Cross posting from the Dating-age thread.
Well, I got an interesting story to tell y'all.
So this morning I'm walking over to class and this very cute girl and I start walking along the same path. While I wanted to talk to her, I decided not to, both because I was in kind of a hurry, and cause I was too tired to go through the effort.
So I start walking past her, and I notice that she was keeping up the same speed. I felt like that was odd, but I also thought it wasn't anything. A few minutes after following me, to my surprise, she taps me on the shoulder and starts talking to me. She starts off by asking if it was my first semester (I guess I still look pretty young), and where I transferred from. So we talk for a bit about my college history, and I'm feeling pretty good cause hey, this cute girl I wanted to talk to is talking to me on her own. Then the conversation takes an interesting turn.
Her: you live by yourself?
Me: No, there's one other person.
Her: Family or friend?
Me: Friend (actually, it's my mom, but I thought it'd be wise not to mention that)
Her: Oh that's good.
Me: Yeah, it's okay.
Her: Well, I was just wondering because as I was walking behind you, I noticed your shoes.
Me: My shoes?
Her: Yeah, they seem to be falling apart.
Me: Oh... Yeah, they've seen better days, haha.
Her: Right, and it's because of that, that I thought you might be in trouble or something.
Me: Uh..."trouble"?
Her: Yeah, you know...
Me:...Ohhhhhhhh. No, no it's not what you think!
Her: It's okay, I'm just saying..
Me: No, really I'm good!
So it went on like that for a few minutes where I tried to explain to her that I wasn't really poor, just that I (meaning my mom) bought some really cheap shoes that picked an awful week to break down.
So there I am feeling pretty embarrassed and depressed because now I'm thinking this chick was only talking to me cause she was feeling sorry for me.
It turns out that this story has a seemingly happy ending after all. Here's what happened next.
Her: Well, I just want you to know that if you do need help, you can call me.
Me: Thanks, I appreciate that...
Her: Here, let me give you my number.
Me: Uh...okay.
Her: Maybe we could even get coffee or something some time?
Me: (I'm slightly taken aback when she says that) Uh, yeah sure definitely.
Her: Okay, this was a really convoluted way to exchange numbers, but it works.
I honestly don't even remember what I told her after that I heard last line. What the hell, right?
Needless to say, I was feeling pretty good. This makes the second time I've ever had a girl directly ask me for my number. Fuck yes!