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Online Dating |OT| Please Respond


you can't put a price on sparks
She must have seen something that was a deal breaker. Happens to me pretty much every time a girl stops responding to me (usually after the first response)
how do i respond bros



I've been on a bit of a hot streak on Tinder again. Was talking to a fairly attractive Ecuadorian girl for a couple of hours yesterday into today and she gave me her number with me really trying. She hinted at me that she loves art, loves Dominicans since her best friend is Dominican, complemented me on my name, and got super excited when I told her what I was cooking. She told me she gonna go to sleep and would catch if I wanted to which seems clear to me that she values me very highly that she left the ball in my court. Obviously I am interested in her so I will hit her up once I get up in the morning.

Also been talking to a blonde White girl which seems to be going well and a grad student from Oregon. I think it's because I changed one picture to a screenshot that I took of me doing the ice bucket challenge where I'm giving a thumbs up shirtless and trimmed the content of my profile a bit. Like I said, sometimes there's good days; sometimes there's bad days on Tinder where you don't get matches so keep at it guys. If can get dates out of it, then you guys can too.

Edit: @Kurt Angle, I got something similar a few days ago and messed up myself but man that's a terrible response. Here was the message:



you can't put a price on sparks
I'm going on another date next week I guess. I have to wait until after Saturday sometime before we can plan the day to meet, but I don't want to ask too many questions over text so there's something to talk about by the time we hit the meet up.

She is a little bit frustrating to talk to -- she has that same problem I brought up earlier. She doesn't ask questions back to me at all but she still responds. She asked "how about you" one time. Feels like Im talking to myself again.

Oh well.

@jipan. Wow. That is kinda creepy, though...
She must have seen something that was a deal breaker. Happens to me pretty much every time a girl stops responding to me (usually after the first response)

Oh man. Why hasnt she deleted me then? I literally have very little on my FB. Cant be my posts because I dont make any.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
How do I win at OKC? I want to 100% the game.

No really, I've only had one conversation and she called me ignorant during it.


you win at OKC by not feeling bad about rejections and not expecting more than 1/50 messages to result in a date. It's a test for your ego, basically. If you can't handle getting ignored or rejected out of nowhere, the site's not for you. If you're willing to play the number's game and not use it as your sole hope, you'll be fine.


What the hell did you say?

After sending her a message, she immediately asked me to add her on facebook. I said I don't really use facebook and would rather talk for a while before seeing photos and personal information that may bias my opinion of her.

She called me ignorant and stopped replying to me.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
you win at OKC by not feeling bad about rejections and not expecting more than 1/50 messages to result in a date. It's a test for your ego, basically. If you can't handle getting ignored or rejected out of nowhere, the site's not for you. If you're willing to play the number's game and not use it as your sole hope, you'll be fine.

After sending her a message, she immediately asked me to add her on facebook. I said I don't really use facebook and would rather talk for a while before seeing photos and personal information that may bias my opinion of her.

She called me ignorant and stopped replying to me.


you did nothing wrong. Also, could've been a troll trying to collect pictures from people to use as stock somewhere else.


No Scrubs
After sending her a message, she immediately asked me to add her on facebook. I said I don't really use facebook and would rather talk for a while before seeing photos and personal information that may bias my opinion of her.

She called me ignorant and stopped replying to me.

She probably wanted to make sure you were real.


you did nothing wrong. Also, could've been a troll trying to collect pictures from people to use as stock somewhere else.

Or this.

Funky Papa

Amazing. I know a bit about girls being forward, but I've never found someone that blunt. And that response... Dude.

Anyway, from my latest convo over Adopt a Guy

She: "I've seen you've changed your profile to say that nurses have priority. That's so unfair"
Me: "I can't help, I like crazy!"
She: "Is that because they are huge sluts?"
Me: "I prefer the word uninhibited"
She: "Because that's not an exclusive trait, you know?"

Hi DatingGaf! So I've been trying out Tinder, mostly for fun and friends, but who knows, maybe something will come out of it.

Anyway, I just don't know how to talk to my matches, I get responses when I say hi, but after that I have no clue what to say. They're guys, so what do you guys like to hear? I'm a guy myself but I'm a total newb when it comes to this lol. What do you girls say to guys? Any tips?


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Hi DatingGaf! So I've been trying out Tinder, mostly for fun and friends, but who knows, maybe something will come out of it.

Anyway, I just don't know how to talk to my matches, I get responses when I say hi, but after that I have no clue what to say. They're guys, so what do you guys like to hear? I'm a guy myself but I'm a total newb when it comes to this lol. What do you girls say to guys? Any tips?

"what do you do for fun?"

"what do you study/work as?"

"do you follow any sports?"

"waffles or pancakes?"

"do you know hole-in-the-wall-named-x-restaurant-pub-bar-whatever-anything-literally"

pick those, then let the convo develop organically. ask for phone number and/or date soon if she's responsive.


"what do you do for fun?"

"what do you study/work as?"

"do you follow any sports?"

"waffles or pancakes?"

"do you know hole-in-the-wall-named-x-restaurant-pub-bar-whatever-anything-literally"

pick those, then let the convo develop organically. ask for phone number and/or date soon if she's responsive.
To add to this I usually go with one of the more neutral responses, pick up a conversation thread based around what she said, and go from there. I usually go with one of the following which has gotten me replies (girls are usually excited that they'll make a reference to my profile):

"Hey how's your weekend been going?"

"Hey how's it going?"

"Hey how was your day?"

"Hey how was your weekend? "

Sometimes I'll get creative and come up with something original e.g. send a girl random lyrics to a song, as her a question based around a picture, or send her a pun filled message. Otherwise I send one of the above permutations. It's that easy man. Think of it like having a conversation in real life: they develop out of seemingly neutral comments/questions about mundane things e.g. the weather.
I'm reaching the awkward age bracket where every other person has a kid...

But apart from that it's not so bad.

POF is better for casual dating I've found.

Haven't used Tinder yet, but my town is a state so I doubt I'd find anyone on there


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Okay, so I (probably unwisely) texted shoe girl the same day (though at night) and she doesn't get back to me for a whole day later. And she responds with a completely half assed "sorry, was busy" text. I say it's cool, and make a joke about our meeting, and it's been another day later and she hasn't responded. I'm honestly trying to give her the benefit of the doubt for her lack of replies because it's labor day weekend, but I dunno. If a girl goes through the effort of initiating a conversation and then asking you for your number, you'd think they'd be at least slightly more enthusiastic about responding to your texts. I'm not asking her to be waiting anxiously by her phone every waking minute, but one fricken text in the span of 3 days? Come on, son. The really weird thing is that the same thing happened with the last girl who asked me for my number (except in her case, she never responded at all).

Why do women have to be so weird? :(


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
"No, but I've been told I should start working in an animal shelter because I make all the pussies feel great"

... i got nothing


Since I'm not sure if it's a bot, I retorted "That's a conversation starter." Let's see what happens.

Edit: Bot? Bot. Time to report and and Unmatch.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Since I'm not sure if it's a bot, I retorted "That's a conversation starter." Let's see what happens.




You're not much better than that other guy. You just gotta roll with it instead of being "disgusted" by it. Now what do you think is gonna happen if she's real, she's gonna apologize? No. If she's real she was trying to just get this done quick and dirty and without strings attached, probably not for a conversation.

10 bucks you won't hear from her again


you can't put a price on sparks



You're not much better than that other guy. You just gotta roll with it instead of being "disgusted" by it. Now what do you think is gonna happen if she's real, she's gonna apologize? No. If she's real she was trying to just get this done quick and dirty and without strings attached, probably not for a conversation.

10 bucks you won't hear from her again

Seriously. What the hell is wrong with you guys.

I've never been hit on in my life -- I see these texts to you guys and I'm quite literally astounded because its never anything I've encountered. And then you guys reply the worst way possible

The fuck.


I edited my post. Keep calm guys. It was a bot. Bots usually send outrageous two part questions/message first. I had a feeling it was a bot.

But in terms of real girls, I have a date with the Ecuadorian girl on Monday. Two dates back to back secured and they're both in different museums. I'm actually more excited to meet the Ecuadorian girl than I am to meet the Indian girl.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
yeah sorry if that's her RESPONSE to your question, it sounds like a bot.

also all these messages sound so similar lol.


has anyone actually used one of the escort services from tinder?

Maybe super desperate people dudes who want to get laid or are frustrated with not having any luck on it.

It is extremely annoying wading through droves of bots on Tinder just to get to speak to real girls. And if it's not bots, then it's attention whores that want more Instagram followers to stroke their egos. I always report the bots in an effort to clean up the muck but bots are on every online dating website it seems. Although real girls usually list their Instagram to show that they're real.

Maybe I should make a section in OP on how to spot a bot on Tinder since they're usually composed of 1-4 pictures, have nothing listed on their profile, and usually message users first either with a number or a dirty message.

Also a bit of an update on today's date with the Indian girl (who again is also talking to my brother; he stopped replying to her out of respect for me): she sustained an ankle injury so she can't walk too much and wants me to go to her area which I'm unfamiliar with. I replied saying that I understood and suggested that we could put a rain check on it so she can recover but I wouldn't mind going out to her area to get out of Manhattan. She's yet to reply. I'll keep you guys posted on what she says.


you can't put a price on sparks
The pick up line bots must be new because the bots I used to encounter on tinder were always the ones that said they didn't like using tinder to message and to talk to them on KIK, whatever that is.


The pick up line bots must be new because the bots I used to encounter on tinder were always the ones that said they didn't like using tinder to message and to talk to them on KIK, whatever that is.

Kik is a messaging service ala WhatsApp IIRC. I guess as TInder grows in popularity, spammers create more sophisticated bots that pose as real people to try to sucker in people to their website. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if there's male bots that appear for women as well since I've read several profiles where girls lament getting matched up with them.

Funky Papa

Just chimming in to share a few things I've noticed in the past couple of weeks:

-If some girl starts responding with short sentences or just a couple of words, stop right there.
-If you had a conversation going with somebody who suddenly dropped out of it and/or reverted to monotone responses, try to contact her after a while (maybe a week?). Chances are she was busy or she didn't even know how to continue the conversation. I did this with one girl and got a date with her almost right away.
-The pictures. The goddamn fucking pictures. I'll quote myself from a different thread:

This is ridiculous. After MONTHS not getting any random attention from the womyn on the intertubes, I changed this morning my profile picture at the dating site I frequent with a janky ass, Instagram-like version of a certain one I took using my bathroom mirror and now I can't reply to all the e-mails I'm getting.

-Professional picture in a professional setting with a nice dressy shirt and a tie: I have to work my ass off to get attention.

-Lame bathroom selfie with some crummy filters: "hey, how you doin"

I desist. I will never understand this shit.
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