How do you find those numbers?
Nah if you set the attractiveness filter you'll see an order of numbers in the url that goes something like "25,8000,10000"
where the 8000 and 10000 are the borders of the ratings. (it actually only goes to 9000 but fuck it i didn't write the website)
so if you want to find someone's exact rating you increase the first number (e.g. "25,8500,10000" until the person doesn't show up in your matches anymore. then narrow it down that way until you find the exact cutoff point. at 9000 nobody will show up anymore, so if they show up at 8999 that's the max you can get. No idea how exactly the rating is calculated (e.g. if it takes the mean, or the median, or whatever), but that's how you fine-tune it. I think I was somewhere around 6-7000 or so last time I checked