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Online Dating |OT| Please Respond


Ok, POF is weird... it's full of crazies and the UI is just destroying my eyes

I'm going back to OKC.

Pretty sure it's ooolld. I remember when they were advertising all over the train system in Boston. That must have been the early to mid 2000's. I'm pretty sure they've never changed their UI.


Just moved to NYC. what's the best online dating site here? Isn't one with no profiles and you just click a name of someone nearby and ask if they want to meet up for a quick coffee?

Already I can tell the dating scene here is going to be 100x better than phoenix
Thanks Jipan and Freshair!!!

Here is the updated profile


Thanks Jipan and Freshair!!!

Here is the updated profile

Others might disagree with me here, but I might suggest removing anything to do with comics. Why? It can only broaden your horizons. Sure, there are probably some girls out there that dig that, but your chances of finding that are slim to none. However, if you do, surprising a girl with your knowledge of that particular subject can win you major points, particularly if they don't expect that's your thing. I would group all that in with generalized "I like to read" and "I enjoy movies". The specifics of what you like to read an what movies you like are also often in person conversation pieces that can take you out of a doldrum if you start to run out of stuff to talk about. Otherwise, looks good.

Edit: One more thing, lose that picture of you in the scrubs if that's a picture of you at work with coworkers. If it's school, keep it. Shit can always be used against you, however unfair.


Others might disagree with me here, but I might suggest removing anything to do with comics. Why? It can only broaden your horizons. Sure, there are probably some girls out there that dig that, but your chances of finding that are slim to none. However, if you do, surprising a girl with your knowledge of that particular subject can win you major points, particularly if they don't expect that's your thing. I would group all that in with generalized "I like to read" and "I enjoy movies". The specifics of what you like to read an what movies you like are also often in person conversation pieces that can take you out of a doldrum if you start to run out of stuff to talk about. Otherwise, looks good.

Edit: One more thing, lose that picture of you in the scrubs if that's a picture of you at work with coworkers. If it's school, keep it. Shit can always be used against you, however unfair.

Yep, I agree with all that.

I went ahead and deleted my Tinder account. Taking a break. Focusing on work and school. I still use Coffee Meets Bagel and Hinge since it requires hardly any effort and the girls are all pretty legit on there.


and you misspelled "yeah"

I also wouldn't go with a pic of you holding bottles of liquor. That's college freshman level

Ok, POF is weird... it's full of crazies and the UI is just destroying my eyes

I'm going back to OKC.

New message; "Hi"

Give me something to work with :(

So, a random girl messaged you out of the blue and you're complaining you have nothing to work with? Nigga, she did 90% of the work for you.


Messaged a girl asking her if she was a bot or if she was real since she only had two pictures, got a response but checked it 20 minutes later only to realize she unmatched me. I guess she was real lol.

@CherryWoodFuton, I'll agree with the other guys about getting rid of the nurse scrub picture with you and your coworkers as well as the picture of you posing with the alcoholic bottles akimbo. It won't do you any favors. I don't put up pictures of me with friends unless it's a famous person e.g. I took with Henry Winkler (The Fonz).


Guy messages me, we talk, he gives me his number and we text for a bit, everything is going well we seem to get along pretty good. He tells me to text him tomorrow with a smiley face. Today I text him saying hi how are you doing he replies "busy..you" .......um ok wow nice tact you got there. I just reply "oh sorry if you are busy I will let you go" and no response for the rest of the day... Wtf if you are busy the next day say "I will text you tomorrow" instead of asking me to text. Or he could have reworded it to "hey sorry im sort of busy today, can I text you later?" Ugh anyway whatever at least I am talking to some other nice fellows.


Guy messages me, we talk, he gives me his number and we text for a bit, everything is going well we seem to get along pretty good. He tells me to text him tomorrow with a smiley face. Today I text him saying hi how are you doing he replies "busy..you" .......um ok wow nice tact you got there. I just reply "oh sorry if you are busy I will let you go" and no response for the rest of the day... Wtf if you are busy the next day say "I will text you tomorrow" instead of asking me to text. Or he could have reworded it to "hey sorry im sort of busy today, can I text you later?" Ugh anyway whatever at least I am talking to some other nice fellows.

sounds like a jerk.

on to the next one!

things are going well with the girl I met off OkCupid... we're probably nearing our 7th or 8th date..? I disabled my account over a week ago.


Guy messages me, we talk, he gives me his number and we text for a bit, everything is going well we seem to get along pretty good. He tells me to text him tomorrow with a smiley face. Today I text him saying hi how are you doing he replies "busy..you" .......um ok wow nice tact you got there. I just reply "oh sorry if you are busy I will let you go" and no response for the rest of the day... Wtf if you are busy the next day say "I will text you tomorrow" instead of asking me to text. Or he could have reworded it to "hey sorry im sort of busy today, can I text you later?" Ugh anyway whatever at least I am talking to some other nice fellows.

He could've, you know, actually been really busy. Or he sucks. Who knows. This whole online dating thing really sucks.


sounds like a jerk.

on to the next one!

things are going well with the girl I met off OkCupid... we're probably nearing our 7th or 8th date..? I disabled my account over a week ago.
Yeah basically, and that is awesome! I hope it works out for you!
He could've, you know, actually been really busy. Or he sucks. Who knows. This whole online dating thing really sucks.

Yeah he could have but the thing is, he didn't write to me like that before and all of the sudden he is all cold like that, so fuck him AND his alleged busy schedule.

I totally wanted to bounce, but y'know, I didn't want to destroy her feelings. So we sat through the movie, parted ways, and that was that. I emailed her the next day with a simple message that simply read "not interested". I know my actions and reactions probably seem harsh, but you have to keep in mind that she put a picture that wasn't of her on this dating website.


Beware of girls misrepresenting themselves. Same can likely be said of guys.

At least you had the courtesy of thinking of her feelings, it is really shitty when people lie like that but I would prefer having someone look nothing like their photos because then at least you have a good reason to turn them down aka: you are a liar and I don't like liars.

In my own experience it is real fucky when the person is who they are in their photos but they look a little different, for example: in their pics they have nice clear skin, look tall, or whatever seems attractive to you at the time but then you meet them and they actually have a ton of acne or are super short or whatever you think is actually unattractive. (nothing wrong with height or skin appearance I am just giving examples). This is worse because there is no way you can turn them down without seeming like a total shallow asshole, you basically have to lie, and that can land you into the harassment territory, which is the worst! Technicaly they are still lying, old pics, photoshop,cropping, angles whatever but it is the kind of lie that you can't really call them out on.

You sir have cojones. I was thinking about taking a similar approach since as I mentioned above, I'm not really looking for anything serious but I'm open to it and Tinder is very much more of a "let's see where this rabbit hole leads" approach. I think I need to be more honest in my profile and maybe send out cheesy pick up lines like the Paleontologist one. Then again, it's like Skullface said, it totally goes against your character doing it but at the same time, you're going for what you really want so I respect that since it's bold. I've seen too many girls listing that they're not looking for a hook up on it and respect that but sometimes I can't help but think that it's a farce (with all due respect to the female GAF members in this thread of course).
I would prefer if the person said in their profile that they are not serious and only want to fool around, there are so many guys/girls that will say "I am not looking for a one night stand" but in reality they totally are they just said that to snake people into going out with them, and to me that is a way worse show of character than just being up front. It shows you are manipulative and sneaky which are really horrible attributes.
Thanks for all the suggestions. I didnt know that akimbo bottles would fuck up my chances with the ladies.

I went ahead and used the akimbo fork and knife pic as my main pic instead. I also got rid of the reading comics blurb.


Yeah basically, and that is awesome! I hope it works out for you!

Yeah he could have but the thing is, he didn't write to me like that before and all of the sudden he is all cold like that, so fuck him AND his alleged busy schedule.

At least you had the courtesy of thinking of her feelings, it is really shitty when people lie like that but I would prefer having someone look nothing like their photos because then at least you have a good reason to turn them down aka: you are a liar and I don't like liars.

In my own experience it is real fucky when the person is who they are in their photos but they look a little different, for example: in their pics they have nice clear skin, look tall, or whatever seems attractive to you at the time but then you meet them and they actually have a ton of acne or are super short or whatever you think is actually unattractive. (nothing wrong with height or skin appearance I am just giving examples). This is worse because there is no way you can turn them down without seeming like a total shallow asshole, you basically have to lie, and that can land you into the harassment territory, which is the worst! Technicaly they are still lying, old pics, photoshop,cropping, angles whatever but it is the kind of lie that you can't really call them out on.

I would prefer if the person said in their profile that they are not serious and only want to fool around, there are so many guys/girls that will say "I am not looking for a one night stand" but in reality they totally are they just said that to snake people into going out with them, and to me that is a way worse show of character than just being up front. It shows you are manipulative and sneaky which are really horrible attributes.

Are you cute? Har har, I kid. Insert some generic joke about the need for a Gaf dating website (there's no need for that). However, a dating website that makes you use a uni or paid email client? There might be something to that. I feel like advertisers might pay top dollar for that kind of traffic as well.


Sorry for the double post, but I didn't want this post to be misconstrued. This is now a r8 me m8 thread. How'd I do GAF?

More importantly, how obvious is it that this photo was me trying to make a selfie not look like a selfie? Lolol

Edit: This photo will self destruct at 9pm EST.
Edit # 2: photo self destructed.


Gave my number to a girl on tinder after a bunch of messages over the course of a week. She then asks for my last name and where I work. wat?


Gave my number to a girl on tinder after a bunch of messages over the course of a week. She then asks for my last name and where I work. wat?

They usually want your last name to FB stalk. Was she asking where you work in general conversation, like, "Oh, what do you do? Where do you work?" Or was it like, "Please fill out this form."

One chick from a few weeks ago may have run a background check on me. I couldn't ever figure out if she was joking or serious. Either way, fucking crazy.

I wish it was that simple. Some people think it's not a date if you don't pay for them.

In my opinion, if you go on a date and the other party doesn't expect to pay their own way, there's something up with that person.

I always pay. It's just a date, it's not as if we're friends or anything more at that point, and I asked them to come with me. If it's a financial thing, that's different. If you're too worried about simpin, you're fuckin' up.


you can't put a price on sparks
Gave my number to a girl on tinder after a bunch of messages over the course of a week. She then asks for my last name and where I work. wat?

Background check.

I sorta had the same thing happen right now. Tried to exchange my number with this girl and she asks "why 818?" For my area code.

Like, um, why does that matter. Are you going to exchange or not lol

It got deflected into more conversation so I guess I'll see if she ends up offering it...


They usually want your last name to FB stalk. Was she asking where you work in general conversation, like, "Oh, what do you do? Where do you work?" Or was it like, "Please fill out this form."

One chick from a few weeks ago may have run a background check on me. I couldn't ever figure out if she was joking or serious. Either way, fucking crazy.

I always pay. It's just a date, it's not as if we're friends or anything more at that point, and I asked them to come with me. If it's a financial thing, that's different. If you're too worried about simpin, you're fuckin' up.

Don't get me wrong, I also always pay. But again, if the other part isn't prepared to pay their way, that's a bad sign.


In my opinion, if you go on a date and the other party doesn't expect to pay their own way, there's something up with that person.

I always pay. It's just a date, it's not as if we're friends or anything more at that point, and I asked them to come with me. If it's a financial thing, that's different. If you're too worried about simpin, you're fuckin' up.


Edit: I guess I should pay then.


They usually want your last name to FB stalk. Was she asking where you work in general conversation, like, "Oh, what do you do? Where do you work?" Or was it like, "Please fill out this form."

One chick from a few weeks ago may have run a background check on me. I couldn't ever figure out if she was joking or serious. Either way, fucking crazy.

I gave her my last name, but she seemed unsatisfied with that as my fb purposely has a lot of bogus information, such as workplace. She wants to make sure I "actually exist".

I totally get not wanting to get catfished, but damn, i don't think i'm just gonna give out my workplace to anyone who asks.


I gave her my last name, but she seemed unsatisfied with that as my fb purposely has a lot of bogus information, such as workplace. She wants to make sure I "actually exist".

I totally get not wanting to get catfished, but damn, i don't think i'm just gonna give out my workplace to anyone who asks.

Don't even think twice bro. Let's say every thing goes smoothly on date number one. Date 2 rolls around and all of a sudden she thinks she can pay surprise visits to your place of work at inappropriate times. This actually happened to me with a girl I dated that I met in the city. Long story, but yeah... Not a grand situation.

First date I always pay....I figure I'm asking them to go out with me might as well

But what do you do if the girl goes for her purse to pitch in, stop her? No, no, no. This is the wrong move for every type of girl.

A. There are some girls that are genuinely offended by your paying for dinner.

B. There are some girls that will watch for your reaction to size you up. You pay for this one meal, you'll probably pay for everything. This also means this particular type doesn't respect you.

C. There are some girls who will just accept and appreciate the gesture.

D. My personal favorite; Some girls think paying for the entirety of a first date is simply inappropriate and can send mixed messages. I, as a guy, place myself in this camp.


Gave my number to a girl on tinder after a bunch of messages over the course of a week. She then asks for my last name and where I work. wat?

My friends FB stalks like crazy which leads to instagram stalking. I did it once to see if they were for reals before lol.


you can't put a price on sparks
Uhhh. I think I got a date/meetup thing. But it seems like it'll have to be for tomorrow. Sort of weird because she doesn't seem to want to exchange numbers but we are arranging it over pof. I'll have to ask for her number again.


Uhhh. I think I got a date/meetup thing. But it seems like it'll have to be for tomorrow. Sort of weird because she doesn't seem to want to exchange numbers but we are arranging it over pof. I'll have to ask for her number again.

if it makes you feel better we didn't even know each others names until we met in the bookstore.


Uhhh. I think I got a date/meetup thing. But it seems like it'll have to be for tomorrow. Sort of weird because she doesn't seem to want to exchange numbers but we are arranging it over pof. I'll have to ask for her number again.

I wouldn't push it, to be honest. She may have had a bad experience and doesn't want to give out her number until she's actually met you.


Talking to some girl.

Doing alright.

Asks where I live.

I say Surrey.

She goes, "oh gross"

I ask why.

She says creepy people live there.

I ask her if I'm creepy.

She says no.

I ask her then why say creepy people live there.

"Because Surrey guys are gross"

Fuck dat bitch.


Talking to some girl.

Doing alright.

Asks where I live.

I say Surrey.

She goes, "oh gross"

I ask why.

She says creepy people live there.

I ask her if I'm creepy.

She says no.

I ask her then why say creepy people live there.

"Because Surrey guys are gross"

Fuck dat bitch.
Ew you live in Surrey?

all my exes are from Surrey...except one


you can't put a price on sparks
I wouldn't push it, to be honest. She may have had a bad experience and doesn't want to give out her number until she's actually met you.

yeah, she dodged again, so i'm not gonna ask anymore.

now i gotta figure out where to meet lol. didn't expect it to get this far.


Get out of Surrey. :(

Speaking of paying for dates, my ex and I actually had a pretty good rule: whoever thinks of the date idea pays for the date. I've adopted it to a lot of different dates, and it works pretty well. Of course if the girl really insists on paying -- especially if I paid for something early on in the evening -- then I'll gracefully allow her to pay.


Get out of Surrey. :(

Speaking of paying for dates, my ex and I actually had a pretty good rule: whoever thinks of the date idea pays for the date. I've adopted it to a lot of different dates, and it works pretty well. Of course if the girl really insists on paying -- especially if I paid for something early on in the evening -- then I'll gracefully allow her to pay.

Leave Surrey? Why? Cheap and good transit. Haters be damned.

Split it. No need to play power games on a date.


Leave Surrey? Why? Cheap and good transit. Haters be damned.

Split it. No need to play power games on a date.

I'm Chinese. I actually need training to not pay for a date.

I tried to pay for a round of beer for my friends once and they all said nooooo we all split and I was all awkward after :p

yeah, she dodged again, so i'm not gonna ask anymore.

now i gotta figure out where to meet lol. didn't expect it to get this far.

Some girls only give out numbers after the first date, if it goes well.


you can't put a price on sparks
well, looks like i got the date squared away... she gave me her number. i say hi, and then she sends a picture of herself (not naked, just in case someone was wondering).

that's a little bit weird to just get a picture randomly, right? it definitely isn't a selfie either...


well, looks like i got the date squared away... she gave me her number. i say hi, and then she sends a picture of herself (not naked, just in case someone was wondering).

that's a little bit weird to just get a picture randomly, right? it definitely isn't a selfie either...

No, it's not weird, especially if her photos aren't that identifiable or clear in her profile.

I'd definitely appreciate a current photo at times, to spare the awkward 30 seconds trying to place her at a coffee shop at the very least.


you can't put a price on sparks
No, it's not weird, especially if her photos aren't that identifiable or clear in her profile.

I'd definitely appreciate a current photo at times, to spare the awkward 30 seconds trying to place her at a coffee shop at the very least.

ok so how do i respond to this then? i'm guessing i compliment her, but i dont really have a super recent picture.


ok so how do i respond to this then? i'm guessing i compliment her, but i dont really have a super recent picture.


edit: So real talk, I can't help but feel I'm gonna fuck it up with this girl. She's already mentioned (and brought back up tonight) plans for like a month away, so that's a good sign. And I know GAF hates this, but she's honestly out of my league. ugh, I need to get out of my head.

edit 2: so a few minutes after I posted that, I get a message from her on tinder that I'm 99% sure was meant for someone else...

edit 3: I don't understand women and I'm just going to go celibate



Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Talking to some girl.

Doing alright.

Asks where I live.

I say Surrey.

She goes, "oh gross"

I ask why.

She says creepy people live there.

I ask her if I'm creepy.

She says no.

I ask her then why say creepy people live there.

"Because Surrey guys are gross"

Fuck dat bitch.

To be fair, you DO live in Surrey.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
POF has a lot of really cute girls with REALLY empty/shallow profiles. Gives you nothing to work with. It's basically Tinder at that point.
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