Damn son! 345 miles away?! Oh Canada, you're such a strange foreign land despite being the great northern country. Also I understood that reference (browsing from my bro's OKC profile since he left it logged in). You look a little bit like Kirk Cameron/Geoff Keighley; more the latter since both of you are Canadian.
Personally, I would add a little bit of variety to the main pics and include some action shots since you have the same expression in the 3 main pics. The Japan shot looks awesome; if you have shots of you doing stuff in Japan e.g. playing arcades or at an izakaya (never been to Japan but know a few things) with friends, do throw them in. I'm a firm believer supporting the things that you say in your profile with pictures that show what you love to do e.g. you say you like playing golf? Post a picture of you playing golf or have a friend take a bunch of action shots next time you go.
I would also tone down the nerdy stuff unless you're looking to attract nerdy girls in which case more power to you but if you're casting a wider net, I think it's going to be harder for you. It depends on what you're looking for. I think meet up groups work best to meet those type of girls or going to local gaming events/conventions.
As a whole, your profile is all right, but I skimmed through it since it's a little bit hard to read and it's a bit serious. Maybe you should trim down the self-summary section and keep it a little bit more playful. Less is more e.g. "I like modeling hippos and pigs dressed in mumus in 3D modeling software."
Thanks Jipan
No comment on the looking similar to Geoff Keighly thing o_o
I will work on the pics. One thing is I prefer to be behind a camera rather than in front of it @_@. I unfortunately didn't take that many shots of myself in Japan. I was on my own over there and didn't want to ask any strangers to take a pic of me.
I certainly would like to attract girls of similar interests, but... Doesn't appear to be working out that well thus far. So I'll need to rethink what I've written thus far I guess.
So on the whole I should simplify it more?