Junior Member
Does anyone know what happens if you choose to take a bagel from your other suggested bagels on CMB? There is one I'm slightly interested in but just want to see her profile before deciding whether to like or pass.
Oh man, feel like I'm getting friendzoned bad here. First date ended with a handshake. First text message afterwards she tells me she thinks we'd make "great friends". So I decide to step things up, ask her to get dinner at one of two casual restaurants with pretty good food. I get countered with suggestions for a bar or indian buffet.
Best I can hope for now is that she just doesn't like leaving her comfort zone that much. But I'm no banking on that.
Its easy, bro. If you want to change the situation... change it! You basically have to bluntly tell her that "I don't want to be friends and am looking for a relationship. If you're down, let's do this. Otherwise, see you around!"Oh man, feel like I'm getting friendzoned bad here. First date ended with a handshake. First text message afterwards she tells me she thinks we'd make "great friends". So I decide to step things up, ask her to get dinner at one of two casual restaurants with pretty good food. I get countered with suggestions for a bar or indian buffet.
Best I can hope for now is that she just doesn't like leaving her comfort zone that much. But I'm no banking on that.
So I have been on a dating site for a few weeks so far with not much luck.
I messaged one last girl and she replied.
However her messages were allways short and didn't allways talk about my last message.
I wasn't really feeling it with her so I said screw it and just asked her out for a coffee unless she wanted to chat some more.
She replied and said ok and also gave me her number with out me having to ask.
A bit up front based on my past experiences.
I messaged her again to arrange where to meet for coffee and she took a while to reply and said how about just going to her house.
She would be home by 4, work out, then shower and "be presentable" by 6 and she'd also order take out and we'd watch movies.
Wtf is sex going to happen or I imaging I it?
Her profile also mentioned shed just got out of a three year relationship...
I've only had sex with one previous girl before and only a couple of times.
I've don a lot of dating with not much success but this situation has never happened to me before.
I can't tell if you're kidding. Don't do this.Let me put it this way, sex is a lot more likely now than if she has just asked to meet at a cafe.
What you really need to do now is text her back and ask if she "needs any help in the shower"
So I have been on a dating site for a few weeks so far with not much luck.
I messaged one last girl and she replied.
However her messages were allways short and didn't allways talk about my last message.
I wasn't really feeling it with her so I said screw it and just asked her out for a coffee unless she wanted to chat some more.
She replied and said ok and also gave me her number with out me having to ask.
A bit up front based on my past experiences.
I messaged her again to arrange where to meet for coffee and she took a while to reply and said how about just going to her house.
She would be home by 4, work out, then shower and "be presentable" by 6 and she'd also order take out and we'd watch movies.
Wtf is sex going to happen or I imaging I it?
Her profile also mentioned shed just got out of a three year relationship...
I've only had sex with one previous girl before and only a couple of times.
I've don a lot of dating with not much success but this situation has never happened to me before.
I wonder too :/I can't tell if you're kidding. Don't do this.
Personally, I've found that I Meetup groups feel a bit too clique-ish having gone to a few of them in that it's already an established group where a newcomer has to break their way into the group. That being said, there were cute girls in the meet up group that I went to for Social Anxiety and many people were pretty intelligent whereas some of them were reserved. It's not that hard to make friends within Meetup groups so much as it is consistently going to the group's event to become a regular.Liquid encouragement is what you need! You should look into a Meetup group if your circle isn't too outgoing anymore. You'll usually find people in the same situation as yourself to relate to. There were a few cute girls I talked to the last time I went to a meetup group, though picking up girls isn't really the purpose of it lol.
There's nothing wrong with you at all. The last 6 dates I went on with different girls didn't lead anywhere past a first date despite thinking it went all right. It's sucked a bit since it's made me wonder what went wrong but then I accept the fact that it could've been that they set high expectations of me. Although as a result, I've become a bit more cynical as I really haven't been on a date where I've clicked with a girl in a while. I think it might have to do the fact that I've gone out with girls that don't have the same level of interest in producing art as much as appreciating it.Went on two dates last week with average looking girls but they both weren't feeling it. Now my confidence is kinda low. I think I'm pretty alright looking, and dates almost always go well. Bleh.
Can't win all the time. Just keep it up. At least you had two nights out and met some new people, better then staying inWent on two dates last week with average looking girls but they both weren't feeling it. Now my confidence is kinda low. I think I'm pretty alright looking, and dates almost always go well. Bleh.
I would just get to the point, don't text too long. You can only keep a texting conversation interesting for so long, so make sure to ask before you both get bored. The museum thing is the perfect thing. "I should really visit it, you want to guide me around when you get back?" Or something in that direction would be what I'd do.I've come asking for input on something that's not related to online dating. A few days ago I got a cute girl's number who's an aspiring painter after seeing her in the art studios and eventually going to an open class critique with her to get tipsy off wine. She mentioned being baffled by the fact that I'd never been to this one museum near my college despite passing by it dozens of times. She also mentioned that she's gonna fly out home to Florida for the holidays on Tuesday.
Normally I'm pretty bad with getting girls' numbers in person that either my interest or their interest goes down the drain soon after getting it since I either don't text them at all or don't suggest hanging out. I texted her yesterday and we had a brief conversation before she stopped responding which has made question her interest since she reinitialized the conversation from Friday evening. Any way, my question is am I overthinking about it and wait for her to reinitiate it? Or should I hit her up and ask her how long she's gonna be gone for so we can hang out after she gets back, getting to the point in the process? I don't want to drop the ball on this one seeing as we share a common interest in producing art so I feel like I'm overthinking about it. Thanks guys.
Being Hispanic is tough since women will expect an ideal image of a man only to be disappointed when it turns out to be the opposite of what they expected. Keep on trucking is what I say.
Its easy, bro. If you want to change the situation... change it! You basically have to bluntly tell her that "I don't want to be friends and am looking for a relationship. If you're down, let's do this. Otherwise, see you around!"
People WILL respond to that because they will see that you're assertive and know what you want. If you don't do this, however, then you will end up friends. Which you can use to meet other women.
Hm, got a like on OKC from a girl with no profile photos, though it says under the 'you should message me if...' bit that she's happy to send out photos via email.
I'm kinda intrigued as we have a decent match % and while her profile doesn't stand out to me it doesn't turn me off either, but not putting up a profile photo seems like a red flag to me, especially since her questions indicate that she thinks physical attraction is super-important. Am I just being paranoid here or should I be treading very carefully?
Her profile doesn't go into huge amounts of depth but it's filled out with what's she doing in her life and some likes and stuff, and from the way it's written (little asides and details) it seems... genuine, I guess? I honestly have little experience with online dating so I wouldn't know if this was spammy or not.Seems spammy to me, does the rest of the profile looked filled out and stuff?
You can shoot a short message, nothing to lose really. Just don't give out your own info. I wouldn't trust it too much.Her profile doesn't go into huge amounts of depth but it's filled out with what's she doing in her life and some likes and stuff, and from the way it's written (little asides and details) it seems... genuine, I guess? I honestly have little experience with online dating so I wouldn't know if this was spammy or not.
Her profile doesn't go into huge amounts of depth but it's filled out with what's she doing in her life and some likes and stuff, and from the way it's written (little asides and details) it seems... genuine, I guess? I honestly have little experience with online dating so I wouldn't know if this was spammy or not.
Can someone help me wrap my head around this?
It sounds like she wanted sex, and she wanted you to initiate things. Late night grocery shopping being used as an excuse to end the date, as the easiest way to get you to leave is to leave herself.
Can someone help me wrap my head around this?
So I have a PoF I'm barely on. I decided to sign on today and fix it up a bit, and I get a message from some girl asking if I was down to fuck. She's pretty cure and of course I reply yes, and ask if she is too. She says yea, so I'm like 'ok are you free now'? No reply unfortunately, maybe I came on too strong.
Can someone help me wrap my head around this?
So I had been chatting to this girl on a dating website for 3 or 4 days.
I asked her out for coffee and we were gonna goto a place for our first date but she later changed it and asked if I just wanted to goto her house instead and we could watch a movie.
Well that which kinda surprised me and I thought that meant she maybe wanted sex. Her dating profile also mentioned she recently got out of a 3 year relationship......
So I went to her house, and greeted her (no hug or kiss greeting) and then we went out and got some food, chatted a bit more while waiting and then went back to her place to eat it and watch the movie.
Now the whole time she never really gave me any signals! While we were on the couch watching the movie she didn't lean against me or touch me. It was the first time we had met so it just didn't feel right to try and force a move on her at this point.
At one point I moved a bit closer to her when she got up and went to the kitchen to her but nothing happened.
There was lots of laughing, eye contact and no awkward silences though. We also have alot in common. I did also playfully touch her a few times like on the arm or hand.
I texted her later that night saying I had a good time and enjoyed meeting her and that she had good taste in movies and games and like almost 24hours later she sends a reply saying "cheers."
I'm just wondering if I screwed up here? Maybe I should have made a move on her????
Towards the end of the night she mentioned she had to go out and do some late grocery shopping so she was getting ready while the movie was finishing and Im there thinking 'ok its now impossible to make a move without it being weird' What was I supposed to do? Interrupt her getting ready and just grab her and kiss her? That wouldnt seem appropriate.
Can someone help me wrap my head around this?
So I'm using OKC, and I can't see the people who like me without paying? That doesn't make any sense.
On the mobile site you can see the date that they "liked" you. See if it matches up with the date they visited your profile. OKC will send you an email (if it's enabled) if you both like each other so you could just like every profile that visits you.
How many times, for what reasons, how advance a notice, etc.? You have a better idea then us. If valid things came up with plenty of notice I wouldn't worry; If she's canceled more than you've gone out with little advance notice then it could be a sign she's stringing you along for attention. This part of year I wouldn't worry too much but if it becomes a bad habit once were into January I'd take notice.So guys, help me out here.
I've been talking to this girl for the better part of two months now. We had a really good date a few weeks ago. We text each other and talk with each other on the phone occasionally. And I get the impression that she's into me and enjoys my company... and it doesn't seem like she's seeing someone else, but I could be wrong on that part.
The issue is that things I plan always get canceled or things come up on her side. I'm mostly a patient person, but I'm truly wondering at what point do I say to myself that this isn't working?
I mean, some of the stuff can be chalked up to the stresses of the holiday season or the year-end crunch or other things. We're both near-middle-aged professionals too. Is this the new normal for dating at 30? Or is there something truly wrong with this picture?
Just re-set up my profile since I moved. If anybody could help critique it, would be helpful.
Quote to reveal link to profile.
I'd take some new pictures. You're pretty inactive in these, so you don't come across as that interesting. Sounds harsh, I know, but pictures are 90% of the game. Take a good one of your face as your main and a few others being out. Make sure the lighting is OK also.Just re-set up my profile since I moved. If anybody could help critique it, would be helpful.
Quote to reveal link to profile.
How do I find that? I can't find it.
So guys, help me out here.
I've been talking to this girl for the better part of two months now. We had a really good date a few weeks ago. We text each other and talk with each other on the phone occasionally. And I get the impression that she's into me and enjoys my company... and it doesn't seem like she's seeing someone else, but I could be wrong on that part.
The issue is that things I plan always get canceled or things come up on her side. I'm mostly a patient person, but I'm truly wondering at what point do I say to myself that this isn't working?
I mean, some of the stuff can be chalked up to the stresses of the holiday season or the year-end crunch or other things. We're both near-middle-aged professionals too. Is this the new normal for dating at 30? Or is there something truly wrong with this picture?
On the one hand, it's been two months and she hasn't bailed yet, which means she likes you enough to keep in touch. Her cancellations may just be really bad luck or timing.
On the other hand, if things should progress to the point that you're dating exclusively, would the cancelling still occur? Is her inability to commit part of a bigger problem? Does she have time for you, and will she make time for you?
Ehm... she is still alive right?Well we ate and watched the movie but half way through she kinda passed out / fell asleep because she was tired.....
WTF? How am I supposed to be escalating and making her more comfortable with me when she falls asleep? When the movie ended I tried to wake her up and even suggested that I leave and let her sleep but she wouldn't wake up / respond so I just left. I mean wtf else was there to do????
God damn I had hoped to at least kiss her this second date and show my interest but that obviously didn't happen.
God damn I had hoped to at least kiss her this second date and show my interest but that obviously didn't happen.
I have a tentative date this evening. I don't know how to do casual/NSA stuff.
Someone give me the cliff notes. hahah