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Online Dating |OT| Please Respond


okay GAF, give me your most generic message to send to girls with empty/"just ask me" profiles and I'll send it to 10 random girls like that.


go forth


POF has a lot of really cute girls with REALLY empty/shallow profiles. Gives you nothing to work with. It's basically Tinder at that point.

"check out my instagram"

okay GAF, give me your most generic message to send to girls with empty/"just ask me" profiles and I'll send it to 10 random girls like that.

What is your favorite pastime, what do you like to do for fun?
Suppose you had to plan a concert this weekend, anyone you want will perform. Who would be your opener and who is your headliner?
Lastly, if tomorrow, you could travel anywhere free of cost or constraint. Where would you go?

Hope to hear from you soon


Yes. Yes I do. It's so great that 2 blocks away a building burnt down. Great orange glow at night.
Its such a dangerous place to live, people were always getting shot when I visited. A car got stolen, drunks were fighting, people were doing drugs in creepy cars, even the strip club was nasty!
Besides only Surrey people defend Surrey. One of the boyfriends I dated was ashamed that he lived there he wanted to move so badly.
Nothing like reading a profile of an amazing girl who's "tired of coming back to an empty home" to give you hope again. Even though there's a 1% chance she'll respond to any message you send, at least you know there are girls like her out there.

Yeah, it's kind of hard to find someone these days who's looking to 'come back to something' instead of going out.

I mean, there's nothing wrong with going out, but it gets tiring if it's all that you do.

I realised recently that I've reached that stage...I've just moved into an amazing flat and I can't think of anything I want more than a great guy to share it with. I mean my flatmate is awesome but it's not the same.


I realised recently that I've reached that stage...I've just moved into an amazing flat and I can't think of anything I want more than a great guy to share it with. I mean my flatmate is awesome but it's not the same.

Good for you. It's a grand feeling to have someone to share a roof and a bed with every night. I had a fiancé, daughter, well paying job, nice apartment. I lost all of it. I now know there's nothing that I want more in life. Those were some of my best days. But I'm only 25, I'm sure I'll get there again. I'm sure that you'll get to where you want to be as well.


Its such a dangerous place to live, people were always getting shot when I visited. A car got stolen, drunks were fighting, people were doing drugs in creepy cars, even the strip club was nasty!
Besides only Surrey people defend Surrey. One of the boyfriends I dated was ashamed that he lived there he wanted to move so badly.

That's just a superiority complex. Vancouver has a higher general crime rate than Surrey (except for car thefts). It's one of the most uneducated opinions out there.
okay GAF, give me your most generic message to send to girls with empty/"just ask me" profiles and I'll send it to 10 random girls like that.

"Is there more to your profile than being really, really, ridiculously good looking?"

Good for you. It's a grand feeling to have someone to share a roof and a bed with every night. I had a fiancé, daughter, well paying job, nice apartment. I lost all of it. I now know there's nothing that I want more in life. Those were some of my best days. But I'm only 25, I'm sure I'll get there again. I'm sure that you'll get to where you want to be as well.

Wow, that sucks. :(


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Lol no. This is after we start texting and decide to hookup or whatever. Just found it pretty weird and was wondering it this was a thing.

They met someone else in the meantime who they like a lot. It happens.


That's just a superiority complex. Vancouver has a higher general crime rate than Surrey (except for car thefts). It's one of the most uneducated opinions out there.
I think Vancouver is dangerous too...and nasty, I don't live there.
I will say one good thing about Surrey, it is not hard to find a boyfriend, the guys there are way more open to talking to a girl than Burnaby or Vancouver (where they need to get hammered to even say hi)


I think Vancouver is dangerous too...and nasty, I don't live there.
I will say one good thing about Surrey, it is not hard to find a boyfriend, the guys there are way more open to talking to a girl than Burnaby or Vancouver (where they need to get hammered to even say hi)

I say hi when sober. I bring flowers while drunk.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
That's just a superiority complex. Vancouver has a higher general crime rate than Surrey (except for car thefts). It's one of the most uneducated opinions out there.

While 2013 marked a record-low murder rate in Vancouver and a record high in Surrey, homicides across the region were down significantly from the peak of the Lower Mainland gang war five years ago.Still, police and politicians are so troubled by the record 25 homicides this past year in Surrey[...] ]In Vancouver, where just six people were murdered in 2013[...]

debatable. ;)

Anyway, Vancouver is ridiculously safe. Especially when compared to a lot of US cities (Detroit, Chicago, I'm looking at you). Heck, Surrey is ridiculously save compared to those, it's just all we have in terms of "danger" in the lower mainland so it gets the short end of the stick. That and the downtown eastside.

Vancouver isn't all rich, but most Asians that live in Vancouver are rich, yes. Those that could afford to move away from China/Hong Kong/Taiwan, oftentimes, or just send their kids to school.


While 2013 marked a record-low murder rate in Vancouver and a record high in Surrey, homicides across the region were down significantly from the peak of the Lower Mainland gang war five years ago.Still, police and politicians are so troubled by the record 25 homicides this past year in Surrey[...] ]In Vancouver, where just six people were murdered in 2013[...]

debatable. ;)

Anyway, Vancouver is ridiculously safe. Especially when compared to a lot of US cities (Detroit, Chicago, I'm looking at you). Heck, Surrey is ridiculously save compared to those, it's just all we have in terms of "danger" in the lower mainland so it gets the short end of the stick. That and the downtown eastside.

Vancouver isn't all rich, but most Asians that live in Vancouver are rich, yes. Those that could afford to move away from China/Hong Kong/Taiwan, oftentimes, or just send their kids to school.

Problem is Surrey is still safer than Vancouver. It's a superiority complex like how people dislike Toronto, Edmonton, etc. If we're going to go by violence... it's easily Prince George.

The big spikes we get in homicide are from outside sources like Red Scorpions and gangs from Vancouver or other burbs. Surrey is essentially a crossroad where the residents aren't that bad (unless you have a car we want to steal) and you have people who pass through here to get to X.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Problem is Surrey is still safer than Vancouver. It's a superiority complex like how people dislike Toronto, Edmonton, etc. If we're going to go by violence... it's easily Prince George.

The big spikes we get in homicide are from outside sources like Red Scorpions and gangs from Vancouver or other burbs. Surrey is essentially a crossroad where the residents aren't that bad (unless you have a car we want to steal) and you have people who pass through here to get to X.

Vancouver Pop: 580k
Surrey Pop: 390k

Vancouver Violent Crimes 2013: 5721 (6 homicides) (http://vancouver.ca/police/Planning/StatsDistrict/2013/2012-2013YTD.pdf)
Surrey Violent Crimes 2013: 6367 (25 homicides) (http://surrey.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/ViewPage.action?siteNodeId=1562&languageId=1&contentId=30209)

You can't tell me with 2/3 the population of Vancouver and HIGHER violent crime rates that Surrey is safer than Vancouver. Or that it's all people from Vancouver coming to Surrey (which still makes Surrey the unsafer location). It's not a superiority complex, it's plain statistics. Was it worse earlier? Probably. Is Surrey still more unsafe than Vancouver? Yes.

ANYWAY this has nothing to do with Online Dating and belongs in VancouverGAF. I'm out of this discussion.


you can't put a price on sparks
Canada sounds a lot less appealing than it did a page ago. What happened to everyone being friendly except the weird French parts of Canada?


So this Zoosk site. I get the feeling 90% of these profiles are fake, every profile pic is a perfect and clean framed face shot :lol


Met a girl through Tinder and I was over her pretty quickly. Had 2 good dates, she was really cute, but she turned out pulling moves a jealous GF would pull pretty quickly. Didn't feel a real connection there either. Issue with myself is I'm not sure if I just want to hook up with some girls or look for a relationship. Bad position.

On to the next. That was my first Tinder thing.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
I'm new to this Tinder thing. What do you guys think of this as my main pic? Keep in mind I'm not interested in anything serious.

Something about that feels borderline shirtless bathroom selfie. Which apparently every girl hates.

I'm not a girl though.


I don't know.

for nothing serious it's fine, girls that wanna hook up will probably like it. It's a good pic.


I don't like giving out my full name/facebook too soon and always thought a cell # was "safer." Dumb me. I was poking around google+ setting tonight trying to fix my gmail time stamps and realized I had full names and the option to add on google+ basically every random guy I had ever texted. Ugh.

If anyone cares as much as me, you can prevent people who have your phone # from finding you all over google here: https://security.google.com/settings/security/contactinfo


you can't put a price on sparks
Well sitting around waiting for this girl at the moment. Said 730/8.

welp, instead of making a second post in a row...

she showed up, we talked for about an hour and half. i could tell she was sort of detached at times, but i think it was mostly because we didn't share any common interests at all. she was sorta funny to me but it wasn't an intentional funny, just her mannerisms where she shows displeasure during our conversation are funny to me.

even though she's 23, i felt like i was too old for her... she's still in school and stuff and i thought that wouldn't matter to me but at least in this case it kind of seems like it does. I liked her okay, but I was really struggling to find any commonalities, just ended up talking about the places where we work most of the time. we were meeting for "coffee" but she doesn't even like coffee (news to me at the time), nor does she like beer either so it was a crap shoot at that point.

I think I'm bad at starting the "date" as well as ending it at an appropriate time, so i need more practice with that... i asked if she wanted to meet up again, she said sure, but i'm not sure that's a good idea for either of us at the moment.


I don't like giving out my full name/facebook too soon and always thought a cell # was "safer." Dumb me. I was poking around google+ setting tonight trying to fix my gmail time stamps and realized I had full names and the option to add on google+ basically every random guy I had ever texted. Ugh.

If anyone cares as much as me, you can prevent people who have your phone # from finding you all over google here: https://security.google.com/settings/security/contactinfo
Why is this a default setting.
Think I'm finally on to a winner. After many first dates, made it to the third date for the first time with an online match, and it was awesome. A girl who is hot, funny and has actually seen more depraved shit on the internet than I have. We were talking about pokemon and I show her that infamous dugtrio pic (you all know the one right?) and she tells me that was her Mixi profile picture all the way through high school... if that isn't destiny then I don't know what is. Anyway we're not official yet but I've stopped arranging dates with other girls. Even when it seems you'll never meet the right person, don't give up dudes.


I heard Vancouver is really nice, and really rich. However, it's also supposed to be really Asian (my egg donation couple was from there), and I wouldn't be surprised if they're just bad at approaching you because Asian culture is kinda like that about this.
Yeah vancouver is rich....if you are rich.

Im not talking about asian guys though, im talking about all guys.


Which is the better option for a second date. First date was lunch and a movie which sucked because we couldn't talk to each other because of the movie(i knew this was the problem beforehand but she was the one who suggested it). Either way I ended that date with a kiss, and I set up date #2 last night.

I have three basic ideas: Picking her up at 7pm.

#1. Dinner at a restaurant overlooking our bayfront, which is right next to our "dock" that we can stroll around after drinks and talk.
Then there's a putt putt course within walking distance.
After the activity we'd go to a lounge/club and have more drinks and maybe do some dancing.

#2. Go to our casino. Play some roulette/slots. Have dinner at their "fine dining" restaurant, then go watch some live music and have drinks.

#3. We have a smaller amusement park. Ride a few rides. Go on the bumper cars, ride the sky ride, play some games. This option doesn't include getting a few drinks into us though.

What say you gaf.
So, when you send out a short message with maybe a few words and questions, and you get one word replies, that's a sign to not bother correct?


Which is the better option for a second date. First date was lunch and a movie which sucked because we couldn't talk to each other because of the movie(i knew this was the problem beforehand but she was the one who suggested it). Either way I ended that date with a kiss, and I set up date #2 last night.

I have three basic ideas: Picking her up at 7pm.

#1. Dinner at a restaurant overlooking our bayfront, which is right next to our "dock" that we can stroll around after drinks and talk.

Then there's a putt putt course within walking distance.
After the activity we'd go to a lounge/club and have more drinks and maybe do some dancing.

#2. Go to our casino. Play some roulette/slots. Have dinner at their "fine dining" restaurant, then go watch some live music and have drinks.

#3. We have a smaller amusement park. Ride a few rides. Go on the bumper cars, ride the sky ride, play some games. This option doesn't include getting a few drinks into us though.

What say you gaf.


So, when you send out a short message with maybe a few words and questions, and you get one word replies, that's a sign to not bother correct?



Sigh... I am once again reminded of me doing this last year, where honestly, it feels like no one is out here really looking to reply to anything. And this is across the board for both POF and OKC.

Don't give up man. If she didn't put in any thought to your reply she's not worth your time.
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