Yeah basically, and that is awesome! I hope it works out for you!
Yeah he could have but the thing is, he didn't write to me like that before and all of the sudden he is all cold like that, so fuck him AND his alleged busy schedule.
At least you had the courtesy of thinking of her feelings, it is really shitty when people lie like that but I would prefer having someone look nothing like their photos because then at least you have a good reason to turn them down aka: you are a liar and I don't like liars.
In my own experience it is real fucky when the person is who they are in their photos but they look a little different, for example: in their pics they have nice clear skin, look tall, or whatever seems attractive to you at the time but then you meet them and they actually have a ton of acne or are super short or whatever you think is actually unattractive. (nothing wrong with height or skin appearance I am just giving examples). This is worse because there is no way you can turn them down without seeming like a total shallow asshole, you basically have to lie, and that can land you into the harassment territory, which is the worst! Technicaly they are still lying, old pics, photoshop,cropping, angles whatever but it is the kind of lie that you can't really call them out on.
I would prefer if the person said in their profile that they are not serious and only want to fool around, there are so many guys/girls that will say "I am not looking for a one night stand" but in reality they totally are they just said that to snake people into going out with them, and to me that is a way worse show of character than just being up front. It shows you are manipulative and sneaky which are really horrible attributes.