Hey there! After hearing so many success stories from friends, family, co-workers, and that frustratingly pleasant old man from the e-harmony commercials, curiosity finally got the better of me and I thought I’d see for myself what all the hype was about.
Remove this. Its boring and is what insecure people say as an excuse for why they're on dating. I'm not saying you're boring or insecure, just that many people who have an ego problem with joining online dating like to use their friends and such as an excuse. Open with a good joke instead.
To quote the poet, Coolio, from the work that became a genre unto itself, Kenan and Kel, "AWWW here it goes!"
I consider myself a pretty unique person. I've always been interested in geekier things like science and technology, but I'm also big into cars, traveling, sports, live concerts, and hiking. Lately, I've been putting a lot of effort into going places and doing things I've never seen/done before. Skydiving is up next on the list.
This is okay but you can remove it, too. It takes up space and makes your profile long. The goal is to keep it short and sweet, you want the girl to actually read your whole profile if possible. She'll be more inclined to do so if its short.
I'm a young professional currently working in the valley, but in my downtime after work, you can usually find me at the gym, swimming, playing racquetball, browsing Netflix, or trying to cook things I have no business trying to cook. I’m also very big into movies and spend way too much of my life at the movie theater. If you’re into movies, or film (for those of you REALLY into movies) we need to talk.
Condense this: I work in the Valley, I lift (need a spotter?
), I endlessly browse Netflix looking for the perfect chick-flick, and I like to pretend I can cook. I can't cook.
Something like this shows your interests, extends an invite, and makes a few jokes.
In general, friends would say that I'm a pretty relaxed guy, but I have no problem being serious and taking charge when necessary. I'm really open-minded and liberal in most aspects of life, but I also have strong morals and standards for myself. Overall, I'm a completely committed guy and I'm always straightforward with how I feel about things. I'm also aware of the fact that relationships require work and responsibility. That being said, I don't date just anybody and I don't date "just for fun" or to "hookup". Honestly, that's pretty pointless. If I consider dating you, it's for the long haul. No cheating, no games, no childishness, just honesty, commitment and epicness.
Remove this. Relaxed guy can mean apathetic or passive to some people. Don't mention relationships and work and responsibility. Nobody on OKC wants to hear "relationship" before the first date. People are naturally selfish and getting into a commitment makes most hesitate. Avoid the word, show that you don't even think about it. The "no cheating, no games" stuff should also be removed. It shows that you may have potentially experienced it in the past. That may leave a negative effect on someone.
After college, I was fortunate enough to land an incredible job right away at a very large engineering company. I work on a design team that supports the build, production, and testing of military aircraft.
Also, I'm trying to improve my cooking skills. Please help.
I work on a design team that builds, tests, and supports military aircraft. I also work as a part-time cooking impostor (should be obvious by now).
No idea. Height?
Take this out. It shows that you're potentially insecure with what your best quality is. Say its your big smile, your bulging biceps, or something like that. Show confidence and humor.
Catching up with friends, downtown, at the gym, or just relaxing at home watching netflix/playing video games. Do you Mario Kart?
I'm usually cautious about mentioning gaming. You don't want people thinking you're a hermit on Friday night. This is just my opinion but I'm sure some people have had success with gaming girls. Also, I never target gaming girls so that's just me. Leave at your own discretion, just my suggestion.
You're a non-smoker and don't do any drugs. Drugs are bad.
Otherwise, if you think we've got anything in common or you want to chat a bit, don't hesitate to shoot me a quick note.
Take out the drugs and smoking part, it just sounds negative. I understand your intention behind it but you're better off filling the space with something fun. For example: you should message me if you think I'm the definition of sexy. Doesn't have to be that in particular but something fun. This section should be the strongest in your profile because its the last.
I left out some parts because I thought they were fine. Just my ideas, see what others think.