That damn second message
. It always stops there.
A gem I found today while creeping someone who crept me.
Q: How much does physical attraction matter to you?
A: Not at all
Q: What's the worst thing on a first date?
A: No physical attraction
A gem I found today while creeping someone who crept me.
Q: How much does physical attraction matter to you?
A: Not at all
Q: What's the worst thing on a first date?
A: No physical attraction
A gem I found today while creeping someone who crept me.
Q: How much does physical attraction matter to you?
A: Not at all
Q: What's the worst thing on a first date?
A: No physical attraction
There are so many questions on OKC that I'm sure I've contradicted myself.
Even more so ifi've made a change in an attempt to better match a girl.
There are so many questions on OKC that I'm sure I've contradicted myself.
Even more so ifi've made a change in an attempt to better match a girl.
There is not a single chick near my city that is attractive. All of the attractive girls are like 25+ miles away in different towns, I ain't got time for that.
What are the chances that your soul mate is within 15 miles of you, bro?
Gahh I think I fucked up!
I went on two great dates with this girl from OKC, for the third on Saturday I asked if she wanted to come over and watch a movie, otherwise we could go out. She (surprisingly, to me) took me up on the first option, and came over; it seemed to go well in the beginning, it was something we had both seen before so we were laughing and talking through it, but after awhile I sort of just wanted to actually watch it (also because she put on the special features which I hadn't seen before) so I was a little bit quieter. As soon as the special features bit ended she said she had to be going, and I got the feeling that she wanted to leave pretty much immediately. She had a long day and said she was tired from it when she first came over, but I still got a bad vibe since it seemed abrupt. Up until that point I didn't think our date was as good as the first two, but I still thought she was staying over...
She still let me kiss her goodbye, but the first thing she did in the morning was send me a text thanking me for having her over and saying she couldn't hang out the next day. It could have been a legitimate reason, she sometimes has to babysit during the time we were scheduled to hang out, and that's what she said she had to do, but it seemed like it was also a convenient way to make that the last time we see each other. I just texted back "Yeah that's fine, hope you have a nice Sunday!" or something and we haven't spoken since.
I don't plan on really reaching out again since I feel like the ball is in her court, but I would have loved to know what/if I did wrong. Oh well!
You found the movie more interesting than her.
To be fair, this movie could have been *really* good. Imagine if one is watching Return of the King, and Sam is giving his amazing speech to carry Frodo. That's too epic to pay any attention to anything or anyone else.
You know what's up.
As much as you know what's down. ;-D
Been chatting with this great girl on Tinder for a couple of days now. But, chat is starting to feel a bit stale... there's only so much question prodding that can be done without it feeling forced, I feel. Any idea on when's a good general time to ask a girl out on Tinder?
Been chatting with this great girl on Tinder for a couple of days now. But, chat is starting to feel a bit stale... there's only so much question prodding that can be done without it feeling forced, I feel. Any idea on when's a good general time to ask a girl out on Tinder?
OKC profile updated (info/display pic).
Not really sure my display picture is great, though.
You found the movie more interesting than her.
Ooooft. There's an idea....
But I would have missed loads of snappydialogue if we were chatting. What is a man to do in these situations?!mean girls
Go for coffee, its the best first-date option in existence. Its casual, cheap, and takes place during the day. This is the kind of atmosphere you want when you're figuring one-another out. Something like Starbucks always works.
...are not as attractive as the friend, and often not even in the same league. I have a decent amount of activity and interest in my profile - and I'd say my history with online dating has been extremely positive - I used Yahoo personals in the 2000-2001 tineframe, and after getting divorced used OKCupid and a few flings/hookups from Cragslist. It's not my first rodeo and I have had wonderful luck and even on CL met some really awesome people. I am good at figuring out who I want to see and who I don't. But a new trend I'm seeing is pics that show a woman with their friend and instead of mosaic'ing them out, they show the other woman's friend and they're usually better looking. Why do you suppose they do that?
What is the concept behind that? Let me be clear - I don't judge on outward beauty as much as the average person. I read people's profiles, I evaluate them based on a lot of quick mental "shoot from the hip" metrics when I decide whether or not to make contact. But if I have a more attractive friend and I have a picture with them - sure as shit that's not going in my profile. I am way too insecure for that. I thought that women were way more sensitive about evaluating themselves against their close friends and generally are aware of their "rank" among them.
What I look for is the funniest, the most sunny, the most charismatic woman in a group - not the 10/10 physically. But I really get stuck when I see these profile pics with several people - and learn after investigating that their friend is the pretty one. I see this so often, and it really throws me for a loop. I realize how judgmental that may come off, but when we're browsing these sites, isn't that what it's all about?
Do you folks see this too? If so, any thoughts or insights? Replies from female members would be appreciated too.
Fucking people on Tinder are never free
I only set up my first online dating account less than two weeks ago and the first person I messaged got back to me, we'd been using whatsapp to talk for a while then she wanted to phone me, we talked for 15 hours in 3 days, kinda crazy really. I've told here things I haven't told anyone else and vice versa. Planning to meet tomorrow. I really hope I haven't jinxed it with this post because it feels like it's too good to be true.
I only set up my first online dating account less than two weeks ago and the first person I messaged got back to me, we'd been using whatsapp to talk for a while then she wanted to phone me, we talked for 15 hours in 3 days, kinda crazy really. I've told her things I haven't told anyone else and vice versa. Planning to meet tomorrow. I really hope I haven't jinxed it with this post because it feels like it's too good to be true.
Consider us envious
I'd been meaning to respond to this. With regards to the first paragraph, I can see how Hispanic cultures have this notion that guys are charismatic. However, it's perfectly normal in this day and age. I don't really hang out with Hispanics exclusively any more but in the end of the day, it makes you happy so you don't need to please your family or your friends.Well my mom and sister are starting to come around the idea but they have always been understanding they just tell me to leave it as a last resort since supposebly I'm a good looking guy lol. It's just the thought of how my Spanish friends and my other fam members would react is kinda intimidating not to mention my pops lol
like I don't got trouble meeting girls and starting convos that's easy it's just that every single one of them are taken lol so no luck after I ended my 3yr old relationship ended, Dry spell season lol but things happen when you least expect them tho. But I think I'll give it a try once the semester is over and take a copy of your flow and just date with nothing serious in mind unless I bump into wifey material. Plus I want add some stories along with you guys xD
I agree that a person's profile who's composed exclusively of group pics is a pain in the ass to go through. Especially when they don't indicate which one is the person in question. From what I've observed on Tinder, it's been a bit of a mix bag in terms of the types of group pics I see; in many cases if a girl is attractive, she'll usually be posing with friends that are just as if not more attractive than them. Conversely, In several profiles that I come across if a girl not that attractive, they'll usually be posing with more good looking friends.I've only got one pic of me with someone else and it's not my main one. It's a decent photo of me which is why I use it. Wouldn't surprise me if guys thought she was hotter than me but it isn't in there to mislead. I've noticed some guys also have group shots and it can be hard to tell who's profile it actually is. Kind of annoying!
I know that feel bro. I've tried to make plans a few girls for the weekend but all I've gotten is that they're busy; especially this weekend. For example, this 21 year old girl that I've been talking to told me that she's taking 4 grad level science courses so she doesn't have time to hang out in the weekend since she's always studying. So I told her to let me know when she does have time since I've been wasting my time talking to her. Funny thing is, I saw her posting pics on Tinder's Moment feature today which suggested otherwise. Another girl told me she wouldn't be able to hang out until next week which is a bummer so it's been a waiting game pretty much with many girls that I've been talking to lately. Usually if a girl constantly says she's busy, I move on.Fucking people on Tinder are never free
You were obviously ogling Lindsay Lohan's boobs the whole time, of course she is angry
Fair point, but they were glorious then.
I texted her today, got a long reply where she said things were moving far too fast for her and she got spooked, but that she'd like to continue hanging out. I think I'm fine with that, and told her as much; I like her and we get along well and I find this dating/courting process absolutely exhausting so I don't feel like cutting contact with someone I get along with just because they wouldn't sleep with me on the third date. I just have a feeling that this could go on for a couple of months and she'd still feel the same way and then I'd lose interest.
I hate trying.
Trying sucks.
Everything sucks.
Yes, everyone needs to keep trying since no one is going to deliver you a significant other out of nowhere. But it's still tiring and frustrating.
This ain't exactly true. My cousin's now wife was a good friend of his sister's and his sister introduced them to each other.
MW so dunk.no GU ksls because I drunk guys. Plus it raining. White girls gate me because I drink. I spic. I scum of the earth. I no bag girls in school. They cook blocker. Feel creeped out by spic with goatee. Fuck! No ban. I love white girls more before I graduate. Porque? Why? I want to hw axxcepyed for who I am. Sober up too at school because it final semester. Girls look hot as sin.
I hate the double standards of online dating; the most easiest to recognize being the "Hi" introduction. Women won't be bothered talking to a guy with that introduction, yet they expect a full conversation when they start off with it...
^ lol
going over to your house and watching a movie is moving too fast?
That part was fine but I was sort of expecting her to stay over, and she picked up on that
Edit: Jipan LOL