it. Haven't heard back from her yet but can easily keep myself busy since I have several things to do today including going to a Toastmasters meeting.Agreed. Don't wait too long dude. Guys lose my attention if they play that "wait x amount of time" card.
I think I'm going to record a dramatic reading version of it and upload it somewhere because why not? I just need to figure out what website to use, make sure my brother isn't a nuisance, and do some testing since I would be using the laptop's mic. Conversely, I can always use a voice memo app on my phone to record it. No fancy audio editing though.Jipan, that story needs to be read out by Gilbert Gottfried.
Jipan, that story needs to be read out by Idris Elba.
These posts, lol..
About the pasta?
I'm not that kind of guy so I won't. I'll take it as a loss and move on or leave it be and respect it without burning the bridge .You could have. Just remember, if she says no, don't. I hate guys that push for sex when I'm not ready.
You could have. Just remember, if she says no, don't. I hate guys that push for sex when I'm not ready.
o.o. I think it depends. I mean, I've tasted myself, and I'm not sure what I could classify it as.
^- lol. I never heard that, but if it's "yeasty," it probably indicates a large amount of bacteria/yeast.
REALLY strong fish smell could be trich. But that's discharge, not from the normal 8 hours of wet warm gross-ness.
"Hey, on a scale of 1 to America, how free are you tonight?"
"Hey, on a scale of 1 to America, how free are you tonight?"
Used this line a lot on July 4 weekend to great results.
My date last night went well. She's not really my type, but I'd keep her in my stable of "girls I'd hang out with again and do more with, but I'm not really going to try hard to pursue them".
Looking forward to Sunday's.
I'm totally going with the lame joke then.
My alternatives are geeking out about Community or Shark Tank.
What do you have planned?
I try to open up with a witty joke or something related to their pics/profile.
What do you have planned?
"Hey, on a scale of 1 to America, how free are you tonight?"
I went with commeting the shows we liked in common because she liked some awesome shows.
She did answer but only with "thanks". I could try the comment about being Friday night or it might feel force.
I suck at small talk.
Just drinks. She's in the area and never been to this craft beer place. Awesome fries too.
Man, I can't use this in Canada![]()
Just ask random questions. Although, if she keeps giving you one word answers, she probably isn't interested.
Ahh good choice. Good luck dude. Nothing for tomorrow night? You are usually packed for the weekend lol.
"Hey, on a scale of 1 to a beaver, how shaven are you?"
Please don't use this.
Asked about her favourite show and she said Breaking Bad, adding "It's science, bitch".
So at least it's not one line conversations, even she isn't asking anything either.
Just another question:
Do you guys usually send one or two more messages if a girl stops answering messages back? Like everything is going fine and then she stops. I usually don't push it but I wonder if I should.
"Hey, on a scale of 1 to a beaver, how shaven are you?"
Please don't use this.
From what I hear, Canadian beavers are the norm.
I do not have first-hand accounts of this
Joined OKC for fun because of this thread. I've had great conversations with three people. One conversation consisted of talking about our love for Chipotle, the other consisted of talking about Walking Dead, and the other was just an all around great conversation and we talked pretty much all last night on there. Gave me her number after while.
So I had a funny development happen earlier today. 2 weeks ago, I went out with this Arabic chick and it went well. We made out and agreed to go out on a 2nd date. We had planned to go out again sometime last week, but she cancelled on me because her sister was sick and she had to care for her. I told her we can rescheduled but didn't hear from her all week. I finally hit her up yesterday and she said she's outta town this week, but she'll be free next Sunday so we booked that day.
Like some of yall, I'm still messaging other people even if I got a match. I was talking to this one hispanic girl this past Thursday. We really hit it off and planned to see each other next week since she's going out of town. She gives me her number so we can keep in contact over the weekend. She says she's going to this river ride where you're on a floaty just cruising along. I flirted and told her to take sexy pics and send to me.
Shoot to today, she finally sends me a pic of her and her friend and gave me her name and asked me how my day was doing. I thought it was weird that she said what her friend's name was. Then I thought it can't be a crazy coincidence that her friend's name was the very Arabic name of the girl I went out 2 weeks ago with. I opened the picture and sure enough, it was the girl I went out with before. I was like holy shit, she has to know because she explicitly told me her friend's name.
I don't answer her text for awhile. I'm texting a buddy what had just happen when I receive a call from the 2nd girl. She ask me how I'm doing, and I tell her I'm fine and what I've been up to. She then goes "So...I sent you that pic but I didn't get a reply. Small world isn't it?" I was like fukkkkkkkkkkkkk. I told her I had a hard time hearing because I was at a boba tea shop and to give me a second to get to a quieter place. I finally step out and try to change subjects. She came back and said it's a small world and if I knew her friend. I was like "Uhh...I dunno..maybe, why?" I knew why, and I knew she knew why.
She pretty much called me out! She asked me what I had to say for myself. I told her I'm not sure what to say and that this is super awkward right now. I did say to be fair, her friend didn't respond in a week, so I thought she lost interest, so I hit girl 2 up. She said she really liked me too. I was stammering the entire time, and I told her "well...I know it's weird now but I did still want to get a drink with you. Maybe as friends? I dunno. I know it's weird but it's up to you." Why did I ask that? She can easily tell her friend I still asked her out knowing I had set up a 2nd date with her friend. She said she has to think about it and let all of this process. I told her if she wants to stay in connect, just hit me up. She said "We'll see."
What a freakin coincidence. Sorry for the rant. Just thought I'd share. I may have killed 2 dates with one stone. Quite the feat lol. At least this 3rd girl is inviting me out to club tonight. Surely, she can't be friends with these other two...
Been getting nowhere with online stuff. Tindr's quiet as ghost town for me and I've stopped checking/using my OKC completely. I think it may be time to call it quits for good with any online dating stuff. I'm so bad at this.
What a freakin coincidence. Sorry for the rant. Just thought I'd share. I may have killed 2 dates with one stone. Quite the feat lol. At least this 3rd girl is inviting me out to club tonight. Surely, she can't be friends with these other two...
Why not fight to improve? I know Tinder varies very with location, and I don't know enough about OKC. Are there no one there? Are you not getting any responses? Or are you waiting for someone to reach out to you? Surely there are some things you can improve about your profiles. I do not want to hear any such bad excuses like "I'm just not hot enough", because that is not at all what this is about. It's about how you come across. An awesome friend of mine started using Tinder, and I've been discussing profiles with her as she swipes right or left. She removes every single guy flaunting their muscles on their first picture, and I've seen her remove guys that I go "What?! He was hot!". It really isn't about appearing hot on Tinder, it's about conveying an interesting personality. Being hot might be a bonus, but it's hardly anything other than that. There are tons of hot guys that just come across as complete morons.
I'd ask myself what the pictures I've chosen conveys. If I want to find some girl that can blow me away, why would I assume I could land her without putting some good work into the pictures I choose? Or the profile I've written. I'm sure there are things you can improve about your profiles, right? Maybe Tinder is dead in your area, but is OKC, too? If they're both really dead, then, well, time to find either other places online, or some way to meet girls offline :>
I've been trying but it seem just never get anywhere. For a while, when I lived in my old city of four years, there was literally not enough people in my search range, which is one reason why I've deactivated my OKC often. At this point, the only reason I have nuked or deactivated them again is because I am hoping for someone to break the mold and contact me because I'm getting burnt out on not getting anywhere. I'm not even sure what to improve. I try to let my personality shine as much I know how to, but that doesn't seem to help. I'm not flashy or show off-y (or muscular), so that's not it. I'm sure I can improve some on my profiles, but I'm just getting so burnt out on the whole thing. They're not as dead where I used to live, but I just keep having this feeling that neither are worth my time actively using, which sucks because my only dates I've ever been on have been through OKC and I've only had 3 in the past two years and they've all fizzled out fast due to one reason or another; I'm horrible at just going up and talking to people I don't know offline.
Why did you react so poorly, though? You've done absolutely nothing wrong. If you'd just gone "Yeah, I know her. We went on a date. She kind of stopped responding, so I moved on". You completely validated something that's not true, and you handled it poorly. I would've just been "Hey! Holy crap! You two know each other? Wow, talk about small world. Yeah, I went on a date with her. She's a really awesome girl, but she stopped responding, which I'm happy I did, since I met you from that". I don't get the "uuh, I dunno" reply. Why did you feel you had something to hide? Then you completely ensure everything is dead by still pushing to meet "maybe as friends". There's a big learning experience to be had here. Don't let that pass.