Got talking to this girl on OKC. She's 18, from London, is fit as fuck, and wants to fuck me. She tells me everything she wants to do to me. We swap numbers. I call her, she answers. She says she needs to tell me something. The reason she can afford to live in an apartment and not be in debt at uni? She's a motherfucking porn star. Or adult entertainer. A porn star either way.
Maximum trolling?
Got talking to this girl on OKC. She's 18, from London, is fit as fuck, and wants to fuck me. She tells me everything she wants to do to me. We swap numbers. I call her, she answers. She says she needs to tell me something. The reason she can afford to live in an apartment and not be in debt at uni? She's a motherfucking porn star. Or adult entertainer. A porn star either way.
Got talking to this girl on OKC. She's 18, from London, is fit as fuck, and wants to fuck me. She tells me everything she wants to do to me. We swap numbers. I call her, she answers. She says she needs to tell me something. The reason she can afford to live in an apartment and not be in debt at uni? She's a motherfucking porn star. Or adult entertainer. A porn star either way.
Got talking to this girl on OKC. She's 18, from London, is fit as fuck, and wants to fuck me. She tells me everything she wants to do to me. We swap numbers. I call her, she answers. She says she needs to tell me something. The reason she can afford to live in an apartment and not be in debt at uni? She's a motherfucking porn star. Or adult entertainer. A porn star either way.
She's going to a hella lot of effort for the sake of trolling.Maximum trolling?
I suppose but, like, I don't know.Dude. At least give it a shot. Worst comes to worst you get to have a story about how you slept with a fucking porn star. Like seriously.
It'd be like throwing a sausage down an alleyway.You better jump on that wagon! Then make a thread later on with all juicy details, and brag.
I asked her but apparently the stuff she doesn't is readily available online. She works for a 'private adult entertainment firm' who she's done 4 films for, but each one has quite a few retakes. Welp.I'm gonna ask the thing everyone's wondering - who is she? If she's a porn star, shouldn't be hard to see her technique online...
I'd been meaning to respond to this post. Apparently a few hours after I posted that, she ended up unmatching me since I took too long to message her lol.Nope. I've sent messages to girls I'd never want to date but that I'd like to hang out with. Just let them know that that's what you want upfront.
Sounds a lot like the situation I find myself in now (same age for one) save for a few differences. You're welcome to PM me. Remember that you're not alone in this and many people are in a similar situation, if not in a worse situation so do be grateful for what you have.Real talk GAF: Am I a loser and should I get my life together to a certain degree before seeking a relationship?
- I am 26-years-old
- I have a Bachelor's Degree
- I live with my parents
- I have not worked in over a year
- I stopped working to focus on graduate school
- It does not look like I will finish graduate school
- I'm in the process of applying for disability
- I've been dealing with mental illness for years, specifically depression and social anxiety
- Working with people is difficult because of the discomfort
- I don't socialize much
- I have few close friends
- I've been treated for 6 years
- I have low self-esteem and body image
- If I finish my graduate degree, I plan on leaving my parents house to move to a major city
- If I don't I'm considering taking my chances on writing
The problem I see with waiting is I will not get more experience dating and my threshold could be too high. Feel free to ask any questions.
So I think I changed something on my profile and now I'm in a rut. I used to a get a good share of responses, now I get almost none, but I get a ton of profile visits off of my first messages. Is there something egregiously wrong with my profile? Am I ugly?
Some critiques would be appreciated!
You look fine, mate, and your bio reads nicely. But like Dave said, you pretty much call yourself a queen in the second paragraph. That won't attract the women, fo' sure.So I think I changed something on my profile and now I'm in a rut. I used to a get a good share of responses, now I get almost none, but I get a ton of profile visits off of my first messages. Is there something egregiously wrong with my profile? Am I ugly?
Some critiques would be appreciated!
I thought most people would get the joke...but I'll remove it!
How much thought do you guys put into what your messages say? I am prone to overthinking it so lately I'm trying to force myself to just type and send whatever comes out and hopefully that'll be a more accurate representation of my personality and the other person won't expect fucking perfection.
God this shit makes me so anxious.
How much thought do you guys put into what your messages say? I am prone to overthinking it so lately I'm trying to force myself to just type and send whatever comes out and hopefully that'll be a more accurate representation of my personality and the other person won't expect fucking perfection.
God this shit makes me so anxious.
I've been finding recently that cheesy, little chat-up lines work wonders. It's a good ice breaker and gives them a little giggle. 8 out of 10 will reply, at least in my experience. I've been using "On a scale of one to ten, I'd rate you as a nine. I'm the one you need..." on a few and they loved it. Give them a cheeky wink, too, if you're feeling brave.How much thought do you guys put into what your messages say? I am prone to overthinking it so lately I'm trying to force myself to just type and send whatever comes out and hopefully that'll be a more accurate representation of my personality and the other person won't expect fucking perfection.
God this shit makes me so anxious.
After writing hundreds of them it sort of doesnt matter as long as its some sort of question.. If they are interested they will answer. I try to scan their profile at least a little bit for something that sticks out to me.
I just got height shamed.
Thanks for this thoughtful reply. I don't think I'm a loser, but how others perceive me does affect relationships prospects. The thought came to me from a comment by Salamando.Sounds a lot like the situation I find myself in now (same age for one) save for a few differences. You're welcome to PM me. Remember that you're not alone in this and many people are in a similar situation, if not in a worse situation so do be grateful for what you have.
I will say is that if you think you're a loser, it's going to reflect in your behavior and personality as it's a self-fulfilling prophecy. I don't have much of a social life going on lately by virtue of being stingy and trying to save money so I usually text a bunch of friends to catch up. That said, I don't consider myself to be a loser despite all that even if I don't lead an interesting life. If girls aren't cool with the fact that you still live at home, then they can take a hike.
I think you should definitely use the time while under disability/parents to save up money before moving out, figure stuff out, and definitely work on improving yourself as a person e.g. by hitting the gym regularly, dressing in form fitting clothes, finishing your Masters program, and doing little things outside your comfort zone such as going to poetry readings, etc. I would recommend checking out Shyness by Dr. Phillip Zimbardo since it's a damn good book for low self-esteem as it has exercises as well as The Social Anxiety Workbook.
If anything, instead of seeking a relationship you should definitely be seeking to meet new friends. It's important to have a support group/a group of friends you regularly keep in contact with to keep you going.
A popular misconception that people have about aggressively seeking a relationship is that it's going to solve their loneliness and give them something to do each week when in the end of the day, it makes things worse. Why not date for fun and look for something casual? Also, why not try lowering your standards and keeping an open mind? I think it's a balance; if you stop talking to women for a period of time, you forget how to flirt and get rusty; if you date often, it can be financially draining and mentally overwhelming especially if you're constantly getting dead ends which is something that you learn to develop a thick skin for and shrug it off.
I always suggest doing volunteer work to meet new people even though I understand you have issues working with others. I've met a ton of people through doing that and working in conventions as well as through GAF since there's a ton of great people here.
How tall are you?I just got height shamed.
Online dating really is the cesspool.
Thanks for this thoughtful reply. I don't think I'm a loser, but how others perceive me does affect relationships prospects. The thought came to me from a comment by Salamando.
I've been going to the gym since the end of last year. Haven't made progress with weight loss yet, but I've had success running. If I can get better control over my binge eating and eat less it will come.
I am trying to do things outside my comfort zone. Talking to women online is outside my comfort zone. I just joined a group on Meet Up that I HOPE this time I can get my friend to go with me. Going by myself would be too uncomfortable. Thanks for the book recommendations: I'll buy at least one.
When I was in high school I definitely thought having a girlfriend would solve my problems. I've matured since then and am mostly looking for something casual, at least on POF. I've had zero luck so far just trying to make female friends on there, which I would be happy to have since I only have one I'm close to who lives on the other side of the country. I am growing thicker skin, but not even being given the chance to become friends with hits harder than dating.
How tall are you?
I fucking hate it when they leave you with a closed response. It's an automatic conversation killer. If you have the gift of the gab, great. If not - well, plenty more fish on Plenty Of Fish.Goddammit, the awkward feeling you get when you send a message where you're totally not expecting any sort of reply, but you do get one (albeit "LOL what"), and don't know how to respond.
I fucking hate it when they leave you with a closed response. It's an automatic conversation killer. If you have the gift of the gab, great. If not - well, plenty more fish on Plenty Of Fish.
No problem, I didn't take it personally. It was more that I questioned if other people here and women would see me a loser.Shit man, I'm sorry. I hope you didn't take it too personally. I mostly meant it to illustrate that you might have a hard time. With the torrent of messages women receive, they have to weed out people somehow, and a job is definitely one of them.
On the last page you wrote out a list of everything wrong with you. Why don't you make one detailing everything right? If you start telling yourself "I have shit worth offering others", and play that up, you'll increase your luck.
Personal story time - at 26, I wasn't in a much better position than you. By BMI, I was downright obese, I was living with my sister in my parent's old house, and I hadn't so much as gone on a date with someone...ever. Everything changed once I moved out. Living in that house, my mind reverted back to the place it was when I was in high school, and that was not a good place. Moving out kickstarted my brain into thinking that I was ready to advance my life. And when you control the groceries, it's easier to keep out empty calories. Fast forward to now, I've lost 60 pounds, I go on dates with girls regularly, and I've learned that I'm worth a damn. It's easier to have thick skin once you realize you have something to offer the ladies...and if they don't want it, their loss.
But I don't know if it's her gender, like I said it's not very clear.Never turn down a mayo, bruh.
On a related note, I just came across an OkCupid profile where the about me had this:But I don't know if it's her gender, like I said it's not very clear.
She also lists her orientation as Sapiosexual, which I did not know what that was until I googled it.Labels I like:
Queer, nerdy, Green, poly, introvert, aspie, dryad
I found this very dismissive and sent her a message about it since I no longer care about being friends/having a relationship.You didn't need to google any of the "labels I like".
Hi. Just some advice: you should be easier on people about not knowing the labels you like. I didn't know all of them, but I would like to. It's dismissive, which is too bad because you seem cool.
On a related note, I just came across an OkCupid profile where the about me had this:
She also lists her orientation as Sapiosexual, which I did not know what that was until I googled it.
The first thing on the "You should message me if" section is:
I found this very dismissive and sent her a message about it since I no longer care about being friends/having a relationship.
That went through my mind, but I wasn't sure if that wasn't another label I hadn't heard of. After seeing the google thing at the bottom I didn't care.Dryad? So she's like a green forest woman?
*memories of Witcher 1's swamp*
Uggh. Not even the nekkid green women and the dryad sex card were enough payment for that hell.
5' 6"How tall are you?
She got heated and misinterpreted everything I was saying, even when I'd try to make peace and near the end of our conversation said "You're too short for me anyways."In what way?
Remove pics 2-4. Take one more pic in the style of #1 (i.e. you smiling). Here's a part from the blurb you wrote...GAF, I'm 0/8 so far on POF. Please help me with my profile.
Remove the goofy part, remove the nice guy part. The word "nice guy" seems to be interpreted by people in the wrong way, don't risk it. Take out the part about "just being friends", it comes off as lacking confidence. Calling yourself a nice guy and then saying its okay to be friends is going to put you in the "I'm very passive" pool, you don't want that. Take out the whole last part starting with "If you consider...", it places a burden on women and will either annoy them or intimidate them. I'll try to think of some more ideas...A Human Becoming said:I think I am a goofy, nerdy, nice guy who wants to explore the world more. I'm up to trying new things and meeting new people. I would like a relationship but just being friends is okay.
If you consider yourself intelligent and willing to have conversations about big ideas please feel free to message me! If you're big into guns or sports, don't bother.
I hate this shit. I hate this shit so much.Remove pics 2-4. Take one more pic in the style of #1 (i.e. you smiling). Here's a part from the blurb you wrote...
Remove the goofy part, remove the nice guy part. The word "nice guy" seems to be interpreted by people in the wrong way, don't risk it. Take out the part about "just being friends", it comes off as lacking confidence. Calling yourself a nice guy and then saying its okay to be friends is going to put you in the "I'm very passive" pool, you don't want that. Take out the whole last part starting with "If you consider...", it places a burden on women and will either annoy them or intimidate them. I'll try to think of some more ideas...
Got back on Tinder Saturday. There was a girl I got matched with I found pretty so yesterday, in the morning, I talked to her and it went well. There was clearly, at least text-wise, some sort of connection. She messaged me waaaay more than I did and looked almost excited.
The problem is she speaks only English. You might found that absurd, but I'm absolutely not fluent at all when I speak this language (I'm from Quebec where the majority speaks French). I didn't know what to respond to her last comment since it wasn't a question like the others so I kept it like that until I found something clever to say and I wasn't sure anymore if I wanted to ask her out because of the language barrier. Last night I went on Facebook, found her and, well, said "Oh my fucking god" out loud. I felt intimidated with how she looks like and what she does for a living.
I decided to go check this morning to try to find something to say and she wasn't on my list anymore (she was last night).
I'm so pissed right now. Shouldn't have waited so much for a number I guess?
I think I am a goofy, nerdy, nice guy who wants to explore the world more. I'm up to trying new things and meeting new people. I would like a relationship but just being friends is okay.
If you consider yourself intelligent and willing to have conversations about big ideas please feel free to message me! If you're big into guns or sports, don't bother.
I hate this shit. I hate this shit so much.
Could I just make a new profile and have people here tell me what to put? 0/8 is just the worst.
Tried that a few times today. Got a couple of numbers and a lunch date for Wednesday. Being forward works wonders.Ask for the number within 10-15 messages, man. Always. Don't waste time.
It was hard not to notice being 7/17 on OkCupid. I'm not sure all of those were read either! I was 25/73 on my old profile.Don't be discouraged. I never had any luck on POF myself and 0/8 is not uncommon. You should also not keep track of that number. Read, send, next.
Tried that a few times today. Got a couple of numbers and a lunch date for Wednesday. Being forward works wonders.
Awful pickup line I used actually elicited a response! Although it was just "Hahahaha you're cute". Not sure where to go from there, especially since her profile is pretty... blank. Goddammit how am I actually better at this stuff in person than online? -_-
That certainly seems the case with Tinder. I might have to start being more assertive on OKC too, see if I can get the same level of results. All too often I've seen girls deactivate on OKC, with me losing out on getting their number or securing a date. The time for change is now.People don't want to waste time on Tinder. Besides, you never know if the person will delete the app, never check the app the next day, or get bombarded with messages.
As someone who very rarely uses POF, what is this 0/8 stuff?Don't be discouraged. I never had any luck on POF myself and 0/8 is not uncommon. You should also not keep track of that number. Read, send, next.
You seriously messaged someone to bitch about you not liking their profile?On a related note, I just came across an OkCupid profile where the about me had this:
She also lists her orientation as Sapiosexual, which I did not know what that was until I googled it.
The first thing on the "You should message me if" section is:
I found this very dismissive and sent her a message about it since I no longer care about being friends/having a relationship.