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Online Dating |OT| Please Respond

I secured a date with a girl on OkCupid last night. Or so I thought. She replied to me asking what she would like to do, with coffee, but by the time I'd checked my message, her account had been deleted. Secured, it was not.

There was something off about our conversations anyways. She replied a bit at first, then I didn't hear from her for a few days, maybe a week. Then she messaged me out of the blue, later complimented me on my new pictures, and we talked for a little while.

Ah well

I'm still talking to the Craigslist girl, who asked for the above-mentioned selfies. It's going, but not as great. She can sense I'm self-conscious, even though I'm trying not to be, and pointed it out saying it was awkward.

I did, however, get a date with another girl on OkC. She's the one I mentioned messaging last night and talking to about books and TV shows and movies. We're going out for coffee on Friday. I'm just waiting to hear where she wants to go.

A few things.

(1) Don't worry about the girl with the deleted account. I actually did the same thing to a girl a few months ago, and honestly, it's closure enough. In all likelihood, she became exclusive with someone else (which is what happened with me). Even if you had checked your messages, you would've had the same result.

(2) Read Be the Person You Want to Find by Cheri Huber. Seriously. In fact, that goes for most people in this topic, including myself.

(3) You need to provide more context. What did you say that caused her to comment on your self-consciousness? Or rather -- and this is the deeper issue, Chewie -- what don't you like about yourself that's causing you to act defensively towards someone you don't even know?

(3.1) A corollary to the last answer: I have a challenge for you. I want you to do one thing each day that makes you a more desirable person -- to you. Not to anyone else. This isn't a "get to the gym, bruh," although if you're unhappy about your appearance, that's an option. Have you always wanted to learn something? What is it? What's stopping you from doing so, when you've the whole of the Internet out there? If you accept this challenge, I want you to reply to this post with that one thing that you're going to do.

By the way, for me, it's improving my physical health, cooking skills, language skills (French, Japanese, Portuguese), and "being cultured." Once I have a job, I'll start coding again, and hopefully contribute to fixing some bugs in others' projects.

(4) Instead of asking her where she wants to go -- I mean, is there any real, quantifiable difference between a Tim Horton's and a Starbucks, why don't you take her somewhere that you enjoy and show her something interesting? And why do you always pick coffee?
Self confidence is key. Meet them as soon as possible. You've been waiting on this Craigslist girl for forever, it seems.

I can see how it seems that way, but it's really only been about a week since we first started talking. It doesn't even feel that long, to be honest. There were a few days where we talked heavily, but we didn't yesterday and just exchanged a few messages today.

I tried to use GAF's advice and asked her if she wanted to do something after the first day or two. She said she wasn't ready yet, wanted to talk more and wanted to get more of a read on my personality, to make sure I'm not a murderer.

Understandable stuff.

Then there was the other night, where we talked a lot and something came up where she said there was lots of room on her comfy couch, and sent me a picture. I was worried I was getting sick, and had told her that, so I asked if I could get a raincheck. She then said, "What are you up to tomorrow?" and I replied by stating that I wasn't doing much, just working on a project.

The next reply from her said that she thought maybe we could get coffee, but it probably wouldn't be a good idea if I was sick. We spoke the next day, and she was cleaning her apartment as she told me she would be, but it seemed like she did it all day, and even when I said I was feeling better she didn't mention coffee. I was hesitant to, because I'm honestly nervous about meeting her since she's so good looking and ahead of me in life.

I asked her when she was off next later that night, because I figured I should set something up, and she said Thursday. But she has plans and doesn't know when her next off day is. Her schedule was in her purse, and she was on the couch, so she planned to tell me later I guess.

We kind of left things there, didn't speak the next day and only talked a bit today.

A few things.

(1) Don't worry about the girl with the deleted account. I actually did the same thing to a girl a few months ago, and honestly, it's closure enough. In all likelihood, she became exclusive with someone else (which is what happened with me). Even if you had checked your messages, you would've had the same result.

(2) Read Be the Person You Want to Find by Cheri Huber. Seriously. In fact, that goes for most people in this topic, including myself.

(3) You need to provide more context. What did you say that caused her to comment on your self-consciousness? Or rather -- and this is the deeper issue, Chewie -- what don't you like about yourself that's causing you to act defensively towards someone you don't even know?

(3.1) A corollary to the last answer: I have a challenge for you. I want you to do one thing each day that makes you a more desirable person -- to you. Not to anyone else. This isn't a "get to the gym, bruh," although if you're unhappy about your appearance, that's an option. Have you always wanted to learn something? What is it? What's stopping you from doing so, when you've the whole of the Internet out there? If you accept this challenge, I want you to reply to this post with that one thing that you're going to do.

By the way, for me, it's improving my physical health, cooking skills, language skills (French, Japanese, Portuguese), and "being cultured." Once I have a job, I'll start coding again, and hopefully contribute to fixing some bugs in others' projects.

(4) Instead of asking her where she wants to go -- I mean, is there any real, quantifiable difference between a Tim Horton's and a Starbucks, why don't you take her somewhere that you enjoy and show her something interesting? And why do you always pick coffee?

1) That's very possible. I don't know much about her situation, as she didn't tell me anything about whether she was seeing someone else or not. She did seem pretty interested in meeting, though.

2) I'll have to look it up and see if the library has it.

3) I think it's more than one thing that I've said, where she's read between the lines. I think I mentioned it once in conversation as well. Not in a terribly demeaning way: just stating the fact in a response to something.

She's asked for selfies, so I took them and tried to be positive about them.

This last time? She told me she was at work, and said the guy she was working with stunk because he doesn't bathe or wash his clothes. I asked if she could talk to management, she told me she was management and said that she wants to fire him but needs a replacement.

I said, "Can you get me some good deals? ;)" to which she replied, "No, only immediate family, but I get 50% off, even on sale prices :)." I don't know why I felt the need to, but I said, "I was just kidding" and that I didn't want her to think I was a mooch.

I guess I have a very bad defeatist attitude in life. I'm stuck in a rut that gets bigger with every passing day, don't have a great personality to keep people invested or interested in being with me outside of close friends, and feel like I don't have much to offer a woman outside of my caring/loyal/dependable/sweet persona. I mean, no job, disabilities, etc.

I'm always looking for the other shoe to drop, and when I saw how good looking she was and heard she wants to be a doctor, I really started to anticipate it.

3.1. I'll try. I think I need to work on my self-confidence somehow, and will probably try to start walking again because I'm quite overweight. I used to do so, but stopped, especially during the winter. I used to get in shit, because I'd do it at 3am when it was quiet and I couldn't sleep. Living in the country means people zip up the road, but I always got off of it when a car came.

4. I just figure I'll be nice and let them choose. Most women seem to prefer coffee, and that's what she picked. She will surely pick a Tim Horton's, because there's pretty much nothing else around outside of one Coffee Time she probably doesn't even know exists because it's not close to her. I figured I'd let her choose where, though, because I don't know if she drives or whatnot.


4. I just figure I'll be nice and let them choose. Most women seem to prefer coffee, and that's what she picked. She will surely pick a Tim Horton's, because there's pretty much nothing else around outside of one Coffee Time she probably doesn't even know exists because it's not close to her. I figured I'd let her choose where, though, because I don't know if she drives or whatnot.

Suggest a coffee house anyways. If she can't make it or it's otherwise inconvenient, she'll let you know.

I lean heavily on the coffee date too, primarily because it's low risk and has an easy out. For online dating, it's paid off in the past. But you should try your damnedest to not let the date stop at the coffee house. Go for a walk through the park, "I know of a good gelato place up the street", or just explore the neighborhood. Weather's getting nice now. Use it.

And Chewie, I have to give you props for one thing. For as much shit as you give yourself, you're still making it work. There's people who wish they could say they were lining up (potential) dates like you are.
Suggest a coffee house anyways. If she can't make it or it's otherwise inconvenient, she'll let you know.

I lean heavily on the coffee date too, primarily because it's low risk and has an easy out. For online dating, it's paid off in the past. But you should try your damnedest to not let the date stop at the coffee house. Go for a walk through the park, "I know of a good gelato place up the street", or just explore the neighborhood. Weather's getting nice now. Use it.

And Chewie, I have to give you props for one thing. For as much shit as you give yourself, you're still making it work. There's people who wish they could say they were lining up (potential) dates like you are.

Thanks, sir

I'm not a huge fan of the coffee date, because it puts a lot of pressure on me to talk. I know that this is a good thing, because talking on a date -- specifically a first one -- is important, but it bothers my anxiety. I get nervous enough before dates, and having to simply sit across from the person and make conversation scares me.

Once I'm there, I'm usually okay, but it's the nerves beforehand.

It will honestly depend on the area with what we can do. Some Tim Horton's locations have stuff around them and places to walk to, others don't. If she says she doesn't care, I will suggest one that does.


I know this hurt, and I too would have preferred a non-response. But, she did you a favor by being direct and exposing her rude personality. Why should you let a random person with an awful attitude affect how you feel? Use this opportunity to harden your resolve and not let these kind of people faze you anymore.


I don't think it was rude necessarily if she said outright that she's not attracted to him. Lacks tact perhaps, but not rude. If she said "ew, you are ugly" or something like that it would be rude. Not being attracted to a person doesn't mean that that person is ugly, it just means you aren't attracted to them. I'm not attracted to lots of people and if they asked me I would tell them. And anyway attraction takes many forms and can come and go for many reasons. Maybe she didn't like his shoes or his beard or something or his ✌🏼pose in the photos. She very well may be an awful person but being honest about not being attracted is not wrong or rude imo. Of course you are right that he shouldn't let it phase him.
Coffee's for closers!

What is Tim Hortons? Starbucks-tier or Dunkin Donuts-tier?

It's pretty much the most popular coffee/'fast-food'/donut place in Canada. I don't know how to compare it to Dunkin Donuts, because I've never had it, but Starbucks positions itself as the more swanky, hoity toity place.

At Starbucks, you pay ten dollars for a coffee. At Tim Horton's, you pay two dollars. I'm exaggerating a bit, but the prices are ridiculous at Starbucks and it's really not worth it.

I don't dislike Starbucks, but would never go out of my way for one. I like Tim Horton's, and I usually just get hot chocolate.


butthurt Heat fan
I might as well get back into this.

Any suggestions on where to go beyond Tinder, POF and OKC? I'm wondering on my options.

Just can't forgive myself for what happened last year...
I might as well get back into this.

Any suggestions on where to go beyond Tinder, POF and OKC? I'm wondering on my options.

Just can't forgive myself for what happened last year...

I'm not really sure what you need beyond those options. However, I also don't know what you mean by not being able to forgive yourself, and then (loudly, admittedly) highlighting something bad that happened last year.

What was it? Are you over it? Because if you're not, it likely doesn't really matter what online dating venue you choose.


butthurt Heat fan
I'm not really sure what you need beyond those options. However, I also don't know what you mean by not being able to forgive yourself, and then (loudly, admittedly) highlighting something bad that happened last year.

What was it? Are you over it? Because if you're not, it likely doesn't really matter what online dating venue you choose.

I should probably explain this. I followed a cosplayer on twitter who is single and lives near me, so I asked her if I could go out with her and kinda kept badgering about it. Long story short, I pissed her off, pissed off a friend of hers and pissed off a business associate of the friend. Didn't go well at all. So I came into this thread, asked for advice, and tried out OKC and POF. Nothing happened, so I moved on, threw myself into my work, and kinda forgot about the whole thing.

About three weeks ago, she retweeted something I retweeted, and now I don't know what to do. Is she ready to forgive, or should I keep my distance?

I can't forgive myself for this because this is a recurring problem for me, going back to at least middle school. I can't read other people's feelings well, and this has bitten me in the ass several times.

I can take this to PMs if you want more detail.


You didn't read my post it seems. I'm not interested in her. I was just wondering about the workings of OKC.
It apply to any girl who disappears. You can compartmentalize them into 'didn't block me specifically, phew' and 'blocked me :(', but it still amounts to she's not interested.
I should probably explain this. I followed a cosplayer on twitter who is single and lives near me, so I asked her if I could go out with her and kinda kept badgering about it. Long story short, I pissed her off, pissed off a friend of hers and pissed off a business associate of the friend. Didn't go well at all. So I came into this thread, asked for advice, and tried out OKC and POF. Nothing happened, so I moved on, threw myself into my work, and kinda forgot about the whole thing.

About three weeks ago, she retweeted something I retweeted, and now I don't know what to do. Is she ready to forgive, or should I keep my distance?

I can't forgive myself for this because this is a recurring problem for me, going back to at least middle school. I can't read other people's feelings well, and this has bitten me in the ass several times.

I can take this to PMs if you want more detail.

I'm not a heavy Twitter user, but "retweeted something I retweeted" sounds like "we both like the same Facebook page about some celebrity". It means nothing.

Move on. Why are you still following her on Twitter?

As for the forgiveness, well people make mistakes all the time. Learn from it and don't repeat it. But considering how you treated this girl, don't expect closure or forgiveness from her.
No reply from the girl about where we should meet and at what time tomorrow. I'm not going to bug her, though.

Yesterday, I didn't hear from her until nighttime. She said her phone was dead all day.


butthurt Heat fan
I'm not a heavy Twitter user, but "retweeted something I retweeted" sounds like "we both like the same Facebook page about some celebrity". It means nothing.

Move on. Why are you still following her on Twitter?

As for the forgiveness, well people make mistakes all the time. Learn from it and don't repeat it. But considering how you treated this girl, don't expect closure or forgiveness from her.

Sigh. Figured that.

Reinstalling OKC now. I really didn't want to, but I've got nothing else going.
I'm not even in it for the sex. That's a nice bonus, but as someone who's only had sex three times in his life (with an eleven year gap from age 17 to 28), it's something I've learned to live without.

I honestly want the companionship and someone to care about/spend a lot of time with most. And the cuddling.
Sigh. Figured that.

Reinstalling OKC now. I really didn't want to, but I've got nothing else going.

#realtalk: If you're reluctantly trying to date using a method that you're apprehensive about, all while you sound dejected, what do you have to offer a girl that you might meet in the next few weeks?

If your comment was more along the lines of, "Well, online dating's annoying, but it looks like that's what I have to use right now," then disregard.

No reply from the girl about where we should meet and at what time tomorrow. I'm not going to bug her, though.

Yesterday, I didn't hear from her until nighttime. She said her phone was dead all day.

Confirming plans is not "bugging" her, but yeah, you can wait until evening. It shows that you value your time. Just like being punctual and letting her know about your whereabouts on the day-of shows that you value hers.

I'm not even in it for the sex. That's a nice bonus, but as someone who's only had sex three times in his life (with an eleven year gap from age 17 to 28), it's something I've learned to live without.

I honestly want the companionship and someone to care about/spend a lot of time with most. And the cuddling.

Newsflash: 99.9% of the women out there love sex too, and sex is an important, integral part of any relationship. You've probably seen my posts in the Dating-Age OT where this very topic has caused friction in my current relationship. (tl;dr version: My girlfriend is way more experienced than me, and I really have to learn quickly.)

There's nothing wrong with liking sex. Sex is fun. Why did you feel the need to post this, anyway? I'm legitimately curious, because of anyone in this thread who might be accused of simply using women for sex, you're literally the last person anyone would suggest.

It sounds like you're projecting some insecurities into this belief. Does it have anything to do with your perception that several of the girls you're speaking to are more attractive than you? If so, there are three easy ways to fix that: (1) get more attractive, (2) date less attractive women, or (3) get over it. I vote for 1 and 3, myself!

I guess I have a very bad defeatist attitude in life. I'm stuck in a rut that gets bigger with every passing day, don't have a great personality to keep people invested or interested in being with me outside of close friends, and feel like I don't have much to offer a woman outside of my caring/loyal/dependable/sweet persona. I mean, no job, disabilities, etc.

I'm always looking for the other shoe to drop, and when I saw how good looking she was and heard she wants to be a doctor, I really started to anticipate it.

3.1. I'll try. I think I need to work on my self-confidence somehow, and will probably try to start walking again because I'm quite overweight. I used to do so, but stopped, especially during the winter. I used to get in shit, because I'd do it at 3am when it was quiet and I couldn't sleep. Living in the country means people zip up the road, but I always got off of it when a car came.

Aha, there it is. I'm going to be blunt: do you think you'd have more success, both in dating and in life, if you focused more on yourself instead of pursuing women right now? Only you can answer that. What is the best version of yourself, and how can you start becoming more like him?

Also, your answer to my pointed question is so full of waffling that it might as well be served at whatever passes for Waffle House in Canada: "probably try to start walking again." First off, walking isn't proper exercise. Second, most weight loss is a function of what you eat. You're not going to gain muscle mass without exercise, but you can shed weight simply by changing your diet. Apologies in advance for how harsh this sounds, but I've lived through this, and I know what it's like, and so I can ask you: Do you want your eventual girlfriend to think you're attractive, or do you want to die early of heart disease?

You owe it to yourself, and to the person you're going to be with, that you focus on your health! Your eventual wife is going to want to have you around for a long time, man. Start tracking things and keep yourself accountable -- you can do it. This goes for improving your health as well as any other changes you'd like to undergo.

But seriously, good luck tomorrow.


butthurt Heat fan
#realtalk: If you're reluctantly trying to date using a method that you're apprehensive about, all while you sound dejected, what do you have to offer a girl that you might meet in the next few weeks?

If your comment was more along the lines of, "Well, online dating's annoying, but it looks like that's what I have to use right now," then disregard.
Well, yeah, it looks like I have no other option right now, but it's like being unemployed and finding a job, it's just hard for me to do. I never got it to work in the first place. But I've really got no other option here.

Is anyone willing to write a profile for me? I'm willing to pay for it.
Thanks for your time and replies, Advocatus. I truly do appreciate it, and don't mean to waste your time with my replies. Or dance around the obvious.

I have low self-esteem. I'm sure it's blatantly obvious, and it's always kind of been there. It wasn't so bad when I was a teen or young adult, but as a kid I was bullied, called ugly, etc. and as an adult I've had next to no luck with the opposite sex. Girls wouldn't date me, I became a loner with friends who I would see occasionally but usually shut myself off.

I do need to improve myself. It would probably be the better option. But I don't see why I shouldn't date at the same time. I'm lonely as fuck. Saddened by it. I've never had a girlfriend and I see all of my friends in relationships. I like the idea of having that someone, having security, being there for one another, being there long-term.

I'm not a creep. I'm quiet, introverted and generally shy. I'm also self-conscious and try to blend in. The odd girl has told me I'm attractive, but most don't seem to feel that way.

I've thought about going to the gym, but I just don't think I have the interest or dedication. I'm about 5'10 and probably about 270 pounds. It's been a long time since I weighed myself, but I'm definitely fat and hairy. I don't like to show my body to anyone and am self conscious about sex. I'm afraid to kiss girls because I fear I don't know how and it will turn them off.

My friend keeps playing with me. She seeks me for comfort, cuddling and a bit of release that her boyfriend in another country can't. I broke a couple of times, but I hate myself for it. She won't dump him, but it's like we're in a relationship in some ways. She's a close friend. It bugs me mentally.

I've been told I'm a really nice and great guy, but I can't find any luck, even on Craigslist.

EDIT: The newsflash, which isn't one, is that I deal with bad depression. I just lost my Mom and it hasn't fully hit yet. I'm seeking company, I guess. Someone who will care about me. I also have bad OCD, anxiety and lack of energy or fatigue. I see a psychiatrist, will seek grief counselling, talk to friends and have pills. Nothing really works.

EDIT 2: As far as the heart disease question...I honestly live a very lonely and sad life. My depression is bad and I would like to end this misery. I feel that dating would make me happier and not feel this way. If I had someone who cared and who wanted to exercise with me, then I'd do it with/for them. My friend has been trying to get me to go to the gym, but he goes 20 minutes away, I have low income, and I don't have a car. I'd have to spend a lot to do it and go every night, which I don't want to do.


a girl liked my profile on okcupid... I know it because okcupid emailed me for some reason (I'm not paying extra, probably just to get me to pay up). I liked her page back, was that the wrong move?
I just rejoined PoF the other day, by deleting my old account and starting a new one. I like to think it's better.

I didn't use it for 3 days (I got sick of my old account because I'd sent a lot of messages with no reply, done hours of meet me and looked at ton of profiles. I figured a refresh with some added pictures and a new name might do me well).

They emailed me worried I hadn't visited in 3 days, lol


a girl liked my profile on okcupid... I know it because okcupid emailed me for some reason (I'm not paying extra, probably just to get me to pay up). I liked her page back, was that the wrong move?

When OKC then told you "You have a match!" did you follow it up with a message?


When OKC then told you "You have a match!" did you follow it up with a message?

I don't remember okcupid telling me that, but I didn't. I'm quite busy and I don't really know what to write either.

I really didn't put a lot of effort on my profile, which is what surprises me. She's really cute and interesting though, although she says she prefers to be friends first, but I don't mind too much, (if it pans out).

edit: I have received a "it's a martch!"


I don't remember okcupid telling me that, but I didn't. I'm quite busy and I don't really know what to write either.

I really didn't put a lot of effort on my profile, which is what surprises me. She's really cute and interesting though, although she says she prefers to be friends first, but I don't mind too much, (if it pans out).

Unless they changed it in the past 3 months, every time you have a match it'll send you a message saying "you matched with so and so. Send them a nice message". It sounds like you didn't like the profile of the girl who liked you.

If she did like your profile, just liking hers back is the wrong move. It puts the onus on her to start the conversation, and OKC ain't Bumble. Just send her something easy to read that ends with a question.


butthurt Heat fan
Thanks for your time and replies, Advocatus. I truly do appreciate it, and don't mean to waste your time with my replies. Or dance around the obvious.

I have low self-esteem. I'm sure it's blatantly obvious, and it's always kind of been there. It wasn't so bad when I was a teen or young adult, but as a kid I was bullied, called ugly, etc. and as an adult I've had next to no luck with the opposite sex. Girls wouldn't date me, I became a loner with friends who I would see occasionally but usually shut myself off.

I do need to improve myself. It would probably be the better option. But I don't see why I shouldn't date at the same time. I'm lonely as fuck. Saddened by it. I've never had a girlfriend and I see all of my friends in relationships. I like the idea of having that someone, having security, being there for one another, being there long-term.

I'm not a creep. I'm quiet, introverted and generally shy. I'm also self-conscious and try to blend in. The odd girl has told me I'm attractive, but most don't seem to feel that way.

I've thought about going to the gym, but I just don't think I have the interest or dedication. I'm about 5'10 and probably about 270 pounds. It's been a long time since I weighed myself, but I'm definitely fat and hairy. I don't like to show my body to anyone and am self conscious about sex. I'm afraid to kiss girls because I fear I don't know how and it will turn them off.

My friend keeps playing with me. She seeks me for comfort, cuddling and a bit of release that her boyfriend in another country can't. I broke a couple of times, but I hate myself for it. She won't dump him, but it's like we're in a relationship in some ways. She's a close friend. It bugs me mentally.

I've been told I'm a really nice and great guy, but I can't find any luck, even on Craigslist.

EDIT: The newsflash, which isn't one, is that I deal with bad depression. I just lost my Mom and it hasn't fully hit yet. I'm seeking company, I guess. Someone who will care about me. I also have bad OCD, anxiety and lack of energy or fatigue. I see a psychiatrist, will seek grief counselling, talk to friends and have pills. Nothing really works.

EDIT 2: As far as the heart disease question...I honestly live a very lonely and sad life. My depression is bad and I would like to end this misery. I feel that dating would make me happier and not feel this way. If I had someone who cared and who wanted to exercise with me, then I'd do it with/for them. My friend has been trying to get me to go to the gym, but he goes 20 minutes away, I have low income, and I don't have a car. I'd have to spend a lot to do it and go every night, which I don't want to do.
Hey, I'm somewhat in the same boat as you. You're not alone in this.
Well, yeah, it looks like I have no other option right now, but it's like being unemployed and finding a job, it's just hard for me to do. I never got it to work in the first place. But I've really got no other option here.

Is anyone willing to write a profile for me? I'm willing to pay for it.

There are no shortcuts in dating. Frankly, online dating isn't even much of a shortcut nowadays. Rejection, ghosting, frustration, etc. exist in both real life and online.

Use online dating as a supplement to your everyday life. Don't make it the be-all and end-all.
There are no shortcuts in dating. Frankly, online dating isn't even much of a shortcut nowadays. Rejection, ghosting, frustration, etc. exist in both real life and online.

Use online dating as a supplement to your everyday life. Don't make it the be-all and end-all.

And don't expect it to fix your problems. It won't. It'll probably magnify them, as these threads show time and time again.


Here's what i wrote in my reply after she liked my profile, it's in french but I'm mainly curious about the size.

Greetings. Ah, les super-pouvoirs...Quel genre de pouvoir tu aimerais avoir? Moi, j'ai toujours bien aimé les pouvoirs du type "contrôle des éléments", la glace, le feu, l’électricité, etc... J'adore le coté très flashy. Sinon, pour discuter de quelque chose d'un peu plus concret ^^; tu écris des fanfics qui se déroulent dans quel univers, en général? Je n'en ai jamais écris, mais il m'arrive de noter quelques idées de science fiction ou de fantasy.
PS : J'ai trouvé Jon Bernthal très bon comme Punisher dans la saison 2 de Daredevil.

Greeting. Ah super-powers... (she says she often think about what it would be like to have super powers) I always thought elemental control to be cool, like ice, fire, electricty. I love the flashiness.

Anyway, to talk about something more grounded ^^ what kind of unvierse do you fanfics take place? I never wrote one but I sometimes write down some ideas about science fiction or fantasy writing

PS: I thought Jon Berhtnal was great in Daredevil as Punihser.


lol can't believe i sent a message on okcupid, even if didnt pan out at least her profile gave me ideas on how to write my profile page.


It's not a spoiler that the Punisher is in daredevil season 2, right? she said she liked the series, she probably has seen it...


Greeting. Ah super-powers... (she says she often think about what it would be like to have super powers) I always thought elemental control to be cool, like ice, fire, electricty. I love the flashiness.

Anyway, to talk about something more grounded ^^ what kind of unvierse do you fanfics take place? I never wrote one but I sometimes write down some ideas about science fiction or fantasy writing

PS: I thought Jon Berhtnal was great in Daredevil as Punihser.
Bit verbose for my liking. Would've gone with something simpler.

"Which superpower would you rather have - the capacity to fly for as long as you can run (but with 4 times the speed), the power to lift stuff with your mind (provided you were physically able to lift it already), or the ability to turn yourself invisible, for as long as you can hold your breath?"

You don't need grounded, and you started three different conversations there.
lol can't believe i sent a message on okcupid, even if didnt pan out at least her profile gave me ideas on how to write my profile page.
You can't believe you sent a message? If you had no intention of sending messages, why sign up? Just so you can beat yourself up over all the girls who aren't visiting your profile?
It's not a spoiler that the Punisher is in daredevil season 2, right? she said she liked the series, she probably has seen it...
Pump your breaks, kid. You're overthinking things. You know how much you should be thinking about a girl after you send a message? Not at all. Response rates for guys are abyssal. It's best to send it and forget it.


Met a girl on tinder
- first date she was 15 min late
- second date she forgot about it and I had to call her, but luckily it was at my house so not that bad
- now she's 30 min late

You'd think she'd have the decency to text and say she's late... I'm def going to text her right before date on future asking what time to meet, if there is another time


call her out on it (without going into a rage or anything). it's one thing if she's late just once...this is pretty consistent and inconsiderate of your time.


I would have bailed once she 'forgot' about the second date. Would you forget a date with someone you were actually interested in?


I would have bailed once she 'forgot' about the second date. Would you forget a date with someone you were actually interested in?

I admittedly skimmed over his post and managed to somehow miss this. Wtf, instant dealbreaker right there, nobody ever forgets something like that.


She was late for the first date because she either didn't care or was honestly late (probably the former given her behavior during the second date). She forgot the second date because she doesn't care and isn't interested in you. Stop talking to her and go meet someone else. ASAP.


Yeah all true... Definitely some red flags. I'll call her out on it if (when) it happens again.

As to why I haven't broken it off... Well tonight was my first 3rd date in about 10 years (had several in past year but never went past 2nd) but that's a whole 'nother story.
I went to the movies tonight and there was a relatively cute nerdy girl standing alone, then talking to her friends both inside and outside (after we were kicked out) post movie. I glanced at her a few times, and she seemed to glance at me, but I didn't have the balls to go over and talk to her.

Also, an update: No word back about the date. Will have to message her.

Hey, I'm somewhat in the same boat as you. You're not alone in this.

Although in a way it's comforting to know I'm not alone, I'm sorry to hear that.


It apply to any girl who disappears. You can compartmentalize them into 'didn't block me specifically, phew' and 'blocked me :(', but it still amounts to she's not interested.
Again, I don't care whether she's interested. You're ascribing thoughts to me in your post that I didn't even remotely imply.

I just wonder why it would say "This user suspended their account" when they blocked you. It's the software developer in me that wants to know why OKC made this choice, nothing more. I guess a "This user blocked you" message would be too confrontational and lead to too many hurt feelings.
No word from the girl about the date. That's odd.

I think I'll just say screw it and play video games since I need to get one finished anyways. I could do both -- game and go out -- but with my OCD I like to devote long blocks to gaming and need to be perfectly clean to do it. If I go out, I'll have to shower again.
No word from the girl about the date. That's odd.

I think I'll just say screw it and play video games since I need to get one finished anyways. I could do both -- game and go out -- but with my OCD I like to devote long blocks to gaming and need to be perfectly clean to do it. If I go out, I'll have to shower again.

I thought you were going to contact her last night. You could easily shoot her a text that says, "Hey, Cheryl, still on for tonight at 7?"

Your conditioned response to these events is to declare that she's no longer interested in you; you also put the onus of action onto her. "She never confirmed," after all, even though you could've easily done the same.

It sounds like you don't want to go on the date at all, which means the courteous response is to inform the other person.
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