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Online Dating |OT| Please Respond


Damn son! 345 miles away?! Oh Canada, you're such a strange foreign land despite being the great northern country. Also I understood that reference (browsing from my bro's OKC profile since he left it logged in). You look a little bit like Kirk Cameron/Geoff Keighley; more the latter since both of you are Canadian.

Personally, I would add a little bit of variety to the main pics and include some action shots since you have the same expression in the 3 main pics. The Japan shot looks awesome; if you have shots of you doing stuff in Japan e.g. playing arcades or at an izakaya (never been to Japan but know a few things) with friends, do throw them in. I'm a firm believer supporting the things that you say in your profile with pictures that show what you love to do e.g. you say you like playing golf? Post a picture of you playing golf or have a friend take a bunch of action shots next time you go.

I would also tone down the nerdy stuff unless you're looking to attract nerdy girls in which case more power to you but if you're casting a wider net, I think it's going to be harder for you. It depends on what you're looking for. I think meet up groups work best to meet those type of girls or going to local gaming events/conventions.

As a whole, your profile is all right, but I skimmed through it since it's a little bit hard to read and it's a bit serious. Maybe you should trim down the self-summary section and keep it a little bit more playful. Less is more e.g. "I like modeling hippos and pigs dressed in mumus in 3D modeling software."

Thanks Jipan

No comment on the looking similar to Geoff Keighly thing o_o

I will work on the pics. One thing is I prefer to be behind a camera rather than in front of it @_@. I unfortunately didn't take that many shots of myself in Japan. I was on my own over there and didn't want to ask any strangers to take a pic of me.

I certainly would like to attract girls of similar interests, but... Doesn't appear to be working out that well thus far. So I'll need to rethink what I've written thus far I guess.

So on the whole I should simplify it more?


Most people do when they think about what they do when they're trying to date/get laid. It's part of it otherwise everyone would just constantly be in serious relationships.
Agreed. I would've never thought that I would be exchanging dirty texts but here it was clear as daylight as it spices up the fun. It was initially strange getting into it knowing what it was but ultimately, if a person wants to talk dirty, then its green lights ahead.
Thanks Jipan

No comment on the looking similar to Geoff Keighly thing o_o

I will work on the pics. One thing is I prefer to be behind a camera rather than in front of it @_@. I unfortunately didn't take that many shots of myself in Japan. I was on my own over there and didn't want to ask any strangers to take a pic of me.

I certainly would like to attract girls of similar interests, but... Doesn't appear to be working out that well thus far. So I'll need to rethink what I've written thus far I guess.

So on the whole I should simplify it more?
You're welcome. Lmao! Well you guys have that strong jawline so take it as you will. I'm looking at your profile in my account now (my main pic is me with sunglasses and a messenger bag).

As someone who has taken pictures of myself without any assistance and no tripod, I have two lovely words for you: self-timer. Use a self timer to set up a shot and multiple shot bursts if you have a decent camera of you in action when in doubt and place the camera on a stable surface. A couple of the pictures that I have in my profile I used a self-timer on my mirrorless camera to take. It also helps that I do photography as a hobby and took a digital photography class last semester to further sharpen my eye.

Don't feel shy to ask people to take pictures of you in public; they'll be more than willing to do it if you only have a phone to shoot pictures from. I usually like to take pictures of myself when I'm in the moment of doing something that excites me or checking out a new neighborhood; a joie-de-vivre mentality if you will.

If anything, I would definitely recommend getting on Tinder if you haven't done so already man. You would definitely be flooded with girls there since you're a pretty decent looking guy and girls won't judge as harshly since it cuts the BS of having to make a fancy profile; they learn that stuff much later on when you're texting or on the date.

There's still a bit of a social stigma with flaunting the nerdy guy who happens to be cool first as opposed to the other way around and I say that as someone who's the Treasurer of my college's comic book publication and works at conventions but I never post those pictures online dating profiles. It makes you seem like you're a one trick pony if only have nerdy stuff going for you which you clearly don't. Personally, I'm a bit turned off by nerdy girls as an avid gamer/art geek so I don't actively seek them out unless they do art as well.

Any way to answer your question, I do. The self-summary section is a bit long in the tooth. You might also want to think about spacing things out e.g. in your 6 things you can't do without and think about more personal things that make you you e.g. a classic rum and coke. Where in the world Is Carmen San Diego works well by itself in the Private thing section. My profile isn't perfect either and I'm not really active on it lately so yeah.


That's right. I contacted her around to 2:20AM the day after but never heard back from her. It looks like it was a one time time thing for her.

Looking at it from her shoes, she probably had high expectations that I was going to rock her world because of all the dirty texts we exchanged and go the full way only for me give her oral and be disappointed that I didn't. I try not to think much about what I could have don differently but maybe she was kind of offended that I chose not to do her without a condom/didn't trust her. Not to mention the condom issues. Oh well. *shrug*

I'm not going to burn my bridge and delete her number but I will delete the thread of texts and will not contact her any more so you can say that I'm going to move on (I did so already). At this point with August and school nearly here at the end of the month, I'd like at least 1-2 more hook ups before I disable my Tinder alerts. They've dried up lately in any case but I might entertain the idea of keeping around a little bit early in the semester to see if they skyrocket.

Also, slightly off-topic: I hope you come out to next month's GAF meet that I won't be organizing for a change. The thread should be going up any day now according to my successor. I would love to chat about online dating adventures in person.:D
That sucks. At least you had fun though.

NYC GAF meetup sounds fun. I always wanted to go to one of those but never had the time.


If anything, I would definitely recommend getting on Tinder if you haven't done so already man. You would definitely be flooded with girls there since you're a pretty decent looking guy and girls won't judge as harshly since it cuts the BS of having to make a fancy profile; they learn that stuff much later on when you're texting or on the date.

Haha, I haven't signed up to Tinder quite yet for a few reasons, but it's something I'll consider in the future.

Any way to answer your question, I do. The self-summary section is a bit long in the tooth. You might also want to think about spacing things out e.g. in your 6 things you can't do without and think about more personal things that make you you e.g. a classic rum and coke. Where in the world Is Carmen San Diego works well by itself in the Private thing section. My profile isn't perfect either and I'm not really active on it lately so yeah.

Hm, I guess I should try to make myself a bit more direct in mine.

Edit: All I only just realized that I'm only a 99% match with myself. That's it. I'm breaking up with me.
Okay, back from my trip to Tokyo, and ready to start getting serious... But that being said, any profile suggestions GAF? (quote to see)

86% match *fist bump*

Your profile is fine, but I think it's too exceedingly formal. People need something easy to read and your prose is more suited to an English essay. Make it more like your posts on GAF: more casual.

Your first paragraph, I was expecting a food punchline but it sort of fizzled out.

You should definitely highlight your travel excursions. Not everyone's been to Japan.

Is the "princess is in another castle" a metaphor to your lack of dating success? I would take that out; no need to be self-deprecating.

The message me section is too long. Keep the second paragraph.

As a 3D artist, link to something cool you did. Your deviant art page or something. Or even include it as one of your photos.

Finally, why restrict yourself to girls your age or younger? Nothing wrong with older women.


86% match *fist bump*

Your profile is fine, but I think it's too exceedingly formal. People need something easy to read and your prose is more suited to an English essay. Make it more like your posts on GAF: more casual.

Your first paragraph, I was expecting a food punchline but it sort of fizzled out.

You should definitely highlight your travel excursions. Not everyone's been to Japan.

Is the "princess is in another castle" a metaphor to your lack of dating success? I would take that out; no need to be self-deprecating.

The message me section is too long. Keep the second paragraph.

As a 3D artist, link to something cool you did. Your deviant art page or something. Or even include it as one of your photos.

Finally, why restrict yourself to girls your age or younger? Nothing wrong with older women.
I suppose when I started writing that I went into a very proper mindset as opposed to just being... More me @_@

The princess line wasn't, but I can see how it could be read that way and... Ugh, that is bad.

As for the age thing, sort of preference, but I thought I upped the gap to one year older, apparently I did not.


Edit: Also am I allowed to add an album with stuff like some of my work examples? I figured all pictures would need to be photos involving me.


Anyone else?

I think it looks pretty good. I would maybe axe the retail part and just put that you are working in order to support your future ambitions or whatever.

The "I'm really good at" section is kind of weird too. You're really good at having memories?

Other than that you should do fine.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Thank you Tinder for letting me cross another item off my bucket list.

That was a fun first date.


So I was talking to a friend's friend I met today at a bday dinner and she was using Tinder. She was an attractive blonde white girl who's a solid 7-8. She was pretty selective on who she swiped right on, and she still had near 700 matches. It kinda gave me an idea on how many people are actually competing for ones attention.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
So I was talking to a friend's friend I met today at a bday dinner and she was using Tinder. She was an attractive blonde white girl who's a solid 7-8. She was pretty selective on who she swiped right on, and she still had near 700 matches. It kinda gave me an idea on how many people are actually competing for ones attention.


jesus christ.

I'm gonna assume everyone she swipes right is a match.

... that's a lot of swiping right she's doing, still. wow.


Oh man, what happened to backslashbunny? I had a question for her too.

She'll be back, most likely. You can always ask the thread, though. Everyone is pretty helpful.

I'll be moving to Pasadena, CA in a few weeks. Found an apt closer to work. I think when I get there I'll answer more questions, upload new pics, and tweak my profile a bit. So far I haven't had much luck. The few that responded ended up not being my type, and the few that I've actually met were all terrabad dates.

I might try Tinder, but I'm honestly not looking for a quick fuck.


So I was talking to a friend's friend I met today at a bday dinner and she was using Tinder. She was an attractive blonde white girl who's a solid 7-8. She was pretty selective on who she swiped right on, and she still had near 700 matches. It kinda gave me an idea on how many people are actually competing for ones attention.

Th.. That would actually make it worse than POF.
Got an interesting OKC message the other day. It was your standard "I'm too private/shy so here are a few lines and no picture" profile, but what stuck out were the words "lonely" and "homesick". Apparently she moved here a couple years ago (likely for school) and was now using OKC to find "Mr. Right".

To be honest I kind of felt sorry for her, so I replied with a "if you're looking for Mr. Right OKC isn't the right place, make some friends in real-life and find your future husband through them".

E92 M3

Got an interesting OKC message the other day. It was your standard "I'm too private/shy so here are a few lines and no picture" profile, but what stuck out were the words "lonely" and "homesick". Apparently she moved here a couple years ago (likely for school) and was now using OKC to find "Mr. Right".

To be honest I kind of felt sorry for her, so I replied with a "if you're looking for Mr. Right OKC isn't the right place, make some friends in real-life and find your future husband through them".

Lol - well people meet their Mr right all the time on the internet.
Got an interesting OKC message the other day. It was your standard "I'm too private/shy so here are a few lines and no picture" profile, but what stuck out were the words "lonely" and "homesick". Apparently she moved here a couple years ago (likely for school) and was now using OKC to find "Mr. Right".

To be honest I kind of felt sorry for her, so I replied with a "if you're looking for Mr. Right OKC isn't the right place, make some friends in real-life and find your future husband through them".

Why? We have Gaffers who've met their Spouse online.

It's not the end of the world if you find your sig. other online.
I'm not disputing that. But due to the type of person I think she is, it'll be very hard to find someone online.

Online dating doesn't work for everyone.


I've got 2 dates tonight. One at 7 and one at 8. If the 7 one goes well I'll text the 8 one that I'll have to cancel. If the 7 one goes bad I'll leave and give an excuse and meet up with the 8 one.

Too bad it's hot out. :(


Anyone tried e-harmony?

eH is sparse in my area but it has been quite good. The totally optional guided conversation feature is great because a) you don't have to worry about the opening message and b) it's a good equalizer when it comes to getting the attention of a woman.
Man, this OKC is pretty much dead in my area for people in my age range. I'm getting no more than ~60 people of ages 20-25. I did do a fair amount of culling by now, hiding people who I've messaged who never messaged back, people just flat out not appealing, etc., but it's not like it started at 1000 matches and I'm down to 60. More like 150 down to 60. I go to other dating sites and it's the same damn people I saw in OKC on this one too.

I don't think online dating is right for me at all, at least in this area.
Got a match on Tinder with a nice looking girl and she also messaged me first! We had a small conversation during the day but nothing spectacular. I'm kinda bad at online conversation :')

Really thinking about asking her out, and have a face to face conversation where I'm a lot better at. But I'm also thinking it's too early. What would you guys advice? (btw, this is the first time I'm doing online stuff :p)


Homeland Security Fail
Stuff on tinder moves kinda quickly (at least for me). I would ask her for her number and then ask her out.

E92 M3

Got a match on Tinder with a nice looking girl and she also messaged me first! We had a small conversation during the day but nothing spectacular. I'm kinda bad at online conversation :')

Really thinking about asking her out, and have a face to face conversation where I'm a lot better at. But I'm also thinking it's too early. What would you guys advice? (btw, this is the first time I'm doing online stuff :p)

Just keep sending winks with the occasional smilie and everything will work itself out.

Ask her out for a lunch date. Simple yet efficient in determining if there is chemistry to pursue.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Looks like bunny got banned.... she was still a Junior, right? So that's a perma. :(

So much for the female presence and advice in this thread, we hardly knew ya
Looks like bunny got banned.... she was still a Junior, right? So that's a perma. :(

So much for the female presence and advice in this thread, we hardly knew ya

Looks like she was only a few days away from becoming a full member, too. Bummer. :/

EDIT: Ah, not permanent. Cool.


Looks like bunny got banned.... she was still a Junior, right? So that's a perma. :(

So much for the female presence and advice in this thread, we hardly knew ya

Sausage-fest now! *bails*

But yeah, it does suck.
When you see the avatar gone, you know it's a perma.

Edit: Ah, well, interesting. (below)


Oh yeah, reading through the ToS and Account Approval, it no longer mentions Junior bans being automatic permanent (it used to, prior to Evilore revising a lot of things), just harsher penalties. Interesting.

And the avatar comment was more or less something I had heard about a while ago (since there are bans where it doesn't disappear).

Back on topic... Been messaging a bunch of girls to no avail since I got back from my trip, and the girl I went on a date with prior never returned my text, so... c'est la vie...


Scaley member
Not seeing any new people on OKC at all; there are a lot of the same girls who've been there since February/March. Some of the accounts have no information, or are joke profiles, too. It blows. Not one date or anything since then. The 3 girls who messaged me back with what seemed like interest deactivated their accounts soon after, and all the rest who do reply to my messages ask nothing back. Just ignore at that point if you're not even interested in being friends. No courtesy is really needed online.
Not seeing any new people on OKC at all; there are a lot of the same girls who've been there since February/March. Some of the accounts have no information, or are joke profiles, too. It blows. Not one date or anything since then.

Exact same situation with me :(

And it's one of the most popular sites in my area too. The obscure ones like geek2geek are completely dead. Seriously, all there is within 25 miles of my city are literally 2 profiles that haven't logged on in years.


Scaley member
Exact same situation with me :(

And it's one of the most popular sites in my area too. The obscure ones like geek2geek are completely dead. Seriously, all there is within 25 miles of my city are literally 2 profiles that haven't logged on in years.

Maybe it's because of my age... I'm 19. :/ But still, even Tinder has yielded nothing, not even a new friend. Bleh.


No Scrubs
I was in the middle of setting up a date with this amazing girl and her profile up and disappears on me. Story of my goddamn life.

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