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Online Dating |OT| Please Respond


For some girls, that would be too fast since you're signaling that you want to have sex. Remember, that if you move too fast, it can be taken by some girls that you just want some meat.

Alternatively, some girls just want sex and can pick up when a guy wants something more. :/


Everyone seems free today, which is nice. To me though, Tinder convos come and go people move on quickly so it's best to meet up before interest dies down. It sucks when you're talking to a few people and none are, then Saturday hits and everyone is. It would be nice to knock out some of these during the week, before interest is gone completely.



lol, Jipan with one of those deep-felt, inner drunken confessions. Its okay, man, we've all been there. :D


Thanks guys and yes, laugh away since the quote is still there. It's fine with me. :D The context for that drunk rant was that in a nutshell, I went to a big Halloween party last night that was in my college. I got pretty damn hammered, danced my ass off, and played flip cup with a bunch girls and dudes including a trio of attractive white girls. I'd apparently hit it of with one of them that was wearing a red dress despite both of us being stupidly drunk that I started flirting with her and we clicked. However, her friends pretty much denied me from getting her number and I forgot to get her name that they whisked her away that they kept super close to her. With no wing men to distract the friends, I was fighting a losing battle.

Eventually the party ended and I went out to the hall to wait outside the cafeteria. As I saw her being pulled down the escalators by her friends, we both briefly made eye contact and waved at each other before her head disappeared down the stairs. That was a bummer since I have no way of finding her at all with no name unless I anonymously post a missed connection post on my college's secrets page. My friend said it sounded like it was literally a Cinderella story which now that I think about it, it's true and makes sense.

In other news, I got a 32 year old woman's number earlier today who's pretty much DTF that she wanted me to go "keep her warm." I offered to go to her place to keep her warm playing around when she suddenly was serious about it that she said that I should bring a mask then asked me what I would like to drink. That's when I realized that she wasn't kidding which made my jaw drop.

Unfortunately, I realized that I have a cold sore and told her so which she understood, thanked me for it, and was cool with rescheduling it for next week after I treat it daily. Therefore plans with girls have been put in the back burner or if I do plan to hang out with girls, then no kissing. She said that it's gonna get colder any way to which I told her that I would warm her up. She's incredibly smart that she's well traveled on top of having a PhD and she teaches in a prison. Even though she looks average, the stories that she has from having lived in so many countries fascinates me. I'm looking forward to meeting her; encounters like this only come so often but it's all thanks to the magic of Tinder. I'm loving it.
Welp, got a date lined up for tonight. I don't really get nervous for many things but this is something I'm actually nervous about. I've rarely been on the dating scene in a while, mostly because I was with an ex for two years prior to August so I'm really nervous as to how to go about with this date. I'm even in "what the hell should I wear" mode.



Welp, got a date lined up for tonight. I don't really get nervous for many things but this is something I'm actually nervous about. I've rarely been on the dating scene in a while, mostly because I was with an ex for two years prior to August so I'm really nervous as to how to go about with this date. I'm even in "what the hell should I wear" mode.

I feel you. Been single for a year now and I STILL get the "what the hell should I wear" mode.

Was talking to a really nerdy guy that I liked and he asked to meet me, so I set a date and time and then eventually a place. Today was the day, and I get a text asking to reschedule because of 'sickness'. I don't know about anyone else but I am fucking sick and tired of guys desperate to meet up only to 'cancel' before the date, I at least appreciate the fact that he told me....which is more than I can say for most guys. So after a long break from POF I am back on and just feel tired.


Welp, got a date lined up for tonight. I don't really get nervous for many things but this is something I'm actually nervous about. I've rarely been on the dating scene in a while, mostly because I was with an ex for two years prior to August so I'm really nervous as to how to go about with this date. I'm even in "what the hell should I wear" mode.

Nice, hopefully it's something simple and relaxing e.g. getting drinks and chatting. Quick tips to prepare for it:
  • Make sure you trim down your finger nails in case touching goes down. Wolverine claws will scare girls away unless you're a musician.
  • Breathe son. Seriously. Look at yourself front of the mirror, take a deep breath and tell yourself that you're not meeting your future wife and that you're gonna have a good time. I found this advice in a book I looked at in Barnes and Noble once who's name escapes me.
  • Take it easy. Don't overthink about your actions. If you want to pay for something, then don't hesitate to do it. If the girl wants to hug, then go for a hug.
  • Feel out the mood of the hangout/date. The first few minutes of meeting sets the tone for the rest of the date in my experience. If the intro was somewhat cold and it felt a bit tense, then that's probably gonna be that way for the rest of the date and vice versa if it felt warm.
  • I would say not to approach it as a date since it's such a loaded word. Think of it more as hanging out with someone that you'd like to get to know better and if it doesn't lead anywhere then at least you learned something from it.
  • As for your clothes, I would say to wear a nice polo or a button up shirt that you only wear once in while to go out with friends. As long it looks clean and presentable but still true to your sense of fashion, it's fine. I recommend staying away from video game themed shirts and sports jerseys, as well as suit/business casual stuff since that's overkill and it will give the girl the impression that you must be rich. Your outfit speaks loudly about you with saying a single word; the colors, the type of clothes, whether or not you like to match shirts with shoes/sneaker colors, etc.

As for anything else, I invite you to read the OP since I threw a ton of advice into it. Also check out PXG's Dating-Age OT2 OP since it has all kinds of good advice. Good luck man.
Had a lady friend over last night.




gugi40 said:
Was talking to a really nerdy guy that I liked and he asked to meet me, so I set a date and time and then eventually a place. Today was the day, and I get a text asking to reschedule because of 'sickness'. I don't know about anyone else but I am fucking sick and tired of guys desperate to meet up only to 'cancel' before the date, I at least appreciate the fact that he told me....which is more than I can say for most guys. So after a long break from POF I am back on and just feel tired.

What happened to the guy who had you something going on with that there was sexual tension? Did any of you guys ever make a move or did you throw in the towel with him? As for the rescheduling stuff, I know that feel sis. A girl I'd been talking to for the better half of a month (not the girl who lives 2 states over) without meeting up with told me that she doesn't see us meeting us since we both lead different lives because she has a full time job that has her working in the weekend versus me having free time as a student and told me that the distance would be another issue (she lives in the city). I told her we could be friends and it doesn't have mean that we have to completely burn our bridges but I think that it was for the best so I'm not mad; I deleted her number and texts and that was that.

So a quick update on the 32 year old woman, the texts have gotten pretty steamy and sexual so things are gonna go down when I see her since we've been talking nothing but sex for the past several hours. She's been complimenting me ("you're adorable," etc.) and in fact re initiated texting with me today.
/stealthbrag lol
This cold sore couldn't be gone sooner as I'm treating it daily every day to be ready to go next weekend. I can see this being a weekly/bi-weekly booty call which to be honest, seems to work for me as opposed to slow paced dating style which I'm still all for. Then again, time commitments for both parties are everything and anything so scheduling stuff has been a pain in the ass. Especially with girls that live in the city or work demanding full time jobs and/or have intense classes.


What happened to the guy who had you something going on with that there was sexual tension? Did any of you guys ever make a move or did you throw in the towel with him? As for the rescheduling stuff, I know that feel sis. A girl I'd been talking to for the better half of a month (not the girl who lives 2 states over) without meeting up with told me that she doesn't see us meeting us since we both lead different lives because she has a full time job that has her working in the weekend versus me having free time as a student and told me that the distance would be another issue (she lives in the city). I told her we could be friends and it doesn't have mean that we have to completely burn our bridges but I think that it was for the best so I'm not mad; I deleted her number and texts and that was that.

So a quick update on the 32 year old woman, the texts have gotten pretty steamy and sexual so things are gonna go down when I see her since we've been talking nothing but sex for the past several hours. This cold sore couldn't be gone sooner as I'm treating it daily every day to be ready to go next weekend. I can see this being a weekly/bi-weekly booty call which to be honest, seems to work for me as opposed to slow paced dating style which I'm still all for. Then again, time commitments for both parties are everything and anything so scheduling stuff has been a pain in the ass. Especially with girls that live in the city or work demanding full time jobs and/or have intense classes.
I did not trust that guy even a little, we ended up kissing but then he got ideas and when we were saying goodbye he put my hand on his crotch lol I was kind of grosses out so that among other things made me lose all interest.
People need to know what they want with their interests I feel like too many times people will use others as an experiment to see if they like anything or not. I know dating is all about the feeling out for interests but damn sometimes I wonder what people really want.


So what do you guys usually open with on Tinder? :V

I mean when people don't have About Me's or only have about one sentence to go off of I can't think of anything to say other than "Yo! What's up?" Gets a conversation going much easier than "hi", but for whatever reason I am just not getting replies lately lol.


Homeland Security Fail
Bit of an update I guess. I went back through my posts here to check when I started dating the woman from Tinder. Its closing in on two months now. Things have been going great. Been on a date almost every week to different places. She is smart, fun and the sex is good.

This is the longest I have dated someone that I haven't already asked to be a relationship with or dropped. And I honestly don't want to be in a relationship at this moment. I'm having a lot of fun being single, but it is really the time aspect as well. With school and work, I barely have time for myself. She is busy herself, which is maybe why the topic of being gf/bf hasn't come up.

On a side note, I started on a road of a FWB with a 18 year old, and I have asked out a 25 year old for drinks this weekend.

So what do you guys usually open with on Tinder? :V

I mean when people don't have About Me's or only have about one sentence to go off of I can't think of anything to say other than "Yo! What's up?" Gets a conversation going much easier than "hi", but for whatever reason I am just not getting replies lately lol.

I usually do:

1) Something witty based off of their profile.
2) Something witty based on a picture.
3) A corny or out of left field type of line if the first two fail.

Ex: "Are you a campfire? Because you are hot and I want s'more."


you can't put a price on sparks
every other girl is looking for a partner in crime

i dont want to be a criminal

i also thought this was funny:

I am independent but far from being a feminist. I like a manly man with a good mix of chivalry/swag(for lack of a better word) Basically, a man who will open the door for me but smack my butt as I walk by.


Woohoo! Coffee date with girl went awesome! Spent three hours just talking about stuff until it got dark out. Already have another date planned for Thursday! Now I just need to come up with something fun but casual to do on Thursday...

Fairly certain I need to break it off with another girl I've been messaging. Not because I'm committing to first girl already, but because the more she talks, the more I realize she's looking for a very specific man that I don't know I can be. Very religious, no sex until marriage, no question. If she was worth it, I could make that work. But she's not big on touching of any kind...not hugs, kisses, cuddling. Doesn't watch any TV or Netflix. Even feels guilty about watching movies. Feel bad about what flirting/leading on I've been doing.


Woohoo! Coffee date with girl went awesome! Spent three hours just talking about stuff until it got dark out. Already have another date planned for Thursday! Now I just need to come up with something fun but casual to do on Thursday...

Fairly certain I need to break it off with another girl I've been messaging. Not because I'm committing to first girl already, but because the more she talks, the more I realize she's looking for a very specific man that I don't know I can be. Very religious, no sex until marriage, no question. If she was worth it, I could make that work. But she's not big on touching of any kind...not hugs, kisses, cuddling. Doesn't watch any TV or Netflix. Even feels guilty about watching movies. Feel bad about what flirting/leading on I've been doing.

Mini Golf hasn't failed me yet. Playing a game, but lots of time to chat in between holes/shots. Maybe a drink or two (max) afterwards.

For paragraph number 2: bail the fuck outta there.


I think I posted in the OkCupid thread once or twice around March of 2013. At the time I had gone on a few succesful dates with a girl and never reported back. I figured everyone here is dying to hear how everything went from there ;)

Anyway, we've been dating ever since and have been living together for about a month now. We have a very nice place together and things are going really well.

So yeah, these things can work out without complications if you find the right person. I wish everyone the best in their endeavours!


I think I posted in the OkCupid thread once or twice around March of 2013. At the time I had gone on a few succesful dates with a girl and never reported back. I figured everyone here is dying to hear how everything went from there ;)

Anyway, we've been dating ever since and have been living together for about a month now. We have a very nice place together and things are going really well.

So yeah, these things can work out without complications if you find the right person. I wish everyone the best in their endeavours!

Nice to hear. :) You should post some tips and stuff sometime for this thread when you have time.
You know what's tough? your lady friend being away for the weekend and having limited communication her.


And 10 minutes after I make this post here comes the "gm" text from her.


You know what's tough? your lady friend being away for the weekend and having limited communication her.


And 10 minutes after I make this post here comes the "gm" text from her.

I've lost count of the times that I've been absurdly frustrated, only to have the girl message me shortly after.


I did not trust that guy even a little, we ended up kissing but then he got ideas and when we were saying goodbye he put my hand on his crotch lol I was kind of grosses out so that among other things made me lose all interest.
People need to know what they want with their interests I feel like too many times people will use others as an experiment to see if they like anything or not. I know dating is all about the feeling out for interests but damn sometimes I wonder what people really want.
Hahaha, I can see how you would creeped out so I don't blame you for bailing out since he was being a bit too desperate. That's not cool. And I agree with the latter statement; I can see how that would frustrate people if you don't lay your cards on the table at some point. It's a waste of time to both parties if one isn't being honest with the other.
So what do you guys usually open with on Tinder? :V

I mean when people don't have About Me's or only have about one sentence to go off of I can't think of anything to say other than "Yo! What's up?" Gets a conversation going much easier than "hi", but for whatever reason I am just not getting replies lately lol.
Personally, I just go with a neutral "Hey how's it going?" or "Hey how was your was your weekend/[holiday]?" No need to overthink about things or try to come up with a witty message to send out each time. Sometimes I get creative but most of the time I don't. I get replies and branch off into other conversation topics from there.
Bit of an update I guess. I went back through my posts here to check when I started dating the woman from Tinder. Its closing in on two months now. Things have been going great. Been on a date almost every week to different places. She is smart, fun and the sex is good.

This is the longest I have dated someone that I haven't already asked to be a relationship with or dropped. And I honestly don't want to be in a relationship at this moment. I'm having a lot of fun being single, but it is really the time aspect as well. With school and work, I barely have time for myself. She is busy herself, which is maybe why the topic of being gf/bf hasn't come up.

On a side note, I started on a road of a FWB with a 18 year old, and I have asked out a 25 year old for drinks this weekend.

I usually do:

1) Something witty based off of their profile.
2) Something witty based on a picture.
3) A corny or out of left field type of line if the first two fail.

Ex: "Are you a campfire? Because you are hot and I want s'more."
stealth brag. ;p
That's damn good son. I dunno how you do it. People should be learning more from you than me.I've been on a bit of dry streak for the past couple of months with dates but it hasn't been all that bad because I've been able to hang out with friends and relax on the weekends since I don't play video games on the weekend anymore nor have the desire to do so. We'll see how the hook up with this 32 year old plays out. If I'm not feeling her after that encounter, I won't see her again. The only reason I'm going for it is because it's a much older woman but at the same time, I have my doubts since she doesn't any shots of her mid section which is a bit of a concern for me. I'll see if I get her to send me a picture.

I like how we're all basically all in the same boat. I really do enjoy being single as well despite girls giving me the busy card. It's the freedom man as much as I love dating since it hasn't . After I finish school this semester is when I'm when I'm really going to have to start kicking off my freelancing career, making money, and figure out what I want to do.

Lulubob said:
I got so many Tinder matches last [night] reason for some reason, hopefully I can get something going for today
Good luck man and watch out for bots. Maybe it was because Halloween weekend ended and girls are back to checking it and swiping. Following up with girls who haven't replied in several days doesn't hurt in doing. You can gauge girls who are still interest by posting a Moment picture.


When it's bots they usually message me first with whatever they're trying to do.

The "hey, how are you?" is my go to on Tinder as well.

Never tried a moment picture thing. Some girl said she's free Wed, she lives around here too. I work Graveyard shifts, so I imagine normal people are still at work.


Mini Golf hasn't failed me yet. Playing a game, but lots of time to chat in between holes/shots. Maybe a drink or two (max) afterwards.

For paragraph number 2: bail the fuck outta there.

Too cold here for mini golf, and the only indoor places are a good drive away (~30 min). There's a "classic" bowling alley nearby (read: no blacklights or neon) that's within walking distance to a lot of food places. Thoughts?
Just an update on last night, I think it went well. There were no awkward silences, the conversation flowed, we made each other laugh...I'm hoping a second one is in the works soon. I got a handshake in the beginning and a hug at the end. Progress I guess lol.

Again, hope for round 2 comes soon.


Just an update on last night, I think it went well. There were no awkward silences, the conversation flowed, we made each other laugh...I'm hoping a second one is in the works soon. I got a handshake in the beginning and a hug at the end. Progress I guess lol.

Again, hope for round 2 comes soon.

Shit, you should have went for the hug at the beginning. Handshakes are too weird when you meet a girl.

Unless, it's for business, it just seems wrong to me.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Shit, you should have went for the hug at the beginning. Handshakes are too weird when you meet a girl.

Unless, it's for business, it just seems wrong to me.


I always go straight for the hug when first seeing them. Establish physical contact! then you can end it on a hug on the first date too without having to worry about what to do. Since if she didn't like the hug when you first saw her you'll know right away LOL. But I've never had someone react negatively to a hug.
every other girl is looking for a partner in crime

i dont want to be a criminal

i also thought this was funny:

Sounds like a great girl. Wish more were like that, instead of being so uptight about everything

Mini Golf hasn't failed me yet. Playing a game, but lots of time to chat in between holes/shots. Maybe a drink or two (max) afterwards.

For paragraph number 2: bail the fuck outta there.

Agreed with the Mini-Golf. Unlike the coffee date it offers a lot more opportunity for physical contact. Don't get me wrong, the coffee date is easily the cheapest and most convenient to first meet someone but often leaves questions whether they are interested or not, even if the conversation is good. With Mini-Golf, or anything else that lets you get physical, you can get a much better indication whether the girl is interested or not.

Shit, you should have went for the hug at the beginning. Handshakes are too weird when you meet a girl.

Unless, it's for business, it just seems wrong to me.

Agreed 100%..Nothing more awkward to me than shaking a girls hand, except in a professional environment, like you said. Im more of a "kiss hello" guy myself though. The key is to just go for it like its the natural thing to do. I have never had any hesitations from a woman.


Homeland Security Fail
Seriously need some help here guys. Let me preface this by mentioning that I'm an 18 y/o mixed gay male in NYC.

Been using tinder for about two months now to find guys and of the five dates I've been on not a single one was successful. In fact four out of five decided to friend-zone me and not pursue anything romantic, the odd-ball just blew me off completely afterwards. I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing wrong here.. they guys that friend-zoned me were all around four or five years older than me so maybe that's a factor here? I'm honestly not sure, I'm just so tired of this cat & mouse game though. Any tips?

Are you looking for something romantic or a hook up?

Tinder is mostly used for hook ups. Not to say you can't or won't find romance through it, but maybe the guys were looking for hook up/mess around and they got a relationship vibe from you.


Truthfully I do have a tendency to go back and forth between the two. I have hooked up on tinder before, ideally however I'd like to have a relationship right now in my life. It might actually be a combination of me giving off the "I want a monogamous relationship" vibe like you said and coming on too strong, because I constantly find myself second-guessing what I'm saying to whomever I'm chatting with and more often that not I'm the one who doesn't get messaged back.

Why not use OkC instead of Tinder?
Just created a tinder, how does matching work? Is there any advantages/disadvantages of being logged on or what

Edit: oh boy, got a match. what do i say pls


you can't put a price on sparks
Maybe im too quick to complain about this one but got a match on cmb again, but she's another one of those that doesn't ask questions back. Like I'm having a conversation with myself again. Ugh.


I've tried OKC, don't get many responses on there so I've pretty much given up on it. How's POF?

POF is kind of like Tinder in that there are a lot more people there looking for hookups. You could try a paid site, but I don't know if Match has features for gay matching.


So I went ahead and reset with a fresh set of pics (most of which I took during Halloween). The super in depth About Me didn't seem to be doing me any favors either so I tried to go witty and keep it simple. Thoughts?


I wanted to cover all my bases with the photos. Profile, goofy personality pic, photography, longboarding.


you can't put a price on sparks
That's so cheesy that it actually might work

Gorgonzola or cheddar

so, that girl i was talking to ended up smoothing out a little bit and she actually asked if i wanted to meet up for drinks so we're going on Wednesday.
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