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Online Dating |OT| Please Respond

I thought you were going to contact her last night. You could easily shoot her a text that says, "Hey, Cheryl, still on for tonight at 7?"

Your conditioned response to these events is to declare that she's no longer interested in you; you also put the onus of action onto her. "She never confirmed," after all, even though you could've easily done the same.

It sounds like you don't want to go on the date at all, which means the courteous response is to inform the other person.

I did send her a message late last night, after I got home from the movies. Over OKC, though, because I don't have her phone number.

I did my due diligence.

I do want to go on a date with her. However, I'm admittedly kind of glad it likely won't be tonight, because I'm not feeling very well. I went to the movies late last night, and when I got home I felt flu-ish and still do, with the sweats/whatnot. Someone threw up in the row behind me, but I figured I was just overreacting after seeing the puke/getting queasy from the sight. But I slept and still feel shitty.
Thanks for your time and replies, Advocatus. I truly do appreciate it, and don't mean to waste your time with my replies. Or dance around the obvious.

I have low self-esteem. I'm sure it's blatantly obvious, and it's always kind of been there. It wasn't so bad when I was a teen or young adult, but as a kid I was bullied, called ugly, etc. and as an adult I've had next to no luck with the opposite sex. Girls wouldn't date me, I became a loner with friends who I would see occasionally but usually shut myself off.

I do need to improve myself. It would probably be the better option. But I don't see why I shouldn't date at the same time. I'm lonely as fuck. Saddened by it. I've never had a girlfriend and I see all of my friends in relationships. I like the idea of having that someone, having security, being there for one another, being there long-term.

I'm not a creep. I'm quiet, introverted and generally shy. I'm also self-conscious and try to blend in. The odd girl has told me I'm attractive, but most don't seem to feel that way.

I've thought about going to the gym, but I just don't think I have the interest or dedication. I'm about 5'10 and probably about 270 pounds. It's been a long time since I weighed myself, but I'm definitely fat and hairy. I don't like to show my body to anyone and am self conscious about sex. I'm afraid to kiss girls because I fear I don't know how and it will turn them off.

My friend keeps playing with me. She seeks me for comfort, cuddling and a bit of release that her boyfriend in another country can't. I broke a couple of times, but I hate myself for it. She won't dump him, but it's like we're in a relationship in some ways. She's a close friend. It bugs me mentally.

I've been told I'm a really nice and great guy, but I can't find any luck, even on Craigslist.

EDIT: The newsflash, which isn't one, is that I deal with bad depression. I just lost my Mom and it hasn't fully hit yet. I'm seeking company, I guess. Someone who will care about me. I also have bad OCD, anxiety and lack of energy or fatigue. I see a psychiatrist, will seek grief counselling, talk to friends and have pills. Nothing really works.

EDIT 2: As far as the heart disease question...I honestly live a very lonely and sad life. My depression is bad and I would like to end this misery. I feel that dating would make me happier and not feel this way. If I had someone who cared and who wanted to exercise with me, then I'd do it with/for them. My friend has been trying to get me to go to the gym, but he goes 20 minutes away, I have low income, and I don't have a car. I'd have to spend a lot to do it and go every night, which I don't want to do.

I'm sure you know this already, but dating and having a girlfriend won't magically fix your problems. She can't cure your loneliness unless she's around 24/7. That feeling of security could turn into anxiety when she's not around, when she's talking to other guys, etc. You feel self-conscious now. That doesn't go away when you have a girlfriend. In fact, it could make it worse with the doubting. Don't feel pressured by seeing your friends date. You can't rush or force a relationship.

About exercising: use yourself as motivation. Sometimes you can't always rely on other people. Your friend who's trying to get you to go should be commended for trying to help. Exercising releases serotonin and dopamine which improves your mood. It's good for your physical and mental health. Walking is not as good as other forms of exercise, but it's a start. If you're worried about dirt and germs, buy a treadmill and exercise at home. Weights also do the trick. Keep a log and establish a routine.

Want more disposable income? Go back to school. It's never too late to start: I've seen people in their 40's switch careers. If you don't want to go outside, do online-only courses. Don't want a full courseload? Take one or two every semester. Get a student loan, do some work on the side, and focus on something. It's a good way to keep your brain active and busy.

About your friend that keeps teasing you: cut contact. She's taking advantage of you. It's a situation that will not end well. I know you say she's a close friend but that's not what close friends do to each other.

I'm not an expert on mental illness so while the above sounds doable, it will vary from person to person. I'll conclude by saying that you do seem like a good person and I hope things work out for you. Good luck.


butthurt Heat fan
I went to the movies tonight and there was a relatively cute nerdy girl standing alone, then talking to her friends both inside and outside (after we were kicked out) post movie. I glanced at her a few times, and she seemed to glance at me, but I didn't have the balls to go over and talk to her.

Also, an update: No word back about the date. Will have to message her.

Although in a way it's comforting to know I'm not alone, I'm sorry to hear that.
I'm working through my problems, I think I'll be okay. I think you'll make it through, too.
I think I'm in one of those slumps where I start questioning if I'm ugly or not. I feel like getting profile visits in response to my messages and no reply is almost worse than if they never visited :/


Got the hit with the old you're great guy but speech by the Harvard girl and wished me the best of luck. The but in this case being that we're on different life paths. I wasn't surprised in the slightest. There's a part of me that wants to suggest being friends since I already moved on the moment she didn't reply to my first text but I'm just as happy to burn my bridges.

Went out with a girl from Tinder earlier. It was okay. I find her way too average/kind of boring for my tastes and don't see anything but a short term fling at best. I think I've started zeroing in on the qualities that I look for in girls I'm interested in.

She mentioned that she's going to be out of town in a few weeks and ndxt month. I might give her another shot since I've been sick and my therapist has been encouraging me to ask girls out a second time since first dates are usually awkward.
I'm not much into the online dating scene, but I checked out some of the women in my area out of curiosity, and I have to give props to all the people in here trying their hardest, because some of these profiles are fucking awful.

This one chick has (presumably) her friend in every picture with her, which is fine, except I don't know which one is the girl in the profile!

Another has a profile titled "Don't be a tool" - Well, nice to meet you too.

And countless, countless thumbnails of women who aren't smiling. Who takes a picture for a dating site and doesn't smile?

Anyway, those of you putting in real effort deserve better.


I'm not much into the online dating scene, but I checked out some of the women in my area out of curiosity, and I have to give props to all the people in here trying their hardest, because some of these profiles are fucking awful.

This one chick has (presumably) her friend in every picture with her, which is fine, except I don't know which one is the girl in the profile!

Another has a profile titled "Don't be a tool" - Well, nice to me you too.

And countless, countless thumbnails of women who aren't smiling. Who takes a picture for a dating site and doesn't smile?

Anyway, those of you putting in real effort deserve better.
My absolute favorites are the ones that mention I don't want any drama/drama free and exoticize/play up their ethnicity. Also the ones where the girl is self-conscious about her body and hides it with weird angle shots or cropped photos. There's a chick who has a picture of her ass as a main pic that keeps visiting my profile but doesn't interest me in the slightest.


First foray in here could use a bit of advice.

I met a girl, exchanged emails, texted a few times, set up a dinner date thought it went well, she was laughing and smiling and talking a lot. I messaged her a few days later to ask if she would want to go grab ice cream with me and she said "yeah maybe next week"

Am I being ghosted? She said yeah but in a totally noncommittal type way


Yeah that's not ghosting, my guess is she's just not committed yet because she's on the fence about you (or is feigning non-committal, who even knows man). Set a time and date and I bet she'll agree.
After browsing last night, I'm starting to get into this a little.

What's the consensus on like, jerk humor?

This one girl says she hates selfies. I was thinking about messaging her "With that face, I can see why you hate selfies." Maybe with one of those emojis showing that I'm teasing. Is that likely to illicit a response other than an instant ignore? I think I could pull that line off in real life, but I don't know how it comes across in text.


After browsing last night, I'm starting to get into this a little.

What's the consensus on like, jerk humor?

This one girl says she hates selfies. I was thinking about messaging her "With that face, I can see why you hate selfies." Maybe with one of those emojis showing that I'm teasing. Is that likely to illicit a response other than an instant ignore? I think I could pull that line off in real life, but I don't know how it comes across in text.
Don't. The average person is easily offended and very sensitive - especially about looks. Use corny humor and flirty humor.
After browsing last night, I'm starting to get into this a little.

What's the consensus on like, jerk humor?

This one girl says she hates selfies. I was thinking about messaging her "With that face, I can see why you hate selfies." Maybe with one of those emojis showing that I'm teasing. Is that likely to illicit a response other than an instant ignore? I think I could pull that line off in real life, but I don't know how it comes across in text.

In what world would a line like that work? That's not even good negging, bro.


Yeah I need some advice... How do I stop being so fucking anxious over my messaging? It took me ten hours to write my last message... (third message,same exchange)...

maybe it's because I didn't do anything this weekend, I don't like being idle.

Also, can you guys judge my pics? I barely take any pictures so it's hard to post good stuff, they're all at my home.

edit: ill post them later too tired


After browsing last night, I'm starting to get into this a little.

What's the consensus on like, jerk humor?

This one girl says she hates selfies. I was thinking about messaging her "With that face, I can see why you hate selfies." Maybe with one of those emojis showing that I'm teasing. Is that likely to illicit a response other than an instant ignore? I think I could pull that line off in real life, but I don't know how it comes across in text.

Jerk humor is fine, but you better be really comfortable and close to the person before you can pull off a line like that, and even then......

Edit: one example of jerk humor i thought i used pretty well during the time was this.

I work in an office building that has a cafeteria. They usually open at 11:30, plus or minus a couple of minutes, and we both get there same time. Shes cute, and she said "when does the cafeteria open", i said should be any minute now, and she said, "are they late? well im hungry now" and starts walking towards the vending machine, and i just blurt " yea i know, didnt they know you were coming"? She just smirks at me.

If it doesnt sound good, you jus had to be there for it, lol.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
After browsing last night, I'm starting to get into this a little.

What's the consensus on like, jerk humor?

This one girl says she hates selfies. I was thinking about messaging her "With that face, I can see why you hate selfies." Maybe with one of those emojis showing that I'm teasing. Is that likely to illicit a response other than an instant ignore? I think I could pull that line off in real life, but I don't know how it comes across in text.

Women get insulted and creeped on so much online that this is a very bad thing. It is the sort of joke that could really only work if the two of you are already hitting it off and you have the physical connection to openly demonstrate that it is a joke.
Should I be far more proactive and actually suggest a specific place to go to? I typically suggest a day and a time and I ask her whereabouts in my city is most convenient for her. I think this is source of the problem I'm having where I can get replies but never actually manage to get someone to meet up with me. Chicks usually fall of the radar after I actually suggest meeting up.
1) I might have a date tomorrow. I really don't know at this point.

The girl who I didn't hear from on Friday keeps telling me her phone has been on the fritz and that's why she hasn't been replying to me and wasn't able to set-up plans to meet Friday night. I find it hard to believe, but went along with it.

She said she was busy yesterday and today, which is understandable given this untimely holiday. Her reply was maybe Monday, to which I said sure. But I've yet to hear back. I may send her another message to see when/where tomorrow, or try to set the time and location myself.

But if she's this dodgy it doesn't sound likely things will work out.

2) I ended up deleting BBM and the girl from Craigslist. She pissed me off tonight, and after the conversation had been going well for days, it kind of dried up. She's a bit different, it seems.

I sent her a message tonight, which said, "Hey." She replied with the same thing. I then (stupidly, and I kicked myself afterwards) said, "How's it going?" I should have just asked her what's up, because I'm not one to lie and didn't want to say it's going well when she replied. I just said, "ehh...alright. It's not my favourite holiday."

Her response was twofold:

A) "I feared you'd say that."

B) "We don't know eachother well enough for you to go emo on me, and though I don't mean to be a bitch, I don't want to talk about feelings because I don't do them well."

I told her that wasn't my intention, then just said bye and deleted her. I want to date someone who has emotions and isn't going to be ignorant. It's not like I broke down sobbing or flooded her with messages about it.

I'm sure you know this already, but dating and having a girlfriend won't magically fix your problems. She can't cure your loneliness unless she's around 24/7. That feeling of security could turn into anxiety when she's not around, when she's talking to other guys, etc. You feel self-conscious now. That doesn't go away when you have a girlfriend. In fact, it could make it worse with the doubting. Don't feel pressured by seeing your friends date. You can't rush or force a relationship.

About exercising: use yourself as motivation. Sometimes you can't always rely on other people. Your friend who's trying to get you to go should be commended for trying to help. Exercising releases serotonin and dopamine which improves your mood. It's good for your physical and mental health. Walking is not as good as other forms of exercise, but it's a start. If you're worried about dirt and germs, buy a treadmill and exercise at home. Weights also do the trick. Keep a log and establish a routine.

Want more disposable income? Go back to school. It's never too late to start: I've seen people in their 40's switch careers. If you don't want to go outside, do online-only courses. Don't want a full courseload? Take one or two every semester. Get a student loan, do some work on the side, and focus on something. It's a good way to keep your brain active and busy.

About your friend that keeps teasing you: cut contact. She's taking advantage of you. It's a situation that will not end well. I know you say she's a close friend but that's not what close friends do to each other.

I'm not an expert on mental illness so while the above sounds doable, it will vary from person to person. I'll conclude by saying that you do seem like a good person and I hope things work out for you. Good luck.

I know

My mental illness is really holding me back. I don't do things because I don't want to make mistakes, and I often don't have the energy to do a whole lot. Sometimes just getting through the day is a lot for me.

Maybe this doesn't make dating ideal, but when I do it it makes me happier and I feel that being in a relationship is something I could do/would do well. It'd have to be with someone accepting, but it would also give me motivation to work on myself.


Should I be far more proactive and actually suggest a specific place to go to? I typically suggest a day and a time and I ask her whereabouts in my city is most convenient for her. I think this is source of the problem I'm having where I can get replies but never actually manage to get someone to meet up with me. Chicks usually fall of the radar after I actually suggest meeting up.

The way things typically go for me...I ask her out to <activity> on <day 1> or <day 2>. She doesn't say Yes, I move on. She does say yes, I suggest a place that anyone in my city should have easy access to. If it's too far or she otherwise can't get there, she'll let you know.

2) I ended up deleting BBM and the girl from Craigslist. She pissed me off tonight, and after the conversation had been going well for days, it kind of dried up. She's a bit different, it seems.

I sent her a message tonight, which said, "Hey." She replied with the same thing. I then (stupidly, and I kicked myself afterwards) said, "How's it going?" I should have just asked her what's up, because I'm not one to lie and didn't want to say it's going well when she replied. I just said, "ehh...alright. It's not my favourite holiday."

Her response was twofold:

A) "I feared you'd say that."

B) "We don't know eachother well enough for you to go emo on me, and though I don't mean to be a bitch, I don't want to talk about feelings because I don't do them well."

I told her that wasn't my intention, then just said bye and deleted her. I want to date someone who has emotions and isn't going to be ignorant. It's not like I broke down sobbing or flooded her with messages about it.

Most people just aren't comfortable talking about death with someone they barely know. It's a heavy topic and very prone to emotion. I can tell you from experience, bringing it up on dates destroys the mood. Maybe 10% of girls I've went out with knew how to respond and could do more than just stare.

This girl, it sounds like a topic she didn't even want to approach. She'd have no idea how to respond to any output of emotion on your behalf.
Perhaps, but the way she worded it was so ignorant.

I wasn't actually planning to talk about it. I just wasn't going to lie then. I was planning to change the subject.


Perhaps, but the way she worded it was so ignorant.

I wasn't actually planning to talk about it. I just wasn't going to lie then. I was planning to change the subject.

Understand why you ended things with her, just more generally speaking, I'd try to avoid bringing it up before you meet.


What's everyone's experiences with Coffee Meets Bagel? After years and years of nothing but trolls and general toxicity, I've officially started to move on from OKC, trying out new services.
Okay I want to make something completely clear.

I made an okcupid account yesterday and I saw someone that looked like the mother of someone I know. I clicked the profile to check if it was her and instantly confirmed so. Upon realizing my mistake I then hid her profile, she was offline at the time thank god. Is there any way she will get a notification that I saw her page?
Pay for it and use anonymous browsing.

You're fucked, bro.
Are you serious or nah? Cause I will legitamately buy a sub if I can negate that click

I used the word "friend" because I don't want to get into any details. But this woman is tied into my employment and I don't want her to see any of my answers to the questions, or me at all for that matter
Are you serious or nah? Cause I will legitamately buy a sub if I can negate that click

I used the word "friend" because I don't want to get into any details. But this woman is tied into my employment and I don't want her to see any of my answers to the questions, or me at all for that matter

I don't think it works retroactively. But I'm not sure. Look at the site for all your answers.


Coming Thursday I'm going on a date with a girl I matched with on Tinder.
The usual stuff, switched to WhatsApp, texted back and forth, etc.
Thing is, her bio on Tinder states, that she is 1.80m (5"10) tall. I'm a pretty short guy with my hight at around 1.72m (5"7ish), but haven't got any problems dating a taller girl, but I don't know about her take on this.

She hasn't asked me about it yet, so she might be a totally cool with me being shorter, right?
It might get a bit weird, meeting in person, if she had expected a tall dude...
So, should I just tell her, even though it might be a bit weird and sudden?


Unconfirmed Member
Coming Thursday I'm going on a date with a girl I matched with on Tinder.
The usual stuff, switched to WhatsApp, texted back and forth, etc.
Thing is, her bio on Tinder states, that she is 1.80m (5"10) tall. I'm a pretty short guy with my hight at around 1.72m (5"7ish), but haven't got any problems dating a taller girl, but I don't know about her take on this.

She hasn't asked me about it yet, so she might be a totally cool with me being shorter, right?
It might get a bit weird, meeting in person, if she had expected a tall dude...
So, should I just tell her, even though it might be a bit weird and sudden?

well do you state your hight on tinder? because if so, she saw it and is probably alright with it.


Coming Thursday I'm going on a date with a girl I matched with on Tinder.
The usual stuff, switched to WhatsApp, texted back and forth, etc.
Thing is, her bio on Tinder states, that she is 1.80m (5"10) tall. I'm a pretty short guy with my hight at around 1.72m (5"7ish), but haven't got any problems dating a taller girl, but I don't know about her take on this.

She hasn't asked me about it yet, so she might be a totally cool with me being shorter, right?
It might get a bit weird, meeting in person, if she had expected a tall dude...
So, should I just tell her, even though it might be a bit weird and sudden?

If she expects a tall dude without you telling her otherwise then that's her problem. You shouldn't have to tell her "oh btw I'm shorter than average". Oh and don't comment on the height thing on the date unless she brings it up. In my experience tall girls (I'd say 1.80 is tall for a girl) can be very conscious about their height. My current girlfriend who is 1.83m almost dropped me because I made a, what I thought was harmless, joke about it, she's very insecure about being taller than basically every other girl.
Yeah I need some advice... How do I stop being so fucking anxious over my messaging? It took me ten hours to write my last message... (third message,same exchange)...

maybe it's because I didn't do anything this weekend, I don't like being idle.

It's because you're investing WAY too much into these people you barely know and their opinion of you. Think about it: you're getting so anxious because you're so concerned about the outcome of this conversation and the potential you might have with this person, and you don't want to "screw it up." It's only going to make this harder because if comes off as awkward, needy, and having a lack of confidence in yourself - all of which are unattractive.

You'll never get anywhere in dating - especially online, if you spend 10 hours (this is insane) writing a simple message to someone. You're having a regular conversation as a gateway to asking them out on a first date.

Take a deep breath and realize that this isn't a big deal. They'll be plenty more women to talk with in your future if this doesn't work out.

What's everyone's experiences with Coffee Meets Bagel? After years and years of nothing but trolls and general toxicity, I've officially started to move on from OKC, trying out new services.

Overall, I think it's a good dating app. It's much slower paced, but from my experience, the people using it tend to be more serious about actually meeting people. I've had plenty of conversations through it and several great dates. I wouldn't solely use this app, though - use it as a supplement to other dating apps and meeting people in every day life.


Homeland Security Fail
Coming Thursday I'm going on a date with a girl I matched with on Tinder.
The usual stuff, switched to WhatsApp, texted back and forth, etc.
Thing is, her bio on Tinder states, that she is 1.80m (5"10) tall. I'm a pretty short guy with my hight at around 1.72m (5"7ish), but haven't got any problems dating a taller girl, but I don't know about her take on this.

She hasn't asked me about it yet, so she might be a totally cool with me being shorter, right?
It might get a bit weird, meeting in person, if she had expected a tall dude...
So, should I just tell her, even though it might be a bit weird and sudden?

In my experience, the ones that really do give a shit about height, will say so in their profile (no short guys, only 6"+, etc). I wouldn't bring it up.

Do you have a full body shot in your pictures? I have one since I'm a short guy too (5"8). Women can gauge my height if they care about that sort of it.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
Also - though this didn't really play a role that much in how the above turned out, tbh - I think it was just recently that I realized I had somewhat been developing feelings for one of my friends, so I'm pretty sure Tinder is going to be on freeze for now due to that.

Yeah, this didn't turn out so well and naturally, feels shittier than any of the Tinder stuff not working out.

Back to the numbers game...

Actually, nah, I'll get back to it after I reel from this thing.


A couple weeks ago, a girl from another state sent me a message on OKC. We clicked and have been texting every day and even Skyped twice, making it the first time I've ever Skyped with a girl I didn't know in person.

Yesterday her mom found out she needed to have some suspicious skin spots biopsied, and now this girl is really worried. I've commiserated with her and tried to relieve her fears a bit by saying that a biopsy doesn't necessarily mean anything, but she's kind of an anxious person and I understand her being concerned about her mom.

So I've been awkwardly trying to get a feel for how I should act. I've only known her for 2 weeks so I feel like I'm still in the "just some guy" stage, but she seems to have grown attached to me. Now I can't tell if she actually wants to talk to me about the situation or just wants some space. Our messages previously were pretty goofy and lighthearted, so it's a weird shift.

edit: She basically told me last night that she liked me but it was frustrating to keep talking when there's no chance of us meeting in person. She said we could keep talking as friends, but she seems to have stopped responding to my texts so I guess that's that.


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
Are you serious or nah? Cause I will legitamately buy a sub if I can negate that click

I used the word "friend" because I don't want to get into any details. But this woman is tied into my employment and I don't want her to see any of my answers to the questions, or me at all for that matter
Block her.

So, the date went really well. Went to a bar, got some drinks and talked for 4 hours straight. We got along great and had lots of fun. On the way to the station (where we bid our farewells) it was kinda weird walking next to her, bc of her height though.
But that's the only thing that felt weird during the entirety of the date.
Then we said our goodbyes, had a nice hug and promised to keep in touch.
Today we planned to meet up again this sunday, so things keep going great. Yay!
Any second date ideas? It's supposed to be rainy and stormy, so activities outside are automaticaly ruled out.

Netflix and Chill


So I'm talking to this girl on cupid atm, just a day, match pretty good and chats flowing smoothly. However she has no photos so I deliberately went in blind. When would I ask her for a picture, should I ask? I got a feeling I'm subconsciously holding the back convo more than if I would know what the person I was talking to looked like.


So I'm talking to this girl on cupid atm, just a day, match pretty good and chats flowing smoothly. However she has no photos so I deliberately went in blind. When would I ask her for a picture, should I ask? I got a feeling I'm subconsciously holding the back convo more than if I would know what the person I was talking to looked like.
At some point or another, it's bound to get brought up especially if you're interested in meeting up with her. The topic would more than likely have to be brought up once you exchange numbers. Messaging girls without pics is very hit or miss since they're either really attractive girls who don't want to get barraged with messages, shy girls who look average, or unattractive girls who are self-conscious.

Any way, exchange names/numbers, then ask for pics. If you don't like what you see then you can always delete her number.

Minor updates for me: Matched up with 3 new girls on Tinder; a lithe 19 year old who has a nice body, a 28 year old who messaged me first with a GIF, and a 26 year old who's 6 feet tall and is a bit chubby but I like what I see. Sent them all messages a couple of days later and got replies which I haven't responded to yet since I'm taking my time and controlling the amount of girls I date per week. I dunno how Lulubop juggles so many girls at once so props to him.

My conversation with a girl on CMB dried up, got 6 new bagels to give out but no new matches so that's been a slow burn. Turned out that the nerdy Mexican girl who's number I got had to go back to the homeland because her grandmother passed away so we didn't meet up this week. I offered her my condolences, wished her a safe trip, and told her to contact me once she gets back. Second time I had a girl bring up a topic of death but unlike my last year, I'm not going to press her on it and will leave her be for a while.

Funny enough, I saw the Harvard grad girl on CMB as one of my secondary matches that you have to unlock. Then again, online dating is a small world.

OKC has been a dry well. Messaged a few girls but no replies, a few visits, sporadic likes. A 30 year old who's number I got went on vacation so we're scheduled to meet up next week. I came damn near close to deactivating my account to take a break from it.

Bumble has been as dry as the Sahara so nothing to report on that front. I have no interest in following up with any of the girls who fell off with me since it feels like a chore to do. I'm kind of hoping that the law school girl contacts me again in the coming week since it's finals week for private colleges but pretty sure she forgot about me. I feel like following up with her to see what's new.

As for the girls I went out with this week, they both went solid but I'm not super crazy to follow up with either of them that I haven't followed up. They're both cool for different reasons and are complete opposites. Second dates usually flow much better as girls open up more; I haven't been on second dates this year so it falls on me to decide. Otherwise, I'm content moving on. There's a part of me that fears rejection from having become cynical about first dates not working out.


Homeland Security Fail
When the person has little to no pictures, that really don't show their face or whatever, I use this trick. Get the number, talk to them, etc. At some point, I screenshot the convo and send it to them. And I tell them that the empty contact circle is depressing to look at and that she should send me a photo to fill it in. Usually works like a charm.
You know what's the best feeling I get from Tinder? I haven't used in in a few months and every once in a while I get a notification that I have a new match. Out of the 6, 5 of those were super-likes. So, If by any chance you stop using it don't delete the profile. Just put your profile invisible and you might get surprised in the future. I know I did.

So I'm talking to this girl on cupid atm, just a day, match pretty good and chats flowing smoothly. However she has no photos so I deliberately went in blind. When would I ask her for a picture, should I ask? I got a feeling I'm subconsciously holding the back convo more than if I would know what the person I was talking to looked like.

Would you go on a date with a person with a bag in her head? I think it's very reasonable to ask her as soon as possible. From my experience a no photo means either its a person on a relationship or it's someone with huge issues regarding how they look. I actually met a very (very) cool girl that just had a bunch of photos/art in her profile but she told me right away why she didnt had photos and sent them to me.
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