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Online Dating |OT| Please Respond

Uh, did you read the post?

I was tired when I saw it and guess I misread it. My apologies. I feel really bad about posting that.

Sorry, Advocatus. Please forgive me for the stupidity.

I'm sorry you guys ended up breaking up. That's too bad. It seemed like you had a good thing going. Best of luck going forward. You seem like a truly great guy, and hopefully you'll find the person/happiness you deserve in the near future.
I think that seems like a rather trivial reason to break up.

From what I can tell, she's understandably concerned about the person she might raise children with acting a certain way -- basically, this absolutely stems from her childhood. I'm guessing her father was very distant and quick to anger.

Sorry to hear this, but as the others have said, this seems like a silly reason to just end it.

Not sure exactly how you were acting in the car, but no one is perfect. Everyone is awkward sometimes, or nervous, or whatever, as I'm sure you know. I'm sure she's like this sometimes, too. Does she know about the near fatal car crash or how that Afghanistan experience affected you? I feel like there's been this underlying tension throughout your entire relationship with this woman where she really likes you, but has always wished you would kind of transform into someone else, this "perfect" being.

You're socially aware, educated, and have a strong drive to improve yourself. Seems like she isn't fully recognizing and appreciating these traits, or at least, she's letting the small things that bother her have a stronger weight in her opinion of you.

I don't know the details of your relationship, just wanted to comment on what I've observed from past stories! I really hope you can work something out with her - it's obvious how much you truly care about her.

Basically, I tense up. I become visibly agitated. I want to minimize distractions, like other people talking. Post-Afghanistan, I once had a panic attack in a car during a rainstorm next to a Target parking lot; I've been fine since then. My ex-wife can attest to the fact that there were enough behavioral changes to warrant a "before" and "after." This is something that I want to work on, but I honestly don't know how, and until I can find a job, I can't reasonably avail myself of any mental health services. To be quite honest, given the number of stressors in my life, the fact that I'm as resilient as I am ought to be laudable.

I was tired when I saw it and guess I misread it. My apologies. I feel really bad about posting that.

Sorry, Advocatus. Please forgive me for the stupidity.

I'm sorry you guys ended up breaking up. That's too bad. It seemed like you had a good thing going. Best of luck going forward. You seem like a truly great guy, and hopefully you'll find the person/happiness you deserve in the near future.

No one deserves happiness. It's something that we have to create in our own lives, and as I'm hoping my posts illustrate, trying to build a life together with someone is unmistakably complex: there are so many moving pieces, necessary compromises, and the need to admit small faults.

But totally this. I give the breakup 2 days, tops.

Well, it'll be longer than that: she said that she doesn't want to be without me, but she wants to get back together after her next exam (think "bar exam for architects," only they have something like 8 of them). So, it'll be a week or so. Clearly she's under added pressure too, and I don't want to make her life overly complicated. We're two people that love each other. But it's not easy. (She said I could see other people until then, which struck me as odd; she knows I wouldn't do that, and I told her as much.)

But yeah, you were right. I just realize that this is a cause for concern, and I wish I knew how to help mitigate it. I do have anxious tells. I honestly wonder how other people see me.

Okay guys, I met a woman on POF. We exchanged messages on there for a couple of days, then exchanged numbers. She works overnight, so we usually text until I fall asleep while she is working and I am at home. So we decided to meet in person this week. Now we have talked on the phone, texted alot so we are pretty comfortable with each other. She did say she was comfortable with meeting at my house and then going out or just hanging out with at my crib. I BBQ'd a ton of food yesterday and she wanted to try some.

I am now thinking how weird it is for a woman to be fine with meeting at a guy's house these days. 'Isn't she worried"' has turned into 'Should I be worried?' quickly. We will see how it goes. If she is legit and all that, this could be a long term relationship.

You haven't met her. You have no idea if you'll click. Even thinking "this could be an any-term relationship" is wrong. It is weird that she's meeting at your house, but not weird enough that it's a dealbreaker. You have no idea if you'll be comfortable with her in person. All you know is that you text well, which is great if you're into using your cell phone to navigate your personal life.

In other words, check your expectations and enjoy yourself.


Waiting to meet up with today's girl, the Dominican-Italian chef. She said she went back home to shower and get changed, then told me that she couldn't find any clothes to wear that look cute.

I'm not anticipating anything sexual to go down but just in case things go very well, I tidied up my room a bit before I left to meet with my boss. If I don't survive tonight, I just want to let you guys know it's been real.


And done. It was all right. She was very laid back and more into me than I was into her. I'm torn on whether or not to see her again since she was really cool but I don't see something long term with her. I was kind of bored and indecisive as to where to go. Ended up going to a bar. I wouldn't mind something casual with her but nothing else beyond that.

As for the girl I went out with last weekend, she thought we should go our separate ways so that's that. I'm not bummed out since I was expecting it given she ignored my proposition the first time so I can understand why she felt that way.

This doesn't really sting at all but once again reaffirms that I don't click with girls who work a 9-5 jobs. Plus mentioning that I graduated college last year might have been the thing that sunk me. C'est la vie.
Do you guys remember the girl I posted about back in the wintertime, then a few months ago? We went for drinks, after meeting online, and then went to a movie. We held hands there, and it seemed to go well, but she told me she needed to figure herself out and focus on trying to get over her depression before entering into a relationship.

We dated one more time, months later, as I posted then. She asked if I'd like to go out again, on her, and we got food then went to see Zootopia. She held my hand, then asked to kiss me before she got out of my truck.

Then nothing happened afterwards.

Today, she messaged me on Facebook, asking if I knew of an easy way to commit suicide. I told her no, and that no way would be easy. I sympathize with her because I have the same thoughts, especially after losing my Mom, but I think I talked her out of it. I told her if she wanted to get a beer we could, and she ended up asking if she could come over here. So she did.

We went and got food, and she was nice enough to pay. She said, "You drove, so I pay." Then, when we got back to my Dad's truck, the key wouldn't turn in the ignition. I tried, she tried and then I had to call a family friend who's a mechanic. Of course, he fixed it almost immediately by reefing on the wheel and getting the ignition to turn.

It was embarrassing, but she laughed about it and wasn't mad. We had a good laugh.

I asked her if she wanted to watch a movie after we ate, so we watched part of one before she had to go. She had once considered getting drunk with me, but knew she'd have to drive home, so we each just had 2 beers. We watched part of the movie and my cat wedged himself between us. I didn't make a move, A) Because I don't know what she's thinking and B) I didn't want to take advantage of her.

She just left.

She had wanted to game, but I said it'd be hard with my OCD. She then said, "What if I trade you sex for gaming?" to which I replied that I didn't want to take advantage of her/would never ask for that and would just try to push past the OCD.


Seriously asking for a friend here...I am married. :p

I have a gal pal who is a fun girl, good family, college degree, good job and even owns a home already. She's 31 and never had a boyfriend. I know that she wants to find someone, but she's painfully shy when it comes to guys. She's on tinder, but never makes it past about 2 messages with any guys and never sets up a date. I think she has body issues and is worried once a guy sees her in person, he won't be interested anymore.

So my question is, from a guy's perspective, what can I do to encourage her to be more outgoing? I've tried to suggest flirty responses to messages and getting matches for her on tinder, but she never follows through. I've thought about setting up a profile for her on OKC or POF, but I don't think I can properly create one "in her voice." Also she probably won't follow through with messages. Unfortunately I don't know any single guys to set her up with.

Help please!


I have a gal pal who is a fun girl, good family, college degree, good job and even owns a home already. She's 31 and never had a boyfriend. I know that she wants to find someone, but she's painfully shy when it comes to guys. She's on tinder, but never makes it past about 2 messages with any guys and never sets up a date. I think she has body issues and is worried once a guy sees her in person, he won't be interested anymore.

We don't know each other, right? Because that's me, essentially (other than age and...actually wanting to find someone lol)!

I hope she will have some luck eventually. Or if she decides she doesn't want anyone, like me, I hope she will find peace with that.


We don't know each other, right? Because that's me, essentially (other than age and...actually wanting to find someone lol)!

I hope she will have some luck eventually. Or if she decides she doesn't want anyone, like me, I hope she will find peace with that.

I think she might be getting to the point of giving up hope, tbh. Part of the problem is that she seems to be very picky...and I think she's also kind of waiting around thinking the perfect guy is just going to show up one day and sweep her off her feet. I keep trying to kindly tell her that almost definitely won't happen.

I also feel like she may actually hit it off with a guy friend of mine...but the problem there is that he and I dated briefly. She's convinced any guy who liked me won't be interested in her. Would it be too weird to try introducing them?? He lives about 4 hours away, so at least if it bombs they won't have to worry about running into each other.
Seriously asking for a friend here...I am married. :p

I have a gal pal who is a fun girl, good family, college degree, good job and even owns a home already. She's 31 and never had a boyfriend. I know that she wants to find someone, but she's painfully shy when it comes to guys. She's on tinder, but never makes it past about 2 messages with any guys and never sets up a date. I think she has body issues and is worried once a guy sees her in person, he won't be interested anymore.

So my question is, from a guy's perspective, what can I do to encourage her to be more outgoing? I've tried to suggest flirty responses to messages and getting matches for her on tinder, but she never follows through. I've thought about setting up a profile for her on OKC or POF, but I don't think I can properly create one "in her voice." Also she probably won't follow through with messages. Unfortunately I don't know any single guys to set her up with.

Help please!

I'd suggest she deal with these, because the quality of relationship that she might have now would be impacted otherwise. All of us have baggage: look at my posts on this page of this thread. I'd like to think that I'm ready to be with someone else, but I allow for the possibility that some of my difficulties impact that.

Your friend is 31 and never had a boyfriend. That's not at all normal. She quite possibly has deep psychological issues. That IS normal, depending on the degree. However, I hate to say this, but she ought to be swiping right on a therapist rather than dudes on Tinder. (Now, it's possible that she can do both: she can have positive dating experiences too, but I truly believe it's a fallacy that "more dating experience" universally cures the hurdles that prevent us from having dating experiences in the first place.)

I think she might be getting to the point of giving up hope, tbh. Part of the problem is that she seems to be very picky...and I think she's also kind of waiting around thinking the perfect guy is just going to show up one day and sweep her off her feet. I keep trying to kindly tell her that almost definitely won't happen.

I also feel like she may actually hit it off with a guy friend of mine...but the problem there is that he and I dated briefly. She's convinced any guy who liked me won't be interested in her. Would it be too weird to try introducing them?? He lives about 4 hours away, so at least if it bombs they won't have to worry about running into each other.

Her pickiness could be a manifestation of defensiveness. I once dated a 30-year-old who likely was in the same situation: she had no idea what she was doing, dating-wise, and she was clueless romantically. It wasn't a turn-on. Now, the tables have turned: I'm dating someone who's far more experienced sexually and romantically. I guess the point, if there is one, is that there should be some parity in this realm, and that more experience is a good thing. In other words, she ought to be dating more.

And no, it's not weird to introduce your friend to someone you've briefly dated, except a (potential) relationship with 4 hours of distance doesn't sound like it affords much in the way of getting together.


I think she might be getting to the point of giving up hope, tbh. Part of the problem is that she seems to be very picky...and I think she's also kind of waiting around thinking the perfect guy is just going to show up one day and sweep her off her feet. I keep trying to kindly tell her that almost definitely won't happen.

I also feel like she may actually hit it off with a guy friend of mine...but the problem there is that he and I dated briefly. She's convinced any guy who liked me won't be interested in her. Would it be too weird to try introducing them?? He lives about 4 hours away, so at least if it bombs they won't have to worry about running into each other.

I think you just have to ask her if she wants to meet him. If she doesn't, then she doesn't. I've had a couple of my friends suggest guys they know to me and I don't want to meet them. Eh. So...it's up to her.

If you try to push it though, then she definitely won't :p

Your friend is 31 and never had a boyfriend. That's not at all normal. She quite possibly has deep psychological issues. That IS normal, depending on the degree. However, I hate to say this, but she ought to be swiping right on a therapist rather than dudes on Tinder. (Now, it's possible that she can do both: she can have positive dating experiences too, but I truly believe it's a fallacy that "more dating experience" universally cures the hurdles that prevent us from having dating experiences in the first place.)

I resent that remark. :p
I resent that remark. :p

I've literally zero interest in having sex with anyone I don't have any emotional attachment to, and that's apparently abnormal for most men. I'm not assigning a value judgment to that, but it's not the norm.

The facts are these: dating is hard when you aren't on level playing fields. If you have a ton of experience, it's hard dating someone with little -- and vice-versa. That's not to say things aren't insurmountable, by any means, but it is another hurdle. (The "psychological issues" thing, by the way, was the body issues comment. My last ex had some degree of body dysmorphia, and it definitely affected things.)

But please, don't resent things!
I'd invite you over to watch the JtV and CXGF premieres!


Do you guys remember the girl I posted about back in the wintertime, then a few months ago? We went for drinks, after meeting online, and then went to a movie. We held hands there, and it seemed to go well, but she told me she needed to figure herself out and focus on trying to get over her depression before entering into a relationship.

<bunch of other stuff>

First off, good on you for not taking advantage of a clearly compromised girl. That said, you should think about whether or not its worth having her on your contact list. She disappears for months at a time, only popping up whenever she wants something (likely attention). The entire trading sex to play video games thing? Don't even know what to say about that. And I ain't touching the "asking for suicide tips from a guy she's gone out twice with" angle. That's just WTF.

I think she might be getting to the point of giving up hope, tbh. Part of the problem is that she seems to be very picky...and I think she's also kind of waiting around thinking the perfect guy is just going to show up one day and sweep her off her feet. I keep trying to kindly tell her that almost definitely won't happen.

I also feel like she may actually hit it off with a guy friend of mine...but the problem there is that he and I dated briefly. She's convinced any guy who liked me won't be interested in her. Would it be too weird to try introducing them?? He lives about 4 hours away, so at least if it bombs they won't have to worry about running into each other.

Before you Cyrano de Bergerac her...does she actually want to date someone? Things like this, they aren't resolved through force of friends. They're resolved because the afflicted party wants it to, and they use their friends for support. That's a lesson that tends to be learned the hard way...

But if she does, why not wingman for her in real life? You could even try something more structured, like a speed dating event. That would give her clear feedback that yes, guys are interested in her.

The pickiness could just be fear. It's easy to find excuses for why something won't work when the entire process exists outside your comfort zone.


I've literally zero interest in having sex with anyone I don't have any emotional attachment to, and that's apparently abnormal for most men. I'm not assigning a value judgment to that, but it's not the norm.

The facts are these: dating is hard when you aren't on level playing fields. If you have a ton of experience, it's hard dating someone with little -- and vice-versa. That's not to say things aren't insurmountable, by any means, but it is another hurdle. (The "psychological issues" thing, by the way, was the body issues comment. My last ex had some degree of body dysmorphia, and it definitely affected things.)

But please, don't resent things!
I'd invite you over to watch the JtV and CXGF premieres!

All of the hurdles! I know if I ever wanted to date, I'd be screwed anyway haha. No experience, psychological issues, ugly, awkward. Pretty much the recipe for forever alone. :D

But I resent that apparently being 31 and not having had a boyfriend is abnormal. :p
Because I'm going to hit that, and keep going, in a couple of years

Omg Jane and Crazy Ex premieres :D

Also, sorry to hear about your break up. :(


All of the hurdles! I know if I ever wanted to date, I'd be screwed anyway haha. No experience, psychological issues, ugly, awkward. Pretty much the recipe for forever alone. :D

But I resent that apparently being 31 and not having had a boyfriend is abnormal. :p
Because I'm going to hit that, and keep going, in a couple of years

Omg Jane and Crazy Ex premieres :D

Also, sorry to hear about your break up. :(

Heh, I still have about 7
until I hit 31 and never had a girlfriend. But I'll also be the first to tell you that yeah, I had some deep psychological issues. And there were the family members who took advantage of me. It's only been the past year or so where I feel mostly free of the dead weight (both literally and figuratively). Do you know how hard it is to date when you're babysitting a nephew 5 nights a week? And the toddler bed in my apartment didn't exactly act as an aphrodisiac...
All of the hurdles! I know if I ever wanted to date, I'd be screwed anyway haha. No experience, psychological issues, ugly, awkward. Pretty much the recipe for forever alone. :D

But I resent that apparently being 31 and not having had a boyfriend is abnormal. :p
Because I'm going to hit that, and keep going, in a couple of years

Omg Jane and Crazy Ex premieres :D

Also, sorry to hear about your break up. :(

I've got little experience (compared to most), am finally becoming attractive though I'm 15 pounds, continued lifting, and a slimmer wardrobe away from being hot, and I'm awkward AF in non-professional situations. I definitely lack emotional intelligence. Thing is, if you're with the right, patient person, it's manageable. It's harder, yeah, but we're not forever alone. I never dated anyone long term (no more than a few months, tops) before my current girl - the marriage didn't count, really!

Still #TeamRaf, Greg x Rebecca, and hoping things work out with my lady. She wants to try, but we'll have to wait a bit, I think.
And done. It was all right. She was very laid back and more into me than I was into her. I'm torn on whether or not to see her again since she was really cool but I don't see something long term with her. I was kind of bored and indecisive as to where to go. Ended up going to a bar. I wouldn't mind something casual with her but nothing else beyond that.

As for the girl I went out with last weekend, she thought we should go our separate ways so that's that. I'm not bummed out since I was expecting it given she ignored my proposition the first time so I can understand why she felt that way.

This doesn't really sting at all but once again reaffirms that I don't click with girls who work a 9-5 jobs. Plus mentioning that I graduated college last year might have been the thing that sunk me. C'est la vie.

With the first girl: what are you looking for? She's not long term material... how can you tell with one date? Did you not click at all? What is the harm in meeting up again? While a first date is supposed to be about keeping expectations in check, it's also premature to entirely write off someone if you think something is there.

What is it about 9-5 jobs that sinks your chances? Sure, with telecommuting and an always-connected society, working hours are more flexible nowadays, but 9-5 is a standard. Do you not like meeting girls in the evening?


Heh, I still have about 7
until I hit 31 and never had a girlfriend. But I'll also be the first to tell you that yeah, I had some deep psychological issues. And there were the family members who took advantage of me. It's only been the past year or so where I feel mostly free of the dead weight (both literally and figuratively). Do you know how hard it is to date when you're babysitting a nephew 5 nights a week? And the toddler bed in my apartment didn't exactly act as an aphrodisiac...

You'll catch up quickly :) You are a cool person so it'll be easy.

I've got little experience (compared to most), am finally becoming attractive though I'm 15 pounds, continued lifting, and a slimmer wardrobe away from being hot, and I'm awkward AF in non-professional situations. I definitely lack emotional intelligence. Thing is, if you're with the right, patient person, it's manageable. It's harder, yeah, but we're not forever alone. I never dated anyone long term (no more than a few months, tops) before my current girl - the marriage didn't count, really!

Still #TeamRaf, Greg x Rebecca, and hoping things work out with my lady. She wants to try, but we'll have to wait a bit, I think.

Same with you, you'll catch up quickly :)

#TeamRafael, Grebecca, represent!

I hope things work out between you and the lady as well :)
No date again tonight. That's what I get for looking forward to things.

I hadn't heard from her since Saturday night or early Sunday, so I texted her to ask if we were still on for tonight. She told me she's unfortunately a bit sick, and that her throat is really bugging her.
No date again tonight. That's what I get for looking forward to things.

I hadn't heard from her since Saturday night or early Sunday, so I texted her to ask if we were still on for tonight. She told me she's unfortunately a bit sick, and that her throat is really bugging her.

Why don't you offer to bring her some soup? I dunno -- with my current girl, I remember early on, I cooked dinner for her when she was sick and took care of her. That was a few dates in, though, and I'd already spent the night on the first date, so the situation's a little different.
Why don't you offer to bring her some soup? I dunno -- with my current girl, I remember early on, I cooked dinner for her when she was sick and took care of her. That was a few dates in, though, and I'd already spent the night on the first date, so the situation's a little different.

I figured you guys would say she's ducking me. I hope that's not true.

I want to say something, about how if she's not interested to just let me know, but that'd probably be bad.

We've only dated once and I don't cook, so I don't know if that'd go over well.
Can attest to bringing soup to a sick person. My friend told me how a guy she'd recently met did this for her. They're getting married this year.

I employed a similar technique with an ex, except with medicinal tea from her favourite brand.


she said she had a weird sense of humor and called herself a crazy cat lady... look i dunno

is this a good picture for my profile, i shaved so i'd like to update it

i don't like it personally but i like none of the pictures with me on them.
she said she had a weird sense of humor and called herself a crazy cat lady... look i dunno

is this a good picture for my profile, i shaved so i'd like to update it

i don't like it personally but i like none of the pictures with me on them.

Remember that I'm doing this for your own good. Fais-moi confiance, OK?

  • Your shirt is too big.
  • Your shirt is wrinkled.
  • One sleeve is awkwardly higher than the other.
  • The V-neck is weirdly skewed to the side.
  • It's just a terrible shirt in general.
  • The pants aren't better. It looks like you're trying to hide being fat, which you aren't.
  • Your hands are passively stuck in your pockets.
  • Your hair is partially combed so that it peaks at the top: it looks fuzzy there and isn't flattering.
  • This is a selfie inside your own house.
  • I'm staring at the bowls of cat food in the background.
  • Your eyes aren't visible.
  • Shaving might do you better; the facial hair you currently have doesn't do you any favors.
  • The picture isn't of you doing anything: it's just you in your place.
  • Have friends take a picture of you doing something, and make sure that you wear better clothes.


I figured you guys would say she's ducking me. I hope that's not true.

I want to say something, about how if she's not interested to just let me know, but that'd probably be bad.

We've only dated once and I don't cook, so I don't know if that'd go over well.

No I wouldn't do that. I've not had much experience with girls, but saying stuff like that could come off like you're pushy or desperate. I would just give it some time and see what happens.
I figured you guys would say she's ducking me. I hope that's not true.

I want to say something, about how if she's not interested to just let me know, but that'd probably be bad.

We've only dated once and I don't cook, so I don't know if that'd go over well.

The biggest problem in this entire post is that you "don't cook." Time for some tough love, since I'm in that mood: learn, because it'll help you in life; learn, because it's cheaper than the alternatives; learn, because it'll help you in dating; and learn, because you've said that you're overweight and thus you should eat healthier.

If I can learn how to prepare a few meals, so can you.
I asked her if she needed anything, at the recommendation of a female friend I texted about it, and she said, "No, I'm good. Thanks."

Asked another girl I've been talking to if she'd like to do something sometime soon. She texts me a lot. The response was that it'd be nice, but life's a bit too hectic right now, as finals are coming up.
I asked her if she needed anything, at the recommendation of a female friend I texted about it, and she said, "No, I'm good. Thanks."

Asked another girl I've been talking to if she'd like to do something sometime soon. She texts me a lot. The response was that it'd be nice, but life's a bit too hectic right now, as finals are coming up.

This is a problem, and you know it.


how do you ask friends to take pictures of you? this seems like awkward as hell to do.

You could tell them the truth? "Lol, Kurtofan's trying to meet girls online so he can have sex with them" "well yeah?" "Oh, okay, hand me the camera". Friends might give you shit for it, but real friends won't give a shit about it.

If you want to lie, just say it's for Instagram or so that you can remember shit years down the line or something sentimental like that. Or just bribe their silence with pizza and beer.
If she's ghosting you, move on. Nothing you can do.

If she's actually sick, she'll feel bad for cancelling and offer to reschedule later. But don't expect her to keep in frequent contact in the meantime.

Make like Elsa and let it go for now.
I'll try to think about other things.

I'm tempted to ask the girl I hung out with last night if she'd like to be FWB. But I keep going back and forth on that.
Talking to such a pretty girl on tinder, Im sure a mutual cultural background got her to swipe right on me. How do I seal the deal?

I tend to talk to people for a long time and never seal the deal, as people just fade away. Half the time, Im just not interested myself. I dont want to ask her out too fast, but I also dont want to wait too long.
I have the same problem, TE. I talk to people for a little while, then they fade away. Then the cycle repeats.

With her? No. In general? 3 times in 11 years.

She jokingly mentioned she'd have sex with me yesterday if I let her come over and game.

Ahh, the suicidal girl. You're playing with fire, my friend.
Remember that I'm doing this for your own good. Fais-moi confiance, OK?

  • Your shirt is too big.
  • Your shirt is wrinkled.
  • One sleeve is awkwardly higher than the other.
  • The V-neck is weirdly skewed to the side.
  • It's just a terrible shirt in general.
  • The pants aren't better. It looks like you're trying to hide being fat, which you aren't.
  • Your hands are passively stuck in your pockets.
  • Your hair is partially combed so that it peaks at the top: it looks fuzzy there and isn't flattering.
  • This is a selfie inside your own house.
  • I'm staring at the bowls of cat food in the background.
  • Your eyes aren't visible.
  • Shaving might do you better; the facial hair you currently have doesn't do you any favors.
  • The picture isn't of you doing anything: it's just you in your place.
  • Have friends take a picture of you doing something, and make sure that you wear better clothes.

Can you do me next? Ill need to upload to imgur and PM you...

I dont have many pics, and it's bothering me that I have to try and take a good selfie. Mostly because I dont like taking selfies, and I especially dont like putting them up. I'm not used to it, and I know it's super common, but it feels strange for me to look into a camera and upload a selfie.

Dont take many pics at any events either, as my friends tend not to be the type to do social media. So Im working with a few pics that were taken by someone else, and a selfie or two.

I'd appreciate some honest criticism of my looks/pics. I feel like my profile is pretty okay on these apps.

How serious are your tinder profiles? I just briefly list my likes and made up a typical smart ass one liner, since everyone does that on tinder
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