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Online Dating |OT| Please Respond


so i'm meeting this girl on saturday and i'm super nervous. I want to meet her but it feels like the expectation of this being a date is getting to me rather than meeting her and gradually getting to that point. I know I'm probably being irrational but still. Any tips, i've never done online dating before :/

Just act natural and don't over-think things! Like hipgnosis said, it's all about having a good time.


Well, finally started up a profile on OKC. Would appreciate some feedback since first time doing this.

Link: http://www.okcupid.com/profile/Asane99?cf=profile

Don't use 2 seflies in your photos. Pick one and stick that maybe in your 3rd of 4th photo. Personally, I'd get rid of the smirk. The smiling one is better. For your main, either the cliff one is good, or the cop one with the speech bubbles edited out and the profile crop (you can leave the full size for when they go into your photos) just of you.

Your self summary and What I'm doing is kind of redundant as it's repeating each other (just graduated / major / job). I think your summary should be more of you as a person. What's your personality and what do you like to do. Your opinion on stuff. And the "what you do" for your school and work stuff.

What you're good at is just a list. Maybe condense to a few and then expand upon it a bit.

Favs. is fine

Typical friday night could be better, but you're honest so.. maybe you can rewrite it in a more humorous manner.

Your message me is alright. You could expand what you're looking for a person, but don't go on a diatribe.


Don't use 2 seflies in your photos. Pick one and stick that maybe in your 3rd of 4th photo. Personally, I'd get rid of the smirk. The smiling one is better. For your main, either the cliff one is good, or the cop one with the speech bubbles edited out and the profile crop (you can leave the full size for when they go into your photos) just of you.

Your self summary and What I'm doing is kind of redundant as it's repeating each other (just graduated / major / job). I think your summary should be more of you as a person. What's your personality and what do you like to do. Your opinion on stuff. And the "what you do" for your school and work stuff.

What you're good at is just a list. Maybe condense to a few and then expand upon it a bit.

Favs. is fine

Typical friday night could be better, but you're honest so.. maybe you can rewrite it in a more humorous manner.

Your message me is alright. You could expand what you're looking for a person, but don't go on a diatribe.

Cool. Thanks for the feedback. Will take all that into account.


What's third base and what's her tone now?

Oral sex and other "down there" related activities :p

She sounds more annoyed and non-committal for some reason, and less "hey let's meet up" and inquisitive kind of tone. Which is strange, because I don't really text her that much at all -- maybe a few times or less a day.

Probably found someone else, but I don't know.


Oral sex and other "down there" related activities :p

She sounds more annoyed and non-committal for some reason, and less "hey let's meet up" and inquisitive kind of tone. Which is strange, because I don't really text her that much at all -- maybe a few times or less a day.

Probably found someone else, but I don't know.

Would you maybe have sent a text that she could have taken the wrong way? Or it could just be, she's just stressed from work or something also.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Oral sex and other "down there" related activities :p

She sounds more annoyed and non-committal for some reason, and less "hey let's meet up" and inquisitive kind of tone. Which is strange, because I don't really text her that much at all -- maybe a few times or less a day.

Probably found someone else, but I don't know.

that's what I was gonna say is the most likely culprit, here


you can't put a price on sparks
Oral sex and other "down there" related activities :p

She sounds more annoyed and non-committal for some reason, and less "hey let's meet up" and inquisitive kind of tone. Which is strange, because I don't really text her that much at all -- maybe a few times or less a day.

Probably found someone else, but I don't know.

Maybe she expected sex at some point?

I guess getting to third base made her decide about something or whatever. I guess it would most likely be someone else.


Had a nice first date the other night with a girl I met on OKC, she was cute and (more importantly?) into lots of the same music as I am so it made making conversation a little easier. I texted her asking if she wanted to see a show next weekend, thought I had fucked up the date since she didn't text back, but I eventually got an affirmative response. Woo patience.


Would you maybe have sent a text that she could have taken the wrong way? Or it could just be, she's just stressed from work or something also.

No, at some point she just started fading away in the conversation. Can't really tell when though.

that's what I was gonna say is the most likely culprit, here

Well, she is on an online dating site, which means she has her pick of guys.

Maybe she expected sex at some point?

I guess getting to third base made her decide about something or whatever. I guess it would most likely be someone else.

Oh, she asked if I had a condom when we were really going at it. I didn't have one, neither did she, so we ended up doing other things.

But I wouldn't doubt that she was having second thoughts too, much like I did a few days ago. I'm not looking to smash, and I was certainly surprised at how eager she was to escalate things the other day too. Maybe she thought we were going too fast too?


Got a date tomorrow night! She seems interesting, hoping for the best.

When you guys set up a date, do you go radio silent until the day of and then just shoot a text confirming that it's still on? We set the date up yesterday and I haven't spoken to her since.


you can't put a price on sparks
Got a date tomorrow night! She seems interesting, hoping for the best.

When you guys set up a date, do you go radio silent until the day of and then just shoot a text confirming that it's still on? We set the date up yesterday and I haven't spoken to her since.

I guess it depends. For me, Best way to time it is so that the date is only a couple days away so they don't lose interest and the radio silence isn't weird. But I would do what you are saying usually unless it was maybe a week away or something? I don't know, any dates that were planned for "next week" or more than 3 days away have always been canceled for me.


Homeland Security Fail
I usually still chat up the woman. I don't do that radio silence stuff. I do shoot them a text the day of to confirm there isnt a change of plans.


you can't put a price on sparks
The reason for it is so that you don't run out of things to talk about. I think it's worse to ask the same questions you already asked via online in person cause it makes it seem like you didnt care to remember her initial answer

If you've got enough to talk about and can remember all of what you covered I guess that's a different story.


Homeland Security Fail
Yeah, I understand that point of view.

I guess I don't have a problem talking about random shit. Usually the stuff I talk about through text is how their day was, what they were up to, etc. Small chat. Nothing major.


Full werewolf off the buckle
That's the difficult thing, and every situation is different. As was said, you risk having nothing to talk about on the date. If you've got an event date planned that might be fine
If you go dark you risk her losing interest.

Everything is risk, ladies and gentleman. Weigh them carefully.

As for me, I'm waiting for Blue Hair for an impromptu lunch date. We've got a proper movie date tomorrow night. Things are going exceedingly well, and I hope they continue to do so!


Yep, the points above are exactly what I've been pondering. I feel like zero contact isn't that bad since the date is tomorrow, but I don't want her to think idgaf. I guess I can shoot her a small text later today just seeing how her day's going. Don't see any harm in that.


you can't put a price on sparks
Yep, the points above are exactly what I've been pondering. I feel like zero contact isn't that bad since the date is tomorrow, but I don't want her to think idgaf. I guess I can shoot her a small text later today just seeing how her day's going. Don't see any harm in that.

Yeah, do that and I guess confirm the date for tomorrow. But I'd do it later in the day personally


Homeland Security Fail
That's the difficult thing, and every situation is different. As was said, you risk having nothing to talk about on the date. If you've got an event date planned that might be fine
If you go dark you risk her losing interest.

Everything is risk, ladies and gentleman. Weigh them carefully.

As for me, I'm waiting for Blue Hair for an impromptu lunch date. We've got a proper movie date tomorrow night. Things are going exceedingly well, and I hope they continue to do so!

Good luck. Glad things are going well.


Just saw this doozy in OkCupid...

My self-summary
My names ??????, here's a few things I love:
Country music
Hunter Hayes

Rule breakers (don't even try to message me if you) :
Look at porn
Don't believe in God or Jesus
Do drugs
Believe being gay is fine
Aren't looking for a serious relationship

Just wanna make it clear of what I'm not looking for before we get to know eachother and save both of us time :)
If you do qualify id love to get to know ya ;)

"Everybody's tryin to be a billionaire but everytime I look at you I just don't care."<3

She is very cute in her pictures, but goddamn... I think she just blocked every guy ever in the western world. lol


Full werewolf off the buckle
Good luck. Glad things are going well.

Thanks. We had a really great meal, got to sit down and talk. I know money is tight for her right now so I wanted her to be able to have a nice, hot meal and I put together a little care package for work with some of her favorite snacks in it.

After we ate we sat in my truck in the parking lot since she had to leave for work soon. That's the same place that the deputy stopped us for making out at like 3am after our first date. Same parking spots and everything!

There's no center console so we were snuggling up in the front seat and kissing and such. It was a really fun time. She didn't want to leave for work lol.

Tomorrow night after the movie and dinner we're going to go to this spot I know near my place, where Johnny Law probably won't be an issue lol. It's like this weird road that the county built to nowhere because they ran out of money. On a clear night you can see all kinds of bitchin' stars and shit because the tree line is like miles back in every direction.

I'm hoping it'll be a badass night. I wish I had Sunday off :(


Random "wut" of the day:

I message people in groups when I have downtime, so I message a few people and check for responses later.

I happened to message two Asian women that both looked pretty appealing and interesting profile wise.

1st one: "Thanks, but sorry not interested in white men" Ok. Whatever.
2nd one: "Do you have some kind of weird Asian fetish or something? My roommate said you just messaged her too"

Dem odds. Also wtf.


Random "wut" of the day:

I message people in groups when I have downtime, so I message a few people and check for responses later.

I happened to message two Asian women that both looked pretty appealing and interesting profile wise.

1st one: "Thanks, but sorry not interested in white men" Ok. Whatever.
2nd one: "Do you have some kind of weird Asian fetish or something? My roommate said you just messaged her too"

Dem odds. Also wtf.

The hell?! :lol That's just surreal.


Scaley member
Random "wut" of the day:

I message people in groups when I have downtime, so I message a few people and check for responses later.

I happened to message two Asian women that both looked pretty appealing and interesting profile wise.

1st one: "Thanks, but sorry not interested in white men" Ok. Whatever.
2nd one: "Do you have some kind of weird Asian fetish or something? My roommate said you just messaged her too"

Dem odds. Also wtf.


85% of the women I message are Asian.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Random "wut" of the day:

I message people in groups when I have downtime, so I message a few people and check for responses later.

I happened to message two Asian women that both looked pretty appealing and interesting profile wise.

1st one: "Thanks, but sorry not interested in white men" Ok. Whatever.
2nd one: "Do you have some kind of weird Asian fetish or something? My roommate said you just messaged her too"

Dem odds. Also wtf.

what are the odds LOL
Random "wut" of the day:

I message people in groups when I have downtime, so I message a few people and check for responses later.

I happened to message two Asian women that both looked pretty appealing and interesting profile wise.

1st one: "Thanks, but sorry not interested in white men" Ok. Whatever.
2nd one: "Do you have some kind of weird Asian fetish or something? My roommate said you just messaged her too"

Dem odds. Also wtf.

try a third time and see what happens.


This doesn't really pertain to online dating, but hell, I like you guys and this is a community thread so I figure it'd be alright to talk about normal dates too, right?

I haven't been getting anything at all on tinder in a few days, but today I met two new people that seemed pretty cool. They both went to school together here in town (I did too, but at a different school) so it was a neat coincidence when I met them at Uni. I was at a Swing Dancing lesson and during the free dancing session I asked them both to dance with me and had a good time (first lesson though, we were all awful), and I got to talk to both individually. One of them seemed kind of shy (or just not that interested in me, it was kinda hard to tell lol) and the other was talkative, but both were cute and seemed nice. Sadly I only got the chance to get one of their numbers as the other was asked to dance while I stepped outside to answer a phone call from the person picking me up.

Gonna try texting and see where it goes.

Random "wut" of the day:

I message people in groups when I have downtime, so I message a few people and check for responses later.

I happened to message two Asian women that both looked pretty appealing and interesting profile wise.

1st one: "Thanks, but sorry not interested in white men" Ok. Whatever.
2nd one: "Do you have some kind of weird Asian fetish or something? My roommate said you just messaged her too"

Dem odds. Also wtf.

Holy shit, lol. That's hilarious. Bad luck but at least you've got a story to tell. :p


What do y'all think of "deceiving photos"?

Truly curious.

Depends on how "deceiving" it is IMO. I've met some people that looked different from what I expected but it was nothing major, so I just rolled with it. If I meet a seemingly healthy person whose actually morbidly obese or something though I'd probably be a bit bothered. Wouldn't mention it, but I probably wouldn't keep contact if I thought she was straight up ugly.


Just got back from my pizza date. Things went well. After dinner we hopped to a bar, and we kind connected some more as it was a bit difficult to talk about stuff beyond a superficial level in a small pizza joint and close proximity to the tables next to us. Walked her to her car and made out for a bit.

An hour later she's texts me that she had a good time. I tell her that I want to see her again. We have tentative plans for next weekend.

Also I've been texting this girl all week. Long conversations too so it really is a case by case basis. Really cut out the first date awkwardness.


No Scrubs
What do y'all think of "deceiving photos"?

Truly curious.

How deceiving are we talking? I mean if your pics are a few weeks or months out of date that's one thing, but if you photoshop your pics to make yourself not look like you actually do then that's something else.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Just got back from my pizza date. Things went well. After dinner we hopped to a bar, and we kind of connected. Wake she back to her car and made out for a bit.

An hour later she's texts me that she had a good time. I tell her that I want to see her again. We have tentative plans for next weekend.

Also if been texting this girl all week. Long conversations too so it really is a case by case basis. Really cut out the first date awkwardness.
That's badass, man. Yeah, in most of my experience keeping a rolling conversation going from first contact to the point that shit burns down has been pretty positive. Of course that can backfire if you're unlucky but I tend to think in those cases shit was doomed anyways because I'm a loquacious dude.

Ideally, and as has been the case with the lady I'm currently dating, after the initial response on the dating site I've never actually stopped talking to them during waking hours. To that end our sleep schedules both alter so our conversations sync up better. It's kind of weird but I find it's a great sign of compatibility if a sleep sync happens completely naturally. So, yeah, texting and calling like a maniac has often served me well.
the girl i was supposed to go out with tonight messaged me this morning saying she really connected with this other guy and asked me if I wanted to cancel, which I did.

gonna keep playing the game though.


That's badass, man. Yeah, in most of my experience keeping a rolling conversation going from first contact to the point that shit burns down has been pretty positive. Of course that can backfire if you're unlucky but I tend to think in those cases shit was doomed anyways because I'm a loquacious dude.

Ideally, and as has been the case with the lady I'm currently dating, after the initial response on the dating site I've never actually stopped talking to them during waking hours. To that end our sleep schedules both alter so our conversations sync up better. It's kind of weird but I find it's a great sign of compatibility if a sleep sync happens completely naturally. So, yeah, texting and calling like a maniac has often served me well.

I agree and it highly depends on the person. Some girls just don't like (or are bad) at small talk via texting. I love it. Keeps me entertained at work and I get the "bs" out of the way, or can recall to it when we're face to face.

Works well for me if they're on the same page.


Hey everyone hope all is going well.

So, I have been on my third date already (we have been texting for a month now) and we still haven't kissed, I know he isn't the one that should be solely responsible to kiss but it just seems weird....I could kiss him but I over think it to much and get scared that if the kiss sucks it will ruin everything.



you can't put a price on sparks
Hey everyone hope all is going well.

So, I have been on my third date already (we have been texting for a month now) and we still haven't kissed, I know he isn't the one that should be solely responsible to kiss but it just seems weird....I could kiss him but I over think it to much and get scared that if the kiss sucks it will ruin everything.


is this that same guy from before or someone else

have you guys even touched each other at all


Homeland Security Fail
I would take the shot and go for the kiss. Also, I have the same question as Dave, any touching?


is this that same guy from before or someone else

have you guys even touched each other at all

I would take the shot and go for the kiss. Also, I have the same question as Dave, any touching?

Could be he's just shy and inexperienced.

Lol yeah same guy and yes we have touched, the last date we were cuddling on his couch watching a movie and he was like, I don't know what it's called but ...'petting' my body? like just rubbing nicely and what not.

He says he wants to kiss me but he "over thinks it too much" and gets nervous, which is fine I can completely understand that I just never experienced it before. I guess I will have to just bite the bullet and sneak one in. Now I know how guys feel.


Lol yeah same guy and yes we have touched, the last date we were cuddling on his couch watching a movie and he was like, I don't know what it's called but ...'petting' my body? like just rubbing nicely and what not.

He says he wants to kiss me but he "over thinks it too much" and gets nervous, which is fine I can completely understand that I just never experienced it before. I guess I will have to just bite the bullet and sneak one in. Now I know how guys feel.

If you feel like kissing him go for it. Life be too short.


I just imagined a really awkward conversation about two people talking about kissing where 1 is uncomfortable and no one decided to kiss the other during that.

I'm going to take it this guy's a shy virgin?
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